The Bad Guys in Blood Moon

By IluvOlaf3

1.4K 37 59

Diane Foxington is running for her second term as governor. With a high approval rating, what could possibly... More

The Hospital
The Flock
Road Trip
The Restaurant
Sneaking In
Mother Minerva
Settling In
Falling Apart
Changing The Tide
Casting Shadows
The Harder They Fall
Separate Ways


366 6 6
By IluvOlaf3

Before we being, I'd like to thank DreamHashira for the drawing below (you all will see it again a couple times later on).

I don't really know what else to say, so on with the Bad Guys in Blood Moon!

“Everything was perfect. People from across the city were gathered to witness the union of..."

“We already heard this one!" one kid complained.

“Uh, okay," Piranha said, feeling a little awkward. “Well... did I tell you guys about my first brawl?"

“You mean, when you were five and a caiman tried to eat you?" a girl asked.

“I survived, didn't I?" Piranha answered. Then, it hit him. “I know one I haven't told you guys yet."

“Is it how you and your friends had to save Christmas instead of steal it?" the first boy asked.

“Let him talk, Alfonso!" the littlest of them spat.

“Thank you, Sofia," Piranha said. Sofia smiled at him. “And, no. This happened after that. I had just married the most wonderful angelfish in the world."

“Ew!" all of the kids exclaimed in disgust.

“Hey, just be glad I'm not telling you what happened on our honeymoon."


Still half-asleep, Piranha subconsciously reached for the other side of the bed, but the moment he felt that there was nothing there, his eyes were wide open.

“Hermosa?" he called out. Feeling a little worried, he crawled out of bed, put on a shirt, and looked around the apartment for Gabi, only to find her slumped in a chair with her head on her drawing board and unfinished dress designs scattered on the ground. Piranha gently scooped her into his arms and carried her back to bed without waking her.

“Gabi, you can't keep doing this to yourself," he whispered, gently stroking the side of her face. It pained Piranha to see his wife get so worked up.

That morning, Gabi awoke to find herself back in bed. Piranha wasn't lying next to her so she just assumed he was already awake. Just before she could get up herself and go back to her work...

“Good morning, my lovely wife!" Piranha greeted as he stepped inside, holding up a tray of French toast, black coffee, and chocolate chip cookies. Once he got back up and placed the tray on Gabi's lap, he gave her a sweet kiss on the forehead.

“What's all this for?" she asked.

“Oh, nothing," Piranha replied. “Just wanted to do something nice for my woman, who was up half the night working too hard."

Gabi sighed. “Sorry, cariño, but I'm in a creative slump, and the people at Christian Dior rejected my application again. They keep saying I don't have enough experience in the field."

“But you run your own boutique," he pointed out.

“I know, that's what I keep telling them!" Gabi exclaimed. “I don't know what to do."

“Well, whatever you do, you'll still have me, hermosa," Piranha assured, dipping a cookie in the coffee and holding it up to her face. Gabi blushed and took a bite of the bittersweet treat. “Besides, I have just the thing to cheer you up."

“Is it another Squishmallow?" Gabi asked, playfully rolling her eyes.

“Better than that!" Piranha replied, eating the rest of the cookie in one bite. “But it's a surprise, so you'll have to wait until after the debate."

Gabi raised an eyebrow. “What are you up to this time?"

“You'll see!" he said teasingly, jumping out of the bed and running out the room. Gabi just shook her head with a smile. He was an odd one, but she loved him nonetheless.


That same day, not too far away, Mr. Snake was waiting in the elevator while Mr. Wolf was still inside the Bad secret hideout preparing something.

"What is he doing in there?" Snake asked himself. "I don't mind Wolf keeping secrets from the police or his girlfriend, but he should tell his best friend everything."

"Okay, Snake!" Wolf called out. "You can come in now!"

"How nice, he's finally inviting me into my own home," Snake said sarcastically before pushing the button to open the elevator door.

