Meant to Be- Gidle

By cope1014

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"This is all Minnie's fault." Soyeon said. Minnie scoffed. "Stop putting the blame on me for everything Soye... More

Chapter 1: So-called Begin
Chapter 2: Move On Part 1
Chapter 3: Move On Part 2
Chapter 4: The 4th Take
Chapter 5: Don't Look Away
Chapter 6: Those Crossfires
Chapter 7: Seams
Chapter 8: Falling Again
Chapter 9: Miyeon and Soyeon's Plan
Chapter 10: Difficult
Chapter 11: Gift of R 2.0
Chapter 12: Half Red Moon
Chapter 13: 8 Years
Chapter 14: Harder for Me
Chapter 15: Nothing Lasts Forever
Chapter 16: Ephemeral
Chapter 17: Reset
Chapter 18: 1,3,5
Chapter 19: Phosphenes
Chapter 20: Yuqi's Phone
Chapter 21: Kill the Truth
Chapter 22: Auroa (1st Dawn)
Chapter 23: Lust
Chapter 24: The "Soojin" Thing
Chapter 25: Untold Circle
Chapter 26: Get Even
Chapter 27: No Regrets
Chapter 28: Collide Effect
Chapter 29: Reality Bites Me
Chapter 30: Out of Mind- Part 1
Chapter 31: Out of Mind- Part 2
Chapter 32: Bloody Hell
Chapter 33: Show and Tell
Chapter 34: Oblivion
Chapter 35: Bearable
Chapter 36: Questions
Chapter 37: A
Chapter 38: Havoc
Chapter 39: It Takes Two
Chapter 40: Good Parts (sometimes bad)
Chapter 41: Save me, Save you
Chapter 42: Choices Part 1
Chapter 43: Choices Part 2
Chapter 44: Endurable
Chapter 45: Treat Myself
Chapter 46: Hitch Day
Chapter 47: Where Do We Go Now?
Chapter 48: Cruel Summer
Chapter 49: Rumors 2.0
Chapter 50: Go Hard
Chapter 51: Pretty isn't always Nice
Chapter 52: Scream for Me
Chapter 53: Unpredictable
Chapter 54: Toxic Part 1
Chapter 56: Toxic Part 3
Chapter 57: Breakaway/Hope your ok
Chapter 58: Polaroid
Chapter 59: Uncover
Chapter 60: Solitude
Chapter 61: Fake and True
Chapter 62: Maybe
Chapter 63: Absquatulate 1.1
Chapter 64: Until I Found You
Chapter 65: Soyeon vs. Shuhua
Chapter 66: Behind your Walls
Chapter 67: She's so Gone
Chapter 68: All or Nothing
Chapter 69: Hear Me
Chapter 70: Dear No One (Dear, Society)
Chapter 71: Moonlight Sunrise
Chapter 72: I Should Hate You
Chapter 73: Last Girl Standing (Last Ones)
Chapter 74: Just Like Us
Chapter 75: Ethereal
Chapter 76: You Never Know
Chapter 77: Onism(Strange World)
Chapter 78: Untouched
Chapter 79: Dark Gidle Part 1
Chapter 80: Dark Gidle Part 2
Chapter 81: Closure/Thin Ice
Chapter 82: Forget Forever
Chapter 83: My Eye On You
Chapter 84: Destiny's Calling(Minnie's Calling)
Chapter 85: Dahila, Summer and Wynter
Chapter 86: Portal
Chapter 87: Trouvaille
Chapter 88: The Gift of Heart
Chapter 89: 5 Wishes(13 Wishes)
Chapter 90: The Story of Us
Chapter 91: Operation Midnight Swim
Chapter 92: Alive
Chapter 93: Reflections
Chapter 94: The Aftermath Part 1
Chapter 95: The Aftermath Part 2
Chapter 96: The Aftermath Part 3
Chapter 97: The Aftermath Part 4
Bonus Chapter #1: Sticky Notes
Bonus Chapter #2: Code Red
Bonus Chapter #3: Bad Blood
Bonus Chapter #4: I Feel
Bonus Chapter #5: Epilogue

Chapter 55: Toxic Part 2

62 0 0
By cope1014

Chapter 55: Toxic Part 2

*I tried to put it all together in this chapter as fast as I can*


*The last part to the last chapter*  

Miyeon went to see Soojin even though Soojin doesn't want to see her or her friends ever again from the last time when Miyeon and her friends wanted to know who A is.

