Scars of Glass | Chishiya x r...

By w_Ryuzaki

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"You said you didn't need me." "I also said that I loved you." - The borderlands are cruel, and unapologetica... More



863 37 32
By w_Ryuzaki

"Registration will close in thirty seconds." The robotic voice from the phones could be heard as you walked up the steps of the building, which was in actuality a hotel. The tall and large circular building's lights lit up from within each of the rooms, causing a bright array of lights which could be seen from far distances.

You went to grab the phone which laid on the wooden ledge on the sides of the wall of the hotel.

"Registration is now closed. There are now four participants." As the phones synced up to one another, you took a moment to scan the faces of the other players. Two men, two women including you. The silence was loud in the lobby of this game, almost defining to the ear, nobody saying a word to anyone.

One of the men stood against the wooden ledge, his arms crossed over his chest. His hair which was a yellowish-blond hair had begun to fade.

The other's man's hair was jet black but almost completely shaved off. He stood furthest away from everyone, right near the edge of the stairs, his eyes were the first to meet yours as you entered the game.

The woman had short black hair and wore a yellow tank top. She stretched out her muscles, starting with her legs before moving to her arms. She held a face of concentration, looking straightforward. Her gaze only faltering as she saw you looking towards her.

You gave her a weak smile, she returned it slightly before both of your attention was captured by the robotic voice which emitted from the phone speakers.

"Game: Hot Springs, difficulty seven of clubs." You raised your eyebrows at the suit, playing a game with people who looked like they would prefer to eat their lunch alone was going to be an experience.

When the game was revealed as clubs, the other players quickly exchanged looks between one another, though only momentarily and still, nobody spoke to one another. While their faces lacked expression, you were sure their minds were a busy place.

"Please enter the building and make your way to the elevator." The silence was broken as hesitant footsteps made their way into the building. The sensor of the sliding doors opening and closing as the man with the yellowish-blond hair entered first.

To you, it felt like these guys weren't sure what to do, like a goldfish swimming mindlessly in a glass bowl. You walked through the door and towards the elevator, silence once again filling the air.

"It might be a little hard to win this clubs game if nobody's talking to one another." You left that in the air, hoping someone would speak, but nobody said a word. The elevator dinged as shuffled feet entered the small lift.

"I think they might just be a little nervous." The woman spoke up, shifting her gaze as she stood next to you in the elevator. You looked towards the girl who happened to be a similar size to you, her face holding a smile.

You nodded in agreement with what the girl had said before speaking. "Have you ever played a clubs game before?" You questioned, the dings of the elevator as it passed different floors becoming a prominent sound in the elevator.

"No, not yet, I'm Usagi."

"I'm y/n."

The last of the elevator's chimes sounded as the doors opened on the fifteenth floor. A small card with an arrow pointing left was placed neatly against a glass stand, the reflective surface shining against the light above.

You were the first to walk in the direction of the arrow where a brown door with wooden stripes presented itself. A small circular mirror laid on the top of the door, the glass foggy to prevent peering eyes.

"A change room?" The Usagi spoke, tilting her head slowly. An unsettling feeling began to imbed itself deep in your gut. Hot springs and now a change room within a hotel? The name of the games didn't have to match the depiction of the game per se, but they were never completely off from what you would be playing.

You could interpret this in a few ways, if you considered the hotel you could say I'd have something to do with a pool or sauna.

You pushed against the heavy door, two decently sized steam rooms placed on both the left and right side, the doors to enter the rooms facing each other.

"Are we going to play against each other?" Usagi questioned as she approached you. Her gaze shifting between the two rooms before settling on the opposing door which faced directly across from the one you had entered from.

"I'm not so sure, I think we might be playing against other people. I don't think it would make sense for each steam room to only have two people inside since they look like they could hold at least six." You proposed, your eyes darting around the room in hopes of finding anything that may help you in the game.

The swift movement of the door across the room opened as four other players stood by the entrance. Exchanging glances with the participants across from you, which happened to be two men and two women, same as your group. The women stayed close to one another, holding onto each other's arms, their heels clicking against the sleek wooden floors as they took small steps forward, the two men close behind.

"Groups may now enter the steam rooms." You watched as one of the women broke arms with the other, slowly pressing against the heavy, wooden doors of the steam room to her right. The small tempered glass window of the door being imprinted with her hand print as she used it for support to lean against the door. Still attempting to open the door, the other girl coming to help her push it open.

