By Bloodywipes

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↶*ೃ✧˚. ❃ ↷ ˊ- ·˚ ༘₊· ͟͟͞͞꒰➳"𝙏𝙝𝙚 𝙤𝙣𝙡𝙮 𝙩𝙞𝙢𝙚 𝙞𝙢 𝙚𝙖𝙨𝙮'𝙨 𝙬𝙝𝙚𝙣 𝙞𝙢 𝙆𝙞𝙡𝙡𝙚𝙙 𝙗𝙮 𝘿𝙚𝙖�... More



446 17 7
By Bloodywipes

We were on the road for months now, all winter to be exact, trying to search for a safer home where we could stay. You could see it on our different looks that time had passed, some of us had longer hair length. Rick's beard alongside with the other men even Hershel's grew too. Daryl's hair decided to change its hair color from light to a darker brown. Lori's pregnancy began to advance over time too. What I am trying to say is, she is about to pop in the next days or weeks. By the time the sun started to rise we left to search for supplies and maybe a home.

Rick opened the door, shooting the first walker as T-Dog ran towards the other one, killing it with a crowbar. Carl had a self-made silencer on his handgun too. He got really badass, was taking down walkers as well, with a handgun now. I was following Glenn and Maggie into the house meeting Rick and Carl in the kitchen. Once I got to the front door, Daryl started to come downstairs, plugging feathers out of an owl. Speaking of which, I don't know why but I didn't expect Daryl to become more attractive over the months.

I changed a bit too, sometimes I got even flustered if he said something or when the girls started to tease me with some bullshit. And for the record, I never in my life got flustered when a man flirted with me. Hell, Daryl didn't flirt with me, he didn't even try to and I got flustered. I hate becoming soft especially in this world because it can weaken you so I am trying my best to keep my hormones under control even though it is absolutely hard.

Rick whistled, signalling the others that its safe as I helped Maggie drag out the corpses. She smiled at me before going back into the house. I followed her and saw Hershel look at the blood trail from the corpse. His beard made him even more sympathetic in my opinion. He looked like a great grandpa now. Rick on the other hand? He was a bit more absent. I knew he was getting more desperate since we didn't find any place that we could have stayed for longer then a few days.

Carl found dog food and handed it me alongside with a can opener. I walked into the kitchen to grab a bowl and made my way back to the living room where the others were. I placed the bowl to the ground before opening the can and putting some dog food in it. »Come on, buddy.« I whispered to Major who sat next to Glenn. He trotted over to me while licking his lips before he immediately started to eat the dog food.

Carl was about to open another can, making me realise he was about to eat it but before I could take it away, Rick did and threw it in the fireplace. Everyone stopped and looked at him for a second, trying to figure out why he did that. T-Dog and I looked out the window, staring at the walkers who started to come towards the house. I whistled making them look at me before taking a glance outside. We immediately ran outside and I jumped on my motorcycle, plugging the key into the ignition before turning it. Once I saw Major jump into the trunk of Glenn and Maggie's car I drove off after Daryl.


We stopped on the road, now looking at the map. »We got no place left to go.« Rick called out from behind me. »When this herd meets up with this one, we'll be cut off.« I said pointing to the places to show them what I meant. »We'll never make it south.« I sighed, turning my head to look at Rick. »What'chu say? That was about 150 head?« Daryl asked leaning against the car while looking at Glenn. »That was last week. It could be twice that by now.« Glenn answered while wiping the sweat of his forehead. The heat was the last thing we cared about even when it grew hotter and hotter by the day.

»This river could have delayed them. If we move fast, we might have a shot to tear right trough here.« Hershel said, sliding his finger to the river. »Yeah, but if this group joins with that one, they could spill out this way.« T-Dog replied while putting one arm on my shoulder like I was something that supported his weight and moving his hand to the directions on the map. »So we're blocked.« Maggie said defeated, sighing as she glanced at the map.

