Cody the Guardian of Hell

By PaulHoon

27.1K 402 53

Cody Laurent has lived with Loona, his adoptive Hellhound guardian and friend, for two years. Ever since she... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43

Chapter 7

934 9 3
By PaulHoon

Blitzo lit a thick tobacco wrap Black & Mild and relaxed on the bed after delivering Stolas his desired kinky BDSM sex. Stolas laid back sighing in pure delight relishing the bliss. Blitzo untied the binds around Stolas's wrists and ankles. Stolas took off the blindfold as Blitzo handed him a spare Black & Mild.

"That was amazing as usual Blitzy," Stolas grinned.

Blitzo groaned, "Ugh, can you for once say my name right?"

"Oh shush, you know you love it. How's Cody and your Loony Toony?"

"They're both good. Cody and the others really rocked the Battle of the Bands. It's no wonder that they won."

Stolas nodded, "Yeah, the other bands were either a soft good or meh. Except for that one teen band that had a meltdown on stage and everyone laughed at them."

"Oh yeah, that was fucking hilarious. The way they cried like little dramatic bitches. I'm surprised the singer didn't piss himself on stage!" Blitzo laughed after he exhaled some smoke.

Stolas inhaled his Black & Mild and blew a big cloud of smoke, "Yeah, I'll admit. Their 'music' sounded more like noise than actual music. However, Cody has a phenomenal voice and his skills with the guitar are fantastic!"

"Speaking of which, I bet the news is loving them. Let's hear what they have to say."

Blitzo turned on the TV and the news was showing footage of Cody, Loona, Vortex, and Crymini rocking at the Battle of the Bands.

"Cody Laurent and his band dominated the stage and rocked the Battle of the Bands concert. Many demon royalties including King Lucifer, Queen Lilith, their daughter Princess Charlie, Prince Stolas, and his daughter Princess Octavia were there among the fifteen thousand audiences to witness what many are calling the performance of the century," the newscaster stated.

Blitzo couldn't help but smile at how proud he was of Loona and Cody. Stolas was happy as well, both for Loona and Cody, but also for Blitzo at how joyous he was now. They both watched as newscasters, music experts, and other demon celebrities talked about Cody's performance on stage.

A male demon imp guitarist with tattoos all over his neck and arms spoke, "I didn't think he could handle that double-neck guitar so well. Those aren't easy. He handled it a lot better than me. I tried it a few years back and I was rusty at it, but Cody handled it like a champ."

A female Hellhound singer with white dreadlocks spoke next, "I know, right? Despite his age, he's got a perfect set of pipes. He holds a note so smoothly. Just flawless. It's just a pleasure to come across a singer that sticks the landing with their voice."

However, as the news was about to talk more about Cody and his band, Channel 666 cut in with Katie Killjoy and Tom Trench. This caught Blitzo and Stolas by surprise and their smiles disappeared.

"We are cutting to breaking news live in downtown IMP City. What started as an initial explosion then lead to a shooting between a gang of armed demons and the demon Overlord Valentino," Katie Killjoy said seriously.

Tom Trench spoke next, "Now, there is a titanic and violent clash between Valentino and what looks like the renown famous human boy, Cody Laurent."

Blitzo and Stolas's eyes were wide open and their jaws dropped and exclaimed almost simultaneously, "WHAT?!!"

The news showed raw footage of Cody in his power form fighting Valentino in his full demon form. Blitzo and Stolas scrambled out of bed to get their clothes on and Blitzo frantically rushed to get his phone. Before he could call Loona, Moxxie was calling him.

He answered, "Mox?"

"Sir! Have you seen the news?!" Moxxie yelled in a panic tone.

"Yeah! Stolas and I are on our way now. Get there now! Help Loona and Cody!" Blitzo ordered.

In Downtown IMP City

Valentino transformed into his full demon form which was some kind of a big demonic moth with giant scary wings that had angry glowing blood-red eyes on his bigger black forewings and his smaller red hindwings had pink big broken hearts on them. His body got bigger and certain parts of his body changed. His antennas grew and had sharp spikes on them, an abdomen came out of his back, and from his abdomen came what looked like four big long tentacles that were on fire. His arms grew bigger and strong along with his teeth. He made inhuman demented growling sounds and a strange red mist was coming off of him and a thicker amount from his monstrous smiling mouth.