One by one they entered the steam room, the door gaining speed before closing quietly and slowly, the anti-slam features could be thanked for that.

You turned to face the members of your group, before walking aside Usagi who approached the door to her right, pushing it open with little effort needed.

The door closed as the last member of your team entered the room. Inside were three white buttons placed directly next to the other horizontally, embedded in the wall where the door stood. The white buttons were the size of a small plate, or bowl.

To the very right of the white button was a slightly bigger black button. Finally, an encased button which had the words 'hint' plastered against it hung against the same horizontal line that the white buttons did, only it was further to the left. You noticed the two men looking towards a tv which hung on the wall on the opposite side of the door. As you looked to face the tv, it illuminated, the robotic voice speaking once again.

"Rule: Players may not use physical violence against members of their own team."

"Clear condition: The group must enter the correct colour sequence by pressing the white buttons and then pressing the black button to enter their sequence. If an incorrect colour range is inputted the steam room will emit more steam. The first group to enter the correct sequence wins, the other team will receive a game over. The doors will automatically open after the correct colours have been put in."

You blinked a couple of times as you began to interpret the rules, looking for anything that could be helpful within the words. Though, unbenounced to you the tv began to speak again.

"You may trade a member of your team for a hint. The participant will be chosen at random. To access this option, you must first attempt to solve the sequence at least three times. After the third attempt, the incased 'hint' button will be available for use. Time limit is fifteen minutes, if no team wins, both will receive a game over."

"Of course, they had to throw in the small option to sacrifice someone in a clubs game." The man with the shaved head spoke, shoving his hands into the pockets of his shorts which extended down to right above his kneecap.

"Game will start now." Steam began pouring out of the small, white vent which meshed in well with. the grey tiled walls.

The air quickly filled with hot moisture, you took your last full breath of the normal, neutral air before adapting your lungs to the water-laced oxygen.

"Alright, anyone got any ideas?" The man with the yellowish-blond air spoke up, fanning away the steam from his face.

The room fell into another silence as you tried to come up with an idea. Your heart beginning to beat faster as the steam now filled the entirety of the room. Thinking back to when you first entered the building, you played back anything crom memory that could be useful to the game.

Looking for any significant colours, words, shapes, all that could be at use from within the building, though nothing stood out to you.

"I'm going to try something, we have to be quick, to beat the other team." Usagi spoke, her face determined as she quickly glanced at the other group members before walking over to the white buttons.

She looked hesitant as she brought her hand to the button, but only for a second before the colour switched from white to red.

"It's cold." She commented, looking towards you. Sure, warm or neutral would be normal for a button inside a room that hadn't been filled with steam, though the temperature had increased significantly since you entered the room, so why would the button be cold?

She pushed on the button again, it turning from red to orange, orange to yellow, yellow to green and so on. But as she pressed the button, switching the colour from purple made it go back to white.

You furrowed your brows as you found it strange that the colour went back to white after purple. White wasn't a colour, so why was it an option for the colour story?

You walked over to the small tempered glass window on the door, looking in try and see if you could see anything that would help you, though the window had turned to foggy, even as you wiped the water off with your sleeve, there was nothing you could see through the window, it was too steamy inside.

"Twelve minutes remaining." Time seemed to move faster within the games, though when your body is high on adrenaline, there isn't much time to think about such matters.

"I say we sacrifice someone, it will help us out. Plus, one dead and three survive seems like odds I'm willing to play with." The man with the shaved black hair proposed, earning a scoff from Usagi, the blond-haired man staying quiet.

"It's only an option after three incorrect inputs, plus, maybe we should lay off of that idea for now." You replied, sitting down on the tiled seat that stretched all along the back and sides of the sauna.

"Do you have a better idea?" The man spat, running his hair through his buzzed haircut.

"If you let me think, I'll figure this out." You put your head in your hands, your elbows pressing into your thighs.

"If you guys won't do anything then I will." The man with black hair took his hands out of his pockets as he approached the buttons, Usagi moving inwards to get in between the man.

"Move." His eyes locking with hers, his voice loud.

"Ten minutes remaining"

"Nobody else is doing anything. We have ten minutes before our brains get blown out, so move."

"Usagi." You nodded your head to her as she backed off. You had taken in all the information but none of it was useful unless we could see what would happen if a wrong input was registered.