»Only thing to do is double back at 27, swing toward Greenville.« Rick spoke up. I crossed my arms while trying to find a way. »Yeah, we picked through that already.« I heard T-Dog say beside me. »It's like we spent the whole winter going in circles. We need to find a house or something safe where we can hol up for a few weeks.« I said, looking at Rick before my eyes turned to Lori who sat in the car. »I know, I know. At Newnan, we'll push west.« Rick nodded at me before pointing at Newnan on the map.

»Haven't been trough there yet. And we got nothing else to do.« I answered while shrugging. »Alright.« T-Dog pulled his arm back making me feel lighter again. I saw him smile at me and I just punched his shoulder making him fake a groan. Over the months I grew quite closer to Beth, Glenn and T-Dog. On the other hand my sibling-bond with Lori got worse.

I wasn't sure how to feel about her getting a baby in the middle of this world. Especially since the baby could be from Shane. We aren't mentioning her hormone change which pissed me off too. Sometimes I knew she didn't mean to be a bitch to me but holy hell I wished for a split second from time to time that we would be better off without her.

»Is it cool if we get to the creek before we head out? Won't take long. We got to fill up on water, we can boil it later.« T-Dog asked while grabbing his backpack and slowly walking backwards. »Knock yourself out.« Rick answered while facing T-Dog. I walked over to my motorcycle and took of my jacket before stuffing it into the duffle bag. »Hey, Punk. While the others wash their panties, let's go hunt. The owl didn' exactly hit the spot.« Daryl called out to me, stopping next to me.

»What did you just call me?« I asked while pulling my sniper out and slinging it over my arm and head. »Punk. You don' like that? To bad. Ain't got no time, come on.« He answered before walking off. Major started to scratch against my leg and panted. I crouched down »He's an idiot right?«. He barked before running off to a shady tree to lay down.

I started to ran after Daryl, almost bumping into him as he abruptly stopped. »What did you jus' call me before?« He asked and I smirked while taking the lead. »Idiot? You don't like that? To bad.« I mocked him and he just scoffed before making his way next to me. »One day 'm goin' to leave you out here. All alone.« Daryl muttered with a tint of amusement in his speech. »One day I am going to shut you up. Just admit it. You like my company.« I said to him making him snort.

Daryl got awfully quiet the next few minutes sometimes just taking a quick glance at me, smirking. I was about to ask what his problem was but he suddenly pushed me into a bush and ran away. I just started to laugh and get up, brushing myself off before running after him. »You fucking asshole!« I yelled after him.

Once he slowed down I did the same. We both panted on the rails, wiping the sweat off of our faces. »I told you, I'd leave you.« He smirked at me placing his hands on his thighs. »And I told you I will make you shut up. I just don't know how to right now. Give me some time to think. Prepare for war.« I said between sharp inhales and exhales. Daryl just shook his head and started to walk along the rails making me follow him. Maybe it wasn't right to joke and play around when you know any time some walkers could come by to say hello but that is what keeps me going. Think positive, right?

Daryl turned his head to the right, looking at something and I followed his gaze. There was a prison with a shit ton of walkers. There was a slight chance we could kill every single one. »That's a shame.« Daryl muttered and we stopped to look at the prison. »Not exactly. We should tell Rick and the others about this.« I answered before looking at him. He already had his eyes on me and I didn't realise how close we were. I cleared my throat and took a few steps back. Daryl just nodded nervously while starting to make his way back.


We told Rick about the prison and now we were back but more up close. Like right in front of the fence. Rick was working on the fence, cutting trough it to make a hole for us to go trough. I was killing a walker who got to close with my katana and Major pulled another one back by its legs making the walker fall to the ground. Glenn was quickly there to stab a spear trough the walkers head. »Watch the backside.« Rick said continuing to cut the fence. »Got it.« Lori answered while the others stood around her. I held the fence back with Rick to let the others in first. »Hurry. Hurry!« Rick told T-Dog who immediately moved and got trough the hole. I nodded towards the hole for Rick and he just nodded back.

