i don't mind :: c.h

By Iuovebites

2.7K 103 14

❝i'm sorry i said things i'll never look up to. i'm sorry i just dumped you. and i'm sorry i only left you 1%... More

1: YouTube
2: Squishy Face
3: Bass Player
4: The Puppy has Arrived
5: I Miss You
6: Dumbass
7: Paradise
8: Just Saying
9: Australian Love Affair
10: Tattooed In My Heart
11: I Love You
12: Concert Tickets
13: Dark Side
14: Amnesia
15: Scars
16: Alone
17: Important
18: Best Friends
19: Always
20: Real Feelings
21: Hope
22: New
23: Voice Recorder
24: Runaway
25: Fear
26: Never
27: Speechless
29: Airport
30: Tension
31: Rain
32: Promises
IDM Playlist ❤
Author's Note

28: Truth

56 3 0
By Iuovebites

Calum Hood

I can't believe Ally is my official girlfriend. Wow. It's so overwhelming and I am so happy right now!

We decided to go the lobby where Luke and Steph were actually waiting for an hour now. Hope they wouldn't get mad.

"Finally! After 100 years you went out. What took you so long? And," Steph paused. "What's with that?" She pointed out at our hands. We're actually holding hands when we walked out of the rooftop until I asked her. "What's wrong with it? You have Luke over there." Ally pointed out to Luke who was intenly watching Steph all through out the conversation. "Don't change the topic!" Steph blushed. She was cute, that's why Luke easily had fallen for her.

"Guess what?" I said, making Luke join in to our conversation. "Me and Ally are officially together!" I raised my hand with Ally who just giggled and punched my shoulder. "Don't be too loud, Cal! You're so cute!" She pinched my cheeks. "I know, babe. I'm the only one who's cute in your eyes, right?" I brushed my nose into hers. "Yes, love. You are." Ally said and closed her eyes as I brushed my nose into hers.

"Babe," Steph said to Luke, holding his hands. "Tell me that what I see is real. Kiss me, please and tell me this is real and not a dream." Luke came near to Steph's face and kissed it. "No, babe. It's real. I feel jealous because you liked them more than me." Luke pouted. Steph chuckled and said, "Awwww. The penguin looks jealous." We all laughed at Steph's joke. "I love you, Lucas. I don't like you. I love you." This lovebirds, I swear.

After that lovey-dovey moments, we went to the cafe. We decided to celebrate our happiness and of course, me and Ally's official relationship.

As we entered the cafe, a familiar face took my gaze.

It was Fiona.

She was all alone, reading the book I gave her when we had our first anniversary together.

I looked at Ally first because I think she also saw Fiona. Before I could speak, she parted her lips. "I know, Cal. You will go to Fiona." She smiled and looked up to me. "I-I was just w-wondering if I-" Ally cut me off. "You can. You're just going to talk to her. It's no big deal." She kissed my cheek. "Are you serious?" I asked. "Of course! Go on now, before she leaves you again." I laughed and then kissed her before running towards Fiona's direction.

"Hey, Fio!" I greeted. Fiona jumped to her seat, she laughed at me. "Calum! Oh my God you didn't even warned me. Why are you here?" She asked me. "Oh, is it bad to be at the coffee shop?" I said with a pout on my lips. "You're such a puppy. I'm just joking!" She laughed. "Oh and hey, me and Ally are officially together!" I said, raising my hands in the air. She looked at me with a big smile on her face. "Are you shitting me? YOU OWE ME TEN BUCKS!" She really meant what I said to her. "But, no. I'm so happy for you and Ally! My one true pair. Oh my God, I will be fangirling over you!" She giggled.

Fiona will never change. She get's really happy on stuffs like this. She really deserves someone who will make her really happy. She's an amazing person.

"Oh," Fiona started. "By the way, how is Michael? I'm not seeing him with you. Are you two okay?" She said. I became numb. I still have one more problem, and it is Michael.

"Seriously, Fio." She looked at me as I speak. "Me and Michael are not on good terms right now." I said. Fiona looked at me with disbelief. "I know." She muttered. "Really? Y-you know?" I looked at her. "Yeah. Michael said it to me after you left his house. He was crying all over our conversation. He even said that he didn't mean to say those words to you. It's just that, you've been too much on him. Calum," she paused, her breathing hitched from what she said. "He is right. Michael didn't even had a chance to find his own life. He didn't had a chance to find a girl who will make him happy everyday. It's all because of you."

I didn't realize things because I was crying. Crying was also an escape for my problems.

Michael is one of the most important persons in my life. He was my best friend since we were in grade school. I met him and Luke on the soccer team I used to play and then, all of a sudden, we decided to make a band. He was a jolly person. He always finds time to talk to you and solve your problems even if he is tired.

Michael Clifford is one of a kind. I never thought that deep inside him, he was also hurting because of me. I didn't realized that he has his own life, too. I didn't realized that he has to be happy. And it's all because of me.

"Do you think, Michael will still forgive me after all of this?" I asked Fiona, who is also sad of the fact that me and my best friend are not okay. "Maybe if you try and talk to him, then you'll be okay. Truth is," Fiona stopped. She just cried right then and there. She broke down.

"What is the truth?" I muttered. I was being nervous of her tone. I think something bad happened to him. "Fiona! Tell me what happened!" I nearly shouted at her. But, she looked at me with a sad expression on her face.

"You better follow him now, Calum." Fiona started.

"W-what are you saying?" I am so confused. Why can't she tell it right away to me?

"You still have time. Bring Ally with you. You need to patch things up."

"Fiona, just tell it!" This time, I shouted.

"Michael's leaving for Australia."

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