
By TheGame7

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"Gabriel. Name of an angel but behaves like the devil." I said still my back turned to him. "Maybe you should... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chpater 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 21

Chapter 20

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By TheGame7


Next morning I woke up before him. I quietly got out of bed without waking him up. I walked to the bathroom which was just as spectacular as the rest of the apartment. He had wooden panels in the toilet too, and white marble floor and sink. I took a towel and wrapped it around me after I was done with freshening up.

I went out and walked to the living room. I didn't think he was so invested in art. He had more paintings than I noticed yesterday and sculptures. They all looked super expensive.

I was wondering if I should call Henry and tell him about tonight, but I would rather keep this to myself without having an agenda. Honestly, I would feel bad putting bugs in here, and if I told Henry he would send someone immediately and make me put them on. I was going to do this my way. I knew he was never home anyway, so it would be a waste of time putting mics everywhere. 

I walked around in the towel and looked at his things. His apartment gave an insight into him as a person. Clean, and sophisticated and he definitely had class. It felt a little too clean for my liking, but that was who he was.

The kitchen was also with wooden cabinets and the counter was black marble. He had two other rooms, which I assumed were the guest rooms and inside his bedroom, he had a walk-in closet with his clothes organized as you would probably see in a commercial. Then I remembered my own little closet that resembled a mountain of clothes ready to fall down on me. He would have had a heart attack if he saw it.

I tried to look for any hidden drawers with drugs or a gun cabinet anything to get some dirt, but nothing. And if he had such a thing here, I bet it was hidden in a very subtle place that I would never be able to find. He would never let me come here if it was easily found.

After walking around for 10 minutes, I went to the kitchen and opened the fridge. Even the freaking fridge was super organized. I needed this guy to come to my place and organize my stuff like this too.

I took out the milk and butter. Yesterday was his birthday, so at least I could make him a nice breakfast for when he would wake up. He had many things inside, and I took what I could use and started my little magic show. I was not the best at cooking, but breakfast I could do.

I made some pancakes, omelets, and sausages next to it. He had different variants of cheese, so I cut them and made a little cheese table with olives and vegetables. I decorated the table nicely and took out the juice.

While I was busy flipping the pancakes, I heard footsteps behind me and turned around to him looking confused as hell. He just woke up, so he was still looking sleepy. He was only wearing some grey sweatpants and I didn't mean to, but my eyes automatically went down to his private part and I looked quickly up at him again.

Why do I have a weakness for grey sweatpants and why do they make a guy's penis so visible?

"What are you doing?" He asked in a weird tone and walked closer. I couldn't really tell by his expression what he was feeling. He didn't look happy, but he didn't look mad or annoyed either. There was just an awkward vibe suddenly.

"I thought I would make you breakfast." I said and took a step closer to him. He was completely quiet and then gulped. He didn't seem as excited to see me as he was yesterday. "Is everything okay?" I asked him and he just looked confused around the kitchen.

"My head's hurting. I think I drank too much." He said and I turned around to give him some orange juice. He took it and sipped it while not moving his eyes from me.

"Do you want some clothes?" He asked and looked at the towel I still had wrapped around myself.

"Yes please." I said and he walked into his bedroom and came back with a black hoodie. He had also put on a t-shirt now. He handed over the hoodie and I put it on over the towel and then removed it by pulling from under. The hoodie went to my mid-thigh, and I luckily had my panties underneath.

"Thank you." I said and suddenly felt shy. He didn't say anything but was just looking at me and it annoyed me that I couldn't read his face.  "The food's ready." I said to make him stop looking and I turned around and took the last pancakes and placed them on the table. He walked to the table with slow steps and just looked at the table.

"What's wrong?" I asked when he just kept staring at it.

"Nothing." He answered as he looked up.

"Why are you looking at it that way?" Why was he acting so weird suddenly?

"Am I not allowed to look at what you made?" He answered back in an annoyed tone. Maybe I shouldn't have made breakfast for him. He clearly has some... specific tendencies and I don't know if I just did something to screw it up. I didn't answer him and just cut the omelet in two pieces and took one for myself and left the other for him. I had warmed up some bread and took one too and he didn't take anything.

"You don't like it?" I asked and could feel I was starting to get upset again because of his behavior.

"I do." He said and then took the omelet. He just started eating but something was bothering him. His mood made me lose my appetite and I cut the omelets into small pieces and tried to avoid looking at him while eating it forcefully. We sat in silence as we ate, and I was going to explode on him in a minute if he didn't start speaking.

"Gabriel." I said annoyed and put down my fork. He looked up.

"What?" He said in an equally annoyed tone.

"What's wrong?" I asked and felt like I kept repeating myself. It was my third time asking him this question. He sighed, put down the fork and leaned back in the chair while looking to the side while thinking and then turned his attention back to me.

