Slytherin King

By -WinterFlame-

3.1K 76 11

Harry James Orion Potter. A smart, cunning, and resourceful boy. Alexander Albus Gregory Potter. A spoilt, mi... More

Chapter 1
chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4

Chapter 5

452 16 3
By -WinterFlame-

TW: Mention of kn!fe and blood

3rd person:
Today is the day. The day Harry will be leaving the only home he knows. He walked down the steps and then back up another as he made his way to the founder's office. Walking in he looked around for the 4 great witches and wizards.

Not seeing them he walked over and sat down on the comfortable chairs. Once he sat down the founders took off the invisibility charm and slowly crept up on him.

"HAPPY EARLY BIRTHDAY HARRY!" They all shouted jumping at him slightly. Harry screams and casts a bunch of random charms.

By the time he realized that they were not a horde of enemies, Helga had bright orange skin with blue and green hair. Rowena had dark red skin with yellow hair and random blotches of color on her robes. Godric had green skin, purple hair, and no mouth for some odd reason. Salazar was completely fine having smartly cast a protecting spell around himself before they did this.

The founders quickly changed themselves back once the shock wore off.

"Happy birthday Harry!" Helga said quickly rushing and giving him a motherly hug. Rowena walks over and pats his head. Godric quickly gave him a tight hug once Helga was done. Salazar walks over and messes up his hair a bit before they all sit done and start to have a pleasant time talking and joking around with each other.

Soon Merlin shows up, "Happy birthday Harry!"

"Thanks, Merlin," Harry responds ducking his head slightly in embarrassment.

They hung out and talked some more, eating the birthday dinner made by the house elves along with the birthday cake. Soon it was time to open the presents Harry received from the founders and Merlin.

From Helga, he received a book all about plants and animals, along with some cookbooks she wrote having all of her favorite recipes. "Hope you enjoy them!" she said with a grin. "My favorite is definitely the Chocolate Frogs, but Every Flavor Beans are good too. Before you go I'll show which ones are bad and which are good."

From Rowena, he received tons of books all about both of their favorite subjects. Tons of complicated charms, spells, and even curses. He also received a gorgeous eagle feather with some ink that can make the writing go invisible. Along with those he received a few instruments from her. A violin, a piano, and a flute. "This way you can have a hobby that you can practice, I have not taught you much with these just the basics," she said while he looked absolutely mortified at how he will get this into Hogwarts without them realizing.

"Oh, don't be daft Harry!" Salzar scolded. "You should know the spell to make those smaller," it quickly clicked in Harry's head as he looked down in embarrassment.

"Oh, don't be so harsh, it's his birthday after all!" Godric quickly intervenes giving Harry his presents.

A large collection of books on drawing and fighting along with a gorgeous red pendant that has two swords going crossing at the steel part engraved on the pendant. ((⚔️))

"It's gorgeous! Thank you, Godric," Harry said happily putting the pendant on.

"Of course, Harry, I'm glad you like it," Godric responded with a bright smile.

Salazar heaved a sigh before messing with Harry's hair and giving him his presents. A large collection of all of Salazar's notes about different potions. Then a large present. Harrys quickly opened it and looked at an enormous enclosure.

"Salazar? What is this?" Harry questions the man. Salazar smirked before handing him a pure black male King Cobra.

Holy fuck.

"Thank you so much, Salazar!" Harry said completely and utterly thankful for the amazing gift.

He quickly started to talk to the snake in Parseltongue.

"Hello, my name is Harry," Harry hissed.

"Hello Harry," the snake hissed back.

Harry gave the snake a confused look before asking, "Don't you have a name?"

"No speaker I do not," the snake hissed out gruffly.

"Hmm well let's change that," Harry hissed before giving a charming smile.

"Hmm, how about Onyx?" Harry questioned.

"I like it," Onyx hissed after a brief pause.

Harry nodded as he let Onyx wrap around his neck. Giving a bright smile to the founders he told them about the name he chose for his new snake and then proceeded to give them all a happy hug as an extra thank you for all the amazing gifts.

"Harry," Merlin said grabbing the attention of the 11-year-old.  "We have one more present for you alright?"

"Oh, thank you!" Harry said with a bright grin.

Merlin took out a glass vile from his robe. "Harry, we want to blood adopt you and make you the heir to us, if you want to of course!" Merlin said with a smile. Harry was in utter shock, bamboozled if you will. The greatest wizards and witches want him?

"Yes, definitely yes," Harry said, on the verge of crying from utter happiness. Helga quickly ran over and gave him a hug and pat on the head as she gave a watery smile as well.

(Trigger warning part here)

By the time Harry realized what was going on all of the founders have put 3 drops of blood their own blood into the vile and it was now his turn. Quickly grabbing the enchanted knife and vile he slit his palm without a singular thought or flinch and let 3 drops fall into the vile.

(Trigger warning part done)

Once the blood fell into the vile Merlin grabbed it and a piece of parchment Harry had not realized was there before saying a chant in an old language while letting the blood slowly fall onto the paper. Once the blood was out of the vile the parchment started to shine, and the words telling about his new parents seem to become darker and more embedded into the paper as if to say it is now permanent. Just like that the blood adoption came to a close.

Harry still looked similar to what he did before, but not completely. His hair is now a little less messy and looks even softer than before. He does not need glasses anymore as his eyes are now almost fixed from the Potter genes. He will likely still need them when reading but other than that he should be okay. After taking off the glasses the founders and Merlin are in shock at how beautiful his eyes honestly are. He now also holds himself with more confidence and has grown taller. Now taller than the average 11-year-old, who is typically 4'11, Harry is around 5'3 to 5'4, Harry's skin also seems to glow a little, whether it's from the confidence he now feels or from all the magic he has now inherited, one may never know.