But Miyeon had a little surprise for her

Soojin: Miyeon are you okay?? *she asked her* 

Miyeon sighs as she quickly puts her phone away without Soojin realizing it. 

Expect that Soojin did and now she wanted to know what Miyeon is up to because she still doesn't trust her

Miyeon: I'm fine *she lied*

Miyeon had a gut feeling inside of her as she is almost starting to sweat. 

Miyeon just received texts from A just now and she is getting scared not to mention that Soyeon also texted her and she doesn't want Soyeon to find out where she really is so she hasn't sent out a text to Soyeon yet. Soojin knows that Miyeon doesn't seem to be fine and she wants to know why but she knows that Miyeon tries to decline it because she doesn't want to cause a problem especially if it was for last time that she came here to meet with Soojin. 

Soojin: Miyeon I'm not buying it *said it in a stern tone* 

Miyeon gulped. 

She had a feeling that it's a bad idea to show up by her house again by the way that Soojin has been so concerned about her as she is about to reveal who A is but at the same time, Soojin still wouldn't forgive them after that. Soojin is one of the most generous people on earth and she has been a friend of Miyeon for so long along with Minnie of course that she is worried about her. 

Miyeon: Just let  it go Soojin okay?? 

Miyeon: I don't need any concerns from you... I just wanted to know who A is 

Soojin scoffed. 

Soojin: Of course you do 

Soojin: No matter what happens Miyeon do you swear that you wouldn't tell them that you're meeting me right now including Soyeon?? 

Miyeon looks at her confused. 

Miyeon's mind: I get what she is trying to say but I couldn't resist for just telling Soyeon because she is my best friend and we swore that we wouldn't keep things right under our noses 

Miyeon's mind: Who cares about those stupid promises?? 

Miyeon's mind: I missed Soojin so much but at the same time I wouldn't never forgive her for what she just did 

Miyeon's mind: Is this is why our friendship is getting toxic?? 

Miyeon's mind: I should of believe Yuqi and Soojin before but I didn't listen 

Miyeon's mind: None of us didn't listen to them and I felt bad because it's ripping them into sherds 

Soojin: Miyeon 

Soojin: MIYEON *she shouted* 

Miyeon looks at her in disgusted because Soojin just yelled at her right inside of her ear so she wipe off the spit that it had gotten inside of her ear and whisper something right behind Soojin's back without her hearing. 

Miyeon: Eww nasty Nancy much?? * said it in a whisper as she still gives Soojin an disgusted look on her face* 

Soojin: I heard that Miyeon *she crosses her arms as she gives Miyeon an glare* 

Soojin: Besides I didn't mean to spit right into your ear so stop being all dramatic and listen what I have to say first before I'll reveal who A is to you 

Soojin: You can't tell your friends yet because I don't want for you to be putting them into a whole alot of danger that you guys had gotten yourself into right now. 

Miyeon: But why do I have to--- 

Soojin: It's because I still care even though I hated you guys so damn much and I still do now 

Soojin: You had so much potential in you Miyeon and they wouldn't see that in you is because you are special and I am so glad that I finally get to be your friend for the first time ever but you ruined it by being a knock off wreck of Soyeon.

Miyeon scoffs. 

Miyeon: Seriously?? You still hate Soyeon that much?? 

Soojin is starting to get mad after Miyeon just even asked her that even though she had reasons that she still hates Soyeon especially from those times that Soyeon tries to make her life a living hell and Miyeon wouldn't blame her since that Soyeon did some bad things but that doesn't mean that the rest of her friends are innocent either. This is exactly what Yuqi and Soojin had been telling them but they wouldn't listen and the only thing that Miyeon had a good impression for once. 

Miyeon is different from them but still doesn't had much potential of hers to rebound and learn from her mistakes.

Soojin: I had reasons why I still hate Soyeon 

Soojin: You just going to forget about last time when you and your pathetic pals showed up here?? 

Miyeon didn't say a word. 

Soojin chuckle in a sarcastic way.

Soojin: See?? Of course you don't 

Soojin's mind: Miyeon is different like the others and yet she still hasn't redeem herself to change from the start 

Soojin's mind: I'm glad that I am no longer into this circle of matter anymore because it's getting toxic 

Miyeon: What the hell are you even talking about?? *said it in anger* 

Miyeon and Soojin had a argument and that's when Soojin snapped at her because Miyeon is still trying to gaslight/ being to rude to her after a bunch of times that Soojin has already give them too many chances and that is way too many. Soojin knows how to get out of that cycle and she doesn't want to keep living in the moment when the friendship is getting toxic and she is done helping them because she knows that they don't deserve it. 

