lovers quarrel, the more you...

By miss_symmetry

238 0 3

This about a 14 year old girl who has lost everything and is found by a young noble from her past. She since... More

A lovers quarrel
make him angry?
the devilish sleeping girl
What do others think?
the darkened alleyway
let the games begin.
I will be victorious!
is this what i think?
please help me
so it goes on.

what's going on with me?

17 0 0
By miss_symmetry

Hannah's pov:

I awoke to find ciel staring at me intensely. I could feel my face what up starting with my ears and slowly migrating to my cheeks. I knew I'd be red in a second.

"H-Hello?" I looked back at him. He paused before he even opened his mouth.

"Hello" he calmly replied without expression. I was growing uneasy from his blank face and stared back at him just as intently as he looked at me, may be even more.  Before I knew it he had grabbed me and was embracing me tightly. His arms felt comforting around my cold body and I felt at peace.

"Don't ever leave to go to Alois.." he whispered in my ear and my heart fluttered as I held onto his words.

"I won't ever leave" I promised him. It was a promise I intended to keep no matter what the cost, I didn't intend to leave the Phantomhive manor for as long as I could possibly stay.  I could sense a small smile creep on his lips and I followed suit. He let go of me and looked me with his sapphire blue orb-like eyes and I could feel my stomach do flips. He squeezed my hands with a small smile that seemed to light up the room around us. The type of illuminating smile that resembled the small flame of a candle in the darkest of places, like a street lamp at midnight, flickering. Like a trashcan fire in a dark alley or a prison cell. A single sources of heat and light all illuminating from one small thing. 

I found myself getting lost in his smile and I began drifting. My mind began to wander to places I don't even recognize, places I can't even see. Just wandering and drifting off in the dark. I got lost in his gaze as if I was trapped in the sapphire blue. I snapped out of it for a second just to see he was staring back at me as intently as before with that same smile curled on his face.

I don't know how long we started all I know is that we were looking into each others eyes as intently as possible. I stared into ciels eyes thinking that if I gazed hard enough maybe I could catch a glimpse of what was running through his head, what he felt and why. Maybe he started back for the same reason. I will never know nor do I believe I have any desire to know. May be he was concerned about me and starting or maybe it was all a part of the game and he was fooling me.

I found myself leaning closer to him as he leaned to me. My heart began to thump as our lips grew closer to collision. I could feel my face grow red as he grew closer and his lips began to brush against mine. We both shut our eyes in anticipation. This didn't seem fake. It felt and seemed real. It wasn't exaggerated like our other jokes. I don't know what is happening to me.

Before I knew it, his lips has been pressed against mine in a solemn kiss. This kiss was different it wasn't overdone and exaggerated like the others. It wasn't passionate or rough like alois. It wasn't soft and slow like the usual ciel.  This one was a bit of both. It was full of passion but it wasn't rough. It was slow but it also wasn't soft. It was shy and affectionate. It was like he had been holding it in for an eternity just to let it all out in this. I was shocked. I could feel my face turn warm and red.

I felt his hand slowly and hesitantly rest on my knee. I felt my own hand instinctively wrap around him and run through his navy hair. I could tell he enjoyed it because he began holding me closer and tighter. He ran his hand down my back as I let a small sound escape my lips. I blushed in embarrassment but it soon faded into the embrace.

I don't know how long it lasted. It all felt so short but it could've been minutes, days, months, or even years and it would've felt the same, not long enough because long enough could be forever and then some. I wanted to ask why he was doing this. What would he gain? Was this a trick? This all seemed so uncharacteristic of ciel that I couldn't help but be a little suspicious. I wanted to believe it so badly but I didn't know if I could.

Ciel pulled back slowly. I gasped onto the lingering breath. He looked me in the eyes ans muttered

"Don't ever leave me for Alois.." and with those whispering, panting words he left my room. I sat there, wide eyed and red faced. I was still processing what had happened in my head over and over again like a broken record.

Ciels pov:

I had to do that genuinely. At least once. She is engaged, even if she doesn't love him she can't break it off. Only he can and we all know it's obvious he won't no matter what. I can't be with her. Not while that prancing idiot is in the way along with her brother. I know finnian only wants the best for her and his intentions are noble but it just makes me uncomfortable.

My heart is pounding in my ear and my face is a crimson red and is hot like I have a fever. Cold sweat drips down my brow and I feel like my stomach is doing flips. My knees feel weak. I picture her shocked expression as I left the room. Her flustered and hesitant embrace..her warmth.

My heart began beating faster. Then it occurred to me. She would marry Alois. I knew they were engaged but the actual wedding never crossed my mind before now. I couldn't help but picture her in a white dress about to trip over it as she frantically loses her bouquet as she runs down the aisle, her face a slight pink and she has a small smile. My heart skips a beat but then I recall that he would be the groom. I imagine him marrying her and my heart fills wth rage. I wan to hurt something..specifically a blond haired blue eyed boy I know.

She will walk down the aisle for him. She can't live with me if she's married to him. I could no longer love her the way I do...did i just say i loved her? Oh my can't be in love..that'd make my job harder and to be in love with anyone, it had to be her. It had to be the most cheeky, most lazy, most dangerous and cocky person I know. It had to be a girl that confuses me and leaves me shocked and puzzled. The girl I am in a competition with to see who falls in love first. And now I fear she may have won.

