Just Friends

By hopeless_romanticXD

29.8K 871 617

Tess isn't really sure when the feelings she has for her childhood best friend began to bloom, but they did. ... More

★-Bonus Chapter-★


692 19 13
By hopeless_romanticXD


Levi makes it to my place right at five o'clock, the time we agreed on. I'm already waiting by the door for him, so I simply go outside and climb into his car.

To be clear, I asked him to be my plus one. I did not ask for a ride to the party. He offered that himself.

He drives like an old lady, but a free ride is a free ride. Besides, we're going in the same direction. It'd be a bit dumb to take separate cars.

"So, what exactly is this?" Levi asks while I'm in the middle of buckling up.

"Block party." I simply answer. He makes sure I'm buckled before pulling off the curb. I sigh and tuck a strand of hair behind my ear as I fix the skirt of my dress. "We don't have to be there for long." I assure. I don't want to be there for long.

I love my parents and I love the neighborhood I grew up in, but it can get a little uncomfortable being around everyone so much. They've all known me since I was born.

Levi clears his throat quietly. "You look pretty."

I glance at his profile and give a small smile. "Thanks." I breathe, looking back down at my lap.

I hate this.

These people have known me my entire life. They have seen all my stupid and embarrassing phases.

One of those phases was pretty dresses and bows.

Not a bad phase. Not even embarrassing. I looked pretty cute with pretty dresses and bows in my hair.

But apparently, if someone in the neighborhood wears one fucking dress one goddamn time, it's their whole personality forever.

Unless I want to get a bunch of comments about how unladylike I've grown to dress and be, I need to wear them. I still like to think I'm pretty and ladylike. Only thing is I don't really dress the way they want me to anymore.

I don't feel like being told how unladylike jeans and a fucking t-shirt is. How is jeans and a t-shirt unladylike? They're jeans and a t-shirt!

It's not even like everyone is really stupid and thinks women should always be in dresses or anything. Everyone just labeled me as really girly and completely lose their shit when I wear anything but something girly.

It's stupid, I know.

And I could probably just stop wearing dresses. Eventually, they'll stop this stupid little thing they've got going on. I just don't feel like waiting for them to stop.

"Hey, Levi?" I call, halfway into our completely silent drive.


"What's your deal with silence?" I snort and reach forward to turn the volume on the radio up just a little.

Levi chuckles quietly. "I, uh...wasn't sure what music you'd like." He admits.

"This is fine." I assure, keeping the radio at a comfortable volume. "Literally everything but total silence is fine." I add with a smile to his profile.

He still never looks away from the road. Levi knows the way already, so he doesn't use a gps, there's no need to look away.

The more I think about it, I realize he might have a reason for driving like that. He goes a normal speed and such, but his posture is perfect and his eyes never leave the road.

Maybe he's got a reason for being a careful driver. I try not to tease him about this anymore.

"Oh!" I clap and sit up when I remember what I need to tell him.

Levi jumps when I clap. "Jesus," He breathes. For once, his eyes leave the road for less than five seconds before they return.

I laugh. "Sorry." I reach over to set my hand on his arm briefly as I shift in my seat to better face him even though he isn't going to look at me again. "But I should warn you before we get there,"

"Warn me?"

"Yeah, so," I clear my throat. "I haven't really brought a guy to the party before. Like...ever." I scrunch my nose in a grimace. It's a little embarrassing. "So, they might tease us."

Levi frowns. "Like how you tease me?" He asks. "I might cry." He promises.

"No, not like how—Wait." I scoff. "Cry?"

"You're very mean."

"I'm not that mean!"


I scoff again and shove his shoulder weakly. Levi smiles to himself at the road which gets a little smile out of me too. "I'm not that mean." I insist.

"You're right." Levi chuckles. "You're not that mean."

I huff. "I trust you'll tell me if I actually hurt your feelings." I murmur, narrowing my eyes at his profile.

Levi hums in response with a short shrug. "What kind of teasing?" He coaxes, reminding me what I was talking about.

"Oh, yeah." I sigh and straighten up. "So, they might ask if we're, like, dating and shit." I wave my hand in the air and roll my eyes.

"Oh," Levi clears his throat. "Okay." He quietly accepts. I hum at that, turning back to put my attention in the road ahead of us. We're already almost there, I recognize the streets he's turning on.