The five girls don't deserve anything else that comes with a price because of the things that they have done to Soojin. 

Miyeon knows it but she doesn't intentioally get it until Soojin calls her out on her bullshit. 

Until Miyeon actually saw what Soojin has been going through from those times and she gets to put into her position

Miyeon: Soo---- 

Soojin: Don't even think about it just listen to me 

Miyeon sighs. 

Soojin: I will reveal who is A to you but you can't tell them because you know what is going to happen and A is still after you so don't get upset when you're the one who put them into that position. Also you can keep my old diary because I don't need it anymore besides it had like a clue inside of it but don't open it until I am not around. Lastly, you need to be careful and don't get caught up into things that can only get you into more trouble because that's why A had been stalking you and your friends for months and is still keeping upfolding your secrets. 

Miyeon: You mean A has been stalking me and my best friends for months?? 

Soojin nodded. 

Miyeon: We have tried so hard to report it to the police but the case is still being not solved. 

Miyeon: We're just going to let A keep stalking us until we are dead?? *said it anger* 

Miyeon is scared as a tear begin to shed across her face. 

Soojin gives her a hug. 

Soojin: I'm so sorry Miyeon this is my fault and I should never had plotted the revenge to begin with and now it's getting out of control that's why I have stop doing it because I have done some terrible things to you and your friends and now we don't have much time left.

Miyeon's mind: Why does it have to be us?? 

Miyeon's mind: If I didn't leave my best friends behind, then none of this shouldn't happened and this is all my fault and now I need to fix it 

Soojin: Now do you understand why?? 

Soojin: I still care and missed you so much 

Miyeon: Okay but only on one condition 

Miyeon: You can't let Soyeon know that I'm here because she gets a bit too intense if she finds out that I'm here with you also we had another major problem.

Soojin: It's okay Miyeon I understand *she and Miyeon hugged each other*

After Miyeon and Soojin had a talk, Miyeon leaves out from Soojin's house as Soojin give her a warning then she looks at her as she gives her wave and said goodbye to her as Miyeon heads her way out of the door. Meanwhile Soojin pulls out her phone as she texted someone on her phone and told the person that the deal is off and she can't do anything else anymore. 

Then Soojin saw A standing there right in her home as she turns on the alarm as she quickly ran as she grabs her things as she opens up the window as she jump out of there before A could get any further to try and attack her.


Couple of hours later


Soyeon: UGGHH WHERE THE HELL IS MIYEON?? *tries to call her for like the fifth time* 

Minnie, Soyeon, Yuqi and Shuhua are in the living room waiting for Miyeon to arrive back home but she hasn't coming back yet as they're sitting on the couch which it made them had gotten bored. 

Soyeon sent out texts to Miyeon and tried calling her but there is still no response and she is starting to freak out because it made her worry alot and she doesn't want her best friend to get hurt again like last night when she and Miyeon had found Soojin's old diary. The two of them also escape from A before A could do anything further to them also she felt like she is being watched right now because she and the girls could feel it. Not to mention, she still hasn't told Miyeon that she was the one who snet the photo of her and Minnie kissed from that night to A because Ryujin threatened her to do so just so she can get back at her.

Shuhua: You need to relax Soyeon 

Minnie: Maybe if you just give her alot of time then she wouldn't have to run away from you as much *she blurted it out* 

Soyeon looked directly right into Minnie's eyes and it's not in a good way either.

Soyeon gives her a fake smile as she grabs her by the collar of her shirt. 

Soyeon: Oh Minnie it must have been so hard for you to not take a hint after you purposely hurt Miyeon by thinking that she's going to be your love life forever and it's obvious that you are so obsessed with her

Minnie clenches her fist in rage.

Soyeon: It's getting so fucking annoying stop being so obsessed with Miyeon and get a clue as if anyone isn't going to hang out with you 

That's when Shuhua snapped as she pushed Soyeon out of the way as she slaps her across her face. 



Soyeon scoffs as she chuckle. 

Soyeon: You're the first one to talk about me being toxic when you are toxic yourself and I wouldn't forget about a time when Minnie told you to lose some diet and you let her say that about you that it made you so insecure because of that. 

