
By lumierethesecond_

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This book incorporates the question, "What would've happened if the fate of Graves had changed? What would've... More

♠️ PROLOGUE: To Bribe, is to Turn
CHAPTER I: The Aftermath
CHAPTER II: The New Operation
CHAPTER III: Mending My Ways
CHAPTER IV: Scraps & Shadows
CHAPTER V: Held Under His Command
CHAPTER VI: Right Nor Wrong
CHAPTER VII: Mission Entitled
CHAPTER IX: Another Chance
CHAPTER X: The Clash
CHAPTER XI: Before & After
CHAPTER XII: Talk To Atonement
CHAPTER XIII: The Opportunity To Be Back
CHAPTER XIV: Shifting Ties
CHAPTER XVI: The Last Mile
CHAPTER XIX: Neutralization
CHAPTER XX: The Puppeteer and the Marionette
CHAPTER XXIII: A Lifeline We Prospered
CHAPTER XXIV: Self-Proclaimed Guilt
CHAPTER XXV: Between Polars
CHAPTER XXVI: His Last Charades
CHAPTER XXVIII: A Sense of Familiarity
CHAPTER XXIX: A Bitter Reunion
CHAPTER XXX: New Hurdles
CHAPTER XXXI: The Conflict's Apprehension
CHAPTER XXXII: Breaking Barriers
CHAPTER XXXIII: Exploiting The Bond
CHAPTER XXXIV: Tip Of the Iceberg
CHAPTER XXXV: Emotional Perceptions
CHAPTER XXXVI: Playing With Fate, With the Interest of No Return
CHAPTER XXXVII: Moving Forward With a Short Farewell
CHAPTER XXXIX: Lieutenants' Surge
CHAPTER XL: Securing The Colonel
CHAPTER XLI: Moment of Talk, Hope and Miracle
CHAPTER XLII: The Founding of the Alter-Shadows
CHAPTER XLIII: Rally & Recon
CHAPTER XLIV: Misfortune's Portrayal of Loss
CHAPTER XLV: Out of Incognito
CHAPTER XLVI: Traversing the Core
CHAPTER XLVII: 'Goodbye, Graves'
CHAPTER XLVIII: The Feeling of Nobody Can, and Ever Will Return
CHAPTER XLIX: Memento's Cassette
♠️ EPILOGUE: A Purpose to Live
EXTRA CHAPTER II: From Rodolfo, To Soap
EXTRA CHAPTER III: From Rodolfo, To Ghost
EXTRA CHAPTER IV: From Rodolfo, To Gaz
EXTRA CHAPTER V: From Rodolfo, To Price

CHAPTER XV: Past Virtuoso

272 12 8
By lumierethesecond_

Graves is a man – attempting to redeem himself from his past actions. Those past actions were almost unforgivable, to the point where it leads you to death itself. It's almost impossible to escape the unbounding fate that is closing in before his very eyes.

But he decided to change the destiny it planned for him.

Ambitions are very strong, to the point that it becomes reality once you keep pursuing it dearly. It clings onto you until you either let it go or take it along with you to guide you through your journey. For Phillip, it's exactly that scenario – but the difference is that his ambition is so strong, that it became reality as it dragged him away from all the conflicts he can ever recall. Forgot even.

His era of redemption – still not over, but on the tip of fulfillment.


Graves sat on his desk, writing notes to pass his time. Except, the only difference was that this time – those notes had happy amount of literature written on them. It was only necessary, considering that he did it. That flame that burned brightly in his heart, it finally seared brightly once again from the mere ashes it once burnt:

The promise of reconnection.

He wrote a couple notes so far and set them to the side of his desk. Those notes were his way of expressing his emotions so that whenever he wants to indirectly cry onto somebody, those notes can be a way of venting. It was not that impressive, but to him – it's a way of escaping reality.

His handwriting was getting better too. Even if it looked like a child's handwriting, he would still go on because he hasn't written in a while, which degraded his penmanship – equivalent to a kid's way of writing. It was ridiculous, yet also amazing that he's beginning to get his writing in shape again.

A few moments later, Graves had heard somebody come in without introducing themselves – it was once again, the outstanding sergeant: McTavish.


"Oh! Hey Soap." He sets down his pen and turned towards the man from the doorway. "What are you doing here? You... don't usually come into my room that often, and it just so happens that you came in now."

"Oh uh... I just wanted to ask you about how are you holding up in our base so far? Good? Bad?"

"Amazing." He nonchalantly said.

"That's great. I'm glad you're doing amazing here.",

"Y'know... I have been meaning to tell you this also..."

Graves furrows his eyebrows and tilts his head, wondering what Soap was going to say.

"You're actually one of the first enemies we welcomed back. We don't usually trust them again or anything, but you've proven to me at least – that you've changed. By a lot."

"Anything for you guys."

"Yeah, well- make sure to not break our trust again too. You're going to lose everything if you waste this second chance."

"I won't."

