Its Complicated. (LIKELY NOT...

By Axlotls_is_coot

490 27 24

friends to lovers is how id describe this story lol More

Chapter 1 - how it started
chapter 2 - Un-announced flee.
chapter 3 - first day of regret.
chapter 4 - We meet once more.
chapter 5 - looking for signs
chapter 7 - on the way back home.

chapter 6 - possibility?

45 3 2
By Axlotls_is_coot

Espresso woke up the usual time he woke up, at 7 am in the morning. He went over to the bathroom to brush his teeth, and was about to grab his toothbrush when he saw 2 more toothbrushes. One with parfait printed on it, and another that was yellow and blue. (Not minions toothbrush, although that would be cool).

Why did raspberry and madeliene have to put their toothbrushes in MY cup!? Espresso thought. Espresso grabbed his toothbrush and the cup, tipping it over on to the tiles. Each toothbrush clapped when it hit the floor, making a loud sound. But it didnt seem to bother anyone. He grabbed the toothpaste and spread it on the toothbrush, not noticing affogato behind him.

"Why hello, espresso. Mind telling me who 'madeliene' is?" Affogato asked, leaning on the door frame with his arms crossed.

"Leave me alone, affogato." Espresso said, not putting the toothbrush in his mouth yet.

"Well I was actually coming to brush my teeth as well." Affogato said, pushing espresso aside. He reached out to open the cupboard, when someone jumped onto affogatos back. No, it wasnt espresso.

"Crunchy chip, get off me!!" Affogato screamed. But crunchy chip needed revenge upon affogato. He had put his toothbrush in the cupboard, knowing crunchy chip couldnt reach it.

"You put my toothbrush there, I get it back!" Crunchy chip yelled. Affogato was trying to get crunchy chip off his back, but crunchy chip was desperate for his toothbrush. Secretely, he wanted his breath to smell good for a specific cookie. (Wildberry cookie hehe)

"Just go the day without toothbrushing!!" Affogato screamed, trying to push crunchy chips legs off.




"SHUT UP!" Caramel arrow burst into the room, hair messy with dark circles under her eyes.

"Why are you all awake?" Caramel arrow screamed. But crunchy chip and affogato continued to fight and argue. Caramel arrow tried to push past them and grab her toothbrush, but affogato accidentally bumped her hard as he tried getting crunchy chip off.

"Oh thats it!" Caramel arrow tried pulling them both apart, causing a chaos in the bathroom. But it was normal in the cocao kingdom. Espresso would usually have to wait for them to finish fighting, or just brush his teeth over the bathtub. He rolled his eyes, staring at the ground as he waited for them to stop.

"Why are you all screaming!?" Someone suddenly yelled. But it wasnt dark cocao. Espresso looked up, and saw Madeliene in his pajamas with his hair a bit scruffed.

"Shut up, your not apart of this!" Caramel arrow hissed.

"CRUNCHY CHIP GET OFF ME!" Affogato yelled. Madeliene turned his head to espresso, who was staring back. Madeliene used his hands to signal espresso to follow him, and out of curiosity, espresso followed. Madeliene walked over to cocaos room, and went into his bathroom like it was normal.

"Dark cocao let me use it. I thought that you could use it too." Madeliene said.

"Wait, how did you brush your teeth when your toothbrush was in the bathroom?" Espresso asked.

"Thats pure vanillas" Espressos eyes widened, but pretended like he wasnt shocked. Anyway, Espresso was a bit confused on why dark cocao would let madeliene use his bathroom, but he didnt think much of it. He put the toothbrush in his mouth and started brushing. But in the middle of brushing, he noticed madeliene staring at him in the corner of his eye.

"What?" Espresso said, sounding a bit funny because of the toothbrush in his mouth.

"Why did you leave?" Madeliene asked. Espresso was surprised from madelienes sudden question, and he froze. He wanted to tell him the reason, but he also couldnt. He continued brushing, ignoring madeliene.

"Y-you know, I was really angry with you when you left." Madeliene said. But still, espresso ignored him and stared at the sink.

"Are you even listening to me?" Madeliene asked. Espresso spat out the toothpaste and washed his mouth.


"Yes, I heard every word you said."

"Then why arent you answering?"

"Because I cant answer your questions." Espresso used his hand to gather up some water, drinking it right after. He spat it out, and did it again as madeliene stared at him with a bit of annoyance.

"Why are you so mean?" Madeliene asked, crossing his arms.

"Im not."

"Yes you are!"

"Do you really want to argue with me at 7 am?" Espresso suddenly asked. Madeliene opened his mouth, but he hesitated. No, he really didnt want to argue.

"Exactly." Espresso wiped his face, and walked past madeliene. But madelienes anger led him to follow espresso.

"Hey! Dont get smart with me!"

"Im not."

"Your being mean again!"

"Im not." Madeliene kept pestering espresso until espresso made it to his room.

"Go away." Espresso said.

"No!" Madeliene went inside his room, and sat on his bed with an angry look.

"Get off my bed, madeliene."

"No! Im not getting out until you apologise!" Madeline crossed his arms. Espresso sighed, and apologised. But madeliene thought it was fake.