Yuqi: Guys that's enough 

Minnie gets up as she went towards her as she gives Shuhua a small hug. 

Minnie: Are you kidding me?? 

Minnie: You are so full of it Soyeon always try to blame others for your own actions 

Soyeon laughed. 

Soyeon: Keep talking Minnie you wouldn't own up to your actions either at least that I'm not obsessed with someone who couldn't handle a simple rejection 

Minnie and Soyeon are face to face. 

Minnie: Is that a compliment?? 

Soyeon: Not really *gives her a fake smile as she is teasing Minnie* 

Soyeon: Don't worry Minnie I will make it all better *she grabs a bucket of mud as she dumps it all over Minnie* 

Minnie has been covered in mud. 

Yuqi: Soyeon what the hell?? *she shouted* 


Before Shuhua is about to help Minnie, Soyeon pulls her back as she lets Shuhua watches Minnie being covered in mud and told her that she needs to do it herself. 

Soyeon: Don't help her *she told Shuhua* 

Yuqi went over to Minnie as she gives her a towel. 

Yuqi: Are you okay Minnie?? *asked her* 

Minnie: Not really thanks to your girlfriend who did this to me *she cough up from the mud a little bit as she wipes her mouth and face off with a towel* 

Shuhua: But--- 


Soyeon: She'll be fine besides it's just mud and it fits it just like her personality *said it as she laugh* 

Shuhua slaps her again. 

Shuhua: SCERW YOU YOU SHOULD BE THE ONE WHO NEEDS TO BE COVERED IN MUD *she take a chunk of mud as she puts it all over Soyeon and led out a laugh* 

Shuhua: Who gets the last laugh now?? *she giggled* 

Soyeon scream. 

Soyeon: You're gonna regret it Shushu 

Then Soyeon also takes a chunk of mud as she puts it all over Shuhua and also laugh at her. 

Soyeon: Who is laughing now?? 

Shuhua is really mad at her she pours more mud over Soyeon and that is when the two of them are starting the mud fight then Yuqi yelled at them and told them to stop but now Yuqi had mud on her shirt then Shuhua yelled at her as she blames it on her. Yuqi is mad at Shuhua as she also yell at her back as she pours more mud all over her and Minnie also pour more mud all over Soyeon as payback because she starts all of this first. 

The four girls are in a mud fight as they were arguing at each other.

Little did they know that Miyeon have just arrived home not too long ago and she see her best friends getting into a fight but they were covered in mud. In fact, she is standing at the corner and overhear them fighting right now so Miyeon walk towards them as she yelled at them to stop and that made them stop as they look directly at her. 

Miyeon rants to them about how they were all toxic and stuff that gets in the way between them into their friendship because she couldn't stand that her best friends are taking things out on each other when it's all their fault to be begin with. 

Especially the stuff that they have done to Soojin 

Miyeon continued to rant until she has stopped and she told them to get themselves clean up because they are covered in mud and they will have to clean up after that as well. Her best friends said sorry but she doesn't accept it as she went upstairs to go into her room. 

The four girls are standing there and haven't said a word. 

Miyeon went into her room as she is lying down on the bed as she looks up at the ceiling then she pulls out her phone and her headphones as she begins to listen to some music. 

Miyeon's mind: I hate this 

Miyeon's mind: I really really hate this and I don't care how many times that I hate saying it because it's true 

Miyeon's mind: Why is our friendship is getting toxic?? 

Miyeon's mind: What have we really become now?? 

Miyeon's mind: If I'm the only one who is standing there and wishes for everything to go away then they wouldn't have come this far over the years of our friendship 

Miyeon's mind: It's all over my head over and over again 

Miyeon's mind: I'm on my own and I always have been on  my own and Soojin is right 

Miyeon's mind: I really don't need anyone in my life right??? 


A little flashback: This flashback is when it starts it all but has it always been like this?? 

It's Halloween  

Minnie: Soyeon I don't think this is a good idea *said it in a worried tone* 

Yuqi: As much as I want to agree with you Soyeon but Minnie is right can we just have a talk with Shuhua?? 

Soyeon roll her eyes. 

Soyeon: No way if Shuhua ever tries to expose us as her little do over revenge just because I'm not inviting her little pity party then let's just steal the show *she said it in a grin* 

Soyeon: She's like Soojin's little minion how cute *she also laugh* 

The three girls give her a glare and so does Miyeon with their arms crossed. 

