Why? (Editing)

By KitKat614

1M 22.7K 2.1K

Danielle Knight is 18 years old and has an 8 month old son. She was raped at a party when she was 16. She di... More

Home sweet Home
Meeting the new Alpha
Luke oh Hey
Meet Luke
Big Suprise
Wilby And Josh
Poor Bent
Messed Up Bad Damon
zoo boo cool looo
Face paint
First Kiss
Bent walks
Dad out of his shell
Moving In..... Familia
Sick Bents first words and Little of Damon.
Dead Man
Damon Pov
Not sick Yay. Damon BOO!!
It starts .,..... Its told
Dani goes home
No More
You coming back now
Time to go home
Doofus and LADY Hey Doggy
Happy Birthday Bentley.
Arella and Diesel
Jai and Mas trouble trouble
Sane day
Paintball Niches
First Day of School
He's Back......
Don't do that Bentley
Short I know.:-(
Skip skip
Damon pov yep
Bents B-day
Change of Mind
Epilogue part 1
Epilogue part 2
Sneak peak for next story called 'Found'

Wow Pretty

16K 287 14
By KitKat614

"Are we going on a cruise?" I asked Luke. We had all stopped with the crowd.

"No do you know how dangerous that is especially with Bent." Luke told me. I breath a sigh of relief. I was scared Bent would fall of into the water or something.

"Where we going then?" I asked him.

"To eat they have a crab shack down here. Your mom said she was craving crabs and I actually wanted crab fries. Have you ever had them? They are the best babe." Luke says to me

We got out of the crowd of people that where going on the cruise. I love cruises. When Bentley gets older I am definatley going on a cruise with him. The crab shack restaurant was all the way at the end of the dock. There was no one in there. Only people that worked


"Hey Luke" An old man said. He looked like he was 65. His gray hair slicked back. He was such an adorable old man.

"Hey pop pop" Luke said embracing the man in a huge hug.

"Why havent you come to visit your grandpa boy." He said. So obviously the old man is Luke grandfather. I never met him before. I havent really met any of Luke family. When we do pack things they usally are not there. Luke always talks about his family.

I looked down at Bent who is making motions for men to pick him up. I grabbed my baby boy and smiled as placed his head in the crook of my neck inhaling my scent. I rubbed his back as Alfie layed on the floor sleeping.

"Sorry Pop Pop. Ive been busy anyw-" Luke was cut off turning toward me. I seen Luke Pop Pop slap Luke upside the head. I tried to hold back a laugh at Luke suprised face.

"I dont care if you where busy. That slap was for not coming over and being rude to these people by not introducing us."He said.

"I was about to but you slapped me" Luke said rubbing the back of his head. I turned to seen Mas and Jai laughing and holding there stomach as mom and dad sent them mean glares.

"Boy you take forever I will introduce myself." He said.

"No. Pop pop this Danielle and Bentley. My girlfriend and son. This is here parents Kathy and Rick. Also this is her other two kids Jai and Mason." Luke said gesturing to us. He walked over to me and held on to my waist.

"Well its nice to meet all of you. Umm that was to many names to remeber but I will try. I got Danielle, Bentley, Kate, Dick , Jason, and Leslie." He said pointing at Mason calling him Leslie. "Why would you names your son Leslie. Oh well what ever floats your butt. Im Bill." Luke pop pop said. I bursted into laughter as I saw Mason face as he was called Leslie.

"Nice to meet you Bill", My dad said shaking his hand.

"Pop Pop you got almost all of there names wrong" Luke told him.

"Shut the hell up boy and go get your grandma. She is in the back with Lexus who decided to take time out of her busy day." Bill shook his head at Luke. Luke trudged to the back toward the door.

"So Leslie how old are your?"Bill asked.

"My name is not Leslie its Mason." He said.

"Jason yes I know he is right next to you. Know answer my question Leslie." Bill said. Jai had tears in his eyes from laughing so hard.

"But my name is not Leslie" Mas groaned.

"Didn't you learn to not argue with an old man." Bill said.

"My name is Mason not Leslie." Mason said.

" Leslie I am not death Jason is your brother I know." Bill said. I looked at my dad to seen him laughing.