His appearance alone was enough to make even Loona and her Hellhound friends scared, but Cody didn't even blink. It was as almost he wasn't even there in his new powering state. Valentino's flaming tentacles whipped around digging deep even into concrete, brick, stone, and metal. Valentino grabbed two pieces of large stone rubble and threw them at Cody. They hit him hard causing him to lose his balance and get dust in his eyes. Two tentacles quickly wrapped around Cody's left arm and right leg. Valentino grinned a devilish smile as he sent red fire bursts from his abdomen to Cody setting him ablaze.

"NNNOOOOO!!!!" Loona screamed as she tried to reach out to him.

Crystal and Serena screamed.

Vortex held her back with a fearful and sorrowful look on his face. Crystal and Serena held each other close looking petrified with tears streaming down their faces. Then the flames blew away like candlelight as Cody stomped on the one wrapped around his leg crushing it and making Valentino cry out in pain. Cody grabbed the other tentacle with his left hand gripping it tight and used it to send the white lightning to Valentino. He didn't have time to react as Cody's white lightning shocked him. A bright flash from the electric attack shined brightly almost blinding the others and everyone witnessing the violent event.

Cody grabbed the tentacle with both Hulkbuster hands and pulled hard using all of his new strength to hurl Valentino through the air. The moth demon was violently sent flying as if he weighed as much as a baseball. Cody slammed him into a building, destroying the stone wall, then Cody jerked hard pulling Valentino straight to him with his left hand, and with his right hand, Cody used to deliver a crushing punch in the face. Everyone felt the shock wave from that punch almost like it was a short gust of wind.

Cody grabbed Valentino's arm and slammed him hard into the ground shattering the concrete road. Then he lifted him up and did a 180 slamming him into the ground on his other side like Jack from MadWorld. Cody did it again and again until he spun around in a circle and threw Valentino way down the street into another building. He crashed into it so hard that the structure collapsed down on top of the moth demon. Cody still had a rageful expression on his face as he marched down the street to that bastard demon with fists tightly clenched and his teeth grinding. Valentino fiercely burst out of the rubble roaring that demented roar of his and flew high up in the air. His wings were glowing red. Valentino's antennas grew sharp spikes and then he shot a storm of them raining down on Cody. Cody held up his Hulkbuster lightning arms to cover himself in defense.

"Come on!" Vortex hollered to his friends.

Loona the other two turned to him.

He pointed to the Blood Burger, "Get to cover!"

Loona and the others ran inside the Blood Burger as the whole street was covered with spikes. The spikes didn't even put a dent in Cody's power form, but three spikes hit Cody's human body. One was in his leg, another in his side, and the third was in his shoulder. Valentino smiled thinking he'd won since the spikes were coated with venom. Cody, still glaring at Valentino pulled out the spikes like they were nothing more than thorns. The black venom oozed out of Cody's wounds and they healed instantly making a sizzling sound with faint white smoke. Valentino's smile was gone and he growled angrily.

Poor Loona looked like she was gonna faint. She hadn't a clue why this was happening or how Cody has powers. All she wanted right now was just to have her boy and go home.

Loona panted like she was having an anxiety attack, "Tex, Tex, Cody . . . Cody, he's, what? What the-what . . . what the fuck is happening?!"

Vortex held her close, "I don't know. I don't know Loona! Just breathe. You need to breathe!"

Blitzo and Stolas arrived with Millie and Moxxie on the rooftop of a building in downtown IMP City within sight of the battle. The four of them were in utter awe at what they were seeing. Valentino, the demon Overlord, in his full demon form battling Cody in some kind of light power form. His eyes glowed bright white and his body was in some of kind Hulkbuster form made of white lightning. The battle raged fiercely between the two like powerful and savage beasts that didn't let up for an instant. The ground shook, buildings were demolished, and people everywhere were running for their lives in fear.

Moxxie had his blessing-tipped rifle he got from Striker and Blitzo had Striker's blessing-tipped revolver, both with loaded with holy bullets. Blitzo took a few moments to think while scanning the situation.

"Moxxie! If you get a shot at that pimp bastard, take it!" Blitzo turned to his phone, "Come on Loona, pick up!"

"I'll try calling Vortex or Crystal and Serena!" Millie said pulling out her phone.

"Good. Stolas, the minute we find out where Loona and the others are, use your magic to get them to safety!"

Stolas nodded, "Got it!"

Blitzo was focused on his phone waiting for Loona to answer, "Loona for fuck's sake, answer your fucking phone!"

"Blitzo! I got Vortex on the phone! They're all at that Blood Burger!" Millie called.

Blitzo turned to Stolas and he said, "Got it!"