Miyeon didn't say a word as she just stands here. 

She did texted Shuhua to warn her but Shuhua hasn't respond to her text before the girls are going along with the plan to try to "teach her a lesson" thing when she knows that it will take a little too far but Soyeon isn't listening to her.

Minnie: Do you ever just listen to us for once?? 

Soyeon: Blah blah blah keep talking Minnie and I will tape your mouth shut for a whole week 

Minnie keeps her mouth shut after hearing that terrible line. 

Miyeon: Guys Shuhua is here 

Soyeon saw Shuhua who came as she came right into their direction so she told her best friends to run and went back inside of the house as she closes the door. Right outside, the girls have put out the booty traps for Shuhua but since it's halloween and everyone is in their costumes, the girls are waiting for the real show to begin. The girls laugh as they saw Shuhua who called out their names as she heads her way to went into their house but Shuhua had fallen into a trap as the girls laughed at her including Soyeon. Let's just say that Shuhua have been pranked and made of as Soyeon uses a marker to drew onto Shuhua's face. Then Soyeon takes a photo as Shuhua is about to run away but she is being stopped by Soyeon. 

Soyeon: How does it feel to be made fun of Shushu?? 

Shuhua gulped as she didn't say a word. 

In fact, Shuhua is almost about to cry as well. 

Shuhua: How did you---- 

Soyeon: Aw poor thing don't worry Shushu I can make it all go away that's what you get for  dating my boyfriend you slut *whispers into Shuhua's ear* 

Shuhua: Soyeon I didn't---- 

Soyeon: Well you did YOU LIAR 

Shuhua saw Miyeon, Minnie and Yuqi standing there as they didn't say a word nor isn't helping her. 

Miyeon felt really bad because she made up a rumor about Shuhua and now she isn't talking to her as she just texted Shuhua about it. 

Shuhua: Screw you Soyeon and SCREW YOU THREE TOO *starts to cry as she ran away* 

Soyeon: Bye bye Shushu *gives her a fake smile as she grins* 

Minnie: We really messed up and Miyeon is the one who made a rumor 

Yuqi: You really left her in the dark crying Soyeon because of the rumor 

Miyeon: Seriously?? It was Soyeon's idea to made up a rumor about Shuhua and she's the one who drags her into it 

Soyeon: Oh come on stop acting like sore losers it was just a joke also she did dated my boyfriend right behind my back and you saw it to remember Miyeon?? *said it in a serious tone* 

Miyeon nodded. 

Soyeon: Good don't worry Shuhua will get over with sooner or later and I will make sure that she isn't going to say anything besides I do feel bad for her though but she needs to be taught a lesson

Soyeon: So let it go okay?? 

Miyeon, Minnie and Yuqi agreed with her as they nodded. 

Soyeon: Good anyways I'm sooo in the mood for chocolate *said it happily* 

After that, the four girls went back inside as they are watching a halloween movie as they're eating popcorn and candy. 

End of Flashback 


Couple of more hours later 

Back to the Present 


Miyeon and Minnie are having an conservation for about an hour now after the fight happened and Minnie gotten herself clean from the mud that she was being covered. Minnie didn't want this to happen but it's not her fault that Soyeon had started it all because Minnie doesn't wanna admit her faults for her actions. Minnie admits that she has done terrible things but she tried to forget all of that but suddenly it still has gotten into her and she lets Soyeon have it. Miyeon talked to her about the kiss that she shared with her from the other night and A has the photo of them kissed and she wishes that it didn't happened so Minnie agrees with her but she couldn't tell who will do such a thing because her and Miyeon still doesn't know who did it. 

For about more hours of the two girls talking, Miyeon and Minnie have made up as they hugged each other. 

Soyeon made sure that Miyeon could have her own personal space before she lets her have a talk with Minnie. 

It made it perfectly enough for them to finally made up but Miyeon and Minnie still couldn't remember from that night after they kissed. 

Minnie had something in mind that she wanted to tell Miyeon but she decided to keep it in until the time has come around because she doesn't want anymore problems. 

As for Minnie, Soyeon, Yuqi and Shuhua, the four of them apologized to each other but Shuhua isn't letting it go because she couldn't stand of Soyeon's mess that she has created. Yuqi on the other hand still hasn't getting over about their friendship that is toxic and she kept imaging it that she would of just leave already but she didn't so Yuqi went out for a bit for her to cool off. 

