Craft Beer & Roses

By NaturalEcho

13K 447 24

Aviva's spent six months mourning her last relationship. Six months of runny mascara. Six months of stretchy... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42

Chapter 24

261 12 4
By NaturalEcho

Truth or dare can get someone in a lot of trouble. Which was probably why the overwhelming majority decided it would be the best game to play during the party. No matter what anyone said, the drama kept things exciting in the villa; a little game could only stir up more. But at what cost?

It started innocently enough, Eddie doing a silly little dance and Alfie reenacting his weirdest sex story; there was a cow or something, Aviva could hardly focus. She anxiously sipped on her drink, praying all her begging and pleading to Kat would hopefully be enough to keep her mouth shut. While what happened between Suresh and Aviva was hardly scandalous in nature, Kat seemed to have an uncanny ability to spin the wildest tales from the smallest truths. One slip and the whole night could go to hell.

"Alright, Aviva, you're up! Truth or dare?" Dana called.

Aviva put her drink down. Maybe she'd regret this, but she'd do anything to keep her mind off of Kat. And Suresh. And Finn.

Jesus Christ, there isn't enough vodka and Red Bull in the world to get me through the rest of this summer...

"Dare." She said.

"Oooh, okay...what shall we make her do?" Dana asked the other islanders while tapping her fingers together with a devilish grin. They huddled together for a moment before Dana popped up excitedly. "We want you to show us your 'O' face! Sound included."

"Oh!" Aviva blushed.

"Not that kind! The real deal, babe. No backing out!" Dana urged.

"Alright, alright!" She conceded. Aviva cleared her throat and looked at Finn from across the circle. They'd not spoken a word to each other since the pool incident. Talking to Suresh certainly helped clear things up for her, but talking to Finn about what happened? About what had been happening? That was a beast she was still reluctant to tackle.

Fuck...he is so hot...

Finn's eyes seemed to burn brighter than the fire as he looked back at her. Aviva closed her eyes, remembering his lips massaging hers as his greedy hands freely roamed her body. She breathed deeper and harder, recalling the sight of water dripping down his muscular chest to his tightened boxer briefs. She could almost feel him, stiff and ready in her firm grasp, the sound of his choked groans echoing in her ears. Her body began rocking on its own, imagining him taking her roughly and moving in time with the snapping of his hips. She moaned, low at first, pitching higher and higher as she envisaged him spilling his warmth all over her sweat-covered body.

When she opened her eyes, the islanders watched her with varying levels of interest.

"Jesus Christ..." Eddie coughed. His face was possibly the deepest shade of red she'd ever seen.

"...Still incredibly sexy..." Suresh muttered.

Finn adjusted his legs, shifting around and away from Kat. Aviva recognized the color on his cheeks, the lusty expression she'd seen on his face from the night before. He must've been thinking of the same thing as her.

"It weren't all that." Arlo said plainly, staring at her nails, completely unimpressed.

Aviva picked up her glass, swallowing down the last of her drink, "Yeah well, that's my dare done. Let's keep going, shall we?"

The drinks continued to flow, and a few more rounds went by. Someone called Finn's name.

He groaned irritably, clenching the plastic cup in his hand a little tighter, causing it to crack at the top. The hesitation was unexpected, even in his drunken state. He always struck Aviva as the type to be up for anything, especially a game like Truth or Dare.

Kat nudged his side, "Come on, babe. It's just a game."

He chuckled nervously, "Yup, okay, yeah. Uh, gimme a dare, then." He knocked back the rest of his drink and massaged his forehead.

Eddie piped up, "I've got one. I dare you to kiss the islander you fancy the most. Give 'em a proper snog."

Kat tucked her hair behind her ear, a smug smile curling on her lips, "That's the easiest dare of the night, I reckon."

Finn cleared his throat loudly but failed to leave his spot, choosing instead to stare down at his shoes. Just as the silence began edging on unendurable, he hopped to his feet. He rolled his shoulders back and strode over to Aviva with purpose. Her eyes were as wide as saucers as she quickly looked to her left and right.

Ohhh...oh no. No, no, no. This is bad. Really, really bad.