The radio does a great job at filling the silence in the meantime. It's not like it's uncomfortable to be silent with Levi, but it's great to actually have something playing in the background.

Levi turns the volume down when we turn the corner into the neighborhood. I take a deep breath when he starts slowly rolling down the street.

I frown when I remember what he said about being around a lot of people he doesn't know. "Are you going to be okay?" I ask, straightening in my seat. "I mean, with all the people?"

Levi already looks like he's nervous about it. "I think so." He mumbles. He sounds unsure of himself.

"Well, we can leave anytime." I offer. "I don't even have to say hi to everyone. I have a select few who I will have to at least glance at, but after that we can totally just go."

He frowns at my offer. "I'll be okay." He assures. I don't know if he's assuring me or himself.

"Okay," I sigh. I'm not actually accepting his answer. The offer will stay on the table.

Levi finds a place to park all the way down the street. It's the only place available with everyone here. Everyone as in my old neighbors and most of their kids who also come home every once in a while for these parties.

He gets out of the car a little slower than I do. I stand by and wait for him before I go on down the sidewalk with him just inches behind me. He's probably going to flat tire me being that close.

I let him be though, continuing down the sidewalk with him behind me. It seems like he just likes following behind someone while he walks.

I don't usually like being followed around, but I can't bring myself to care when he does it. He's not bothering me at all.

My mom spots me as soon as we're about ten feet from my house which is basically in the middle of the block. She grins at me, I smile back and give a wave.

"Come on." I beckon, reaching back to take Levi's hand so I can pull him a little quicker towards my mom.

Levi walks quicker with me and stands by silently while I let his hand go to accept the hug my mom gives me. She grins widely. "I'm so glad you came." She beams. Her eyes dart to Levi. "And with a friend." She murmurs.

I nod and step away from her. "Yeah. This is Levi." I gesture to him. "I don't know if you ever met him. He was friends with Jasper back in high school." I add. I don't think they ever ran into each other, but maybe.

Levi's in the middle of nervously fiddling with something in his pocket, but offers a little smile. "I don't think we've met," He glances between Mom and I. "It's nice to meet you though, Mrs. Ashe." Levi kindly, but slightly awkwardly, adds.

"Pam," Mom corrects him with a laugh. She hates being called like that. She says it makes her feel old. "Are you hungry?" She asks, looking between us both.

I nod. "I could eat." I decide. I can already smell someone's barbecue. I pray it's Mr. Hazel's.

Levi nods simply in response, so Mom smiles wider and starts leading us down the street and towards the food table.

I pick up two paper plates, handing one to Levi. "There's a lot more people here than last year." I point out to Mom who stands beside us while we get our plates.

Mom nods. "Janine brought her new husband and their kids." She widens her eyes at me.

I blink. "Oh, shit." I blurt, already looking around for Janine. "Why?" I question, confused.

Mom shakes her head quickly. "I don't know." She huffs, glancing around too. "They're not married anymore."

"Oh my god," I whisper. Someone's definitely getting Mrs. Miller's pie in their face tonight.

"What's the matter?" Levi obliviously asks.

Mom leans in closer to make a tight circle with the three of us. "You see that woman over there?" She nods towards Janine.

Levi starts turning his head to look. I gasp and reach up to quickly turn his head away. "Don't look! Oh my god, are you crazy?" I question, horrified.

"She just said—"

"It was rhetorical!" I whisper yell. Levi scrunches his nose at me.

"Anyway," Mom sighs, moving on quickly. "She used to be married to that man over there." She nods in a different direction. Levi doesn't try to look. "But they divorced."

"Oh," Levi acknowledges with a little frown.

"She moved out, but she's here with her new husband and their kids."

Levi looks confused still. "What's wrong with that?" He quietly asks. "Aren't their kids wanting to spend time with their dad?"

"He's not their father." Mom points out.

Levi furrows his brows. "Then why is she here?"

"Exactly." Mom nods quickly.

"Are they still friends?"

"Definitely not." I immediately answer before Mom can. "Super messy divorce." They didn't have any kids, but it was still pretty messy.

"Huh," Levi murmurs. I shake my head and look at Mom, she makes a little face about it.

Janine knows the rules of the block. She's also a shit talker, so we naturally shit talk her too. Like I said, it's fair.

