In This Together | Dreamnotfo...

By niniwentmissing

39.7K 1.7K 641

George is trying to make his bestfriend jealous and what better than to ask Dream for his help. This is a ba... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fithteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-one
Chapter Twenty-two
Chapter Twenty-three
Chapter Twenty-four
Chapter Twenty-five
Chapter Twenty-six

Chapter Five

1.7K 75 58
By niniwentmissing

There will be smut in this chapter!!

London, still as smoggy and sad as ever.

Dream waits in a spot that's somewhere near George's place. He starts wondering why the aforementioned man was taking forever since he was the one that decided the spot.

Just as he was about to send a text, someone sits on the chair in front of him.

"Oh George, fucking finally you show up."

"Hi, Dreamy.", a sweet voice responds.

Wait a fucking second.

He looks up, eyeing the unfamiliar woman in front of him.

She had red hair that fell down her shoulders, sporting a sleeveless black dress. Her make up was pretty smudged, especially the lipstick, and it was a pretty good telltale sign of how her night has been going.

Dream stares at her for a bit, wondering if she was someone he knew or if she was a drunk fan trying to get with him. He awkwardly lets out a chuckle and shifts uncomfortably at the thought,

"Hello, I was actually already waiting for someone."

The woman pouts, leaning on the table a little to show her cleavage. Dream shifts his eyes away, wishing for whichever god he didn't believe in to stop trying to embarrass him.

And as if his faux prayers were heard, someone places a hand on his shoulder and he hears a familiar voice.

"Hi, sorry, is there something you need from my boyfriend."

The woman pouts as she looks up, like a little kid who didn't get what they want.

"You didn't tell me you were queer!", she says, wobbling as she stands up, "sorry loves!"

They watch her drunkenly walk back to her friends. A girl clearly the designated driver hits her at the back of her head before tucking the blonde into her arms and kissing her cheek.

"Wow, you couldn't even greet me that sweetly?", George asks, sitting on the chair where the woman previously sat and stealing Dream's pint.

"As if you wouldn't just deck me in the face if I tried that."


Dream sighs, ordering new drinks for both of them.

Benefit #1:
He can get you out of awkward situations.

The night passes with them casually drinking. Conversations ranging from anteaters to the origins of an eyebrow scar slid effortlessly and before he knows it, he's kissing George out of the pub.

He had George pinned against the wall on the corner of the building, just right beside an alleyway. Dream takes note of George tasting like alcohol and mint like a cool September day with summer ending and autumn starting.

Soon enough, George had dragged him to his place. The warmth of the shorter's body sticks to him even as they momentarily separate, but he still wants more.

"You live alone?"

"No, Joseph is just with his girlfriend tonight."

George kisses him again, and Dream kicks the door shut. The former tugs on the latter's coat, and he does the same for the other.

He's blindly led to a bedroom. He guesses it's George's and is pinned down to the bed. A complete power position switch from earlier.

"Strip. Now.", George demands, taking his own shirt off.

Before he knows it, George is domineering over him, Dream lied on the bed, moaning at the man on top of him. George continued to insert Dream's dick in him, their moans harmonizing disgracefully.

George leans down, muttering praises at Dream.

Dream leaves marks on George's neck, not to mark his territory or whatever alpha bullshit but to taunt the blond George was after.

Benefit #2:
He's a pretty boy who's pretty good at sex.

The next morning, Dream wakes up to the smell of bacon and coffee. He checks his phone and finds a couple of texts from his bandmates and brother and sisters, which he ignored in favour of looking around the room he's in.

The room itself was pretty basic, a wide window on his left with blackout curtains.

The walls were cyan-tinted white, though some parts of it were covered by posters, a pretty big tv and some guitars hanging.

As he sits up, he sees a desk a few feet away from the bed, with a PC setup. The thing was covered in paper what he assumes is George's mess in trying to write a song.

He looks around more and finds their clothes on the floor. A smile creeps upon his face, but before he could even pick his sweater, he hears a racket from outside of the room.

"Shut up! Go home, Q."

"No, Sap and Karl are making me third wheel again and it's like 9am! Besides, you made breakfast for two when you're by yourself."

He stays still, wondering whether or not he should hide. But the door to the room bursts open and-

"I mean seriously, George, why do you- Ahhh!"

"Oh god."

"Shut up, Quackity!"

"Ahhhh! George!"

George clamps his hand over the screaming boy's mouth and smiles awkwardly.

"Dream, this is Quackity. Q, that's Dream."

Dream almost stands up to shake the man's hand, before remembering that he was naked. He puts on an awkward smile that matches George's and introduces himself,

"Hi, I'm George's boyfriend."


George suddenly yells, rubbing the hand covering Quackity's mouth on the man's shirt.

"Quackity! What the fuck! Why did you just lick my hand?!"

Quackity ignores this in favour of grinning at Dream,

"Hey, dude! Kinda pissed that George didn't introduce you to us before dating, but it's whatever."

He turns to George,

"And you! What the fuck dude, I left my apartment because I was third-wheeling, only to third wheel here as well? Come on."

George sticks his tongue out at Quackity, turning around. Before he could take another step, he spins back around and enters the room, going through his closet.

Dream watches him, smiling at the hickeys left from last night. George eyes him and smacks a fresh towel to his face.

"Here, I don't think any of my bottoms would fit you but I got you a shirt. Go take a shower you stinky fuck."

Quackity laughs at him, brokenly repeating the words "stinky fuck". Dream kisses George, and the man immediately stops in favour of fake-vomiting out of disgust.

"Okay, stop it. George, make more breakfast for me, too!"

"Fuck off, you're having cereal."

They argue on the way out, and Dream is left in the room, wondering what the fuck just happened.

Benefit #3:
He has a pretty funny friend.

"Oh my god, George! You're an amazing cook. Honestly, you're pretty marriage material."

"Shut up."

Benefit #4:
Housewife material.

"Let's fucking goooo!"

"Fuck you Georgie!"


The neighbours must hate their guts , Dream thinks as he watches Quackity make throwing motions at the floor. George only laughs, kicking the youngest light-heartedly.

He finds that he doesn't care too much if the neighbours hate them.

Dream hears the front door opening, and he stays silent to see who it was.

"George, is Quackity here?"

Dream sees the recognition in George's face. He rolls his eyes at the excitement that the man tries to hide.

"Yeah, I have someone else over too!"

George sits beside Dream and pinches his side. The latter glares at the former, who only grabs his arm and wraps it around his shoulder.

"Joseph! This is Dream, my boyfriend."

The blond freezes and blinks in surprise. Dream stands up, his height clearly pissing the fuck out of the blond.

"Hello, good to see you again, Joseph."


They shake hands, grasps tightening as if it were a show of dominance.

"Alright," Quackity, of all people, interrupts. "Wanna play a round of Smash, Joseph? George has been crushing us and I know you can kick him down a peg again."

Yeah, Gogy's absolutely amazing. It's partially why I love him."

Dream feels Joseph angrily tighten his hold once more, before the man practically throws his hand down.

"Sure. Let's do that."

He watches Joseph sit beside George, the man muttering a small "George, really?". George only rolls his eyes and shifts, motioning at Dream to sit beside him.

Benefit #5:
It's SO funny to piss Joseph off.

Not to much smut because I'm bad at writing it lol
Zoned out alot while making this lol whoops, hope you enjoyed <3

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