If what happened earlier that night was the powder keg, then this moment would be the spark to make it all blow.

This would not end well.

Finn dropped to his knees in front of Aviva, glazed eyes looking deeply into hers.

"What the actual fuck, Finn!?" Kat exclaimed.

"Oh wow, I did not see this coming..." Dana added awkwardly.

Finn's strong hands curled around Aviva's cheeks. They were warm and slightly clammy. Perhaps he was as nervous as she was. His fingers sank into her soft, curly tresses as he gently pulled her forward, "Come here..." Finn whispered.

Maybe it was the alcohol, or maybe it was the dulcet sound of his husky voice, but Aviva felt herself nodding and sinking like putty in his hands. They came together, lips molding around each other. He tasted like sugar and rum, and she swirled her tongue against his as if she couldn't get enough of him. Finn deepened the kiss, strong hands clutching at the root of her curls. The mix of pain and pleasure tore an authentic moan from her mouth.

Alfie stood up from his seat, "Seriously...?"

"Well, this fucking tracks, doesn't it, Aviva?" Kat accused.

Finn pulled away slowly, thumbs circling the apples of her warmed cheeks, eyes still fixated on her lips. Aviva just barely broke from the hypnotic spell he'd put her under, "W-what...?"

"W-what?" Kat mocked, "Spare me the innocent act. You're a fucking snake! Snogging other girls' men seems to be your favorite hobby, doesn't it?"

"Oh? What do you mean?" Arlo encouraged as she stirred her drink with her straw.

Aviva wrapped her fingers around Finn's wrists, dragging his hands off her face, "K-Kat—" She began shakily.

"Yeah, Arlo. I saw Suresh and Aviva upstairs a few hours ago, getting real close. Saying how much they still loved each other."

"What!?" Arlo glared at Suresh.

Suresh raised his hands in defense, "Arlo, we didn't—"

"I didn't snog him! I told him we were done; I swear. We didn't do anything!" Aviva cried. She watched as Alfie broke away from the circle and stomped off to the villa. "Alfie, wait!"

"Yeah, whatever. I hope you're happy. All of you." Kat said coldly, with a final glare at Finn's kneeling frame. She slammed her drink on the table, spilling it all over before trailing behind Alfie.

This was all wrong. Everything was falling apart. Aviva hadn't planned for this to happen. She knew she didn't owe Alfie anything, but she hated seeing him hurt. The look of judgment and upset that passed over his face before he left was now burned in her mind, a permanent fixture of her memory.

Aviva placed her drink down and ran after the two islanders while Arlo and Suresh's arguing faded into the background.

Aviva entered the villa, her hurried steps the only sound to be heard in the otherwise quiet space. She rushed up the stairs calling out for Alfie. Having searched every room, she finally huffed her way up to the roof terrace. Pushing the door open, she was greeted with a sight she never thought she'd see.


And Kat.

Locked in a deep kiss.

"What the hell?" Aviva said too quietly to alert the two people, "Alfie? Kat?" She said a little louder.

At the sound of his name, Alfie separated from Kat. Not waiting to hear an explanation, Aviva stumbled through the door and down the steps. She found herself alone in the bedroom, though she could hear footsteps rushing after her. She'd made it clear she just wanted to be friends. She was even intimately involved with another person herself. But all that didn't stop the sight from being upsetting. Alfie chose her over Meera. He wanted to 'make things work'. Despite all his words, there he was. Kissing someone else. The residual pain of Suresh's infidelity seemed to run deeper than she'd thought.

The bedroom door flung open to reveal Finn breathing heavily in the doorway. One look at her ashen face, and he'd crossed the room in three paces to wrap her in his arms. Aviva wrestled out of his grasp.

He didn't seem affected by her rejection, remaining close by her side, "Hey, what—what's going on? You look upset."

She put some much-needed distance between them, "Alfie and Kat...they were kissing..."

Finn laughed, "Are you kidding?"

Aviva rolled her eyes, "Does it look like I'm bloody joking Finn! They were just snogging each other's faces off."

At that moment, Alfie and Kat came barreling through the dressing room door.