"Surprise!" Wolf cheered. Snake found their mostly empty hideout decorated with streamers, balloons, and a bucket with a bottle of champagne on the table. "Well, did I surprise you?"

"Yeah," Snake replied. "Now, I'll surprise you. My birthday was last July. I think you got the wrong snake."

"No, I don't have the wrong snake," Wolf insisted. "Think, buddy. What happened exactly thirty years ago today?"

"Let's see," Snake said to himself. "According to his records from the orphanage, it was around this time my son started outgrowing his skin. We're celebrating his first shedding?"

"First, I didn't need to know that," Wolf said. "Second, no. It was exactly thirty years ago today that you and I first met!"

"Oh, yeah," Snake recalled. "How could I forget?"


The quiet young wolf wandered around in a dark alley. With no mother, an abusive father, and a world that hated him, he thought he would be better off alone.

"Look, Mommy!" a little girl said. "That puppy's wearing clothes!"

"Ah! Wolf!" cried out her mother. The pup tried to hide behind a dumpster, but enough people had already noticed him.

"What do we do?!" someone shouted.

"Call someone!"

"I want to pet him," the girl said as her mother pulled her away.

"Get out of here, freak!" a drunken man yelled, throwing a can at him. One person also grabbed pepper spray, but before anyone could do anything to hurt him...

"Snake attack!" a snake hissed at the crowd, slithering in front of the pup. "Get outta here, or I'll bite you!"

"Snake!" the people screamed. With that, everyone ran away in terror.

"And don't come back!" the snake warned them. He turned around to check out the wolf. "You okay, kid?"

The pup just nodded.

"Those guys didn't hurt you, did they?" the snake asked. The pup shook his head. "Okay. Bye."

The snake began to slither away, hoping he would be left alone, but the wolf pup decided to follow him. The moment he noticed, the pup looked up at him with curious yellow eyes.

"Go on, kid," said the snake. "Shoo! Go home!"

Instead of leaving, the pup just wagged his tail and panted. The snake just groaned in defeat.

"Come on," he said. "I'll get you out of here."


"Amazing how much has changed since then," Wolf said with a grin. "We met Webs, Shark, Piranha..."

"Who got himself married," Snake added.

"Exactly," Wolf replied. "So much has happened, and I have a feeling there's more on the way."

"Yeah," Snake sighed. "Well, so much for sentiment. Where's my anniversary gift?"

Wolf smirked. "Close your eyes."

Snake rolled his eyes before closing them. "Whatever it is, I hope you got the right size. A snake looks weird waiting in an exchange line."

"Okay, you can open them now!" Wolf said after pulling his gift out from underneath the tablecloth. Snake opened his eyes and saw his best friend holding a camcorder with a red ribbon tied around it.

"Yeah! Thanks, Wolf!" Snake chuckled in delight. "My very own camera!"

“Well, it's our thirtieth anniversary," Wolf pointed out. "You know, I didn't make this much fuss on my first anniversary with Diane."

"Naturally, I brought you more happiness," Snake said proudly.

"You know what, Snakey?" Wolf suggested. "Let's spend the whole day together! We can hang out downtown and maybe let the rest of the guys come with us."

"Oh, that'd be great, Wolf..." Snake admitted nervously, "... except I promised Quentin, Allison, and the kids I'd go to Universal with them."

Wolf's face fell. "Oh."

"Hey, it's okay," Snake tried to reassure him. "We'll do whatever you want tomorrow."

“Yeah, sure," Wolf said, trying not to sound upset. “You go have fun with the family."

“Thanks," Snake replied, swallowing the camera. “See you later, buddy."

Once Snake left the building, Wolf took some time to reflect. While he was happy for his friends, things had changed over the past year. Snake met his long-lost son, Piranha got married, and then, there was his relationship with Diane. She wanted to take it to the next level, but he wasn't sure if he was ready for such a big step.

“Well, what do you think I should do?" Wolf asked his pet cat, who just curled up to his feet and meowed. “Yeah, that's what I thought."

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