Lunar Eclipese

By Isabella813

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Have you ever wondered what it would be like if Jacob attended the same school as Bella? The school mascot is... More

Chapter 1- The Day
Chapter 2 - The Guy With Gold Eyes
Chapter 3 - The Accident
Chapter 4 - Finding the truth
Chapter 5 Favorite Person in the world
Chapter 6 Scared of the truth
Chapter 7 The vampies vs werewovles
Chapter 8 The Aftermath
Chapter 10 What to do now?!
Chapter 11 Don't Tell Her The Truth
Authors Note
Chapter 12 Meeting the Cullen's

Chapter 9 Lunar Eclipse

305 12 14
By Isabella813

A/N hello my lovely fans, I love all you very much. Cause I know I'm driving you guys crazy because of the fact that it takes me a really long time to update. I'm really sorry, I'm trying my best cause I have really big plans for this book. So please continue to read it, I would love it if you guys comment, cause seeing theses comment I know you guys are enjoying it! I'm super busy guys, I'm working part time, doing summer co-op and trying to fix my family problems plus my health problems, I've been really sick for a months now, Like the fact I couldn't get off my bed. Doctors say it's best to quite some stuff and stay home cause I need the rest...but idk. One thing is I know I love my wattpad fans cause their enjoying what came from my mind to writing it here. I also love reading all ur books so please share, comment, vote for this chapter it would make me really happy. My other wattpad fans and friends please work hard and try your best always! :) here goes
---------------------------------------------------And I just wanted to say thanks to @NKbubbles for commenting and voting and kept telling me to update it really makes my day when I see all of enjoying my book----------------------------------------------------------------->----------------------------------------------------------------> Important note I posted a youtube link at the bringing of this chapter its kinda a promo to the chapters following, THAT VIDO DOES NOT BELONG TO ME.......

{Wednesday Afternoon at the Cullen's house}

*~Edwards POV~*

Alice: "What the hell were you thinking missing with thoses animals Edward they could have killed you! Are you even listening?!" She rolled her eyes and throw her hands in the air as a sign she's giving up for now walking this way and that. Ahh my dear sisters have been taking turns yelling at me for the full out war in schools wood, but of course it's funny to watch them get frustrated.

Alice:" Carlisle, Emse aren't you going to say something? That fight would have gone for hours until all of us we're died. Or worse the pack leader could order us to leave Forks and never turn back, what then"?! Agghhh alice gave a slight scram.

"Well nothing like that happen, can everyone just relax please"? I said in a clam voice, I was just enjoying Alice get frustrated beside I love Bella I'm not giving up on her. Like my family, there is just something about her that pulls me to her...

Esme: "Son please listen to us, if she has anything to do with those wolves which we didn't know they existed in this town. We must all be careful of them, those wolves only mean trouble and danger they can kill us in seconds if we do something to upset them.

Charilse: " your mother and siblings are right son listen to them please. I know that girl can't be you're met because she has to be one of those wolves met. Son please don't get involved or we might all be in trouble or worse we wouldn't want to help you if you're life's at risk. That's all I have to say my son, be careful and SATY AWAY from that girl.

I just couldn't hear them anymore, I stormed out the door at vampire speed and got into my black BMW. I got to the schools parking lot and I hope to not have another run in with one of those smelly, shitty wolves. What does my dear sweet Bella even see in them anyway, cause she's always around them well I guess sometimes she is around her human friends but thats not often. I was thinking about all this when I was leaning against my car then my wonderful siblings enter the parking lot and one by one they parked beside mine. Rose and Emmet came up to me and said

Rose: "Edward we know you learned you're lesson cause we hope at least you wish to live".

Emmet: " Yea little bro, come on Eddie boy lets try and keep the peace cause we don't own any land here so if theres the smallest problem we would have to leave the home we love so much." he patted my arm then left with Rosalie

I stood there for a few minutes trying to take in what they just said. I really do love my family they have always been there for me no matter what, even though we aren't really related but that never matter to us. The thing that was most important is that we all understood and love each other. I turn to look around the parking lot if my siblings were still around and surely they were standing there staring at me Alice, Jasper, Emmet and Rose. Then I looked at the parking space were my Bella would park her truck but she's not here yet. Aw my sweet Bella we will be together soon... I was thinking about her as I was walking into the school halls to get to my first class

'*The Cullen Siblings POV*'

Rose: " So what now?"

Jasper: " We keep a close eye, and ears on him and the movements he makes at all times, do not loss him understand"?

They all nodded yes but had worried looks on their faces. They all hoped nothing will happen to the brother they loved and cared.

