Origins - A Skase / Evershall...

By MarshalB

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First and foremost, I want to thank Foxfire69 for the use of his OC Cinder. Second I need to thank Foxfire69... More

Origins - Chap 1
Origins - Chap 2
Origins - Chap 3
Origins - Chap 4
Origins - Chap 6
Origins - Chap 7
Origins - Chap 8

Origins - Chap 5

114 4 0
By MarshalB

Origins - A Skase / Evershall Story - Chapter 5

The next morning Marshall, Chase, and Smudge were up early again and running.

"I had almost forgotten how much I enjoy running," said Marshall.

"It wakes up your metabolism as well as your brain," said Smudge. "I always feel better after I workout first thing."

They walked around the Lookout cooling down. Chase had broken off to perform his usual morning checks. Marshall and Smudge continued talking.

"So how is everything going?" asked Marshall.

"What do you mean?" asked Smudge.

Marshall raised a questioning eyebrow at the other Dalmatian.

"Oh, that, yeah..." sighed Smudge. "I just don't know. One minute I think I'm making progress and the next I'm utterly confused."

"Well, if it helps," Marshall laughed, "I don't think we're supposed to understand them. But you have to give her time. She would have said something if she wasn't interested at all. She doesn't do anything in a rush. She calculates every decision, she always has. I, on the other hand, tend to jump in with all paws, except when it came to Everest."

"I gathered that," Smudge laughed, "I was always one to aggressively pursue anything that drew my interests. Cinder is very different. I can't put my paw on it, but she is, uh, well, she is worth waiting for."

"I know the distance is a great concern," said Marshall.

"It would concern me with anyone else I've ever considered dating," said Smudge, "like I said, Cinder is very different. I have no doubts that if something did develop, I would have no fear of her not remaining 100% faithful. She has such a great big heart."

"A very soft heart," Marshall agreed, "But that heart has a diamond tough exterior." Marshall paused for a moment, considering his next words carefully. "I don't think it's because of fear that she doesn't allow others in, it's that she won't commit to anything she has not absolutely thought out and while she is amazingly sweet and soft on the outside, there are many leviathans in the depths of her heart. Smudge, I really like you and I think you two would be good for each other. But I know there are things to work out as well. The question is are you willing to wait and allow things to progress at the rate she's comfortable with."

Smudge had stopped walking, Marshall turned back and looked deep in his eyes. Smudge looked on the verge of tears. Slowly he nodded.

"Yes, Marshall," Smudge said softly, "I really think I am. I would never push Cinder into anything she didn't feel ready for. I can be a good friend for now if that is what she needs. I'm willing to wait."

Marshall hugged Smudge, "I know the wait will be tough. You have my number now though, call me anytime. I know you two leave soon. I'm seriously going to miss you. It's been great getting to know you. I really do hope to see you again soon."

"I think I'm going to go shower before breakfast," said Smudge. "I've really enjoyed meeting all of you pups. It has been so much more than I expected. I expected a professional team, but some of the teams I've observed with a lot less exposure than yours have been very conceited. You're all more of a family than a team, more so than many families I've been around. I'm proud to call you pups friends, you are everything a rescue team needs to be and treat each other as family first. I really would love to be a part of, um, something like this."

Smudge turned and walked into the Lookout.

Marshall thought to himself, "Did he just offer to be a part of us, or just something like us?" Marshall shook his head and walked into his pup house.


Later the pups had finished breakfast and were playing around the Lookout.

Cinder was sitting off to the side watching everyone, a faint smile on her lips. Marshall padded over and laid down next to her.

"Treat for your thoughts," said Marshall, giving his sister a gentle lick on the cheek.

"Just wishing things were different," Cinder sighed softly.

"What things," asked Marshall.

"So many things," Cinder sighed softly again, she rolled over on her back, watching the clouds as she softly spoke. "I wish at times I had a group like this. You know we are tight like this at the station, but there are times when I'm home alone at my apartment, I just wish I had a family like you do here."

"I wish you lived closer so you could just come here," said Marshall, now rolling on his back as well. He pushed his head against her's. Cinder sighed even deeper. Marshall knew he had hit the nail on the head.

"This is about Smudge and the distance isn't it?" asked Marshall.

"Maybe, possibly, uh..., yes..." Cinder replied softly.

"You know I support whatever you decide," said Marshall. "If you want to wait, then wait. If you want to not even consider it, well, I'll support you, but I think you're giving up a great..."

"Opportunity?" Cinder said softly. "I know."

"No, I was going to say friend," Marshall replied, inside he was hurting, feeling the conflict within his sister.

"Oh, yeah, I..." Cinder softly trailed off.

"I understand," said Marshall, "you want more and are hesitant to commit to anything that you can't plan for."

"You know me so well dearest brother," Cinder laughed softly. "You're right of course, I like to plan for everything. There are just too many unknowns."

"Maybe a strong friendship is the initial answer," said Marshall, "See how it goes. Make the effort to keep in contact. You know planes go both ways. There are hundreds of ways to communicate these days, phone, video, heck you can have VR dates according to Rocky. All kinds of chat rooms. If you both want it to work, it will. But don't do anything you don't feel is right for you. And I know at the back of all this you worry how he will react to the accident."

Cinder was sniffling softly, Marshall rolled over, put a paw around her and licked away her tears. "I really get the feeling that he will understand. But once again, that's not a shop talk conversation. You two can't have that conversion until you believe you are ready to accept whatever happens. I really think a trial run with a strong friendship might be the best approach. I might be wrong, it happens all the time, just ask Everest. I do know your friendship at this point is still developing, anything more may come in time. I get the impression he won't push."

"I really do wish I lived closer," Cinder said softly, "I do so enjoy talking to you. You've always brought me comfort when I needed it most."