"Oh, Harry you look absolutely amazing!" Helga gushed as she gave him another tight motherly hug.

Harry blushed in embarrassment as he mumbled a thank you.

"Harry we were wondering..." Rowena began.

Salazar quickly jumped in, " Harry would you want to change your name to a slightly less muggle name? We were wondering since it might make you feel closer to us and not as close to your other parents," Salazar asked in a gentle voice in which he only talks to Harry with.

Harry laughed as he said yes. He's been wanting to do that for a while but just didn't know how to bring it up.

"I've actually been wanting to do that, and I've thought of Hadrian," Harry said with a grin.

"That sounds lovely Mr. Hadrian", Rowena laughed with a happy smile.

*3 hours later*

Sighing Harry shrunk all his new instruments and stuffed them into his suitcase. Looking down he shrunk his two suitcases and proceeded to put on some muggle clothes. A plain dark blue oversized shirt and some black sweatpants. Something simple to look like he hasn't been taken care of completely. Just like Merlin told him.

Groaning softly, he opened his door and said goodbye to Rudy (hugging the elf and pretending not to see him wipe away the tears in his eyes) before leaving. As he made it to the founders, he gave each of them a tight hug before time jumping away with Merlin.

• One-time jump later •

Arriving at number 4 privet drive Harry was shocked by how bland the house looked. Simple and basic, nothing out of place It was boring, and Harry did not appreciate it. Walking up to the house Harry knocked on the door with Merlin beside him.

"Who are you?" A large man asked his face red and hair seemingly becoming a tad gray.

Merlin quickly put his wand on the man's forehead for a few seconds. The man's eyes became blurry for a moment before snapping back and giving a harsh glare to Harry.

"Shit," Hadrian thought with a frown.

The man, Vernon, if he recalls correctly, grabbed him harshly and dragged him inside berating him as he shoved him inside a tiny cupboard under the stairs.

Wow, the abuse is real. What was Dumbledore thinking?

------------------------Hadrian's POV------------------------

Merlin must have altered all of their minds because Petunia came to wake me up. I was forced out of the tiny cupboard and tossed into the kitchen to start making them breakfast.

"You better not burn it you brat," she screeched out.

Wow thanks for the birthday wishes Petunia.

Just as she screamed that there was a knock at the door. I watched as she covered her mouth looking at Vernon worriedly before quickly rushing to open the door.

My other parents stood there, frowns on their faces. I smirked as I cast a glamor to show some fake bruises on me.

Time to make them feel guilty as hell. Forcing some slight tears into my eyes I looked at them in confusion. My mother stood there with horror on her face as my father's face turned pale as snow. Hah, gotcha.

I quickly turned around and pretended to try and get my hair to cover my face and I got to work making the Dursley's their breakfast.

"Harry?" Lily said softly voice tentative and nervous.

My body tensed up on its own, I didn't have to force it. Even after all this time I barley know them and the fact they can send their child off to these people scares me. Terrifies me even.

I slowly turn around, leaving my head slightly bowed as I look up at them. My glamour gave me a large black eye and a handprint on my face. It also gave me bruises on my arms, stomach, back and legs. It's time to make them pay.

I gave her a confused look before pretending to look over to Vernon to be sure I can talk. James gaze followed mine before he gave a large glare to the man saying, "Harry you can talk whenever you want to bud, don't worry about him," his voice was smooth, cool and collected. But I could tell he was mad, furious even.

Slightly glancing over at Vernon again I proceeded to ask, "Who are you and how do you know me?" Their facial expressions when I said it almost made me fall from laughing. They looked utterly crushed.

"Well, we're your parents, Harry," James said with a soft smile.

I looked confused before saying, "no you're not, my parents were dumb witches and wizards who got themselves killed in a car crash, that's why I'm punished now, because of their mistakes, Uncle Vernon and Aunt Petunia punish me to beat the freakishness out of me," I said with a frown letting the tears slightly come into my eyes again.

Lilys mouth fell open in shock and she looked towards Petunia in devastation and betrayal. James looks like he's about to lose all of his control and curse the other crap out of them. Mwhahaha.

"Petunia how could you?" Lily questioned. It seems she is about to cry.

"Oh, please Lily," oh this is about to get good.

"You're a freak don't even, running off with this man and leaving me alone with mother and father who were not as interested in me as you because I didn't receive your freakishness? Please, mother and father may not have seen it, but I DO, I know all about that disgusting stuff you chant and praise. Absolutely VILE," Petunia was seething by the end of her rant. Her husband stood next to her nodding his head along with everything she was saying.

Lily was pissed. It was extremely evident on her red face. It was almost as red as her hair. She quickly took out her wand and pointed it right at the face of her, which now that I realized looks quite similar to a horse, sister.

"You are just a jealous, envious and cruel monster, Petunia," Lily sneered before she put her wand down and beckoned me over. "Were leaving with Harry, Petunia, and I hope we never meet again," Lily fumed as she lifted her nose high in the air, turned and walked away.

Damn, either she likes me, or she just wanted her sister out of her way. Time to pull out the good old legilimency. Taking in a deep breath I started. Ah so that's what's going on.

It seems they are questioning wether Alexander is actually the chosen one. But it also seems she wants to make a good impression. She doesn't have any regrets about what she did, but they want to get ahead of the media before they realized what happened. Ah it would be quite a scandal to send a magical child to a muggle house.

Good to know.

Sorry it's been so long.

Word count: 2312

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