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(BXBXBXB) It a story about four brothers who at first never see eye to eye on things but as time goes they st... More



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I run after him passing Mason on the floor groaning, he must be hurting and I don't know if I should stop and help or just run by. Few steps almost out of the door, I stop looking back at Mason and I decide to go back and check on him.

" Are you okay?" I kneel so I could take a quick look and I find his nose is bleeding. Damn Nathan what is with the nose today? I need to go my brother need me and I don't have time for this. I look up and I see Jason coming towards me with a towel on his hand.

" Go, I will deal with him", Jason says as he kneels to examine him.

" Thank you", I say as I kiss him and run out of the house towards the parking lot.

I ran as fast as I can to catchup on them to find Nathan in the car driving away as Victor rans in front of the car while Nixon is on Nathan's window talking him out.

" Nathan, stop", Victor says as he stands in front of the car preventing Nathan from going anywhere while he is in that state. " Can you please stop".

" Victor!" I yell at him what the hell is he thinking?

Nathan stops the car few feet from hitting Victor making me stop on my feet closing my eyes for a second, I don't want to see what was going to happen, gladly he stops but not turning the car off or even showing that he will be getting out either. He rolls down the window, " I am not staying".

" Good, we are coming with you", Nix says as he looks at Victor for a second then goes to open at the back seat. Victor takes the front seat and Nix getting at the back. I ran to catch up with them before they leave me and seat at the back with Nixon as Nathan speeds us out.

"What the hell happened?" Nixon yells beside me making me to look at him confused. I mean why is he yelling?

" Mason happened", Nathan says as he drives past the speeding limit.

" We saw him, Nathan. What did he say to you?" Victor Yells this time. OMG why are they yelling?

" He told me, he loves me. Can you believe that? He had a nerve to come near me and to tell me that he loves me. He almost died right in front of me and then he fucking left me. What does he take me for a fool? No no no I won't accept that..."

" Nathan may be you should slow down?" I say as I notice the increasing of speed.

" Yeah, Nathan maybe you should", Victor says as he looks at the dashboard.

" He comes to me with his perfect hair, amazing smile and his handsome face to tell me he loves me? He thinks that I will just forget and get back to him? I am not his program experiment". 

" I don't think he sees you as his experiment", Victor says.

" Maybe he still loves you, I don't think he stopped loving you", Nixon tells him this time.

" You're only saying that because he is your friend Nix. You are supposed to be on my side Nixon. Mine", He shouts.

" It's not about sides Nate", Nixon says quietly.

" I am not his friend and I don't even know him, but I could see he is trying". I tell him " He didn't have to come back but he did. He went to the hospital because he wanted to get better for you".

" I didn't ask him to", Nathan scoffs.

" You didn't have to, but still he did it anyway because he loves you to much and he didn't want to loose you. He chose you despite of everything". Nixon reasons with him.

" You don't have to forgive him now or go back to a relationship with him but you could at least talk things out". Victor tries to convince him.

" Talking helps" I tell him.

" Why don't you talk to dad first before giving me some talking advice", he snorts.

What? Okay I didn't see that coming. Maybe he is right who am I to tell him to mend his relationship with Mason while I don't talk to my own father.

" Ooh...shit, Simon I am sorry I didn't mean to say that", Nathan says with guilt as he slows down a bit, at least it got him to slow down.

"'s okay. Maybe I should talk to dad too". I say as I seat back looking at the window.

" Simon", He whispers as he slows down even below the speed limit. " Okay, fine I will talk to him".

" See, that wasn't so bad", Victor says as he relaxes on his seat.

" You okay", Nixon asks quietly as he nudges my shoulder which I only respond with a smile.

" I can't believe he made us leave the party", Nathan groans.

" You made us leave the party", Victor jokes with a laugh.

" He almost hit you with a car", Nixon says joining the laugh.

" OMG, I did almost hit you with a car", Nathan says. " Dad would have killed me".

Before I could add something my phone rings and it's Jason.

Jason? " Ooh My God, I kissed Jason", I shout almost throwing the phone away. What was I thinking?

" You did what?" They all asked at the same.

" I kissed him, holly shit I kissed him. What do I do, tell me what should I do?" I say waving my phone towards Nixon who doesn't want it.