"The world is crazy," said Marshall, "Distance is relative now. You can hop on a plane and be anywhere in the world in hours. I know it seems impossible. Just promise me before you run off to marry ye olde English gentle-pup that you'll tell me."

"Yeah, not going to happen," Cinder laughed softly. "You know how horrible the weather is there at times. Not to mention Skipper will skin me if I even suggest it."

"If it's meant to be, you'll both find a way," Marshall said, pulling Cinder into a tight hug.

Chase was standing nearby, "Yeah, their relationship is something to be envious of, but it also has its downsides."

"Like what?" Smudge asked, turning to the German shepherd.

"Imagine knowing that someone else can read her every thought, knows every secret, cannot be tricked, will always have an unfathomably close mental and emotional connection that cannot be severed, merely dulled by time and distance, that can feel when something is wrong across oceans and will come sprinting; I honestly don't know how Everest handles it."

Smudge nodded in understanding, it was another facet he hadn't thought about. But if Marshall and Everest could make it work, there was no reason he couldn't make it work with Cinder if he was lucky enough to make it that far.


Skye and Everest had worked in private to throw a going away party for Cinder and Smudge. They would leave tomorrow and they wanted to give them one last night of Paw Patrol Hospitality. Ryder had agreed to fix hamburgers for everyone. DJ Rubble was providing music. It would be a great night.

Marshall had been let in on the plan at the last moment. He agreed to take Cinder and Smudge over to City Hall. Mayor Goodway played the part of wanting to thank the pups for their work to fight the truck stop fire. She gave them a tour of City Hall and then sat them down to thank them and got Smudge's contact information so she could send a letter of thanks to his department. Once completed, they loaded up and headed back to the Lookout. As they approached they noticed no one was outside.

"I guess they all went inside to watch TV," said Marshall.

"You're such a terrible liar," Cinder giggled softly.

"What do you mean?" Marshall attempted to ask innocently.

"You may be able to fool others," Cinder said softly, tapping her paw to her head "but in your head you're giving it all away."

"Oh, uh..." Marshall stammered.

"Don't worry Bro." Cinder giggled softly. "We'll play the surprised pup part. The Mayor was a nice touch. They should have got someone other than you to try to pull this off."

"Probably why they waited until the end of the day to tell me," Marshall laughed.

They entered the elevator and it began to rise. As the doors opened the pups yelled "Surprise!" Smudge jumped and Cinder acted like she was surprised.

Skye and Everest walked over, "So not surprised at all, huh?" Skye laughed.

"A little bit, earlier," Cinder laughed softly. "I didn't tell Smudge though."

"I told you we should have sent someone that she couldn't mind probe," laughed Everest.

"Maybe one day, I'll get used to that," laughed Skye.

"So what have you lined up for us?" Smudge laughed, eyeing the table covered in food.

"Good old American Food, cheeseburgers," laughed Everest.

"Thank you guys," said Smudge. "I'm going to miss this more than anything I've seen while here." He looked over at Cinder and blushed, "well maybe not the most."

The party went well into the night. Finally everyone separated into their pup houses or bedrooms.

The next morning everyone was helping Cinder and Smudge get their things together. Rocky had given Smudge a thumb drive with the information on how to start an all pup rescue team as well as his contact information for anyone that was interested in the trucks and pup packs.

They followed them to the train station and waited talking to the two as the train pulled up. Everyone said their goodbyes.

"I'm going to miss you so much sis," said Marshall, kissing his sister goodbye.

"I'm going to miss all of you," Cinder said softly.

"Smudge, you take care of yourself," said Chase, "Try to bring Bruno next time. You have my number, call me."

"I'll try although he may very well decide to stay if I bring him," laughed Smudge.

"It's been great having you Smudge," said Ryder, "You're welcome anytime."

"I really appreciate how hospitable everyone has been," said Smudge, "I'll miss the family feel here. Thanks for including me."

Cinder and Smudge stepped onto the train and walked in sitting at a window seat so they could wave to everyone as the train pulled away from the station.

'Love you Marshy.' Marshall heard in his mind.

'Love you too Cin, come back soon," Marshall sent. A tear rolled down his cheek.

Everest simply hugged him as she licked the tear away. "She'll be back before we know it. I'd be surprised if she doesn't manage to bring Smudge back with her before he leaves for London."

"Oh? Do you know something I don't know?" Marshall asked curiously.

"Always" Everest giggled as she pressed up against his side and put her head under his chin.


As the train moved out of sight Everest turned back to her mate.

"Marshall," said Everest, "hanging out with Cinder and Smudge has got me thinking a lot."

"Oh? About what?" said Marshall.

"About us," said Everest, "I often don't understand what you see in me."

"What are you talking about?" asked Marshall. "I'm the one that may never understand what you see in me. I am the clumsiest pup on the planet. You deserve so much more than me. You are incredible and so caring. I consider myself the luckiest pup in the world. I get to wake up each day knowing although I don't deserve you, yet you've chosen me. What I see in you is that you're the most beautiful, thoughtful, energetic, and loving pup I could ever hope to meet, let alone love."

Everest blushed, "Thank you Marshy. But you deserve everything wonderful. I love you because no one cares for people and pups more than you. You've dedicated your life to helping others. Your clumsiness makes you the most adorable pup I've ever met. I know you love me because you show it every chance you get. You always put the needs of others before yourself. You put my needs above that. I couldn't ask for a better mate, I love waking up in your paws."

"You are the softest, most cuddlrific pup in the world," said Marshall.

They both embraced and dropped into a deep passionate kiss.

"Dudes, get a room," laughed Zuma.

"I think that's a great idea," giggled Everest.

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