Avatar: Lia Sully

By Bloody_AmethystRoze

82.7K 1.9K 163

Lia Sully was no Scientist or Marine. She was a Medical Student before she decided to go to Pandora with her... More

Test Run
The Titanothere & The Thanator
Meeting The Na'vi of the Omaticaya Clan Pt. 1
Meeting The Na'vi of the Omaticaya Clan Pt. 2
Meeting The Na'vi of the Omaticaya Clan Pt. 3
Arguments Before Dinner
Cryptic Past & Returning To The Real World
Na'vi Hierarchy & Lessons Begin
The Hallelujah Mountains
Tsu'tey's Ikran & Training Under Mo'at
Jake Has Been Ignoring His Health
Singing Lessons & Grace Returns
Becoming A Taronyu Pt. 1
Becoming A Taronyu Pt. 2
Becoming A Taronyu Pt. 3


6K 122 7
By Bloody_AmethystRoze

Amalia 'Lia' Sully, cousin of; Tom 'Tommy' and Jacob 'Jake' Sully, was only a child when her Parents; Luke and Maia Sully, were killed in a robbery gone wrong situation, was adopted by her Paternal Uncle and Aunt; William and Lucy Sully, so that she could fit in better with her relatives and refer to Tom and Jake as her Brothers as she grew up.

She was extremely close with her Cousins slash Adopted Siblings as they grew up together. However, over time, Lucy passed away when they were sixteen and Lia was almost twelve, from Cancer, and William died in one of Earth's many wars, Lia realised that they were growing apart as they got older.

Where she wanted to be a Doctor to save lives, Jake wanted to be a Marine in honor of his Father and Tommy wanted to be a Scientist and became part of the Avatar Program due to his excellent grades and determination to be part of said program.

However, Tommy, unlike Jake, who went into the Military Training Program, meaning he was almost never home, tried to make time for Lia, as she was four years younger then them and still needed a Guardian, and help her study for her own exams.

Also, when Tommy was home, he taught Lia the Na'vi Language, which he had picked up on easily and surprisingly, so did she, although she was much slower, but it still helped Tommy, since he didn't have many friends, other then a man named Norm Spellman, who's pronunciation of the Na'vi Language was too formal, as Tommy had once told Lia.

One day, while Tommy had been out, Lia, who had been at home due to it being Summer Break, had gotten a call from a Hospital that was stationed in the same area that Jake was in, fighting a War, informing her of a tragedy. Jake had been badly wounded in battle.

Jake had been paralyzed from the waist down due to being shot in the spine by the enemy as he had saved one of his own men from being killed by said enemy. The Doctors said that he would never be able to walk again... Unless he had the money to get new legs, which was impossible considering that they were part of the lower middle class group of society.

Lia strongly believed that it was unfair that just because their Family was part of the lower middle class group, Jake couldn't even get a new pair of legs, especially when he served their Country to the best of his ability and wasn't even dishonorably discharged as a Marine, but that was their way of life.


A year and two months had passed since Jake had been disabled and Honorably Discharged. He was living at Home while Lia continued her schooling and Tommy was working and studying at the Avatar Program School, but was otherwise home, helping Jake when he had his days off.

Lia, who was at School, had been in the middle of taking notes for her upcoming exam when a knock on the door caught everyone's attention briefly, however, they returned to their note taking when the Professor; Mr. Adams, glared at them before going to see who had interrupted his class.

After talking to two people in hush voices at the door, Mr. Adams turned back to his class."Miss. Sully."He called out to Lia, causing her head to snap up."These two men would like a word with you outside. I think it would be best if you take your things with you."Lia looked between her Professor and two men, Detectives, Lia realised, before doing as she was instructed.

"Miss. Sully, we're here to speak to you about your Cousin."One of the men stated.

Lia raised an eyebrow at them, ignoring the dread forming in her stomach."I have two Brothers,"She stressed the word to get it across their minds that even though she was, technically their Cousin, she grew up referring to Jake and Tommy as her Older Brothers."which one would you be referring to?"

"Dr. Tom Sully."The taller of the two men stated."He was killed during a mugging."