As I got in, Glenn and Daryl closed the hole with wires. While we ran towards the front gates, walkers from left and right made grabby hands toward us at the fence. Daryl opened a door and I held my katana up. »It's perfect.« Rick spoke up looking towards the open field. »If we can shut that gate, prevent more from filling the yard, we can pick off these walkers. We'll take the field by tonight.« Rick explained as he turned around, his eyes on us. »So how do we shut the gate?« Hershel asked. »I'll do it. You guys cover me.« Glenn immediately answered, still slightly panting. »No. It's a suicide run.« Maggie shook her head.

»I'm one of the fastest.« He answered while looking at her. »No. You, Maggie and Beth draw as many as you can over there. Pop them trough the fence.« Rick started before pointing towards a corner. »Daryl, Y/N go back to the other tower.« he continued, looking at me and Daryl. We just nodded and ran off. Once we got there we ran up the stairs and looked at Rick who ran along the gravel. I slung my katana back into its sheath and used my sniper, putting the end of it on the railing. I glanced trough the scope and aimed at the walker who approached Rick.

I quickly pulled the trigger and it fell to the ground before I saw Rick nodding at me in the scope. I just smiled before moving to the next. Rick closed the gate and ran into a tower as the walkers closed up on him. »He got it.« I muttered with a smile on my face. »Light it up!« Daryl called out to the others while circling his finger in the air. Immediately the others started to shoot at the walkers. The sun began to set as we kept going. Once Rick shot the last one we started to walk downstairs and towards the others.

»Fantastic.« Carol said with a big smile on her face as Hershel and Carl got out of the door. »Nice shootin'.« Daryl complimented. »You okay?« Carol asked Lori at the gate and I just walked trough the open gate. I felt multiple eyes stare into the back of my head but I ignored it while walking towards Rick. Suddenly I felt a pair of hands squeeze my shoulders. I heard T-Dog laugh behind me making me chuckle too. I turned towards him, sliding on arm around his torso while he had his arm around my shoulder. »Whoo!!« we both yelled, before cracking into a laughter.


It didn't take long to get our vehicles here. Once the others sat around the campfire it was already dark. I sat on the ground in front of the campfire while Daryl was on the rolled-over bus taking the watch shift. »Mmm, just like Mom used to make.« Glenn said before throwing the bone away. We smiled at him some of us even chuckling. Rick was wandering back and forth the fence, that is leading to the inside, probably trying to make a plan.

»Tomorrow we'll pull the bodies together. Want to keep them away from the water. Now, if we can dig a canal under the fence, we'll have plenty of fresh water.« T-Dog began to explain and I just hummed as an answer. The others just ate and listened to him. »And this soil is good. We could plant some seed. Grow some tomatoes, cucumbers, soybeans.« Hershel added playing with the soil in his hands, looking around before his eyes met with Rick. »That's his third time around. If there was any part of it compromised, he'd have found it by now.« Hershel said, pointing at Rick.

Everyone got silent after Hershel said that. Beth slowly turned to Lori. »This will be a good place to have the baby. Safe.« Beth said. I turned to her as I put some meat onto a plastic plate. »I'm sorry if I'm turning this conversation into the wrong way but, we don't know that. There could be hundreds of walkers in there.« I answered while looking at Daryl who started to massage Carol. I knew what feeling I felt but I never would admit it. I noticed over time that Daryl and Carol got quite closer too, which you know is good. He has someone other than me who he can talk to.

»Bethy. Sing Paddy Reilly for me. I haven't heard that I think since your mother was alive.« Hershel said bringing me back to reality. »Daddy, not that one please.« Maggie told him softly. Hershel was hesitant for a minute but got the courage to say it »How about The Parting Glass?«. Beth looked over at her father. »No one wants to hear.« She answered. »I want to.« I said smiling at her while stroking Major. »Why not?« Glenn asked, looking at Beth as he smiled. »Okay.« Beth replied before starting to sing.