The man forcefully pushed his shoulder against Usagi, giving her a foul look before turning to the white buttons. Pressing the first one twice, the second one four times and the last one six times. Effectively turning the first button orange, the second green and the third indigo.

The man didn't hesitate to press the black button. "Incorrect." A voice irrupted from the black button, a speaker must've been placed inside.

Hot steam blasted through the vent, as hot moisture was reintroduced into the air. You inhaled sharply as you got up from the seat, holding in your cough.

Usagi and the man with jet-black hair coughed slightly, the man with yellow hair taking off his shirt to release some heat from his body. You fanned the hot air out of your eyes, the buttons were no longer visible to your eyes as the thick steam covered the faces and objects within the steam room.

"Seven minutes remaining."

"Usagi, feel the button."  You spoke through staggered breaths. With each breath you took, half of it was the hot moisture in the air.

Usagi moved past the man in the front of her, placing her hand on the now-white button.

"Is it still cold?" You asked, speaking in one quick breath and you took off your shirt, the heat becoming too much for your body.

"No, it's warm." Your eyes winded as a possibility drifted into your mind. Could the white buttons be temperature sensitive?

"Six minutes remaining."

You swallowed hard as your heart began to beat out of your body, you'd only been in the steam room for nine minutes, but without breaks and with steam constantly coming out of the vent, dizziness and fatigue were becoming more prominent within this environment.

"Usagi, press the black button." You coughed, breathing heavily as you tried to get a breath of air in.

"Are you trying to kill us?!" The shirtless man spoke, yelling in your face as your heartbeat increased again, as if it were to collapse onto itself.

"It's- temperature censored." Your breath hitched, the symptoms of dehydration now in full effect.

"Do it, Usagi."

"No! We should- use the hint-" The man with yellowish-blond hair gasped for air, the moisture clinging to his lungs as it did his body, he too had his shirt removed and now only wore black sweatpants.

"Five minutes remaining"

"The other team could have it figured out- we have to use the hint." The man's black buzzed hair now dripping wet.

"Fuck!" The man in sweatpants cursed, the hot droplets of water that had been accumulating on the roof now falling onto his shoulders and neck.

"We're going to die- press- the button!" You yelled, taking in multiple short breaths of air.

Usagi listened, pressing the black button.


Usagi's breath was heavy, and short. Her hand went to wipe the drops of water off of her forehead with her arm. You stepped forward, walking towards the white buttons to feel the temperature of the buttons now.

You could only keep your hands on them for a few seconds before they became too hot to touch, a small and faint colour appearing on the far left one.

"Look- Do you see that?" Usagi exclaimed, touching the first button to examine the faint colour on the button.

"No! You're wrong, it's- just your eyes. We have to use the hint!" The man in black shorts blinked rapidly, as if he was trying to keep himself awake, taking vigorous steps forwards towards the encased button.

His incoherent steps towards the black button were faster than your processing time, the heat beginning to get to your head.

"No don't, I know how to- solve- it!" You reached your hand forward, attempting to stop the man who turned to grab your hand, throwing it down. Your eyes trailed up to his, the beads of hot water visible all over the man's body.

"Stop- You'll kill someone!" Usagi yelled, her eyes closing momentarily as she tried to keep them open.


The man stepped towards the encased button, whose lock had released with a click. You couldn't see the man clearly enough to make out what he was doing, your head throbbing as you could hear your heart beating inside your ribs.

The room felt almost unbearable to be in, too hot to the souls of your feet began to hurt as the temperature of the floor was becoming too hot.

Without a vent, you'd all collapse from dehydration before the timer would run out.

"Hint: White." The sound erupted from the corner of the room, a small flash disappearing as fast as it appeared, a loud thud quickly followed. You used the burning wall for support, the heat only bearable for a millisecond before you switched to leaning on your arm, which could withstand the temperature for longer.

"Usagi?" You called out, taking in multiple breaths of steam.

"I'm here- press the button!" She replied, yelling in your direction as she frantically wiped off the beads of water from her arms.

You felt for the white buttons, which were now impossible to see with the steam. Your fingers traced against the three buttons before landing on the smaller one, pressing it with both your hands.


The more you pressed on the black button, the more the colour of the white buttons began to surface.

"You're going- to kill us!" The man in black shorts cried, falling onto his hands and knees, his breath loud and rapid.

You didn't pay attention to his words, only focused on the task at hand, you knew you were close.


