Enhypen BxB OneShots

By JungwonDimple28

314K 5.4K 2K

This book will consist of Enhypen BxB one shots. I will include all ships Feel free to request! I hope you e... More

Jayke [M]
HeeHoon [M]
Jayke [M]
JayHoon [M]
JayHoon [M]
HeeWon [M]
SunJake [M]
OT7 - Jungwon Centric
JakeWon [M]
JakeHoon [M]
JakeWon [M]
OT7 - Jake Centric
OT7 - Jay Centric
HeeWon [M]
OT7 - Riki Centric
SunJay [M]
OT7 - Sunghoon Centric
JaykeHoon [M]
JakeHoonWon [M]
OT7 - Jungwon Centric
SungWon [M]
OT7 - Heeseung Centric [M]
JakeHoon [M]
OT7 - Riki Centric
JayWon [M]
Heeki [M]
Requests pt. 2
OT7 - Jay Centric [M]
HeeJake [M]
JayWon [M]
HeeJake [M]
Jayke [M]
JaykeWon [M]
OT7 - Sunoo Centric
OT7 - Heeseung Centric
SungWon [M]
OT7 - Riki Centric
OT7 - Jungwon Centric


3.3K 56 9
By JungwonDimple28

For anyone who requested HeeWon ¨̮  

Can I just say I love Jungwon with my entire heart and he's the best leader ever and he cares for his members so much and he's the definition of perfect and I love him.



Jungwon was nothing but thankful for the opportunity that was presented to him through Enhypen. When the group was deciding upon a leader, he was more than shocked hearing his own name come up in the mix. 

HIs heart was beating as they waited for the announcement of who would officially become Enhypen's leader, and while on the outside Jungwon made sure to look excited, on the inside his heart was beating so fast.

To be honest, we would have very much preferred if he could stay away from the leader role as much as possible, because he already feels like he can't handle it. 

With no hesitation, Jungwon put Heeseung down as his pick because the younger had admired the older all the way through I-Land, and he had no doubt Heeseung was perfectly fit for the role of leader. 

As the seven boys sat around the table, waiting patiently for someone to be chosen, Jungwon's heart began to speed up when he hear Heeseung and himself were the final two choices. 

Please be Heeseung hyung, please. Jungwon pleaded to himself, crossing his fingers below the table. 

"And Heeseung has decided to turn down the role so he can focus on his role as the eldest, so congratulations Jungwon, you are the leader of Enhypen!" The staff cheered for the young boy, along with his six other members. 

Immediately he plastered a smile on his face, not wanting anyone to see his apprehension towards this decision. He had to manage holding his breath and true feelings until the rest of the meeting was concluded. 

The camera had gone around to each member to ask them their thoughts, and Jungwon's heart constricted as each member definitely agreed he was perfectly fit for the job. 

He listened closely as Heeseung answered. His words made Jungwon feel overwhelmed. "And of course I'll always help him, I just thought the role of the eldest and the leader were separate, but I will always work my best to help Jungwon." 

The younger doesn't even remember what he said to the camera, and he barely remembers his own mini meeting he has with the rest of the staff when the other members are allowed to return back to the dorm. 

His mind is somewhere else as Jungwon gets into the elevator to leave the company building. 

As he leaves the elevator and heads for the door, someone is calling out to him. 

"Jungwonie, wait up." Heeseung calls, jogging from his place on a lobby chair to where Jungwon stands in the center of the room, watching Heeseung approach him. 

"Why are you still here, hyung? It's been an hour since you guys left." Jungwon asked, not really thinking about the way Heeseung's arm wraps around his shoulders and the two continue walking. 

"I didn't want you going home on your own after such a big announcement." Heeseung answers him, reaching forward to hold the door open for the younger before they're getting in the van that had been waiting outside for them. 

They situate themselves next to each other, but neither say a word. Jungwon is still completely lost in his own head, and Heeseung just sits there knowingly. 

He knows the younger is more than likely overwhelmed with the sudden news, and he kind of wishes he had just taken the role, but he truly thinks its for the best. He knows the younger can do it. They will all be helping him all the time, so it shouldn't be so bad. 

Heeseung brings his hand down to sit atop Jungwon's knee, softly moving his thumb to comfort the younger. Jungwon doesn't say a word, but he slowly brings his head down before resting it against Heeseung's shoulder. 

Heeseung squeezes his knee. He looks down a little to see Jungwon with his eyes closed, and he can't help it when he brings his other hand up to move a piece of hair out of Jungwon's eyes. He slides the pad of his thumb across the younger's cheek in a delicate touch, knowing he isn't asleep. 

Jungwon takes both of his hands to hold onto Heeseung's that's placed on his knee, and neither of them move the rest of the way back to the dorm. 

It feels all too soon when the van is pulling up to the dorms, and Jungwon takes a deep breath before wordlessly following Heeseung out of the van. 

