Hey, cool girl! (TR Various...

By SeenaJ

356K 13.8K 4.1K

(Y/n) is a cool and laidback girl who's all sorts of random but she's knows how to fight pretty good. What wi... More

Love Interests
Short Story
Short Story Part 2


15.3K 562 107
By SeenaJ

(Y/n) yawned, waking up from her bed. Her droopy eyes landed on the clock resting on her bedside table. The blaring red numbers boring into her eyes. She groaned, shuffling the covers off her before sitting up and stretching.

Her feet touched the carpeted flooring of her bedroom as she stood up, fixing her bed before moving to the bathroom where got ready for school.

She brushed her (h/c) hair while staring into the mirror, putting it down on the dresser and adjusting her strands before grabbing her bag and leaving the room, heading downstairs to an empty kitchen, where she began preparing breakfast for her mom and herself; waffles and eggs. It was the usual routine for her, she loved trying to help her mom whenever possible.

After eating, she left through the door with her skateboard and headed to school. She rolled the board slowly, the wind caressing her cheek and blowing her hair back. When she arrived at the gates of her school, she kicked her board up and walked inside, changing her shoes and putting away her stuff before heading to class.

The bell rang, signaling class is starting. (Y/n) sat in the back of the classroom all the time but she was an excellent student and had exceptional grades. She was the one they called when teachers needed her to tutor someone. Sigh.

Lunch soon arrived and (y/n) took out her bento to eat when her teacher called for her. She paused, "yes, ma'am?"

Her teacher smiled, approaching her, "(y/n), I'm sorry to have to bother you, but there's a student of mine who's in need of dire tutoring and I couldn't think of anyone else but you," she sighed, "if it wouldn't be too much trouble on your hands, can you—?"

(Y/n) nodded, shrugging her shoulders, "sure, no problem." The teacher smiled gratefully, patting her shoulder. The girl went back to eating her lunch. As time went on and classes were soon finished followed by club activities, she was brought to another room where the teacher introduced her to the student in question.

"(y/n), this is baji keisuke," the teacher turned to the raven-haired male, "baji, this is (y/n), your tutor. I expect better grades this time and if i hear you're giving her a hard time, it's detention for you, understand?" The teacher had a stern gaze, before leaving the empty classroom.

Baji had wide eyes as he stared at the female, automatically recognizing her. She was the one on the train! The one mikey's infatuated with! He didn't know she went to his school. He gulped...he was dealing with precious cargo right now...he can't mess up!

(y/n) pulled the chair out, taking the seat next to baji and smiling at him, "so...tell me what subjects you're having problems with, maybe I'll be of assistance to you."

Baji cleared his throat, nodding. He took out his books and told her that he didn't understand math and science at all, it was confusing for him. He watched quietly as she explained slowly the formula and how to do it step-by-step, making sure he got it.

His bronze eyes couldn't help but glance at her occasionally, taking in her appearance. She looked so much different than what he saw her on the train. She was beautiful. Unaware of the red blush slowly coating his features, his mind stopped paying attention to what she was saying, opting to observe her instead.

A chuckle broke him out of his thoughts, "you seem to be staring at me for quite some time now, surely my face isn't that interesting, is it?" (Y/n) wore an amused expression as she leaned back against the chair, tapping the pencil against the book.

Baji broke his eyes away from her, embarrassed at being caught. He cleared his throat, "sorry, i was...." He didn't know what to say.

"I assume you understand what i just explained to you since you found me more interesting to look at then your books, hm?" (Y/n) mused as she stood up, packing her things.

Baji panicked and instinctively grabbed her wrist, "wait..!" The two of them paused, looking at one another in silence before he spoke, "...i still don't get it..." he blushed embarrassedly, averting his eyes, "sorry...."

(Y/n) rose an eyebrow. She heard all about baji keisuke being a delinquent from someone but she wasn't sure if it was true or not. From what it looks like, he doesn't seem like the smart type. But it's okay.

She sighed through her nose, sitting back down and getting her notebooks out, brushing a strand of hair behind her ear, "it's okay, I know it's not easy understanding the complexity of math and science. I was at your stage too." She admitted comfortingly, flipping open the textbooks, "lets start again, kay?" She smiled kindly at him.

Baji grinned wolfishly, "yeah!" His cheeks heated up.

The two of them continued to work on what he couldn't understand before it was starting to get late. They packed up their things just as the door slammed open, "baji-san!" A blonde undercut shouted, "i was looking—"

Chifuyu paused, taking in the sight before him. He recognized the (h/c)-ette from the train and couldn't help but gawk. Was she really the same person? Isn't she the one mikey likes? "O-oh, sorry, i didn't know you had company." He chuckled nervously, scratching the back of his head. "I'm chifuyu!" He introduced.

(Y/n) laughed, waving her hand, "I'm (y/n) and it's okay, we're about done. We were just leaving, actually." She turned to baji, "tomorrow I'll see you at the same spot here, okay?" The raven haired male nodded, clutching his bag.

She waved at the two boys before leaving the classroom while they watched.

Chifuyu turned to baji with confused look, "she goes to our school?! Since when?!" He received a shrug in response. The two toman boys left the school building with multiple thoughts in their head........all about the (h/c)-ette.

A/n: enjoy!

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