" Pick it up, pick it up", Nathan screams from his seat not helping my panic mode.

" If you don't he will think you are ignoring him", Victor says turning to face me.

" I can't do...." I start.

" Pick it up", Nathan screams again.

" Okay fine", I scream back as I turn to face the window giving Nixon my back as I ignore Victor's stupid smug.

As I am about to pick up, I hear a screeching sound not knowing where it comes from as I turn to see what's happening , Nixon moves from his seat coming towards me as he shields me from whatever was coming towards us.

" WATCH OUT!", I hear Victor yelling before everything starts to spin as I can feel myself falling.


Vibrations, I can hear vibration and a song from a far not knowing where it is coming from. It's getting louder and louder, I think its somewhere close to me, and getting really loud but I can't get to it.

" Simon", I hear Nathan's voice calling to me but it's sad. " Simon can you hear me?" He calls again but this time a little bit louder. I look to my right I see Nixon, leaning back at his seat eyes closed. I look in front of me and I could see Nathan on his seat but I don't see Victor. The vibration sound is still buzzing around me.

" Simon!", Nathan yells this time making my head to hurt, so I put my hand on top of it but my head is wet looking at my hand I see blood. What? I put my hand back on my head feeling myself panicking when I see more blood.

" Simon focus!", Nathan yells again from his seat but not moving.

" What happened? Where is Victor?", I really need to be calm right now.

" We have had an accident and our car was thrown down the hill, I don't know if anyone has seen us yet. Can you move?" Nathan says between breathes.

 I look at my surroundings, Nixon is unconscious but breathing that's good, still I don't see any sign of Victor. I try to push the door good thing it's not stuck, wiggling myself and I am out of the car, wait this is not a car because it looks like someone chew it and spit it out.

I ran to Nathan's side but he is too pined even the door won't budge. "Simon, I am okay look at Nixon. I can wait".

" Are you sure?" I ask him not sure if it is a good idea.

" I am, now check on him". I give him a final stare before I go to Nixon finding him gaining consciousness.

" Hey, hey take it easy", I pull his door and it opens.

" Nathan!", Nixon calls first.

" I am right here, I am okay", Nathan says but he sounds out of breath.

" Let me get you out of here", I tell him as I try to pull his leg out as it's pinned under Nathan's seat.

" Hey, you okay?" He asks noticing my head.

" I am okay", I say as I pull his leg hard earning a scream from him. " Sorry, sorry".

" Wait, wait let me get some light", Nixon says as he searches his pockets, coming out with his phone. Turning the light on, that's when I see his foot on a horrible position. " My leg is broken!" he screams.

" It's not, it's not it just...okay maybe it's twisted", I say trying to make him calm.

" Does it look twisted to you?" He yells.

" Yes it does!", I yell back. " Now shut it and let me pull you out". Which he complies.

I gently reposition his foot and I am able to pull him out, " It's going to hurt brace yourself". I tell him as I pull his body out of the car dragging him to a near by tree where the area is lighted by the car lights. At least they are still working.

" I need to find victor, can you call for help?" I tell Nixon who is still breathing hard due to the pain.

" Okay go find him and before you go can you check on Nathan?" He pleads.

" Okay", I say as I ran to Nathan's side. " Nathan, have you seen Victor?" That's the first thing I ask him.

" I didn't but I think he went through the window shield. He wasn't wearing any seatbelt". Nathan says in labored breathes.

" Hey are you sure you are okay?" I ask him. " May be I should..." That's when I hear my phone ringing again. Without wasting a second I ran to my side and pick up the phone underneath Victor's seat, it's Jason.

> Jason< I breathed his name, the moment I picked up. 

' Yoh! Simon picked up' I hear some one yelling on the other side of the phone.

> Hey, are you guys home yet? Because we heard there is a pile up on your section of the road and none of you are picking up our calls we got worried< 

> No we are not okay, our car rolled down the hill. Nathan is pinned, Nixon is hurt and I can't find Victor. It's getting cold and I don't think if anyone has noticed us down here< I tell him as I walk back to Nathan finding him staring at his phone.

' Please tell Nathan to pick up my call', We could hear Mason's worried voice, good thing it's on loud speaker.