Emmet:" Hey Alice did you see anything, of you know Edward future maybe this chick his falling for his met or something..."? he rolled his eyes in wondering

Alice:" No I didn't see anything yet, I wish I did then I would know what the hell is wrong with him but than again maybe its a good thing".... she shakes it off while Jasper puts an arm

Bella's POV

I was on my way to my truck causes I've been waiting for Jacob and calling him for like 10mis now, and I haven't heard a word from him. Now I'm really late for school at least he could of said for me to leave, that he has something to do. Whatever why am i getting upset for no reason, me and jake are friends thats all right? Anyways I'm leaving and thats, that i'll deal with Jake later. Once I got into the truck, i notice something in the woods beside my house it looks like a really big wolf a gray one with brown eyes, i quickly run into the woods and the wolf was gone then i heard foot steps from behind me and it was Jakes friend Embry.

"What are you doing here Embry, you scared the hell out of me, your lucky no one else saw you in wolf form."

Embry:" bella can you please stop talking we have bigger problems"

"like what Embry i know Jake doesn't need my help, or other wise he would have call me after my 120 miss calls I've made"

Embry: "Bella Please clam down(he held onto my shoulder) get a grip of your self, Jake turned into a WOLF Bella and your our last hope to bringing him back to human form. 

"What...How, but I thought he can't turn yet"

Embry:" Well Bella look up in the sky". They both looked up

"What is that"?

Embry: "It's the lunar eclipse Bella, the other wolves phase differently then the True Alpha  like me and the other pack members are different we phase...When a bloo...vampire steps foot on our land".

 "Well is Jake okay what going on"?

Embry: "Let just say Sam can't get Jake to calm, and if he can't do that he'll stay in werewolf form forever...It's all ready been 5 hours since he turned Bella... Sam kinda thinks you can do it cause you always managed it Sam kinda notice so come get on my back we got to go now. Just stay here a minute I'll phase then come get you

I was just standing were me and Embry just finished talking, I'm really worried about him. I know I should be scared of these type of things, like the super natural beings. I never would have thought that Jake would have go through all this pain. As I was thinking this Embry came in his wolf form and I got on his back. 

"Embry go as fast as you can to get to Jake" I'm really worried about him I thought to my self.

~*Jake POV*~

OMG this is driving me crazy it was so painful physically and emotional, Whenever I found out about this I never wanted it to happen to me. I just wanted to be a normal teenager not huge werewolf teenager. What is Bella going to think of me, if she see me like this than she's gonna run the other way. I had the biggest crush on her ever since we were kids, I get that she's older then me and stuff but who cares. I Love Her to much to just let go of her. While I was walking around angry at myself, none can calm me down now everyone tried and I almost bit their heads off. I heard some light  foot step and a stick creaked, When I turned around to see who's coming and hopefully I hurt them. I hear a small voice

"Jake is that you"

Oh no no no, its Bella who told her to come here I don't want to hurt her... Then I hear Sam's thought in my head {Jake she came to calm you down cause you need to change back to human} I thought back to Sam{ I can't control my self what if I hurt her some way I can never forgive myself} Sam thought again{You won't Jake, I know you really care about her Jacob so just listen to her, Bella can help you} I just took a big huff 

"Jacob please turn around I want to see, I want to help you please you were always there for me when we were kids but I haven't been here for you cause my mother took me away from our friendship for years"

Oh man I feel so bad she thinks I'm still hurting from that event, but no I wasn't cause I knew she would come back to. I turned slowly facing her now but I was looking down so I don't see the pain in her eyes.

"Jake just listen to my voice, I know this whole wolf thing is hard on you but like I said the day we found out about this. I told you that I'll be here for you, all the way to help you out thats why I'm here now. I want keep my promise. Just take some deep breaths Jacob please. 

I did as she told me I was remembering all the good times I had with her from the days we were kids until now. I had a small wolf smile on my face. I felt Bella's cold hands on my face, her hands are always cold she whispered something to herself 

"You're so beautiful and so warm" Then  I felt her hands trying to make me look her in the eyes

"Jake please just look at me, if you truly think of me as a good friend.. you'll look at me" I slowly left my head up to make she doesn't get hurt, When I looked right into her eyes again I saw flash backs of all the good moments we've shared and while those flashes were going on there was my voice saying these words. 

Jake: " It's not like love at first sight, really. It's more like... gravity moves.... suddenly. You're whole centre shifts...  It's not the earth holding you here anymore, she does.... You become whatever she needs you to be, whether that's a protector, a lover, or a friend."

I was just lost in her eyes and I don't even know what I was saying to my self, I hope this not some weird wolf thing and if I hurt Bella in this, I wouldn't I felt really light headed I fell to the ground and all I could hear before I blacked out was Bella yelling. 

"Jacob no no please stay awake nothing can't happen to you Jake please get up. I need you please Jake wake up, SOMEONE PLEASE HELP SAM!!!"... She was crying and begging and shaking my body. After that I just blacked out I couldn't hear,feel, or even sense anything around me nothing worked it was like I was in a deep sleep... 

A/N Hey Hey all  my lovely fans for this book, I know you all were waiting for the next chapter sorry for the lateness for months now. Anyways sorry I left it as a cliffhanger. Please comment,vote 


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