I sigh. "We're going to go eat inside." I warn Mom, already shifting to hold my plate in one hand so I can start leading Levi towards the house.

"Don't be in for long." Mom warns us as we're already walking away. I look over my shoulder at her and nod quickly.

"You don't wanna find Jasper before?" Levi quietly asks from behind me.

"No," I mutter. He's probably already here with Tara, introducing her. I'll run into him later.


I lead Levi towards the house, walking in freely. "Hello?" I call out, wondering if Dad is hiding away from the party too.

"Glad you could make it!" Dad calls out from somewhere in the house. Probably in the living room watching tv.

I snort and start venturing off. Levi quietly follows me towards the living room where we find Dad.

I come further in to set my plate down on the coffee table, stealing a seat on a different couch than Dad. I look up at Levi and pat the spot beside me, he wordlessly sits with me and rests his plate on his lap.

"Oh," Dad blinks, not expecting to see two people.

I laugh. "Dad, this is Levi. Levi, this is my dad, Pete." I gesture between the both of them as I lean forward for my plate. I decide to pick it up and set it on my lap instead of the table.

Levi gives a little smile and short wave. "Hello."

Dad returns the greeting with a short nod. "Do you like baseball?" He asks, nodding towards the tv.

"I don't know." Levi looks towards the tv. "I've never really watched anything." He admits.

I gasp and quickly look at him. "Really?" I question. Levi shrugs and nods. "Oh, I am so taking you to one of those games." I immediately decide. How could he have never watched anything?

Levi huffs out a laugh through his nose with a smile. "Okay." He agrees easily. I grin and look down at my food, already excited for it.

Dad clears his throat loudly. "Where did you two meet again?" He asks. I never did say who I was bringing.

"He was friends with Jasper in high school." I inform, pausing with a bread roll right at my mouth. "But we only started hanging out around Jasper's birthday." I add with a shrug.

"Oh," Dad seems more delighted. "Have we met?" He asks. He would've forgotten.

"I don't think so." I squint at Levi. He shakes his head. "Maybe you saw him around the neighborhood with Jasper." I suggest. Then smile. "He would've been the one with coke bottles as glasses." I hint.

"They were not that big." Levi quickly insists. I snort, he smiles a little. We both know they were pretty much that big.

"Wait a second, we have met."

Levi and I both quickly look at Dad. "You have?" "We have?" Levi and I both ask at the same time.

Dad nods and chuckles. "Big ass glasses are easy to remember" He reasons. Levi purses his lips, probably fighting the urge to argue and say they weren't that big.

"Wait, how?" I push. "How'd you guys meet?"

Dad smiles at Levi. "You were the boy they sent to tell me what happened to my flowerbed." He hums.

Levi's eyebrows stayed furrows for ten seconds before he blinks. Then grimaces. "Oh." He mutters, shame dripping from his tone.

"Flowerbed?" I repeat. I never heard anything about a flowerbed.

"I want to make it clear, I had nothing to do with that." Levi awkwardly assures. "They sent me because they thought I could lighten the blow when we got in trouble." He adds.

"Wait, what happened?" I ask again with frustrated flapping hands.

Dad laughs some more. "Jasper and some of his friends had been driving Jasper's dad's car around the neighborhood when Jasper ran over the curb and smashed your mother's flowerbed up." He explains.

I gasp and look to Levi. "That was you?" I question. I remember Mom complaining about her flowers all summer.

"I just said it wasn't." Levi quickly reminds. "I didn't even want to be in the car. I just wanted to go home." He adds, then turns back to Dad. "I am sorry." He apologizes. It sounds like he's apologized quite a bit.

Dad laughs and waves Levi off. "Ah, I don't care." He dismisses. "Didn't care then either." He adds. Levi still grimaces.

"Don't tell my mom you were the one who did it." I warn on a hum, poking at my plate with my plastic fork.

"It wasn't me." Levi insists on a huff. "Jasper was the one driving. Take it up with him."

I smile. "You were the one they sent to the parents though." I point out. "As soon as you knock on the door, you're taking responsibility." I reason. Those are the rules.

"I didn't know that."

"Well, now you do."

Levi makes a face at that and looks down at his plate. I laugh and nudge his shoulder with mine, silently assuring him I'm only playing. He leans over to do it back.