Finn turned to the sound, focusing on Kat's guilt-ridden expression, "Is it true? Did you kiss him?"

Kat pushed passed Alfie to reach Finn. She gripped his shirt tightly, looking up at him with watery blue eyes, "Finn, it's not what it looks like! It just happened."

"Things like that don't just happen." Aviva chastised.

Alfie's bitter, airy laughter caught her attention, "That's rich coming from you."

"I've already said nothing happened with Suresh!" She argued.

The grin on Alfie's face wasn't as shiny as usual; it was cynical. Resentful. His tongue grazed his teeth as he looked away with a shake of his head, "Yeah, but it's not Suresh I have to worry about, is it?"

Aviva's shoulders climbed to her ears, the tension in the room was palpable, "What? What do you mean?"

Now it was his turn to fight back. Alfie looked at her, chest wide and open, fingers curled into angry fists, "I saw you, Aviva! In the pool!" He glanced at the couple at his side before venomously spitting, "With Finn!"

Kat's grip on Finn's shirt loosened, leaving a wrinkly patch in the center of his chest. She looked rapidly between Finn, Alfie, and Aviva, "The pool? What happened in the pool?"

Finn turned to his friend, his brows dipping in tandem with his apologetic frown, "Alf...mate...we didn't mean to–"

"Nah, man! I trusted you!" Alfie yelled. He turned to Aviva, "I trusted both of you!"

Kat stepped back from Finn. Her cheeks puffed out, and she stomped her foot like an angry toddler left out of a game, "Will someone tell me what happened in the bloody pool!?"

Was it the air con or the frigid gaze of Alfie and Kat that had Aviva's body stuck in place? She rubbed at her forearms to fight off the chill, "W-why didn't you say anything?"

"Why didn't you!?" Alfie snapped, "You know, for someone who went through what they did, you'd think you'd have enough self-respect and decency not to make the same stupid mistakes."

Aviva jolted, "Excuse me?!" She folded her arms over her chest, "We are not an item. We are not a thing. You and I are meant to be friends, Alfie; I told you that, and you agreed!"

"It doesn't change the fact that you went behind my back! Both of you! I'm here to be serious about someone, and you've gone and done this? If you're not going to apologize for what you did, then neither am I!" Alfie's body held a noticeable stiffness as he backed away toward the door. A hint of regret crossed his face; a blink, and it was gone before anyone else could notice.

Kat watched Alfie leave the room. She held her mouth open, still confused about where the conversation had gone. "If neither of you are going to tell me about the pool, then I guess I'll have to find out from someone else." She gave Finn one last look before running out the door to find Alfie.

Finn and Aviva stood there, watching the empty doorframe in silence. Finn reached for Aviva's arm, but she yanked it away and carried herself to the dressing room, with Finn following closely on her heels.

He quickly strode around her body, cutting off her path. Aviva furrowed her brows, frowning deeper, but continued to push forward. Finn walked backward, watching Aviva take menacing step after menacing step. When they entered the dressing room, he stopped. A faint blush colored her cheeks, not one of typical bashfulness but of anger.

"What the bloody hell were you thinking!?" Aviva shouted, slamming the door behind her with such force that tubes of lipstick trembled in their holders. She cornered Finn by her vanity, fists balled at her sides, "Why did you kiss me!?"

"Well, I had to, didn't I!?" His hands fell back on the edge of the table for purchase.

"Me? You had to kiss me? Oh what, I wank you off one time, and suddenly you fancy me!?" Aviva pushed into his space, the heat from his body adding to her own.

"What? N-no! It's not like that! And you're the one who left without saying anything!"

"I—" She scoffed a laugh in disbelief, "I left without saying anything? Weren't you the one who kissed me that night at the bar?"

He opened his mouth to speak, "I—"

"It was a rhetorical question, Finn! For days you haven't said anything to me. Days! And you acted like nothing happened. You chose Kat over and over and over, and then you came back and flirted around with me—you've been toying with my head, and I don't know what to do anymore!" She stepped closer.


She could smell the pine on his skin now, "Am I just another part of the game for you?"