Stolas summoned a portal to the inside of the Blood Burger. The demons inside turned to them and Blitzo waved them to hurry as he rushed in. The demon customers and restaurant staff ran through the portal to safety. Blitzo found Loona and hugged her tightly before getting them to safety.

"Loona! Oh my sweet baby, tell me you're okay!" Blitzo exclaimed with a worried look on his face.

Loona's eyes were wide open and she was trembling terrified. Vortex tried to calm her down by massaging her shoulders.

She turned to Blitzo, "Blit-Dad . . . Cody, he's-he's—what's happening to him? What's happening to my boy?!"

"I don't know Loona. I don't know. It'll be okay," Blitzo answered holding her close.

"That was crazy!" a male imp demon Blood Burger staff said.

"Insane! I'm getting the heck out of here!" a female imp demon said.

After a few moments, Blitzo turned to Moxxie, "Mox! Why am I not hearing gunshots from your rifle?!"

Moxxie lowered his rifle and turned to his boss, "I can't get a shot, and sir . . . Cody, he's—"

"He's what?!"

"He's winning by a significant margin," Moxxie pointed.

They all looked from where he was pointing. Cody grabbed Valentino as he tried to charge attack him, but Cody slammed him hard to the ground punching him violently. Each punch shook the ground and Cody didn't let up for a moment. Punching right and left, right and left, over and over, even using both arms to slam hard on the moth demon. Then he grabbed Valentino's head and slammed his face hard on the ground over and over. The moth demon's face was bloody and bruised. Cody then stomped on Valentino before holding his foot there and then he grabbed one of the hindwings. Cody gritted his teeth grunting angrily as he pulled with all his strength. Valentino resisted as he tried to get Cody's foot off while also using his other arms to attack Cody. Cody used his lightning powers to form some kind of bowie knife out of light. He intensely stabbed and cut at Valentino's wing with his blood flying out.

Then after making a deep cut, he grabbed Valentino's wing with both hands and roughly ripped it off with black blood coming out of both the wing and out of his back. Valentino cried out in pain and tried to attack again. Cody stomped on one of the Overlord's arms before tearing it off. Then grabbed one of Valentino's tentacles and used it to choke him.

"That's some straight-up God of War brutality shit right there," Crystal spoke.

"Yeah, Mortal Kombat too," Serena uttered.

"Not helping!" Stolas snapped.

The moth demon was gasping for air until he attacked him with the antenna spikes making Cody release him. He quickly tried to get away, but Cody stopped him as if it were the force. Cody raised the moth demon high up in the air then he flexed both his hands together using his powers to crush him slowly. Valentino's wings, legs, and arms were breaking savagely with small bursts of blood coming out. For the first time ever in that pimp's demonic life, he felt complete and utter fear from the terror of the situation he was in. Then for one last moment, they made eye contact before Cody extended his fingers out and before anyone knew it, Valentino was struck by multiple giant strikes of white lightning. Everyone turned away while covering their ears from the deafening thunder and the blinding flash of the lightning. When it was over, Valentino was nothing more than burnt ash that faded away with the wind.

Cody soon returned to his normal self and was bleeding from the side of his head and had some bruises. His eyes were wide open realizing what he had done. He panted as he looked at his hands seeing Valentino's black blood all over them and the destruction of downtown IMP City around him. The demons nearby all looked at Cody in complete fear like he was a horrible monster, a wild animal out of its cage, a savage bloodthirsty beast. Cody's heart was pounding out of his chest and his head felt light. Loona and the others rushed over to him.

"Cody!" Loona called running to him.

Cody slowly turned to her and the others, "Is-is everyone o-okay?"

"Cody!" Loona squeezed a hug holding him close, "We're okay, are you?"

"I-I . . . Loona, I-I killed him. I killed that guy."

"I know honey, I know," Loona still held him close.

Blitzo joined in on the hug while checking Cody if he was hurt. Cody was having trouble breathing.

"Cody honey, just breathe. Come on, just breathe," Blitzo spoke to him.

"Guys, let's get out of here and to somewhere safe please," Crystal pleaded.

Stolas summoned a portal to his mansion and everyone went through. Everyone was safe, for now. However, Cody couldn't stop shaking or stop staring at his blood-soaked hands. Loona rushed him to a nearby sink to wash Cody's hands and get the blood off. Octavia showed up with a look of worry on her face. She saw the whole thing from her phone. She quickly ran over with health potions to heal Cody. The health potions were small bottles with green glowing liquid and small green leaves inside. They worked right away with Cody's physical injuries, but Cody was still in shock over what happened. Everyone was shaken by what happened. 

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