" Just do it, he will keep you company until I get back". I tell him.

" Where are you going?" He asks confused.

" I am going to find Victor", I tell him as I push his phone to his face.

" Okay fine, it's not like I am going anywhere. Please be careful".

" I promise", I say as I walk away from him towards Nixon. " Nathan is still in the car, I am going to look for Victor, are you going to be okay by yourself?" 

" I will be fine, just go find him. Help is on it's way". He says as he leans back on the tree.

I turn on the light on my phone as I start to walk back to the hill. > Please be careful< Jason says on the phone.

> I will be, just need to find him< I tell him as I keep looking around.

> Help is on it's way, Mason and I are also coming there< Jason says.

> Thank you< I tell him as I lean on a tree for a second felling a little out of balance.

> Simon, Simon!< I hear Jason's panicked voice calling. 

> Still hear< I say as I push myself to start walking again.

> I lost you for a sec there< He says.

> Don't worry still here< I keep on walking, I don't even know if it's the right  way.

" Victor!", I shout his name as I continue to search for him.

For about five minutes, I finally see him on the ground not moving. " Victor!" I shout running towards him.

> I found him< I tell Jason.

" Victor, Victor", I shake him for a bit still not responding. " Come on Victor, wake up".

> Is he breathing?< Jason asks.

' He found Victor' I hear Mason's voice saying, he must have tell Nathan.

' How is he' I hear him asking Jason.

I put my fingers on his neck, I could feel his pulse and he is breathing. > He is breathing, but he won't wake up. I have to carry him back<

> Are you sure you can do that?< Jason wasn't too sure on what I am about to do.

> Yes, I can't just leave him here and Nathan needs me. I don't think he is okay< I tell him .

' He says, you can just stay there and wait for help' Mason says this time.

> He doesn't want me there, something is definitely wrong. Jason I have to go<

> Don't hang up<

I put the phone on my back pocket as I lift Victor up carrying him soldier style as I ran towards the crash site. I don't think if I was supposed to move him but I have to, I just hope I don't increase any damage.

' Nathan!' I hear Mason's voice.

' Nathan stay with me' Mason shouts this time.

' Nathan!' 

' He is not responding', Mason shouts.

No...No...this isn't happening. I pick up the pace.

Reaching at the car, I see people all over the place. Some are restraining Nixon on the ground as he tries to go to the car but I don't see Nathan inside the car anymore. 

" There are another ones", Someone shouts when they notice me as they come near me helping me with Victor.

" Nathan!", I call for him but no response and I can't see him.

" Hey, let me check you first", I believe to be a paramedic.

" I am fine, I need to see my brother", I say trying to get away from him.

" No you are not, let me...", I push him away from me as I ran to Nathan.

" Nathan!", I call again almost reaching at him as someone strong holds me back.

" You can't go there", He says as he restraints me.

" I need to see my brother", I shout as I try to wiggle out of him.

" He is crushing", Someone yells.

" Starting CPR".

" Get him out of of here", He says pointing at me.

" We are losing him".

" Everyone clear" 

" Still no pulse"

" Again, clear"

" No pulse"

" Clear"

I lost all the fighting in me as could see Nathan's body on the ground laying without moving and they are doing everything to help him. Blood everywhere, he must have been losing blood all that time he told me he was fine. Why did I even listen to him, I should have known he didn't want me to see him losing blood like that. Nixon and Victor are okay and he was not, did he lose hope? How could he just give up like that?

That's when I hear the heart monitor picking up his heart beat.

" His back", I hear a happy voice.

" You brother is going to be okay. You can breath now", The person holding me tells me as he shook me back to reality.

" You hear me, he is okay". He loosen his grip.

" He is okay".

" Yes. Now can the paramedics check on you now?"

I don't care. Nathan is going to be okay and that what matters.

" Okay", I say taking a step back but I don't get to take another as I can feel the world is swallowing me and it's only darkness in front of me.

And I am gone.



Let me say this. In my country our cars are right handed and I am not used to left handed so incase you get confused remember we are right handed. other wise....

Thanks for reading.

Till next time.

Enjoy, share, vote, comment and follow.

Stay safe.

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