My eyes dart between my plate and the tv while Levi and I continue to eat in comfortable silence. Dad sits on the edge of his seat for a baseball game he's seen already, assuming the classic Movie Dad pose.

Levi's phone buzzes a couple of times while we eat. He ignores the first one, but by the second one he's setting his plate on the coffee table and digging into his pocket to take his phone out.

But that point, he has my attention. I look over to watch him read whatever message he got. He frowns at it and starts replying.

"Everything okay?" I quietly ask, trying not to disturb my dad on the other side of the room.

Levi quickly looks at me then back at his phone. "Yeah, I just, um..." He trails off and furrows his brows at his phone. Then just turns it off and sets it to the side. "Yeah, everything's fine." He gives me a small smile.

I'm not convinced but I accept his answer anyway.

"Okay," I breathe, looking down at my plate. "Well, I'm going to go say hi and bye to a bunch of people so we can go." I grin, reaching out to pick my plate back up so I can get off the couch. Levi chuckles quietly and nods, picking his plate up too.

I earn Dad's attention with my announcement. "Have fun." He murmurs. I widen my eyes at him as I fix the bottom of my dress and leave the room with Levi right behind me.

I take him to the kitchen first where we throw our plates away before we go towards the front door again. He's still quietly behind me as we begin roaming around, looking for who I need to check in with.

I find the two people I mainly need to check on. That's Miss Goodwell who lives just a couple doors down and Hank who lives directly across the street. Both of which I always say hi to when I visit.

Levi and I get teased both times. Miss Goodwell tells us we're an adorable couple and proceeds to refuse to listen to anything me or Levi has to say about it.

Hank decides to take the threatening route. Poor Levi gets a finger shoved in his face for a couple of minutes before I take pity and grab his arm to guide him away.

I find Jasper next, already grouped up with Tara and his parents, Kelly and Mitch. Levi's still right behind me, probably a bit annoyed by Miss Goodwell's teasing. And Hank's threats.

"Tess," Kelly beams when I approach her. I smile and accept the warm hug she gives me then shuffle over to give Mitch a side hug. He's not one for hugging, but he'll hug if you ask nicely.

"Hey, I was wondering where you were." Jasper chuckles and wraps his arm around me almost immediately.

I duck out from under his arm when I notice Tara right beside him. I don't like being under his arm when she's around unless she's also under it and he's playing. It feels wrong.

"Yeah, I just went to eat inside and then check in with a few people." I reason, smiling as I hold my hands behind my back like a proper lady. Kelly automatically seems pleased.

Jasper's eyes move to Levi above my head. "Hey." He simply greets. Levi doesn't answer him, but he probably waved or something behind me.

"Levi, is that you?" Kelly grins. "Gosh, I haven't seen you in ages!" She gasps, pressing a hand to her chest.

Levi laughs quietly. "It's been a while." He agrees. I perk up when I feel his chest brush against my back. He took a tiny step forward.

I look over my shoulder at him. Levi looks in Kelly's direction, but doesn't quite meet her eyes. His eyes are angled somewhere over her shoulder, but when I look there's nothing over there.

He stays quiet for the rest of the time as I visit with Jasper and his parents. I say a few words to Tara, but quickly realize she's quiet too. She doesn't look very happy.

I smile at her and shuffle over, closer while Jasper and his parents are engulfed in their conversation. "Hey, my mom makes really good pies." I offer. "Right over there." I point towards the dessert table where people already are. "Want some?"

Tara smiles a little. "Yeah." She agrees.

I nod. "I'll come with you." I smile and look over at Levi, silently gesturing for him to follow. He does so happily.

And so, I leave the little group with my two ducklings behind me. I excuse us politely from the others and hurry towards the dessert table.

I don't end up grabbing my own plate, but I do help Tara and Levi out when closing their pies. Levi gets pumpkin while Tara gets apple.

Tara smiles at me when she has her pie. "Thanks for that." She thanks me with her soft perfectly angelic voice.

"No problem." I smile at her too. I'm about to tuck my hands into my pockets, but quickly realize I don't have any. "I could see you weren't lookin' too happy so," I gesture to her pie.

Pie makes everything okay.

