Worthy (Captain America/Steve...

By emmyrose0909

5.7K 153 6

Steve Rogers was always considered the first hero. But only a select few knew he wasn't. Charlotte Joyce Will... More

The Beginning
Who I Am
New World
New York
New York Pt. 2
New Beginnings
Project Insight
The Past
One Chance
For Steve
Speak Up


37 1 0
By emmyrose0909

Charlies POV:

We boarded the ship and prepared for the journey. I was seating myself next to steve and cross from Nat. I gave her  nod before strapping myself in. This is it. This has to be it.

"Okay, who here hasn't been to space?" Rocket asked

"UNfortunetley" I said causing everyone to laugh. My last experience with space was not the best and this was the last place i wanted to be but i was doing this for those we lost. I had to stay strong. Steve grabbed my hand in comfort knowing how hard it was for me to go back out there.

"You better not throw up on my ship." Rocket said

"Approaching jump in 3... 2... 1!" Nebula counted. The ship jumped forward causing Steve to grab my hand even harder i smiled slightly seeing the shocked expression on hs face. I closed my eyes trying to push down the growing worry in my stomach. We started to slow and i opened my eyes seeing the planet. Carol appeared in front of the shit as I unbuckled and walk to the front.

"head down for recon Danvers" I told her giving her a nod. As she flew off i stood and stared at the planet gripping the seat. After a minute I decided to go and sit but nat grabbed my hand before I could get there

"This is gonna work, CJ." She said, I gave her hand a squeeze handful to have her by my side.

" I hope it will." I said looking down at her

"No satellites, no ships, no armies, no ground defenses of any kind. It's just him." Carol says pulling me out of my conversation with Nat.

"And that's enough." Nebula added

"She's right, not even 8 superhuman could get a scratch on him" I said in a serious tone. We flew down and all exited the ship. We all walked to the shack up ahead. I walked next to Nat while Steve was up ahead with thor.

"This os one heck of a honeymoon" Nat said causing me to laugh

"It is isn't it" I said sighing, we never got one, we never really got to start a life together.

"when this is over, I'm hanging up my uniform..." I said i though nat would be surprised and upset but she smiled at me instead "Ive been mr=or ethen ready to start life with Steve but this job has always gotten in the way. Ive given my all. My body my mental state my relationship to save others. I think now its time to save me and my husband. Im ready to let go of this life and start a new one with him" I told her honestly

"Wow, save really changed you" Nat said with a small laugh

"It took me almost dying to realize I was ready...I just hope he will be too" I said right before we reached the shack. We all got out weapons out ready to attack. I made a sword.Carol quickly flew in knocking Thanos down while thor and bruce cut the gauntlet off his arm.

"Oh no." Rocket says as we all walk in. We noticed the stones gone

"Where are they?" Steve and I asked anger building

"Answer the question!" Carol persisted,I quickly looked around trying to find them. Where are they. We can't leave without them.

"The universe required correction. After that, the stones served no purpose, beyond temptation." Thanos replied and my heart dropped at the sentence. I looked up to steve tears filling my eyes

"Where are the Stones?" Nat asked growing impatient

"He destroyed them" I spoke shock evident in my voice

"Ahhh, Charlotte, what a pleasure to see you again...although im quite shocked you are still alive" Thanos said with a smug look. Steve stepped forward to hit him but i stopped him, thanks wasn't worth it.

"You used them two days ago!" Bruce yelled

"I used the stones to destroy the stones. It nearly killed me. But the work is done. It always will be. I am... inevitable." Thanos replied. I shook my head in anger, in sadness, and in disappointment

"he-he-he has to be lying." RHodey responded

"My father is many things. A liar is not one of them." Nebula said and I knew she was right

"Ah, thank you, daughter.Perhaps I treated you too harshly." Thanos said clearly making Nebula uncomfortable. Before we could do anything Thor ran in and sliced Thanos's head off.

"What... What did you do?" RHodey asked in shock

"I went for the head." Thor responds before walking out.

I rand to Steve and threw my arms around him. I was shaking but I wouldn't let tears fall. Not here not now. He held me tight as I held him, both of us in shock and hurt.

We all walked towards the ship, heads hung low and in silence. I clutched Steves hand harder then necessary but I needed him. I reached out and pulled nat hand into mine as well, I know this loss was effecting us all but I know it would hit me and Nat even harder because of the type of people we are.

As we all exited the ship, no word was said. We all went our separate ways. Steve and I headed to our room. I slowly took my uniform off. As I removed the top i took a moment to take a look at it. I could feel the fustration bid as I looked at it.

"Symbol of freedom and justice my ass" I said throwing it across the room. I accidentally knocked over the lamp causing Steve to run out in alarm.