"Say it like you mean it!"

"I dont have time for your crap."

"Your not making things better!" Espresso groaned of annoyance. He walked away, but madeliene stayed in the room. He was a man of his word. 10 minutes go by, and espresso still havent came back. Madeliene started to be concerned. He slowly stood up, and peeked his head outside the door. He heard someone laughing and talking across the hall. He followed the sounds, and found affogato with espresso.

"Haha! Its funny how you and your stupid little brain thinks that making breakfast for that boy will get him out of your room." Affogato said. Madeliene looked over at espressos hands, and he was holding a plate of pancakes.

"Your just wasting your time, espresso. Im sure hes already out of your room." Affogato said. He then grabbed the plate from espresso and threw it on the ground.

"Oops!" Affogato said. But espresso didnt reply, and he just stood there.

"Well, toodles!" Affogato waved, and walked away. Espresso sighed, bending over to pick up the pancakes. Madeliene ran over to him, bending down to help him.

"Who is that guy? And why is he being so mean to you?" Madeliene asked.

"Stay out of it, madeliene." Espresso said. He didnt want madeliene interfering, knowing he'll make things worse.

"But he shouldnt talk to you like that!" Madeliene said. He saw that espresso was trying to avoid looking at him, so he gently grabbed espressos chin and faced it to him.

"W-what are you doing!?" Espresso slapped his hand away, but madeliene didnt seem as harmed.

"I thought you were crying."

"Why would I cry at some silly insult? Im used to it anyway!" Espresso yelled. Espresso was starting to get annoyed with madeliene. It was as if they were kids again, madeliene would always make espresso angry.

"Your used to it? What do you mean your 'used to it?'"

"Everyday I get insulted. Everything I do is always either funny or annoying to affogato, and theres nothing I can do about it. He hit-" espresso stopped. He realised he was basically telling madeliene everything. His eyes widened a bit, knowing he had exposed himself. He avoided looking at madelienes face, but madeliene had was suddenly mad.

"He what? He hits you?" Madeliene asked, trying to look at espressos face. But espresso kept looking away.

"Tell me, espresso!" Madeliene yelled. But espresso didnt say anything and wiped the butter off the floor with a napkin. Madelienes brows lowered, and he looked at espressos arm. He saw somthing right under his sleve. He grabbed espressos arm so suddenly, and lifted up his sleeve. He saw a bruise.

"Did he do this?" Madeliene asked.

"No!" Espresso pulled his arm away, pulling down his sleeve. Madeliene stood up, going to where he saw affogato go. Espresso didnt even bother going after him. He needed to clean up the mess before dark cocao saw.

"So, you trust the knight of pure vanillas and not me?" Caramel arrow said. Espresso looked up, and saw caramel arrow standing across the hall with her arms crossed. She didnt look angry, she was smirking.

"Did you hear everything?" Espresso asked.

"No, I didnt. I only heard the part where madeliene grabbed your arm and pulled up your sleeve." Caramel arrow said, walking over to him.

"Wow, what happened?" Caramel arrow asked.

"...I tripped." Espresso lied.

"Pancakes? Since when did you start eating pancakes?"

"It wasnt for me. It was for one of our guests." Espresso said. Caramel arrow helped him pick up the last pancakes, and they brang it to the bin. It had dirty butter on it anyway. They were about to walk away, when they heard affogato yell from pain.

"Is that affogato?" Caramel arrow ran to follow the sounds,  and espresso gulped, knowing madeliene did somthing. He followed caramel arrow, and of course, espresso was right. Affogato was clutching a part of his arm from pain, and madeliene was standing there with his arms crossed.

"Everytime you hurt espresso, Ill hurt you too!" Madeliene said, no hesitation. Caramel arrows eyes widened, and she looked over at espresso. He was just as surprised as caramel arrow was. For some reason, he suddenly felt the exact description sea fairy had described in his belly. It tickled.

"You lied to madeliene, didnt you? I dont even hit you!" Affogato screamed, facing his glare onto espresso.

"I didnt tell him anything!"

"Yes you did, you said that affogato hits you." Espressos anger grew. He knew somthing like that would happen. Everyone fell silent, and caramel arrow looked at both affoqgato and espresso.

"One of you, tell the truth." Caramel arrow said, crossing her arms.

"I am! He obviously lied because hes jelous me! Or-or somthing!" Affogato said.

"Why would I be jelous of you!?"

"Whats going on!?" Dark cocao burst into the room, looking angry. He looked over at affogato, and saw his clutching his arm.

"Are you hurt, affogato? Why are you grabbing your arm so tightly?" Dark cocao asked.

"Well, ma-"

"I hit him, sir."espresso interupted affogato. Everyone looked at him, surprised. Madeliene was about to speak up, when espresso gave him the glare. He didnt want anything to get worse.

"Why did you hit affogato!?" Dark cocao yelled.

"I dont know what got into me, sir." Espresso said, avoiding eye contact. He didnt want to see dark cocaos glare right at him.

