
By lonegamer2020

4.1K 14 4

We all know the story of All For One. Said to have multiple quirks at once. For years people thought it impos... More

No Good Outlaw
Fiery Rescue
Join My School
Practical Exam
UA Bound
Quirk Assessment
Hero 101
Attack On UA
A New Foe
Sports Festival
Obstacle Course
Calvary Battle
Round 1
Round 2
Round 3
Fire And Ice
Post Festival
Different Kinda Agency
Pre Camp Fun
To The Camp
The Big Bad
Villainous Showdown
Still Standing
Villain Vs Vigilante
Post Fight
Late Night Help
Now I Know
The Meeting
Assault On Overhaul
Bare Knuckle Brawling
The Key To Victory
High Altitude Fight
Down With Overhaul
Always Be There
Back To School
A Bad Feeling
Christmas Time Heroism
Busted Interview
Field Gamma
1A Vs 1B
All's Quiet In The Neighborhood
Scheduled Meeting
Unpunished No More
Extra Help
From Bad To Worse
Back To Square One
A Lead
Taking Up The Lead
Villainous Rally
The Final Boss
Ending 1: Hero
Ending 2: Vigilante
Ending 3: Legend

Final Exam

45 0 0
By lonegamer2020


Kai smiles back as I stand.

Y/N: "So what's my first assignment?"

He stands.

Kai: "It'll take some time for everything to become official. Till then just keep being a hero. But do try not to get caught."

Y/N: "I'll try not to."

Kai: "Once all the proper paperwork's been filled out I'll make a public announcement. Be prepared."

Y/N: "I will."

Covering my face back up I swing home. A couple days later I take a test when Aizawa speaks.

Aizawa: "Time's up. Pass your tests forward."

When that's done I find myself at a special area. Looking forward we see the teachers.

Jiro: "Why're the teachers here?"

Aizawa: "I'm sure most of you have gathered information on what you'll be facing today."

Denki: "Bring on the robots!!!"

Nezu then appears out from under Aizawa's scarf.

Nezu: "Actually, you'll be facing something else."

Momo: "You're changing things?"

Nezu: "These tests will have a new focus. You'll have hero work. But also teamwork and combat between actual people. So what does this mean for you? It means you fabulous students will be working in pairs to fight one of our esteemed teachers."

Aizawa: "Your partners were prepicked based on fighting style, grades and personal relationships."

The teams get called out. By the end I'm standing next to Tsuyu.

Y/N: "Guess we're partners."

Tsuyu: "Seems that way. I look forward to working with you."

Y/N: "Same here."

Ectoplasm: "Y/N and Tsuyu, look alive. You're the first match. And your opponent will be me."

Nezu: "The rules for this exam are simple. The students win be either beating the teacher or at least one of you escaping. Everybody understand?"

We all nod.

Nezu: "Good. Let the games begin!"

Tsuyu and I enter the area of our test. 

Speaker: "Team Y/N and Tsuyu final exam, begin."

Tsuyu: "This place's big. Wonder where the exit is."

Y/N: "No clue but it won't be easy getting to with Ectoplasm on our tail."

Ectoplasm: "Prepare yourself kiddies."

I leap attaching to the wall. Looking I see Ectoplasm manifesting from thin air.

Ectoplasm: "I hope you kids are ready."

He makes several clones head for me. Leaping I head for him reeling back a right hook. But when it lands its just goes right through him.

Ectoplasm: "Did you really think it'd be that easy?"

I'm lifted off the ground by his smoke then thrown towards some pillars. I fix myself sticking to one.

Tsuyu: "He's definitely living up to the capability of a UA teacher."

Y/N: "No kidding. If we're not careful he could beat us and we'll fail the exam."

Tsuyu: "What do you suppose we do?"

Y/N: "I'm thinking."

Ectoplasm spits out several blobs that turn into clones of himself. 

Y/N: "Look out!"

We leap down where we're soon surrounded by dozens upon dozens of clones.

Ectoplasm: "What will you do now?"

Y/N: "You trust me?"

Tsuyu: "Don't really have much of an option."

When the clones strike I barrel through them making my way to Ectoplasm. He tries to make more clones but I kick his face sending him backwards.

Y/N: "Tsuyu, you head for the exit. I can handle Ectoplasm."

Tsuyu: "But we're a team. We need to stick together."

I smile at her.

Y/N: "Don't worry your pretty little head about me. I've fought tougher foes than him."

Her cheeks explode red. I turn catching a right hook from Ectoplasm.

Y/N: "Stop standing around. Go."

She nods running away.

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