"Another promise imbedded within you, Graves. Remember what I said."

"I know. I am the promise itself."

Soap smiled and excused himself out of Graves' room.

After that moment, Graves immediately turned back to his desk and once again contemplated about his decisions. He doesn't know if he made the right choice or not – considering that he left Nikolais and Shogun behind. He missed them, yet cannot bring himself back because he wants to stay with 1-4-1 for a while.

He risked everything just to fulfill this one goal of his – but was it really the right decision?


Time passed and Graves was still in his room, writing or just walking around for no reason because he's bored. He already completed his main mission for today, which was to reconnect or talk with everyone so that they can get a better understanding of where he came from. What's next, he thought.

The first thing that came to his mind was to talk to Price. Even if they bonded well earlier, he still wanted to talk to him because he had nothing to do other than relax or just write. It was killing him because of how boring it is just sitting in his room all day, without trying to communicate with anyone.

He finally got the courage and walked out of his room, going to Price's office – if he's even there or not.

Graves reaches the entrance to the office as he opens it out of confidence, immediately seeing Price once again. There was nobody with Price surprisingly, because you would think a captain talks with a lot of his peers, trying to get insight from them as well. But no, Price was super busy and it just so happens that Graves visited him out of pure coincidence, which lights up his eyes – most likely wanting to tell him something.

"Hey, captain."

"Graves. How coincidental, I was just thinking about you not so long ago."

"Oh? For what?"

"Come sit down, please." He points with his hand to one of the chairs. Graves followed and sat down to the desired chair, all ears.

"What did you want from me?"

"...Considering you were a commander; I believe you should be ranked more higher than what Soap recommended."

"What did he recommend?"

"That you should be a watcher or a support for the upcoming attack against Shepherd."

Graves knew those recommendations were perfect for him. He didn't really want to be ranked much more higher considering that he failed as a commander. Just being there for watch-guard or to keep support was already enough for him. Price disagreed, because he saw the worth that Graves held. It shone like gold, with touches of glimmering silver. He believed that Graves deserved another chance to be-

"...But I didn't think those were okay.",

"For me...",

"YOU deserve another chance to be a commander."

-a commander.

Graves sat there in shock. Why was everything falling into place? It was insanity. He didn't want to accept it, but part of him wanted to – just because he wanted to try again for a different cause.


"If that's okay with you, Graves. I could always change your rank into something else you're more comfortable with."

In the end, Graves never accepted the offer. He wanted to be much lower than that, because he thinks that he'll do a bad job being a commander again. For the second time too.

"I don't accept. I'm sorry."

Price frowned, but understood the man's frustration.

"Ah, it's okay. I knew you weren't going to accept it anyway. I apologize for taking things way too fast between us."

"It's no problem, captain. I just think that I don't deserve the title to be even called commander. I have personal issues with that rank, and I wouldn't want to relieve it." Price understood, but he still saw the worth in him. He really believes this could work out if Graves just tried again – but decided not to force him because he understood his past tension with the Shadow Company.

"I understand.",

"But... if you had a choice in mind, what rank would you gladly accept?"

Graves was put into a state of thinking. He looked deep into his imagination on the possibilities, but after some time of thinking: he finally got his answer.

"You'll be surprised, but I think I would prefer to be a...-"


Price was hesitant at his request at first, but slowly learned the facts and accepted him to be his desired rank. Graves was content with it, because he wants to starts off slow for now and slowly climbing his way to be more capable. To put it more simply, he wanted to learn the ropes again.

"...Once again, are you sure that you are capable of holding this rank?"

"I am very much sure."

"Then you're officially ranked up, Graves. Job well done."

Graves smiles slightly at Price while receiving a nod back from him.

Shortly after, Price receives a signal from a woman's voice coming from the transmitter at the side of his desk – Laswell.

"Price, do you copy?"

"Laswell, yes. I copy. What's it to you?"

"My watchers and I found Shepherd."

Graves and Price looked at each other with widened eyes and back to the transmitter. It was almost time.


"I don't have the exact location, but we've picked up that he's around one of the Shadow Outposts. Some of my watchers have also received news that they're setting up missiles to bombard Las Almas.",

"If we don't neutralize these in time, then we're in for a serious future."

Laswell had explained the information quite thoroughly, Graves immediately talking back to the transmitter.

"If I had to guess, he's probably at Shadow Outpost 1 or 2. Those were the first ones built here, and is probably well advanced in both technology and building."

The woman was shocked that Graves also listened in, knowing nothing about his new persona.

"Graves!? Price, what is he doing there??"

"He's no threat, Laswell. He's just trying to help us find Shepherd."

"Stay safe out there."

"We're already safe." He replied back to the woman.

"Hm. Just know that I don't quite trust him yet, but considering that you're okay around him – then I shall follow along."

Price chuckled through the transmitter, Graves just looking at the old man.