Hannah's pov:

After the immense wave of shock had passed through me and I could process what had happened I got dressed, better than usual in hopes to impress ciel and everyone in the manor. I wear a purple and black gown. My corset looks it's best and I lightly begin to brush my hair when Sebastian walks in

"Hannah, have you see my young master?" He bows as he greets me.

"Not recently. He was here earlier this morning..check the garden. He goes there to think" I smile and continues sliding the brush through my hair until it looks nice and neat. I looked closely on the mirror as I viewed myself.  Out of the corner of my eyes I could see a white strand of hair pop off ny head. I stare at it. Demons don't least halfbreeds age less quickly than humans. I shouldn't be getting grey hairs at all. I sigh, Maybe it's tanakas..and I leave as if I'm sure but on the inside a Little voice worries. It says "what's happening to you?" "What if it's bad" "try asking Sebastian" I try to shake it off but it sticks to the walls of my cranium like glue and I get a sickly feeling in the pit of my stomach.

I stumble outside my bedroom, half locked in my own thoughts, my mind drifting off to places I'd rather it not. To the place of worry. I faked a smile, hoping it didn't look too obvious. Too plastic. I find myself in the garden, wandering and staring at the roses, they were white with red splatters, reminding me of blood

Suddenly before my eyes, flashes of the people I've killed smile at me. Their blood staining the white sheets that turn to rose petals. Staining white dresses and all of the ladies including myself. Their last words as they gasp for air, choking on their blood. A girl crying, her white hair and dress stained, even her pale skin seems blood splattered. But her eyes are a crimson red. She seems to be crying and laughing hysterically at the same time. I get a closer look at her to see freckles on her cheeks and I look even closer to see that she is me.

I fall to my knees crying and ciel shakes me out of my own thoughts. He looks worried.

"H-HannaH..are you okay? You were crying!" He is yelling. I wipe my eyes to find tears on my hands, he was right.

"I-I'm okay..just a nightmare.." I manage to stammer. He looks at me long and hard.

"You look paler than usual..must've been frightening" his words echoed in my head "paler..paler..paler" I picture my vision of myself. Pale as a ghost.

I felt sick as I processed what I saw, first the white hair, now the pale skin..what is happening to me? I have no idea.  I don't know if anyone would know, even Sebastian or the undertaker, or even grelle. I don't wanna worry ciel so I quickly think of an excuse.

"I-I'm gonna go find Sebastian!" I say a bit too loudly and rush off before he could even think to stop me.  I didn't lie though. I was going to look for Sebastian in hopes that he'd know what was happening to me. 

I passed by a mirror. After a second glance I saw my eyes. Once a amberish hazel color and now a crimson, blood-like red. The same color they become when I use my demon powers.  They became wide. Shock covered me and swept me away like a wave. I was definitely becoming the me I saw. I was definitely becoming a new me. I was definitely becoming a different HannaH. And it worries me more than anything else ever did.

I begin running down the halls. A lump in my throat like I'm about to cry. My stomach sinks like a heavy encyclopedia, fast and suddenly. I find myself yelling "Sebastian!" Over and over again. No one answered my calls. I felt like I was gonna be sick.

It seemed like forever until Sebastian rushed to me. When it happened I didn't even realize.  He took one look at me, his eyes widened and his brow furrowed. I was held close to him, hidden as he brought me to my room. His eyes were wide as he sat me down. I felt like I was gonna cry. He looked at me intently, not like ciel did, he looked at me as if he was examining me like an experiment. I was worried about what he was gonna say. I wasn't scared as much about it being bad as I was about him not knowing what was happening.

"'re..oh my my..Hannah this is're becoming more of a demon..but at the same time you're becoming an angel, the two sides of you are battling for're human side is almost completely gone." He spoke in a serious tone. My eyes grew wide and all life felt as if it drained out of me, like water out of a broken fish tank.

"What...what does that mean for me..what will happen to me...and will this affect everyone?" I dared to ask. He thought.

"Well we can reverse it..but it's difficult. We have to get a reaper, a human and a demon to all make peace and mix their blood. You have to drink said mixture out of a porcelain teacup. If we can't reverse it then you will have to leave the human world in favor of a demons life or an angels. But unfortunately, we cannot reverse your appearance. " he sighed.

"We have're a demon, we have grelle and as a human we can use ciel." I grinned hopefully. Sebastian shook his head.

"The mortal has to be someone who is madly in love with you. Someone you have known for a long long time..I think our only option is Alois trancy unfortunately." He sighed. Alois..Alois is my only hope.

"He...He will do anything I ask of him" I tried to sound confident as possible. I had an aching feeling I was being overconfident.  Sebastian nodded. He grabbed my hand.

"First we must find grelle sutcliff. Be sure to avoid the young master, in this state you're emotional and unstable, he can accidentally trigger something" Sebastian has quickly led me out the manor.  My heart was pounding, my mind was filled to the brim with questions about what was going to happen to me. And more importantly, ciel.

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