I didn't look his way instead choosing to sit on the bed defeated. Steve came over and pulled me into him, instantly I melted into his arms, my frustration seeming to dissipate.

"I remember you telling me awhile ago..you can't save everyone. But this time I really thought we could" I said letting him know my thoughts.

"Even in situations like these....no one can expect anyone to. Its hard, so hard. Knowing we won't get our friends back, that people will have lost loved ones. But we gave it everything we had, our best. IF we couldn't win at our best, then we can't beat ourselves up because we gave it everything." Steve said, i nodded knowing he was right. but part of me still believed this may be apart of that one chance we had at winning. Either way I wasn't giving up.

"I don't want to give up yet...but i dont know where to even start." I told him he pulled away to look at me

"You'll know when the time comes. We can't sit here driving ourselves crazy trying to figure this out. This is going to take time" Steve spoke, again I knew he was right so I nodded.

"this isn't the only thing that is weighing me down..." I told steve wanting to be as open as possible with him.

"What is it Charlie" He asked and I could see the concern in his face.

"I thought this would all be over once we got to Thanos. Because of this...I thought that meant soon we could start our lives together, start a family, buy a home. I was ready to hang up my suit and live a normal life with you. Now I fear we won't get the chance and it breaks me up on the inside" I told him as i looked down at my twirling thumbs.

Steve lifted my chin and smiled at me, i was a little confused at first. was he ready to?

"I thought the same thing, getting them back made me realize I could pass down my shield to Sam. I wanted him to take over because im more than ready. Im ready to leave that life behind and start a fresh normal one with you" Steve said, instantly happy tears came to my eyes and I crashed my lips onto his. After a minute we pulled away smiles on our faces.

"I know things are nowhere near ideal and I know we aren't giving up. But I think we should start focusing on us more and growing our relationship and family." Steve said, I wasn't able to speak my heart was full all I could do was nod and pull him into a deep kiss.

'i dont know what I would do without you Steve" I said as I pulled him into another kiss. Things got heated quickly and before I knew it both our uniforms were off and for the first time in a long time, Steve and I got moments to ourselves.


Charlies POV:

A lot has happened in a year. Steve and I's relationship got stronger. We took a lot of time to focus on us. A few months ago we finally went on the honeymoon. We went to a secluded island and did everything possible adventure wise and romantically. We spent two weeks there just enjoying each others presence. We would swim under the stars and wake up to our doors open to a beautiful sunrise. it was perfect.

We have been trying to start a family but nothing has happened its been months since we started trying. We went to bruce for an opinion. He said by receiving the serum, my chances of getting pregnant were very low. While t was still possible, it would take a miracle. The added stress I have in finding a way to bring people back also doesn't help. This broke my heart, but i wouldn't give up. we still try we just know that the chances are low.

Steve has fully taken over sams classes, I couldn't be more proud of him. As for me, Nat and I have opened up a home for those young children who lost their parents. We focus on donations and charity to help run it. This brought us closer together knowing we both felt the exact same way. We dedicated so much of our time to this place and so much to finding a solution we tend to pull all nighters. Steve and I remained at the compound because of how often me and Nat are working on a solution.

Me and Nat just called quits for the night on troubleshooting. I walked to my room to find Steve awake and sitting on the edge of the bed. I grew concerned, normally he is asleep.

"Steve what is wrong?" I said immediately going to his side. I put my hand on his cheek but he didnt respond.

"Charlie....I know things have been going so well with us, but i think its only fair if i am honest with you. We need to carry on with our lives. We said that when we saw the stones gone but I felt like we lost track of it. I know its hard with people still gone and the baby situation....but I want to live a meaningful life with you. Im not asking you to step away from your work. All I am asking is that you lessen your time with those things and we focus more on each other. And i think we should keep trying, I know it seems impossible but we dont give up easily" Steve looked up to me, he couldn't be more right. Yeah we went on a honeymoon and have been trying for a baby but we haven't been living our lives to the best. I became sad knowing I was hurting my husband but I knew i needed to fix this.

"Im sorry if i upset you-" Steve said but I cut him up covering his mouth with my hand.

"We were given a second chance the moment we both woke up in this knew world. I didnt get to live my first chance to the fullest..Ill be damed if the same thing happens during my second chance. Ill cut my time down trying to solve this...Ill focus more on us. Your the best thing in my life, your my world, you deserve the best and that is what im going to give you. Of course we will keep trying, I want this so badly i can't give up on it" I finished, Steve smiled up at me

"I love you charlie"

"I love you too Steve" I told him putting my forehead to his. After a moment I got up needeing a shower

"Where are you going" Steve asked, after all it was 1 am

"Shower....care to join?"  I asked with a smirk. Within a second he was by my side and we both headed off for much needed us time.

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