Here Comes Trouble

By ravenclawslove

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Trying to live a normal life, Buffy puts her hunting past behind her till Dean Winchester shows up at her col... More

Additional Cast
New Sam story


302 12 0
By ravenclawslove

Sleeping soundly, Buffy was on Sam's chest when she saw a man getting trapped in his car. She jerked awake as she couldn't believe what she was seeing. "Buffy? Baby?"

"Please tell me that you saw it?" She asked looking at Sam. "Did you?"

Buffy got her answer as he was getting their things together. She shook Dean awake and ran to her brother. "We got to go."


"Because we saw a guy getting murdered." Sam tells them. "We need to go before it's too late."
Dean was driving down the road as Sam was on the phone. Buffy told him what the licenses plate number was so they can get an address. "Are you okay?"

"Brad, I think he's dead. It's too late."

"Baby, don't give up." Sam says reaching for her hand. "We will make it to save him."

Buffy smiled as she leaned forward and kissed him. Dean was worried about the two as was Brad.
Arriving at the address Sam got, Buffy saw it. They were too late. Buffy turned away causing Sam to pull her into a hug as Brad and Dean went to ask someone questions. "You know this was no accident." She tells him. "We watched him panic."

"I know, baby." Sam says. "The next time we get visions, we try our best to save the next person."

Buffy looked at him as she held on. He kissed her head causing her to look at the family. She noticed the way the son acted and knew she must watch him. "Sam, how are we going to talk to the family?"

"I'll think of something." He says as Dean and Brad walked over to them. "Why don't you get in the car and rest."

Buffy kissed Sam before getting in the back and laid down. Since that preminition, Buffy's head won't stop hurting. It's bad enough that they didn't make it in time and something about the way the guy panic told her that this was not suicide. Something did this.

Sam got in the back and raised her head up. "So?'

"You're going to kill Dean with the idea he has to talk to the family."

Buffy raised up and looked at Dean. "You better not make us do something that is not us."

"He is." Brad says. "We're fathers as you are Sam's wife.'

Buffy groaned as this was not what they do. They are hunters not priest even though there was times she believed that they were doing their job as they hunt for demons or anything supernatural.
They arrived a few days to the services knowing that the wife will talk to them as they are "preachers." Buffy looked around as she hated the dress she was in. She doesn't mind black, it's the idea of blending in. She never liked blending in, but this time, she has too. "You look beautiful, baby."

"Thank you." She tells him. "Dean, this is a new low for us."

"Who else will she talk to?"

Buffy sighed as Sam put his arms around her. "Why don't you and Brad question the guest to see if he had reasons to commit suicide?" Sam asks her. "I'll question the wife and Dean can question the son."

"Is this a good idea? The one's that will now Mr. Miller will be his family. Not these people." Buffy pointed out. "But if you think that one of them knew he was thinking suicide then we ask, but if not, we wasted our time."

Sam kissed Buffy before the door opened. "Hello?" They looked and smiled.

The blonde looked at her brother before the were invited in. Buffy saw all these people and released Sam's hand before getting right to work. Asking questions 'to help them find closure.'
Finding a hotel to stay at, Buffy was taking a shower, but grabbed her head as she felt a pain. She turned the water off to hear the boys talking about her and Sam's vision. "Oh, god." She said as she fell in the bathroom.

"Buffy?" Sam says running in to see her on the floor.

Grabbing a towel, Sam covered Buffy as he knew she was seeing something that, for once, he didn't see. He picked her up and carried her inside the room. "What happened?"

"This time, she saw the vision."

"It's because you two weren't touching." Brad states. "There is something going on and it has you two connected."

Buffy's vision was showing Roger Miller going into his apartment. He's window was up as he started putting grocery's away just for his window to shut. Roger walked over and opened back up before getting a drink of beer. Buffy watched the window close causing Roger to open it and investigate it.

She screamed as the window shut on Roger, cutting his head off. "Buffy?"

"Roger's next." She says looking at Sam. "I saw him. The-the window shut on him. There was so much blood."

"Let's go to Roger's now before we're too late." Sam tells them. "Baby, you stay here."

Buffy nodded as he kissed her head before they left. She went to get her clothes on. Buffy looked in the mirror and grabbed her head as she saw Roger refusing to listen to them. She watched the death all over again causing her to scream out as this was something she wished to never rewatch. "He won't listen." She mumbled. "Roger will die tonight."
The next day, Buffy and the boys went back to the Miller's house to get more information. Sam held Buffy as she wouldn't ask about Roger and Max's father. "Your dad and your uncle...were they close?" Sam asked.

"Yeah, I guess. I mean, they were brothers." Max replies. "They used to hang out all the time when I was little."

"But now lately?" Brad asked.

"No, it's not that. It's just, we used to be neighbors when I was a kid. We lived across town in this house, and uncle Roger lived next door, so he was over all the time."

Buffy watched how Max acted when he brought up his old home. "Right." Dean says.

"So, how was it in that house when you were a kid?" Sam asked.

"Fine." He replies. "Why?"

Brad noticed his sister wasn't asking much and it wasn't from the vision, but she was studying Max. "All good memories?" Dean asked.

The blonde looked at Sam as he took her hand in his. "You remember anything...unusual?" Buffy asked.

"Something involving your father and uncle maybe?" Dean asked.

Dean saw the look on Buffy's face and knew he went to far. "Why do you...why do you ask?"

"If you excuse me, I need to go make a call." Buffy says walking our as she was going to strangle Dean if she didn't leave.
When the three walked out, Buffy was leaning against the car. "Next time, Dean. Stop talking. The way he was acting was sending of terrified expressions. His tone of voice was that he was scared to talk about his uncle and father. Something happened to him in that house and those two men have something to do with it."

"Well, we are going to his old hometown."

Buffy got in the passenger side as Sam got in the driver's seat.
When they reached the hometown, Buffy didn't give them attention as she was looking at the two houses across the street. When she listened in, she actually thought she saw the abuse herself. Max should have never been treated like that and Mrs. Miller shouldn't have been afraid to defend him. To keep him safe since his mother died.

Sam grabbed Buffy as he was holding his head. She looked at him and knew. Sam was seeing something this time, but what. She helped in get in the car and looked at the man. "You helped the best you could. If the police couldn't protect him, then that's on them. Not you."

"Thank you."

She got in the car and looked at Sam. "Sam?"

"It's Max." He says. "He's going to kill his mother."

When they got back to the Millers, Buffy watched as Dean pulled a gun out. "Oh, hell, no. That is not going to help and if you take that in, Max will use his gift to get that gun."

"She has a point." Brad tells him. "Leave the gun before things turn ugly inside."

Dean didn't listen causing Buffy to roll her eyes as they got out of the car and ran to the door. Brad opened the door causing them to walk in. "Fathers?"

"They came to speak to Max. Outside." Buffy says. "While I talk to you."

Mrs. Miller nodded as Buffy walked over to her just to feel herself getting thrown against the counter that knocked her out.
After Max shot himself, Sam held Buffy as she was getting her forehead stitched up. "Are you okay?'

"I will be once we leave." She tells him. "Dean is going to ask about our gifts and we have no answers."

"I moved the shelf when I saw Dean die." He tells her.

"You have..."

"Telekinesis." He tells her. "Let's get you in the car so you can rest and I will talk to Brad and Dean while we pack everything. Okay?"

"My head hurts." Buffy states pouting causing Sam to laugh as he kissed her.

"Cry baby."

"Hush." She says pushing him. "You love me though."

"That I do."

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