Her smile falters. "That obvious, huh?" She grimaces. My smile turns soft and I offer a short shrug. She sighs. "I'm sorry." She shakes her head. "It's just...I don't know. I don't think Jasper's parents," Her eyes dart their way. "I don't think they like me." She frowns.

I frown too and glance up at Levi. He doesn't look very interested in this conversation, so I look back to Tara. "Don't worry about that." I try to smile more. "They're kinda stubborn people, so it takes them a minute to come around to people."

That's a total lie.

But it gets Tara to smile more, so I leave it there and start leading my ducklings back towards the small group. Levi finishes his pie on the way, so he strays off to toss his plate in a trash can.

Jasper's arm is around Tara when we group back up with everyone. I see immediately what Tara meant.

Jasper's parents don't like her. Kelly presses her lips together when Jasper puts his arm around her and Mitch glances away.

I frown and share a short look with Jasper. He sees it too.

Levi's phone begins to ring in the middle of the conversation, but he isn't a part of it so he easily excuses himself. I envy him.

This isn't good. If Jasper's parents don't like Tara now, they probably won't come around. I wasn't really lying when I said they were stubborn, they really are. And when they have a point of view or opinion, they won't change it.

I'm not sure what perfect Tara could've done though. She seems smiley enough, I'm sure she happily introduced herself like she did when I first met her, and she probably was really respectful.

"What?" Levi's asking from behind me. I think he's still on the phone.

There's gotta be something I can do to help this. I love Jasper, but no way in hell am I letting him lose his love. He loves Tara so much and often gets a little nervous when his parents don't agree with him about something.

He's going to self destruct, and it won't be good for anyone.

Levi ends his call and shuffles back over. I feel his featherlight touch on my arm as well as on my back when he steps closer to me. Quickly, I look up to see what his deal is.

I zero in on his concerned frown immediately. "What's up?" I whisper, trying not to stop the conversation happening right now. "Ready to go?" I offer. I've said hello to everyone I need to.

Levi presses his lips together as he quickly nods. I nod back and turn my attention back to everyone else, offering a sweet smile.

I clear my throat softly to pause the conversation. "I'm sorry, Levi and I have somewhere to be." I lie with ease and frown apologetically at everyone.

"Together?" Jasper doesn't look convinced.

"Mhm," I simply confirm with a smile. He knows I just want out of here. "It was really nice to see you." I look to his parents then towards Tara. "Bye," I smile, waving at everyone as I reach behind me to find Levi's hand.

"Wait," Jasper tries to stop us before we can even make our great escape.

"They're busy, babe." Tara comes to the rescue just when I need her to. While Jasper's attention is on her, I quickly start pulling Levi away from the group before someone else can come over and stop us.

I get greeted by a few extra people on the way back to the car, but none of them stop me for a conversation. Good thing too. I get the feeling Levi really wants out of here. He's walking quicker than he was when we first arrived.

Which was a little over thirty minutes ago. It's a new record. I should bring Levi to these parties more often. He gets me out quick.

"Okay," I hum happily as I climb into his car with him. "I don't know about you, but I'm in the mood for something cold. So..." I trail off when I look over at him. "Hey, are you okay?" I ask, turning in my seat to face him better.

Levi nods too quickly. "Uh-huh," He confirms. "There's a, um..." He pauses. "Somethings up with my mom, and I need to get to her place right now." He explains, not starting the car just yet so he can look at me. "Rain check on the ice cream though." He quickly adds.

I frown. "Is everything okay?" I question. I don't know him well enough to know what that 'something' could be.

Levi sighs quietly. "It's just.." He debates on something for a moment. Then finally decides on whatever it is. "It's an emergency and I really need to get out there." He vaguely explains.

I nod, still concerned for him. He didn't really answer me. "If it helps, I'm okay going with you. Just so you don't have to waste time dropping me off first." I offer, already reaching over to buckle.

"No, that's—" He cuts himself off and thinks it over. "Well, actually. That helps." Levi mutters.

I laugh quietly. "We should go then." I suggest. Levi blinks, like he already forgot we're supposed to hurry. He nods and starts the car up, moving a little quicker to pull out of his parking space.

I still don't know what kind of emergency this is. Whatever it is, it seems serious.

I stay quiet for the entire drive. For one, I don't know what to say. And two, I figure I shouldn't even try. I'll ask him when the emergency is handled. Whatever the emergency is.

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