"We're sorry for your loss, Miss. Sully."The second man said as Lia's green eyes brimmed with tears.


After meeting up with Jake at the morgue, and seeing Tommy one last time and saying their goodbyes to him, before he would be cremated, the two Detectives informed them of Jake taking over Tommy's contract, which he had invested in, and it would a waste, for them, if the Avatar wasn't used.

They also informed the grieving siblings that Tommy had also invested in Lia having an Avatar as well, since he asked the Higher Ups, and even though he hadn't told Lia and taken her DNA to create her Avatar, he thought that Lia would come with him since Jake had been a Marine at the time.

The duo had shared a long look before agreeing when the Detectives had enough of their silent conversation and asked them again if Jake would take over Tommy's Avatar and Lia would go along with him.


Five years later, Lia woke up from her cryo-sleep with two Doctors looming over her."How are you feeling, sweetie?"The female Doctor asked, smiling at her.

Lia managed a small smile."I feel like I could run around a football field and not get tired until my fiftieth lap."She joked, her voice sounding raspy to her own ears and the two Doctors looked at her in amusement."Where's my Brother? Jake Sully?"

"He should be waking up, right now."The male Doctor said, gesturing to Lia's right and she turned her head to see that Jake was indeed waking up right next to her and relaxed.


"Excited?"Jake asked as they sat on the plane, grinning slightly at Lia.

"Very."Lia said, smiling back at him before looking back out the window, at the scenery with wide eyes."It's so beautiful... I wish the Earth was still like that."She added sadly and Jake grimaced at the reminder of their planet being dead, by their people's own greed.

"Exo-packs on! Let's go! Exo-packs on!"A Military Personal ordered everyone, drawing the Siblings attention to the man and they quickly did as they were instructed."Remember people, you lose your masks, you're unconscious in twenty seconds, you're dead in four minutes! Let nobody be dead today! Looks very bad on my report."Lia mentally rolled her eyes at that last sentence and turned on her oxygen in the mask and glanced at Jake, making sure that he did the same."Harnesses off!"The man said as soon as they landed."Get your packs! Put it together, let's go! Let's go! Harnesses off! One minute, let's go!"Everyone was quick to follow the man's orders, obviously not wanting to be on his bad side, and he continued speaking, telling to; Head straight to base as soon as they landed.

Lia, however, waited along with Jake, for the Soldiers to leave. When they did, Lia stood up, putting her backpack on before turning to her Brother to help him with his own backpack since she knew he would deny any help from her to get into his wheelchair.

"You good? You got everything?"Lia asked and Jake looked up at her with a reassuring smile.

"I'm ok, Lil' Sis."Jake said."Come on, let's go."Lia followed behind Jake, taking in everything around her, however the brightness in her eyes dimmed as she saw what Humans were already doing to the Planet of Pandora, knowing that it would become just as polluted as Earth was one day.

Lia was pulled out of her thoughts when Jake suddenly grabbed her arm, yanking her back from being killed by the robot and a Soldier saying;"What it, hot stuff!"At being called hot stuff, Lia glared up at the man, disgusted at the way he was leering at her.

Jake, who had also been glaring at the man, shook his head and tapped Lia's arm, drawing her attention back to him and he made a gesture to the base, and they walked, or rather wheeled in Jake's case, to it.


After getting a safety debriefed by the Colonel in a large room, the duo walked through a packed hallway, trying to get to the science department of the base, when they heard a shout behind them. Lia looked over her shoulder to see a man whom she had only seen a picture of, on Tommy's phone.

Norm Spellman.

The only real friend that Tommy had ever made during his training in the Avatar Program.

"Jake!"At hearing his name, Jake glanced up at the man."You're Jake right? Tom's Brother."He stated questionably and Lia rolled her eyes.

Of course he is. Anyone would be able to tell that, just by looking at him. She thought drily.

"Wow! You look just like him."Jake just stared at him blankly and the man realised he hadn't introduced himself."Sorry, I'm Norm. Spellman."He shook Jake's hand."I went through the Avatar Training with him."He explained before noticing Lia."Uh, shit, sorry. I didn't mean to ignore you... You're Amalia, right? Tom's and Jake's Little Cousin."