♪ Of all the money e'er I had ♪
♪ I spent it in good company ♪
♪ And all the harm that e'er I've ever done ♪
♪ Alas it was to none but me ♪
♪ And all I've done for want of wit ♪
♪ To memory now I can't recall ♪
♪ So fill to me the parting glass ♪

Daryl and Carol started to approach us, listening to Beth's beautiful singing.

♪ Good night and joy be with you all ♪

There was a brief second before she sang again but now together with Maggie.

♪ Oh, all the comrades that e'er I had ♪
♪ Were sorry for my going away ♪

This two lines hit a nerve for me because I needed to think of my time at the army. The way I saw my lieutenant and comrades get ripped apart in front of me. The army was my second home. My lieutenant was like a father to me. Carl handed a bowl towards Rick who finally joined us.

♪ And all the sweethearts that e'er I had ♪
♪ Would wish me one more day to stay ♪

Rick wanted to give the bowl to Lori but she said she already had some. He still didn't budge knowing Lori needed to eat for two so she accepted and took some of it.

♪ But since it falls unto my lot ♪
♪ That I should rise and you should not ♪
♪ I'll gently rise and I'll softly call ♪
♪ Good night and joy be with you all ♪
♪ Good night and joy be with you all ♪

»Beautiful.« Hershel spoke up first. »I agree.« I answered while nodding. Beth and Maggie started to giggle as their faces started to turn red. Glenn stroked Maggies thigh as to show her his support. »Better all turn in.« Rick started while looking at each of us. »I'll take watch over there. Got a big day tomorrow.« He continued. »What do you mean?« Glenn asked while looking at Rick. »Look, I know we're all exhausted. This was a great win. But we've gotta push just a little bit more.« As he said that I already knew what he was planning.

»Most of the walkers are dressed as guards and prisoners. Looks like this place fell pretty early.« Rick explained. »The supplies may be intact then, right? Probably got an infirmary, commissary. Hell maybe even an armoury not to far away from here.« I intervened and Rick nodded. »Warden's office would have info on the location. Weapons, food, medicine. This place could be a gold mine.« He answered and I began to process how right he was.

Of course if nobody looted it already. »We're dangerously low on ammo. We'd run out before we'd make a dent.« Hershel spoke up. »We still got a chance. Knifes, my katana, spear and so on. We wouldn't even waste bullets.« I said and Rick smiled. »Exactly. We need to go in there. Hand to hand. After all we've been trough, we can handle it. I know it.« Rick agreed before looking at Carl. »These assholes don't stand a chance.« He said while looking at everyone, nodding before he stood up and left.

I leaned back, my head making contact with my duffle bag as I still stroked Major who was fast asleep. Lori had gotten up and walked away probably after Rick. Daryl decided to sit down next to me, sliding Majors tail away to have some space for him. Major groaned as he looked up at the idiot that dared to touch his tail. Once he saw Daryl though he started to wag his tail letting his happiness show. His tail made hitting noises against Daryl's pants. The archer shook his head and shoved the dog aside. While Daryl laid down Major did too like exactly in between us so we couldn't see each other. I hid my smile that was about to creep up and just closed my eyes.

Silence. There was nothing but silence before I started to hear faint voices. I was suddenly pushed harshly making me fall to the ground and realising where I was. »Seriously who decided to let women work in the army?« Oliver hysterically laughed after he pushed me to the ground.

»Right? That Bitch looks like she can't handle shit.« James answered sending me a glare filled with disgust. My blood began to boil and I started to sit up before a foot collided into my abdomen. I wheezed while clutching my stomach. A pair of hands grabbed the collar of my jacket pulling me toward his ugly face.

»Maybe we should learn you a lesson. Face it. You will leave after two days, crying to your mommy that you got bullied.« Oliver said smirking. »Trust me. Your going to cry to your mommy once I will be your chief.« I muttered while smirking back which he didn't quite like. Oliver raised his hand and just as his fist was about to collide into my face..