"Bill stop bothering the boy." an old lady said entering the room. She had wrinkles everywhere. Her hair white as snow with crystal blue eyes like Luke.

"Why did you have to ruin the fun Betty." Bill groaned.

"Cause you know the boys name is not Leslie. I have no idea why the boy thought you were serious. You are a werewolf witch as good hearing." Betty said.

"Pop Pop!!" I heard Lexus voice yell as she ran into the room and hid behind Bill.

"Yes baby girl." He said very calmly.

"Luke is chasing after me." She told him hiding behind when Luke came in the room.

"Oh" Bill said and walked toward Betty leaving Lexus wide open for Luke. Lexus ran toward me and grabbed Bentley who had fallen asleep.

"I have your son. " she said quietly not to wake Bentley.

"Give him back to Dani. You pulled my hair Lex its only fair I do the same." Luke growled.

"For Heaven sake" Betty said walking over to Lexus and pulling her hair while her one hand supported Bentley. "There happy." She said.

"Very." Luke mumbled.

"Now since my grandchildren are so rude. I am Betty nice to meet you guys." she put her hand out for us to shake. We all shook while saying our names.

"So this is my great grand baby " Betty said pointing at Bent.

"Yes Gram he is thats Bentley." Luke said. Lexus handed Bent over to Betty. I watched as her wrinkly face turned into a big smile. While she looked down at Bent. Bent opened his big blue eyes and looked at her and smiled.

"Hey buddy." She said tickling his stomach. "Look Bill he has Luke eyes he looks exactly like Luke when he was a baby."Betty said. Tear started coming down her face. Bill moved closer and sat beside her on a stool. Kissing his wife on the forhead. They have to be the cutest old couple ever.

"Yes he does." Bill said. They stood quiet and looked at Bentley. They are probaly reminiscing.

"So like im hungry Gram and so is Bentley." Luke said ruining there moment.

"Oh right. Lunch is already ready. So lets eat." Betty said standing with Bentley in hand. We followed her into the kitchen to grab our plates and serve what we like. Of course she had made pancakes. So thats what I grabbed with fruit on the side. I smiled as we all sat to eat. Met the only one with pancakes.

"What is it with you and pancakes?" Jai asked.

"She always liked pancakes especially when she was little." Mom said.

"Well if you think this is bad you should have seen met when I was pregnant." I told them. Witch was true I had pancakes almost everyday all day. An endless amount of pancakes. My pantry was filled with pancake mix. Josh even got met a pancake mix for christmas. While Kendra got met a waffle machine so I can mix it up a little. But I dont like waffles.

"Oh I know Sara called the one day saying that you freaked out cause there was no more syrup."Dad said.

"Wow" Luke said.

We all sat and ate food. It was so fun. Luke grandparents are adorable and so funny. They argue so much and then kiss afterwards. It adorable I hope met and Luke are like this when we are older.

"Okay its time for us to go. Bye Gram bye pop pop Love you." Luke said while standing up with Bet in his hands. He gave each of them.a kiss on the cheek and told Bentley to do the same. It was the cutest thing ever.

"Bye guys come again soon."Betty said walking us to the door.

"Bye." I waved.

We walked to the car Lexus getting in the back placing Bentley in his carseat.

"Care to tell met why you are in my car." Luke said as he got in.

"Well Mom told me to leave for the weekend and she said to come with you so I came vist grams cause I knew you would come since it is on the way. Then I got in so lets go."Lex said.

The car ride there was hilarious with Lex making weird sounds to make Bentley laugh. Luke would get mad at the noises as they would scare him as he drove and would yell at her.

"Okay we are hear" Luke said. I got out the car. I seen trees everywhere with a huge log cabin in front of us and a big lake behind it.

"wow" I said. It was so beautiful here. The sun glisten off the water.

"Yes my dad build it. We can make smores now since it is pretty dark. Then tomorrow is when the fun begins." Luke said.

We sat around the fire and listen to the crickets noises fill the air. Bentley took a bite of the smore getting choclate all over his face. Alfie inside the house with the air conditioner on. It is so peaceful her I dont want to ever leave.

"I love you" I hear Luke whisper in my ear as he held our son.

"Love you too" I told him. He pecked my lips add stood to Help Bentley roast another marshmallow.

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