"Sister."Jake corrected Norm.

"Yeah, I know she was Adopted as your Sister, but she's still your cousin."

"Well, I prefer to call her my Sister and I would advise that you and everyone else does the same."

"Ok... Got it."

"And I'm not little. I'm seventeen... Well, I guess I'm almost twenty-two now."Lia corrected herself.

"Nope, you're still seventeen in my eyes."Jake said, frowning and Lia rolled her eyes at him.

Lia turned back to Norm."You can call me Lia."Norm smiled at her slightly before telling them that he'd be taking them to the Bio-Labs.


As they entered the Bio-Labs, Lia couldn't help but smile sadly."Tommy would have loved all this."She said, looking at all of the advanced high tech and, and if she had to guess, fancy, equipment.

"Yeah, he would, wouldn't he."Jake agreed, sounding just as sad as she was.

Norm awkwardly introduced himself to his fellow Scientists before telling them where the Links were set up, however, Jake's attention was drawn to the tanks, where three Avatars were floating inside, causing Norm and Lia to follow him.

A man noticed the trio walked up to them with a smile."Hi! Welcome."

"Hey."Jake and Lia said in unison.

"Welcome to Pandora. Good to have you."He said, shaking their hands."I'm Max Patel."

"Pleasure to meet you. I'm Lia Sully and this is my Older Brother; Jake Sully, and he's Norm Spellman."Lia said, gesturing to Norm and Jake.

Jake couldn't help but laugh as he saw the Avatars."Damn!"He exclaimed."They got big."

"Yeah, they fully mature on the flight out. So the proprioceptive sims seem to work really well."Norm said, checking out his Avatar.

"Yeah, they've got great muscle tone. It'll take us a few hours to get them decanted, but you guys can take them out tomorrow."Max informed them before pointing at the other tank."Jake, that one is yours."He pointed at the first one before guesting to the further down, meaning that Norm's one was in the middle."Lia, yours is the next one down."While Jake and Norm checked out Jake's Avatar, Lia went to see her own and stared at it in amazement.

Jake was right. They had gotten big, although Lia knew that her Avatar was smaller in comparison to the other Avatars, and even the Na'vi would notice this, after finding out that she was technically an Adult.


While Jake was doing the log, Lia was in the background, reading up on some of her old school notes and exam papers, that had been given back to her, that she had passed. Jake stopped looking at the camera to glance at Norm and Max, who were also in the background, asking if he was doing this right or not.

Norm told Jake that they had to get into the habit of documenting everything. What they see and feel. Lia huffed a laugh through her nose and shook her head at Jake, knowing that emotions weren't his strong point, which was why he was the Marine and Tommy was the Scientist.

But then again, Lia had always been told that Scientists couldn't let their emotions control them either, otherwise it would just hurt them in the long run.

"They say it will help keep you sane for the next six years? I think you'll have lost your mind before this year is up."Lia said and smirked up at Jake as he turned to her and slapped her on the arm.

"Shut up, Amalia!"He exclaimed, mock anger directed at her.

"It's true and you know it!"She said, smiling widely, her shoulders shaking.

"Whatever."Jake rolled his eyes and turned back to the camera."Here we are. Doing science."

"The one thing you failed at in School~!"Lia couldn't help but sing.

"And you barely passed your second to last year of it."Jake retorted and Lia glared at him, poking her tongue out.



~~~Test Run~~~


"And what about you?"

"I would say my Na'vi is not as good as Norm's because I did not study it fully, but had Tommy teach me as much as he could when I was not studying to be a Doctor."Lia answered honestly, her voice slightly thickening as she said Tommy's name, which was something that Jake noticed and glanced up at her in worry."I would be honoured if you would continue to teach me."

Grace stared at her, looking surprised."If you ask me, I'd say your Na'vi is just fine and that you don't need any more teaching."Now it was Lia's turn to look surprised. She was sure her voice on the wobbly side and that some of her pronunciations were wrong, but to hear Grace say otherwise made her smile softly and nodded in thanks.  

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