His breath grazed her cheeks, "Someone you can mess around with when you get bored of Kat?"


Their noses were practically touching, "Are you really that shallow?"

Aviva wasn't sure when exactly it happened, Finn's hands locking around the sides of her face. His mouth sloppily covered hers, hot, slick, and passionate. Out of frustration, she bit his lip. Hard. Finn flinched but pulled her closer, undeterred by her roughness. If anything, it turned him on even more, evident by the growing bulge Aviva could feel in his trousers as she propped her knee atop the vanity. She balled his shirt into her fists, pressing herself against him. Hairspray cans and makeup brushes rolled haphazardly onto the floor as the two engaged in another fervent embrace.

Finn pulled back, hot breath furiously fanning over Aviva's face, "I'm sorry."

Aviva stole another kiss, tasting the lingering flavor of rum and her watermelon lip balm on his lips, "For what?"

"For messing you about." He kissed her again, unable to resist, "For making you feel discarded. For not being able to tell you how I really feel."

Her hands slid up to his luscious auburn locks, tugging them gently at the roots, "How do you really feel?"

Finn's lips skated along her jawline, leaving one drawn-out kiss after another, "I fancy the shit out of you."

"Really?" She asked between another peck.

"Really." He responded, mumbling against her lips.

Aviva sighed as Finn's hands slid down her back, grabbing a generous handful of her backside, "I-I fancy you, too." Through their make-out session, her dress had ridden up over her thighs. Finn's hands felt rough and hot against her newly exposed skin. "And I'm sorry." She breathed.

He squeezed her unashamedly, causing her to buck against his crotch, "What do you have to be sorry about?"

"For wanking you off in the pool and leaving you behind..."

"You shouldn't feel sorry about that," Finn grinned diabolically, "I'm not." His naughty hands hiked her dress up even higher, "In fact, I think you should finish what you started."

"Wh-what if someone comes in?" Aviva glanced at the door.

Finn followed her line of sight and looked back at her, eyes roaming her face and shamelessly remaining on her heaving chest. Without a word, he scooped her up in her arms, pulling her legs securely around his waist. He moved to the door with ease as if Aviva was a weightless bundle of feathers in his arms. Pushing her back firmly against the wood, he managed to lower one hand. Aviva heard the faint click of the lock, feeling his hand find its place again on the back of her leg. His fingers toyed with her inner thighs, and she could feel herself tremble at his subtle touch.

"Problem solved." He said cheekily, "Now, where were we?"

"Wait, wait—this is a terrible idea." Aviva protested weakly.

Finn nibbled her earlobe, "I disagree."

"Finn, we should talk to Alfie and Kat—"

He swiped his tongue along the shell of her ear, effectively silencing her, "We should keep going."

Aviva held onto his shoulders, finding it more difficult to argue as his hardened cock continued to press against her core, right where she wanted him most, "But...the consequences..."

"Fuck the consequences," He hooked the center of her underwear, peeling it away from her skin. She gasped when he slid up and down along the moistened fabric, grazing her sensitive skin with his knuckles. He mumbled appreciatively, enjoying the feeling of her wetness against his fingers, "Though I'd much rather fuck you instead."

His words, along with his knuckles teasing the lips of her sex made her brain nearly short-circuit. Aviva nodded vigorously, "Yeah, yes."

Not needing further agreement, Finn's eager lips kissed a hot trail from her cheek down to her neck before abruptly pulling away. Aviva whined at the sudden loss of contact.

"Sorry, sorry. I forgot you don't like that." He gasped.

"I don't?" Aviva asked breathily, confusion settling on her blushing face.

"On the first day. Suresh said you liked a cheeky neck kiss, but you weren't about it."

She was reminded in that moment of his innately sweet nature, the caring man who wanted to be well-versed in all things Aviva. Despite the heaviness in the air, her heart fluttered in her chest. Realization dawned on her as to what he meant. She clutched the back of his head and pulled him closer, speaking in a hushed tone, "Can I tell you a secret?"

Finn nodded, lips lightly brushing her jaw, cheeks, and nose as if seeking out the best place to devour next.

Against his ear, she whispered, "I lied."