Yuqi couldn't stand the idea of anything that goes on around her. 

Yuqi wanted a fresh new start but she couldn't have that anymore because of the environment that have turned her into something else. 

She doesn't want to become nothing like normal 

Nothing isn't normal for her 

Yuqi is still wearing the friendship bracelet that she is wearing and she didn't even taking it off. 

Yuqi still wears the bracelet and she would never ever taking it off as long as it takes for her to move away from all of the stuff that has happened between her and her best friends. 

It's the same to Soyeon because she and her are in a relationship. 

Yuqi is still wearing the corgi necklace that Soyeon has given to her as a present and it really made her happy. 

Yuqi hates living into the past and dark. 

She closes her eyes as she imagines herself being back into the world that she could be the happiest girls in her life ever. 

Unfortunately it keeps on going backwards and not forward


Hours have passed 

It's night out 

Soyeon went up to her girlfriend with a smile on her face as she hugs Yuqi so tightly because she had gotten so worried about her that Yuqi is going to arrive home in just an hour ago but Yuqi has finally made it home. Once Yuqi is about to go upstairs to her room because she is getting pretty tired, Soyeon crashes her lips onto Yuqi's lips as Yuqi kisses her back then she pushes her against the wall as the two of them continue to kiss. The two girls led out a sloppy kiss as Yuqi led out a moan as they ended up on the couch as the two girls continue to kiss and make out.

Soyeon kisses Yuqi on the neck as she sucks on it to make a mark. 

Yuqi: Soy... Soyeon... ahh 

Soyeon continues to give her kisses. 

Yuqi had done the same and now she kisses Soyeon on the neck as she makes a mark and also kisses her on her shoulder right when her tattoo is.

Soyeon: Yu.... Yuqi *led out a moan* 

Yuqi: Now it's my turn babe *smirks at her* 

Soyeon led out a blush. 

Soyeon: God Yuqi you are such an badass 

Yuqi led out a chuckle at that compliment. 

Just when the two girls continue to kiss as they're about to make out some more, Shuhua made it downstairs and that made the two girls stop kissing as Soyeon and Yuqi gives her a glare look on their faces. 


Shuhua just laughed as she gets some ice cream from the fridge. 

Then she quickly went upstairs before Soyeon is about to chase her down and it made Yuqi laugh at her as she gives her a kiss on the cheek. 

Yuqi: We should probably be heading for bed now 

Soyeon: Awww but I want more kisses *she pouts*

Yuqi hugs her as she gives her alot of kisses and it made Soyeon laugh. 

Yuqi: There happy now?? 

Soyeon nodded happily.

The two girls got themselves a treat for ice cream as they're heading for bed to get some sleep until the next day have arrived.

Meanwhile Miyeon and Minnie went to the bridge as they looked out those shooting stars at night then Minnie pulls out the promises as she puts it onto Miyeon's finger as she also shows her a promise ring and they have matching rings. Instead, Miyeon doesn't look too happy as she gives Minnie the ring back as she ran away with tears in her eyes then Minnie went after her but she realized that Miyeon is gone as tears begin to shed across her face as she pulls out a photo. 

Minnie's mind: Why haven't we know that we're toxic in our friendship?? 


The next day 

Unknown: Don't you know that you're toxic Soyeon?? 

Unknown: Like I said before I will take everything for what you had left because you don't deserve anything that comes in your way -A 

Soyeon's eyes widened when she received a text from A. 

Soyeon: THAT CRAZY SICK PYSCHO *she shouted as she turns off her phone* 

Just before she leaves, she heard some footsteps and she knew exactly when it leads so she is about to dial a number as she is going to call Miyeon then she led out a scream as she saw A so she quickly ran as she fast as she can but she was being caught. Soyeon scream again as she tries to fight A and she also yell out for help but everything went pitch black once she is being knocked out as she couldn't remember a thing before she was being knocked out.

Then someone ties her up as she was being dragged. 



The four girls races themselves back home after something went wrong as they went into Soyeon's room and realized that Soyeon isn't in her room then Miyeon picks up a note that was on the ground and she received a text from A and that made her and her best friends led out a gasped. 

Unknown: If you want to see precious little Soyeon again 

*It also send a photo* 

The four girls looked directly at each other as they said their final words. 

Miyeon, Minnie, Yuqi and Shuhua: It's A 

To be continued......

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