You cried as the heat ripped through your bones, the floor burning the souls of your feet. The light was now bright enough for you to see even through the thick fog.

"Two minutes remaining."

"Y/n! Hurry!" Usagi shouted, a soft thud following as she also held onto the wall for support.


"Come on!" You pressed the button with more force, darkening the colour of the white buttons and increasing the temperature of the room.


You stopped to look at the colours, the first was purple, followed by orange and last was yellow. The throbbing of your head matched the beats of your heart, any longer and you'd pass out.


The door opened with a long creak. You held your breath as you stumbled out of the door, leaning against the door. The souls of your feet burning through your shoes with every step you took.

The cold air crashed against your skin as you fell to your knees once outside the confinements of the steam room, coughing violently as you tried to take in as much air as possible. You pushed yourself onto the back wall with your feet, leaning against it as you desperately tried to catch your breath.

You closed your eyes, your heartbeat louder than your frantic, sharp inhales. More coughing came from the door as an arm reached out, Usagi gasping for air.

You crawled towards her in your desolate state, pulling on her arm to get her out of the steam room before collapsing onto the ground, closing your eyes to help your body recover, though your ears picked up the sound of banging.

You opened your eyes slightly in the direction of the sound, it came from the other steam room.

You swallowed hard as you got onto your elbows. Hands banged against the clear, tempered glass as faint cries for help erupted from the room. You opened your eyes fully, slowly trying to get onto your feet to reach the door.

Your hands pressed against the door's handle, attempting to pry it open with the little strength you had left. More force pulled against the door as Usagi placed her hands on the handle, beside yours as you both tried to pull it open.

You grunted softly as did Usagi, from inside the door, the other group pressing and banging against the door, their sobs were louder now that you leaned against the door. Another group of hands reached onto the door, it was the man in black shorts, his hair laying messily on his forehead. He gave you a weak smile as the three of you pulled against the handle of door, trying to get it open.

"A group has made it out, congratulations. You will now have seven days added to your visa."

The banging was louder, some hard thuds as someone tried to take the door down, but it wouldn't budge.

"Please, I wanna go home." A quiet though prominent voice pleaded, you swallowed hard.
The loud zaps were followed by silence.

You sighed as you leaned your back against the door, your legs flat against the floor, your heart hurting as it beat, you needed to rest.

"Thank you, y/n. You saved us." Usagi spoke, her head leaning forward slightly as she gave you a small smile, still taking rapid, short breaths. 

"Yeah, I...thank you. You saved us." The man in black shorts spoke before continuing. "I'm Takehiko, I owe you one." He exhaled, his chest rising and falling rapidly.

"Don't worry, owing someone a favour in a place like this will get you killed." You replied, closing your eyes as you tried to lower your heart rate, taking slow and deep breaths.

"I'm gonna go, I need to sleep." Your body wanted to stay, sleep on the wooden floors of the building, but you knew it'd be better if you got back to Chishiya's place. You wanted to see his face, since it'd been a while since you'd last seen him.

"Be safe, Usagi." You sighed, slowly getting onto your feet, your body longing for water and sleep. You gave Usagi a weak smile, then to Takehiko before turning to walk down the hallway.

The cold air of the outside air made you feel even more lightheaded, though you continued down the block, hoping to get to Chishiya's soon.

"Hey, y/n. You forgot your bag." A voice called out to from behind, walking towards you.

"Takehiko, thank you." You replied, turning around to face the man, his eyes on yours.

"Y/n, you aren't in any condition to walk home, let me at least help you get there." He asked, his hand reaching out to hand you the bag.

You blinked hard as you tried to stay awake, you really weren't in any condition to be walking home. You sighed as you grabbed the bag from the man, unzipping it and ripping open the lid to a water bottle which laid inside, the bottle warm from the steam room.

The water gave your throat instant relief as you wiped the excess water from your mouth with your arm before offering the water to Takehiko. The man slowly grabbing the bottle from you, drinking the rest.

After he finished, you reached your arm out for his shoulder, his hand going to your waist for support as he began to walk down the cold, dark street.

"Just- go straight." You whispered, lazily pointing in the direction towards Chishiya's house, Takehiko nodding.

The walk was slow, slower than normal since with each step there were four feet, instead of two. You directed the man in the direction you needed to go, until you reached the front door of the home.