"Yesterday shouldn't have happened."

Was he kidding me?


"Because." He just said and shook his head and got up from the chair walking a few steps away. "And who the hell told you to make breakfast?" He pointed at the table with his hand.

"Why are you being so mean? I thought you said you liked me." I asked and stepped back.

"I didn't mean it. I didn't mean anything I said yesterday. I was drunk."

I crossed my arms and gave him a deadly stare.

"White people and your drunk excuses." I said repeating his own sentence from after I had kissed him the first time in the club. He sighed again and looked down while tapping his foot.

"Laura. Look." He said in a calm tone and walked closer to me. "I don't mean to hurt you or be nasty to you. Yesterday really shouldn't have happened. I lost my self-control."

"Why?" I asked him in a sad voice.

"Because Laura, I can't. Okay? It's not personal. You are a great girl, but I just can't. I'm sorry." He said and took a step back. I felt like killing him. When I finally just started to feel okay again, and he came back yesterday acting all sweet and now this.

"What do you think I am, Gabriel?" I said in an aggressive voice. "That I am just some toy you can play around with when you want and when you don't want to anymore, then you throw me away?" I said and walked closer to him.

"It's not like that, okay? I didn't mean to come to you yesterday. I just couldn't help myself."

"And now you got want you wanted and don't want to see me anymore until next time you can't control yourself again?" I asked ironically. I could feel my temperature rising. He just looked at me.

"I don't know what to say to you."

"So you don't like me?" I asked calmer this time, but I still felt like punching him. He didn't answer me for a few seconds.

"I think you're attractive, but no I don't like you." He said and I felt my heart starting to crack a little. I knew that him and I would never be together, but this still hurt.

"You know what? Fuck you." I said and pushed some of the plates from the table. They fell and broke. He looked at me shocked that I just did that. I looked at it shocked that I just did that. I am not an aggressive person so the fact that he brought out this side of me was not good at all. I walked to the entrance and picked up my dress from last night and then went into the bathroom and put it on and walked back out after throwing his hoodie on the ground.

I was trying to put on my heels, and he came back holding a jacket in his hand.

"Let me drive you home." He said and tried to hand me the jacket but I didn't take it.

"I can get home by myself, thank you." I said annoyed and put on the other heels.

"At least take the jacket. It's cold outside."

"I don't want anything from you. Just stay the hell away from me." I said and my throat was tightening and eyes beginning to sting.

"Laura. Please. Just let me drive you home, okay?" You will never find a taxi right now."

"I'll take the subway." I said and then started walking. Damn this hallway was long. He walked after me.

"Laura. Stop." He said but I kept walking, and he kept following me. "Laura." He repeated and I was so tempted to shout in his face that Laura wasn't my name. "Can you just stop and take the damn jacket. You'll get sick." He said and that made me stop promptly and turn around.

"Why do you care?" I asked sharply and he took a step back as I had stopped, and he almost walked into me.

"I care about you. Just because I don't like you like that, doesn't mean I don't want you to be okay."

"I don't need you to care for me or to do anything for me. You are the rudest person I have ever met. So fucking cold and selfish." I said and started walking again but my heart was filled with so many emotions that I just needed to get them out. And I also had to consider the 'Laura' aspect of this. I knew why he didn't want to be with me, but for Laura he was just a completely normal guy who just spent the night with her telling her that he liked her. I turned around again and looked at him.

"Tell me something. Why is it that we can't be together?" I asked him very seriously so he could answer this time. "It doesn't make any sense. You are lying about something. You were not that drunk yesterday to make up all the things you said just to sleep with me. And you could have taken so many other girls home. In all this time, you could have found another fuckbuddy or whatever we were, but you haven't I presume, since you slept with me last night. So it just makes me wonder why you are lying?" I said and walked closer to him.  "Are you married?" I asked and he completely got pale in his face because of all the things I just had said.

He just looked at me surprised and I continued talking. "It explains the late 'meetings' and why you always had to go. You would never stay the night or answer my text or phone calls for hours."

He just stared at me like I was the most confused person he had ever met.

"No, I am not married even though your theories and ideas sound very convincing. When I told you I don't have time for this, I meant it. That's why I didn't find someone else. So I am sorry that this hurts you so much that you accuse me of lying, but the truth is that I don't like you and I don't have time for you. So don't sweat it." He said and I had to take all that in as my thoughts were going 130 miles per hour.

"Okay." I just nodded slowly while we were looking into each other's eyes, and I could see that he didn't want me to leave and looked upset by what he just said.  "I really hope you find someone who can lighten you up. Whomever you pretended to be yesterday, or if the alcohol made you that way, I liked that guy. You should try to be like that more often. Then you might actually enjoy life instead of always running around and turning into this cold and insensitive guy." I said and turned around and walked out.

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