"Thank Christ for that." Finn surged forward, slanting his mouth against hers. Open-mouthed kisses slid down the column of her neck, leaving her dizzy with ecstasy. Aviva's head fell against the door, baring her throat as his teeth nipped the center before soothing it over with his tongue.

The dizziness from his kisses alone overwhelmed her; Aviva hesitated to think what more she could handle when his fingers slipped her panties aside to boldly rub her dripping core. Skillful and daring, two fingers worked an irresistible tempo against her clit. She restrained her cries, smooshing her face into his shoulder, biting into the soft fabric of his shirt. Finn persisted, motivated by her stifled moans of pleasure as she tightened her thighs around his waist. Not even five minutes had passed before an orgasm tore through Aviva's system. She hadn't been touched this way in so long; she was almost embarrassed by how quickly she reached her summit. Her teeth stayed clamped on his right shoulder, refusing to let go as he continued to move his fingers against her. Hardly spent, she still craved to feel him. Every single inch, every piece he could offer, she'd take it without complaint. She communicated her desire by gyrating against his hand, pelvis requesting his attention.

Finn held Aviva firmly against the wooden door; he spared her for a moment, removing his hand from her clit to reach for his trousers. As he lowered them down his hips, his erection sprang forward. She couldn't see, but she could feel how much he wanted her. How much he ached for her. Hot stiffness replaced his fingers, gliding up and down, left and right, familiarizing himself with her delicate folds.

"Are you ready for me, Rosie?" He asked hoarsely. He pressed a kiss against her ear, teeth lowering to graze the soft bits of skin on her neck.

"Mmmm..." He'd rendered her speechless; she felt drunk off his very presence. Aviva managed a weary nod in agreement, body tensing in anticipation.

This was the moment she'd been waiting for. She'd dreamt of various erotic scenarios of the two of them together, entangled in each other on almost every surface of the villa. Now here she was, back connected to the door, a fantasy that resurfaced in her mind again and again. She hoped it wasn't a dream. Without another word, Finn prodded her entrance; she understood just how real it all was, and she welcomed it. Craved it. Slowly, inch by delicious inch, she stretched around his girth. When he reached the hilt, he stopped himself, forehead resting against hers. They groaned, simultaneously adjusting to and indulging in their moment of complete connectedness.

Finn retreated, the tip of his shaft teasing her wet opening. At the loss of his heat and fullness, Aviva nipped at his neck in protest. He considered her for a second too long, half-lidded eyes peering into hers, lustful and challenging. With one strong thrust, no warning given, he entered her again. He repeated the motion; twice, three times, and more. The fusion of her choked mewls, citrusy perfume, and muscles squeezing around his hardness triggered something within him.

It was as if an animalistic urge consumed him entirely as he picked up the pace. There was no longer room for politeness. Finn pounded into her at a relentless speed, the vulgar sound of flesh slapping flesh overtaking their space. Aviva held on for dear life, pawing at Finn's shoulders, clenching and unclenching his shirt to find purchase all over his upper body. The door rattled at the force of his passion, and she struggled to contain the most undignified sounds to ever leave her lips.

Aviva couldn't form any coherent thoughts; her mind and senses were invaded by Finn's presence. The scent of smoke and pine. The taste of sugarcane and alcohol on his tongue. The light catching the sheen of sweat along his brow. The sound of his grunts and heavy breaths. The feel of his fingers imprinting themselves in the fleshiest parts of her thighs, his long hair tickling her shoulders, his length claiming her center of pleasure.

It was almost too much and not enough. Her legs began to shake, and her muscles tensed.

"F-Finn...I'm coming...I'm gonna—" She panted in his ear.

Finn buried his face into the crook of her neck, "Me too. Fuck—"

He pumped in and out, never letting up on the unforgiving cadence he'd already set. Aviva squeezed her eyes closed in preparation for the inevitable crescendo of sensation.

"No, no, open them. Let me see those gorgeous hazel eyes." He ordered.

She obeyed his request, eyes fluttering open, lids heavy.

"You're perfect." He observed admiringly.