Takehiko opened the door for you, bringing you inside the house. You leaned your head onto his shoulder as you thanked him.

"Thank you, Takehiko. You really didn't have to." You looked to face the man, who gave you a warm smile.

"It's the least I could do, you saved my life." He replied, slowly letting you go from his shoulder.

"Is this your house?" He questioned as he stood a few feet away from you.

"No, it's my friends." You answered, placing your hand on the railing.

"Alright, see you, y/n." Takehiko waved you goodbye as he walked out the door, you waved back at him. The light of the moon leaving with the door as he closed it.

Your heartbeat was still intense, though not as intense as it once was. You steadily made your way up the stairs.

"Chishiya?" You softly called out, your voice slightly hoarse from the lack of water and dehydration.

For the first time since you'd called out for Chishiya, he opened his door, leaning against its frame. His hair tucked into a ponytail with strands out to the side of his face.

"What happened." It wasn't really a question, more of a demand, his eyes scanning you up and down.

Your heavy eyes,
your missing shirt,
your hoarse voice
and your faint smile.

Chishiya's jaw tensed as he saw your current state, he didn't like seeing you like this.

"Seven of clubs." You responded, your eyes hesitant to meet his. Chishiya walked over to you, putting you under his arm.

"Your warm." He commented, looking forward.

Chisiya took you up the stairs, careful not to walk slowly so you wouldn't trip. Once at the top of the stairs, Chishiya began walking in the direction of his room.

You were confused as to what he was doing, so you pulled on his shirt, pointing in the direction of the spare room, but he ignored you, continuing to his room.

"Chishiya, this is your room, what are you doing?" You questioned, bringing your eyes to his as he momentarily looked down to meet your gaze, but he didn't say anything.

He pushed his door further open, placing you on his bed as he went to grab your water from your bag.

"I thought we agreed to stop doing this." You croaked, drinking the water from the bottle he handed you.

"I said we shouldn't be as close." He replied, as he walked over to his office chair, dragging it over so it would face the bed before he sat in it.

"So, who was that at the door?"

"So many questions, gimme a rest." You laughed, which quickly turned to soft coughing, your voice still laced with sarcasm.

Chishiya didn't find your comment very funny as he stared at you still expecting an answer.

"He said he owed me one so he helped me get home." You half-heartedly confessed, you hated to admit it, but you missed being in Chishiya's presence.

"What, you saved his life?" He raised his eyebrow at you.

"It was my group, not specifically him." You corrected, pushing your legs against the bed to lean more comfortably against the wall.

It bugged Chishiya knowing you weren't telling him the full truth, he wanted to know what happened in your game, but you were being ridged with him.

"This is the second time I've seen you without a shirt after a game." Chishiya remarked, leaning forwards in his chair.

You rolled your eyes at his curiosity, you knew he just wanted to know what happened in your game. "The game was tough, physically. It got really hot in the steam room."

Chishiya hummed in response as he got up from the chair. Walking over to his closet to grab you another one of his shirts.

His selection wasn't very particular this time around. He stood in front of his closet for a few seconds before picking a shirt and throwing it to you.

"I'm willing to bet that by the end of the week my closets going to be empty." Chishiya's cheap joke causing you to sigh as you slightly shook your head.

"I mean, I could walk around shirtless, I have no problem with it." A small smirk made its way to your face, though you doubt Chishiya could see it given the only light provided was from his open window.

"Hmm, very funny." Chishiya responded, sitting back down on his chair.

"I should sleep, my head hurts." You inquired, shuffling onto your knees as you slowly got off the bed.

"Do you know about the beach?" Chishiya questioned, causing you to stop moving off his bed.

"Yeah, I've heard of it."

"I'm going there tomorrow, come if you want."

"It seems dumb, this world should have no place for drugs. Sex, maybe." You replied, Chishiya smirked slightly at your remark, though you couldn't see it.

"You can sleep here, I'll go to the guest bed." Chishiya spoke up, changing the subject back to the sleeping arrangement.

"What's the point of that?"

"No reason. Simply easier."

"For who? You or me?"


Chishiya closed the door, his footsteps nearing the room next door before closing it. You crawled under his covers of his bed. They were much warmer than yours.

Hi! Another very long chapter •.•
Thank you for reading, if you liked it please vote!
Also, sorry if the game wasn't exactly clear or was hard to understand. •[~.~]•

Have a good day and happy new years!

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