"Moving on... based from what Graves said, there's a possibility that he might be around the first or second shadow outpost. And as far as we all know, he's the only main threat who seemed to have been tracked by our radar.",

"This also seems to be a last resort, considering that he's releasing every missile at once. This will fully destroy Las Almas if it isn't taken care of swiftly.",

"So please, Price.",

"Do the deed."

Laswell's voice was so powerful, it influenced Price to do another right thing. This time, he's got Graves by his side again. It's all marionettes fighting against the puppet master, whilst once a loyal puppet – was now also against the master. This is it.

"Graves. You are tagging along in a very dangerous mission, and we are serious this time.",

"Are you sure that you also want to help subdue Shepherd?"

Those words struck the American's determination. Just hearing that from Price made him all fueled up to finally do the right thing. His era of redemption finally almost succeeding.


"If it means that I would take out all my past trauma on him, then I concur."

"Well said. Let's go tell the others, and go over the revised plan."


The two men stand up and head outside of the office, attempting to rally all the members of Ghost Team back to their table. This time, they had Graves so Price had to alternate the plan for the second and last time before their strike with Shepherd.


Everybody was gathered at the table. They were all looking at each other with anticipation – their lips twitching out of nervousness and pure silence engraved.

Price broke the silence, "Alright men. Let's go over the plan one more time." He knew that it needed to be discussed one more time because it was important for this mission to be successful, or else – everything falls apart.

"Between all of us, four people will be split into duos. The other three will act as a trio.",

"During the first phase, one duo will backdoor the base so that it can leave both an opening and distraction for the other groups to barge in. Any takers?"

Alejandro and Rudy looked at each other, knowing that they can do this phase. It's risky considering that this will be the one phase that'll count because every other group needs to rely on them both. It just so happens that the Mexican Duo knows how to stall and bide of time, and so Alejandro raised his hand.

"Me and Rudy will take care of that phase. We have bombs at the armory, correct?"

"Affirmative." Price replied.

"Then we have modules that we can install onto the bombs to have more impact. That way, it'll create a giant fuzz of smoke that will distract most of the shadows to go outside."

Rudy continued, "W-we also have high maintenance guns, yeah." He tried boosting the morale. Everyone nodded, but Alejandro smiled.

"Alright. Both Ale and Rudy will take care of the first phase. Does anybody object?"

No response.

"Aight', sweet."

Price sighed before continuing his statements.

"Next up is the second phase. In this phase, the trio will have to immediately barge in and kill all excess shadows inside the base to leave an opening for the next phase. That way, the next duo will have an easier time to pick up the pieces.",

"Any takers?"

"Me and Johnny can assure that phase secured and clean."

Ghost immediately replied to Price, confident that they'll be able to handle the shadows inside the base. Price commended his spirit, because Ghost was always a direct person and would take any chances to help the task force succeed. A man full of secrets, yet has a little bit of good will in him – Simon tarnished Ghost's evil to spare empathy.

"Roger that, Simon."

Ghost looked at Soap, who shared the same look back. They knew they could do it, even if it meant facing huge consequences that lied ahead.

"For the third and final phase, Gaz and I will neutralize the missiles by Shepherd. I know this is probably the easiest one of the bunch, but I'll let everybody know that we're not taking anything for granted because this is the last and final phase."

Everybody nodded at the captain.

But Price knew they all forgot somebody.

"...Graves? What about you?"

He looked up at Price, who was probably waiting for a turn. He was just there, listening to everything they said – alone.

But that didn't ruin the fact that he was actually planning something for himself in the process of the discussion.

"Knowing that everybody has their roles up and ready, there's still one more... forgotten phase that I will take care of."

"And that is?"

"Neutralize Shepherd."

Price looked at him in shock, raising his head. He knows he completely forgot about Shepherd, but having Graves to do it all alone made him even nervous. His internal body festered, and was not able to comprehend the sheer willpower of Graves.

"...Graves. You cannot do that alone. You need support..."

"I promised a way of getting back to everyone, especially at this moment considering that Shepherd is involved.",

"I have dealt with one-man missions in the past, and all of them mostly failed – but this is the one I trust the most with myself."


"Save it, Price. I know what I must do.",

"If everybody already has a phase that they can rely on: then let me handle this side-phase alone.",

"It's not Task Force 1-4-1 against Shepherd. It's not Ghost Team against Shepherd.",

"It's Lieutenant Graves versus Shepherd."

Lieutenant Graves. The title matched his name, catchy and euphonious.

This was the beginning of a new beginning – the start of something anew.

Graves is willing to take on Shepherd alone, in the dead of night as they'll strike on evening.

It's going to be the riskiest, but he always knew that-

-every master has a rebellious apprentice.

He's never letting this chance go, because all that trauma he went through? All that suffering he went through?

Graves himself will give it back to sender – the hell he once lived in to be experienced by the old man.

Once considered somebody who was skilled and worthy as a commander, now leaving that behind – giving him the immediate label of, "Past Virtuoso".

"One who once excelled at something they pursued, now abandoning it for the better good."

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