"Caramel arrow, bring affogato to the nursing room. We never know what espresso did to him." Dark cocao ordered. She looked at espresso, but espresso didnt look back. He was aware that everyone was facing their eyes on him, but he didnt dare to look anyone in the eye.

"Uhm..y-yes, sir." Caramel arrow walked put the room, affogato following.

"Espresso, you'll be working extra as punishment. When your done cleaning each room of the castle, you will also be commanded to give the wolfs a bathe. No excuses." Dark cocao said. Espresso nodded, and walked away to do his daily chores around  the kingdom. Dark cocao faced his eyes onto madeliene, and madeliene felt a wave of nerve run though his back. To his surprise, dark cocao apologised.

"Im terribly sorry for espressos behaviour. He isnt usually like this." Dark cocao said.

" fine."madeliene said. Madeliene walked away, trying to find espresso. But he had just dissapeared.

The time was now 12:47,
Raspberry was talking with hollyberry about things back in the hollyberry kingdom. They were very fond of eachother, and they treated eachother like best friends.

"So, hows that girlfriend of yours?" Hollyberry asked, winking.

"Shes good. I video called her last night. She said she also misses you!"

"Aw, well tell that sweet girl I said hello!" As they were talking, raspberey noticed espresso outside with a bunch of wolfes barking and surrounding him. Espresso looks exhausted, while also scrubbing one of the wolfs with a soapy spunge.

"Espresso looks tired." Raspberry said. Coincidentally, madeliene came up to hollyberry and raspberry, panting.

"have you guys *huff* seen espresso?" Madeliene asked.

"Uhm..hes right there." Hollyberry pointed outside, and madeliene immidately ran outside.

"Espresso! Le-let me help!" Madeliene said, bending down next to him.

"No! You might make things worse again!"

"I-I wont! I promise!"

"Just go away. Dark cocao never mentioned anything about YOU helping."

"But I want to help! Im sorry for not speaking up!"

"I dont need your pathetic apologies. The best you can do is just leave me alone and let me do my job!" Espresso pushed him with all his force on one arm, but madeliene didnt do anything back. He ran back inside, and espresso rolled his eyes.

Hes so annoying. Espresso thought. He thought madeliene had left him alone, but no. Madeliene came back a few minutes later, but this time, with a spunge.

"What do you think your doing!?" Espresso said.

"Im going to help. You cant stop me." Madeliene said. Espresso rolled his eyes again, but continued to scrub. They cleaned and cleaned until it was 5, but by now, everyones noticed them working together. Even dark cocao. When espresso and madeliene finished washing  each and every one of 40 cream wolfes, espresso and madeliene cleaned up and went to their rooms. Well, only espresso. Madeliene followed espresso.

"You know, after helping you out with 40 cream wolfes, you should at lesst thank me!" Madeliene said.

"What are talking about!? You barley helped! You just befriended every wolf!" Espresso screamed with anger.

"I-Im sorry! Do you at least forgive me?" He asked. Espressos glare became more feirce, pericing though madelienes skin just by the anger of his eyes.

"No!!" Espresso pushed him out of the room, and slammed the door. He sighed of fusteration, and fell on his bed.

"Hes more obnoxious than before." Espresso said to himself. He streched, letting out all his pains in his body. He felt hot fron doing work, so he turned on the fan. He hugged his pillow, and slowly fell asleep. Meanwhile, madeliene went to go find anyone who works in the cocao kingdom, besides affogato of course. As he was wandering around the kingdom, he ran into wildberry.

"Hello, wildberry!" Madeliene said. But wildberry ignored him.

"Hey!" Madeliene said.

"What? Im busy."

"Busy doing what? Walking?"

"Im about to head to where crunchy chip is."

"Oh! Can I follow you?"


"I need to ask crunchy chip for paper and tape."


"Im going to make somthing." Wildberry rolled his eyes from how childish madeliene was, but continued walking.

"Fine." Madeliene ran up to wildberry, and continued his walk with him as they were walking, madeliene was thinking about espresso. He was wondering how espresso would react to what madeliene was going to make. When they finally found crunchy chip, madeliene asked his question, and got what he needed. He ran back to his room, and made a lot of noise as he was making his little..project.

(Sorry if my writing seems rushed 😭😭)

The fan was still running, and espresso was still gripping on his pillow. He blinked his eyes open, arranging his glasses as he sat up. It was now 7:04. He rubbed his eyes, but noticed somthing white on the ground, near the door. A note. Out of curiousity, espresso picked it up.

Espresso opened it.

Espresso arched a brow, and pulled on the arrow.

(If the images didnt come up, tell me. Ill re put it :))

Surprisingly, the paper kept getting longer. It wasnt just paper tho. It had an entire apology on each page. Espresso was surprised. He sat on his bed, and read it all. He read how he
perfectly described his guilt, and he read his 50 sorry's. Espresso read it all for 7 minutes straight, and when he was done, he smiled. He chuckled to himself a bit.

"Oh, this madeliene." Espresso whispered.

HELLO 🙋‍♀️
Sorry this chapter was rushed, kinda having a hard time trying to balance all of my to-do stuff and this story 😅

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