"You hungry?" Heeseung asks the younger once they get in the elevator. 

Jungwon shrugs. "Kind of." He answers. Heeseung nods, planning to make Jungwon some dinner before he sends him off to bed. He feels like a mother, but it's just the way he wants so care for the boy. 

The two enter the dorm to the same old chaos it usually is in there, but for some reason it kind of irks Jungwon this time, knowing that from now on it is his responsibility to calm these boys down, to get them under control. 

He knows he's overthinking it, and it will be easier than he thinks because most of them were adults now, they knew how to behave, but some of them were still in their mischievous stages of life that never seemed to end. 

"C'mon Jungwonie, I'm making you food." Heeseung holds his hand out for the younger to follow him to the kitchen. Jungwon follows without a word. 

He sits himself in a barstool next to Jay who was scrolling on his phone while he watched Heeseung start cooking whatever it was he was going to cook. 

"Jungwonie, or should I say leader." Jay laughs softly, poking Jungwon's side. Jungwon pretends to chuckle, swatting the older's hand away. "Yeah that's right, so you better watch out now." He fake threatens. 

Jay smiles down at the younger before standing and wrapping his arms around Jungwon's waist in a tight hug. "I know you'll be amazing Jungwonie, don't doubt yourself." Jay tells him before moving back and poking the younger on the nose. Jungwon can only nod before Jay is walking away, leaving the two in the kitchen. 

Jungwon blinks his eyes quickly when he feels tears rising in them, and lucky for him they seem to go away as quickly as they came. 

He clears his throat, looking back at Heeseung who had his head down, but his eyes were raised as he watched the new found leader. 

"Here you go Jungwonie, I'll have some with you." Heeseung says, placing a bowl of ramyeon in front of the younger and sat down beside him with his own bowl of food. 

(A/N: when I was writing this Jungwon went live 🥲)

The two ate in silence, Jungwon barely remembering he was eating anything until he reached back into the bowl with his chopsticks and there were no noodles left. "Oh," he whispered to himself. 

Heeseung had finished a while ago, but he was silently waiting for the younger to be done as well. He quietly took the bowl from in front go Jungwon and placed the two in the sink. 

"C'mon Jungwonie." Heeseung takes Jungwon's hand, helping him off the chair before leading him to the rooms. 

"Hyung, that's my room." Jungwon pointed to the room on the left as Heeseung dragged him past it. 

"I know, I want to talk to you." He responded. 

They entered Heeseung's room and Jungwon wanted to be in there as much as he didn't want to be in there. He knew the older was just going to talk to him about the fact he's now the leader, but Jungwon didn't want to talk about it. He still barely knew what it means for him. 

"Sit on the bed, I'll be right back." Heeseung pointed at the mattress for Jungwon to sit on, before leaving the room. 

Jungwon sighed, knowing he won't be able to escape from this. He settled himself against Heeseung's headboard, taking a pillow and holding it in his arms. He closed his eyes as he waited for Heeseung to come back, and he did moments later, carrying a small thing of ice cream in his hands, with two spoons. 

Heeseung sat himself beside Jungwon, their shoulders occasionally brushing together. He opened the tub of ice cream and put it between them, taking the first scoop. 

"Do you want to talk about it?" Heeseung asks the younger, looking at Jungwon frown. 

"You kind of dragged me in here, so don't I have to talk about it?" Jungwon kind of laughed, taking his own scoop of ice cream, the coldness on his tongue kind of snapping him out of it a little bit, waking him up and giving him a reality check. 

Jungwon opens his mouth to say something else, but he gets choked up and tries coughing to cover it up, but coughing doesn't stop him from crying. 

"Oh, Jungwonie. It's okay, hyung is here." Heeseung comforts when he sees Jungwon's face contort. 

And then the younger is letting it all out. He's so overwhelmed by such a huge change to his career from now on, he doesn't know where to start talking about it. 

Heeseung takes the spoon from Jungwon's hand and places the ice cream on the bedside table beside him. Jungwon is just sitting there crying when Heeseung turns back to him, and he holds his arms open, but the younger doesn't move. His vision is blurred from his tears. 

Heeseung's heart tightens, hurting at the sight of the crying younger member in front of him. 

He takes matters into his own hands and scoots forward, taking the younger into his arms and holding him close. 

He tucks Jungwon's head into the crook of his neck, keeping a hand atop of the younger's hair, threading his fingers through it. 

He brings Jungwon's legs so they are laying across his, and Jungwon is scrunched up like a ball in Heeseung's hold, taking the comfort from his hyung through a situation where he doesn't know how to feel. 

Heeseung shushes the younger boy softly, whispering calmly to him. 

"It's going to be okay Jungwonie. Hyung is here to help you with whatever you need. You're not in this alone. We all trust in you."

Jungwon grips at the older's shirt, his head starting to hurt from crying, but he needs to. 