And those were the words that took her over the edge. Aviva free-fell into his green gaze, an explosion of bliss claiming her fully, body convulsing in his powerful grasp. Her walls tightened around him, and she could feel him swelling inside her. Not a few seconds after, Finn pulled out, spilling his load across her inner thigh.

They existed together in the aftermath of their amour. Aviva let her head fall against the door, sex-raddled curls cushioning the blow. Her dress was thoroughly askew, spaghetti straps drooping tiredly over her upper arms. Finn's usually tame locks had also received a good mussing; his shirt was lopsided and crinkled with a jaw-shaped damp patch on his right shoulder. They watched each other, wearing matching easy grins.

Finn lowered her to the ground, still holding her waist to steady her shaky stance. He dragged one hand up the side of her body to cup her cheek. He leaned in, pressing a soft kiss on her lips.

"Let's get you cleaned up." He offered softly.

Aviva bobbed her head in affirmation, allowing him to delicately take her hand and lead her to the closet where the spare towels were kept. He lowered himself before her as he carefully wiped away the evidence of their very close encounter. He tossed the towel into a nearby basket and reached up to straighten out her dress. Standing, he slid his fingers beneath the straps, pulling them up and over to their rightful place on her shoulders.

Aviva returned the favor, running her hands over his traps and down his broad chest to straighten out the kinks of his button-down. She smoothed her hand through his hair, resetting the tousled strands. Her eyes fell on his member, still out and semi-hard. She raised her gaze to him, curiosity lifting her brow.

"What can I say? Little Finn likes you." Finn shrugged, unable to hide his confident smirk.

Aviva rolled her eyes, though she couldn't help but laugh, "You call 'Little Finn'? Dear God, I wish I knew that before we shagged. You are so weird."

Finn tucked himself away, zipping up his trousers. He looked up at her, mouth falling open in mock horror, "He can still hear you, you know."

"Well, it's a good thing I like weird then, isn't it?" Aviva reassured with a smile.

"More than good, actually." Finn corrected, slipping his arm around her waist to retrieve another kiss.

Aviva surveyed the room, eyes landing on the locked door. Surely Kat had figured out what they'd done by now. And if she hadn't, someone must've heard them. He made it impossible to keep quiet. As she dragged her gaze back around, she caught a glimpse of a camera tucked away in the upper corner of the room.

Oh, oh, oh...someone got a whole show. And now mum will know I've been plowed on if I needed another reason for her to be disappointed in me.

"That won't make the final cut. A little too X-rated for our viewers..." Finn said, seemingly reading her mind, " you think they'd give me a copy of the recording? You know, for science..."

Aviva flicked his forehead, "Finnley!"

Finn rubbed at the spot with his left hand to dull out the sting. He caught her hand with his right as she lowered it, bringing it back up to his lips for a quick peck on her fingertips. She broke into a bright smile, feeling warmed by the intimate gesture. He mirrored her expression, eyes sparkling like he just witnessed beauty in its purest form.

"So, you fancy me, do you?" She asked shyly, tucking a lock of hair behind his ear. After all this time, Aviva couldn't even begin to describe the relief she felt from speaking those words out loud.

Finn turned his head, pressing his lips to her inner wrist this time. With all barriers and boundaries destroyed between them, Aviva was captivated by this unexplored side of the man before her. She'd never expected a giant such as himself to be so loving and affectionate.

"I do. It's disgusting how much, really. I'm a proper melty bastard, just for you."

Aviva giggled, "Gross. You're so lucky I feel the same." Her smile gradually wilted into a frown. They hadn't actually discussed why he never said anything or chose Kat over her.

"What's that look for?" Finn questioned, voice laced with concern.

"I just...we still have a lot to talk about. I don't even know where to start..."

Finn secured his arm tighter around her waist, prepared to offer comfort when the distant sound of feet stomping up the stairs behind the door drew closer.

They untangled themselves reluctantly, faces paling when they heard Kat's voice growing in volume.

Aviva stared at the door, nervously pulling the curls hanging behind her back.

Finn inched closer to her side, offering a lopsided smile.

He held her hand in his. They unlocked the door. Together.

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