Spirit Of The Wolf: Silence E...

By Ewegross

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The Fading Night and Bloodpelt packs are at war, and nobody seems to remember why. A young he-wolf and his c... More

Table Of Contents
Wolves of The Forest
Maps and Territories
Chapter One: Farewell, Great Silence

Author's Foreword

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By Ewegross



     Spirit of the Wolf is a project I hold near and dear to my heart. It may not be the best-written book in the world, nor the most original idea (I mean, come on, how many wolf-based stories are in existence?), but I believe it has potential to be a pleasingly immersive and fascinating world full of unique characters and lore.

I first came up with the idea for this story sometime in 2016– yeah, that long ago —when I saw this image of a wolf on the internet. It was a pretty popular piece of art— a grey-and-white wolf surrounded by blue flames. You probably know what I'm talking about, especially if you were at any point heavily into wolves. Anyways, I decided that I wanted to make a character inspired off of that image. By inspired, of course, I mean a full-fledged design that probably looked far too similar to be ethical. It even had the blue flames. By God what was I thinking... to be fair I was a young(ish) child who was just discovering the internet. What a fun time that was for me. :)
I named this character Spirit. She was arguably my first original character, along with White-eye (from my warrior's fanfic, which you can read on my fanfic account: @AngryFeline )

It was in late 2016 that I also found I enjoyed animated wolf series and music videos on YouTube. WolfSong by ThunderKatheryn and others like it became a huge inspiration, and I eventually thought about making more characters for Spirit to interact with. This lead to the making of several others until I had a whole pack. All of the sudden I decided to make my own animated series, though I had never done digital art or animation in my life at that time. I called it "Spirit of the Wolf". So creative. I know.
After working on and writing the story (which I had intended to animate in the future) for a year or more, I realized that digital art was not as easy as I thought— nor was animation. I had just started digital art in 2017 (I think) and so I decided animation wasn't the right course to go for me and my skill set (I'm still doing digital art and animation, and I'm not that great even after several years).

Spirit of the Wolf became a strictly written story from then on. Through 2018 till 2020 I wrote and re-wrote the book, changed characters' names, pack names, and so forth. Now we have the new and improved 2023 version, which will be written more or less from scratch. I changed a lot, yes, but some things were kept the same for nostalgic reasons.
Me and someone close to me did a lot of roleplaying and story related things, as all wolf enthusiasts tend to have done at one point in time. By role playing I mean of course going outside and running around on all fours like a furry. What other way is there? So you see the nostalgic factor...

Thus Spirit being the main character and the books being called Spirit of the Wolf stuck.
However, I became really attached to the alpha wolf in my story and decided to instead make the first book about him. This would be Akai, who you will read about in this book. Silence Ending is more or less about his origins and life before Spirit enters the picture.

I know I've probably rambled one for far too long (639 words to be exact), but thanks to anyone who has read this far. Thanks also to my wonderful sister who made this all possible. This book is dedicated to her, because I could never have gotten this far without her.

Thank you,

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