I woke up while breathing heavily. Everyone was still asleep as the sun began to rise. I sat up as Major pawed at my pants. I was grateful of him for waking me up. That memory? Absolutely hated that one. Don't worry though because once I was chief I immediately fired them. They tried to attack me after I did but couldn't because of Major. I would have handled it myself but that would ruin my reputation and they just wanted to do exactly that.

By the time everyone started to wake up we moved forward to the fence. »Ready?« Hershel asked and we prepared ourselves. I had my hand tight around the handle of my katana. Rick opened the gate and moved slowly inwards. T-Dog was the first one kill a walker. »Daryl.« Rick said and the archer went immediately to the next, plugging the knife trough his jowl hitting its brain. Hershel closed the gate behind us and we went forward, close together. »Y/N!« Rick called out my name and I saw two walkers. »I got it!« I said loudly before swinging my katana from left to right, chopping their heads off. T-Dog stabbed their heads to fully kill them.

»Get tight! Get tight!« Glenn shouted while killing another prisoner walker. The others outside attracted the walkers to them so we wouldn't be completely overrun. »Come on, over here!« Beth yelled while Lori did too »Hey! Over here!«. As we approached the middle T-Dog started to look at a riot shield. »Don't break rank!« Rick yelled but T-Dog ignored him. »We need that!« He shouted back. »T!« I shouted as one walker was about to grab him. T-Dog pushed him harshly to the ground with the shield. »Y/N!« Rick shouted and I ran over to the walker slamming the katana into its forehead.

»Almost there.« Rick said as we got to a rusty door. He opened it before starting to walk alongside the wall. Rick saw something and jumped back, signalling us to hide too. Daryl held his crossbow up ready to fire if needed. I looked at the dumpster since I saw some movement and two walkers came out with full riot gear. »Guys, we got some friends.« I whispered before they moved their gaze to them. Daryl came closer, pointing his crossbow towards the two. Another two riot-gear-walkers came from the corner and Daryl shot an arrow at it. The arrow didn't do shit since the glass in front of its face protected him. What surprises me is how the fuck did they get bit in the first place.

Rick attacked the riot gear one and as I tried to follow him another bastard came out of the door with a gas mask. I pushed him back and before I could kill him an arrow went trough its head. I nodded towards Daryl before moving forward. Rick rammed against a riot-gear-walker before he screamed Daryl to help. I didn't focus on how they closed the gate I was fixated on how to kill these ones.

One of the walkers grabbed my hair and pulled me slightly back as I pushed with one hand against its head. How fucking lucky that they got gloves on. Once I pushed his head back I looked at his jowl. In instant an idea popped up in my mind and I slammed my katana into his jowl. As I pulled the blade out it collapsed to the floor.

My eyes met with the others. I just smiled at them and they immediately knew what to do. Glenn pushed the glass up and T-Dog stabbed him. Daryl plugged his knife into the back of the walkers neck, reaching the brain. Rick pushed one to the floor and did the same. There were corpses everywhere and Glenn started to speed to the others before Rick stopped him. »Well, it looks secure.« Glenn said while walking back to us.

»Not from the look of that courtyard over there. 'nd that's a civilian.« Daryl answered before pointing to the dead woman walker on the ground. »So the interior could be overrun from walkers from outside the prison.« T-Dog spoke up as he leaned against the wall. »I mean who wouldn't want to loot this place? It's a prison after all. At the start they probably bombed this place.« I said while shrugging. Glenn sighed looking at us.

»Well, if there's walls down, what are we gonna do? We can't rebuild this whole place.« Glenn stated. »We can't risk a blind spot.« Rick answered looking between us. The other still outside had their eyes on us, trying to figure out what we are talking about. »Let's focus on whats happening right now. If we have a chance we could clear out the inside. Check if it's safe.« I intervened.

Rick nodded at me before walking off. The others from outside just gave us a confused face. We went up the metal stairs and got to another one of those rusty doors. Daryl looked at Rick before sliding the door open. Once we got inside Rick immediately moved towards the next metal door. He opened the door and a loud ass creaking came from it.