"Heeseung hyung," he whimpers quietly. "What am I supposed to do?" He asks. 

Heeseung takes his hand under Jungwon's chin to bring his head up so they can look at each other. 

"You don't need to do anything right now, love. You can take it one day at a time. Everybody knows this is new for you, they don't expect you to immediately know what you're doing." Heeseung reassures, tucking Jungwon's bangs to the side to see his face clearer. 

"What if it gets too much?" Jungwon asks, "what if I'm not good enough?" Even the thought alone makes Jungwon's breath hitch. 

"What if Engene hate me?" With that question Jungwon's eyes widen, and he feels as if his heart is literally breaking, and the sobs he lets out would be embarrassing under any other situation, but he's scared. 

"Jungwonie, no." Heeseung says, and he blinks his eyes to try and stop himself from getting emotional from the intense feelings of sadness and worry from the younger. 

"If it gets too much, all you have to do is tell someone, tell me. We are all here for you, we all love you so, so much. I love you so, so much." Heeseung holds Jungwon close.

"You are more than good enough. We al chose you because we know you can do it, but you don't have to do it all, we are always here to help you." Heeseung tells him.

"And Engene will never, ever, ever, ever hate you, my love. You're their shining smile, their love, their happiness, and nothing you could do could change that. They love everything about you. Your beautiful eyes, even beautiful when you're crying. They love your adorable dimples, and your cute little nose. Everything you do makes them love you more and more." 

Jungwon blinks, sniffing because crying makes his nose run, as he looks at Heeseung. 

"Are you sure?" Jungwon asks, still apprehensive and unsure. 

"Jungwonie, look at me." Heeseung pulls back again, this time taking Jungwon's face in both of his hands, slightly squishing his adorable cheeks together. 

"You are going to be the best leader any Kpop group has ever had. You will not let anyone down because no one is expecting you to be perfect. You are still so young, and I know it isn't the most ideal position to be in at your age, but we all love you so much we know you can do it. Okay?" Heeseung asks. 

Jungwon nods while his cheeks are still being squished. He hasn't looked away from Heeseung. 

"Will you help me, hyung?" Jungwon asks, shyly, looking down as Heeseung removes his hands from the younger's face so it isn't so squished. 

The older still tilts his chin up to look at him. 

"Always Jungwonie, I will always help you no matter what you need." 

He lowers his hand, but Jungwon remains looking at him. 

Neither of them are saying anything, but Heeseung can feel the butterflies in his stomach he was trying all this time to ignore. 

Jungwon glances away at the closed door, clearing his throat. "Um," he mutters, and without looking up at the older, he's moving himself so he's sitting on Heeseung's lap, straddling him. 

Heeseung's mouth literally drops open, and his breath hitches. "You okay now Jungwonie?" He asks, ignoring the way he feels his face grow red, and instead places his hands on the younger's hips. 

"Mhm, I think so, hyung." Jungwon says, scooting closer to his hyung so their chests are pressed against each other, and their noses are only centimeters away.

"Actually, not quite." Jungwon whispers, and in his position he kind of has to look down at the older, and his stomach flutters at the intense gaze the older already has on him. 

"What do you ne-" Heeseung is cut off because Jungwon is young and he has no self control or patience. 

The younger presses his lips to his hyung's, wrapping his arms around Heeseung's neck. 

Heeseung is shocked, but he doesn't fall behind and instead pulls the younger closer to him, kissing him as languidly and deep as possible, both moving their heads at many different angles as if there was a way they could get closer to each other. 

"Mm, hyung." Jungwon whines against Heeseung's lips, keeping his mouth open trying to breathe properly as Heeseung departs their mouths and kisses against his cheek, and against his jaw, and under his cheek, down his neck. 

A reality check kind of washes over Heeseung and although he doesn't want to stop, he thinks maybe he should. 

When Jungwon reattaches their mouths almost desperately, Heeseung has to slow them down, his hand rubbing softly against the younger's back, and Jungwon whimpers at the action, slowing down as well. 

They sit together for another minute kissing each other softly until Jungwon pulls back. 

"Thank you, hyung. I was overwhelmed." Jungwon whispers, still sitting atop of Heeseung, but he looks down, playing with the fabric of the older's shirt. 

"Anything for you my Jungwonie. You know that." Heeseung responds, still softly rubbing the younger's back. 

Jungwon nods, and they're quiet. He looks up. "Can I sleep in here tonight?" He asks, hoping the older will say yes. 

"I don't see why not," Heeseung replies, "as long as I can cuddle you." 

Jungwon giggles and Heeseung lights up at the vast difference from only minutes ago. 

Jungwon is strong, they're going to be just fine. 

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¢нσσѕє уσυя Ⓝⓞⓣ ⓕⓞⓡ ⓢⓐⓛⓔ ҽɳԃιɳɠ Happy Reading!! ᕕ(ᐛ)ᕗ