The sliding from the other one was loud too which made me huff. I shook off the thoughts that we could be overrun any second and just moved forward. The inside was completely messy. Towels, papers, thin materials like bedsheets on the floor. Smeared blood on the walls.

We looked around and as my eyes met with Rick he motioned up. I looked up to see a little tower. Probably an outlook over the common room of this prison where we are right now and the monitors for the cameras. After a while Rick came down with keys and I sighed in relief. He went over to the cell door to Block C and unlocked it. Daryl was the first to go trough with us following him.

Some cells were empty others had dead walkers in them. I slowly walked up the stairs first looking from left to right. Rick and Daryl immediately ran up, leaving loud thuds on the metal stairs behind. Suddenly loud clanging came from the left and we looked at each other. I took the lead and as we arrived at the last two cells two walkers began to snarl hella loudly. It almost echoed trough the whole room.

Their hands went between the metal bars, trying to grab us. Rick nodded at me, pointing towards the left one. I followed his order, killing the walker by stabbing him in the brain. Rick had grabbed his knife and killed the other one. Once they both slid down and didn't make a noise Rick unlocked the doors. We pushed them over the railing where T-Dog waited. The bodies made loud soggy splashing like noise as they hit the ground, making T-Dog grimace at the sound. 

T-Dog grabbed the legs of the corpse and pulled it away while the others started to come in. I didn't even realise that Glenn brought the others in. »Come on.« I heard from my left. My eyes met with Daryl and I just nodded. »What do you think?« Rick asked as he went down the stairs while me and Daryl followed him. »Home sweet home.« Glenn answered but didn't sound quite motivated.

»For the time being.« Rick said, looking at the others as they glanced around. »It's secure?« Lori asked staring at the cells before her eyes met with Ricks. Once Major came trough the door he ran towards me with my duffle bag in his mouth. »This cellblock is.« Rick replied while I took the duffle bag and slung it around my shoulder.

»What about the rest of the prison?« Hershel asked, looking at Rick. »In the morning, we'll find the cafeteria and infirmary.« He answered, walking towards Hershel. »We sleep in the cells?« Beth asked curious while I crossed my arms. I would never believe anyone if they told me I will sleep in a cell one day even though I didn't commit any crime but on the other hand back in the day I wouldn't believe anyone if they told me that the world is going to shit.

»I found keys on some guards. Daryl has a set, too.« Rick responded. »I ain't sleepin' in no cage. I'll take the perch.« suddenly a male voice came from above. That deep southern accent already is giving away that it's Daryl. Once he said that I began to think why he wouldn't be sleeping in a cell. Could be some heavy backstory or maybe he just doesn't want to. Either way I am not going to judge him. »Come on.« Carol told Lori with a big smile on her face while Hershel patted Rick's shoulder.

Once Lori said her thank you to Rick he walked away. He didn't even look into her eyes which made me even more curious. Rick started to not behave like he used to after Shane's death and the fall from the farm. His best friends death maybe put a big number on him, and even when I should feel bad? I don't. I am happy that Shane isn't in our group anymore. Making things much easier, like our team/family-connection with each other. No one was there to purposely piss you off or make you mad or ruin your plans.

For Rick it's probably a hard time but if he doesn't pull his shit together? We are going to begin at square one again. Not to mention his behaviour which is almost turning into what Shane's was. The whole traveling in the winter and his pregnant wife didn't make it easier for him but it's not my business. Everyone took a cell and I searched for one myself. The first cell, the one on the left when you go from the common room to the cellblock.

I threw my duffle bag on the upper bunk bed and Major jumped on the bottom bed, turning before laying down. As my eyes moved outside I saw Rick kneeling before sitting down, his back against the wall. I sighed while looking at the ground. I slipped off my shoes and laid down trying my best to not kick Major. For once after months of searching for the right home we finally could relax and sleep in a safe place.

To be continued..

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