Villainous: His Right Hand Gh...

By Geo-devourer

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He is smart, cunning, and dangerous, so dangerous that blackhat himself arrive to his place to talk. He was i... More

The Right Hand Bio
A Ghoulish Breakout
Powers of a Ghoul
Who let the Ghoul In
Rules of the Road
Raiding the Castle
A Toxic Night on the Town
Toxic Love is In the Air
Love So Toxic, It Melts
Ice Ice Yeti
Carving the Streets Vile
Hat Under New Management
Paved in Burning Road
Indiana Ghoul an the Temple of Monsters
The One That Got Away
Here's Leroy
Leroy Bio
A Chaotic Bonding, With A Pinch of Toxic
Valentine's Day Special: Rock Your Heart Out
He Might Be Giant
Milk Run
Petal To The Metal
The Rookie
Shreddy Power Playlist
Shreddy Or Not
Robo Bull Busting
Everybody Fear the Dinosaur
Yeti or Not
Ghoul Ninja Arts: Clawsome
Devil Comes Home
Devil Dinosaur Playlist
Yo-Ho A Demons Pet For Me
You Know The Drill
Villainous Bonding
Primal Mayhem
Underworld Chaos
Surfs Up Girls
And His Name Is Bogdog
Triple Threat
Hog Wild
Season 2
Brothers No More
Brother where art though
Halloween Special event: The Brides of Ghoulinstein
Ghouling in
Runaway Rides
Christmas Special: Have A Ghouly Jolly Christmas
Ghoul Wheel
Ghoul Gamble
A New Ghoul Era
Wanted: Bebop and Rocksteady
Here's Croak

Bringing Down The Thunder

203 4 0
By Geo-devourer

It was a sunny day, that was the only nice thing as the streets were something different. They were smoking, seeping with vile and villain. Gangs were fighting gangs, banks being robbed and the police prison have their inmates break out daily, heroes would call this the home of evil, villains and mercenaries, they call it Chaon city. An as the city was doing its normal thing, a massive shadow engulf the city. A group of robbers was about to rob a person when one noticed the shadow, he looks up, his face was frightened as it was a massive ship, the ship hover over the city, it's massive shadow touched everything. The ship fires off multiple drones that start attacking the city. Mainly it's criminals. The drones guarded over the banks and prison. Then armed forces marched along the streets, locking up all villainy. Inside his establishments, khan saw this happening.

Khan: so someone thinks he can take over the city, well first they'll have to deal with the boss, and they're lucky I'm just the VIP. Get me Lock UP

The scene transit to the most terrifying place on earth, hat island, we see something going on in hat manor, lights were flicking back and forth. Inside flug's lab the good doctor carefully tried to pour chemicals in the beaker, when they lights kept going off and on. Having enough he gets up and yell towards.

Flug: 505, stop floating with the lights mister

505 was flicking with the lights thinking it was a game, when flug yell at him he runs off panicked. Flug shakes his head in annoyance gets back to work. Though behind a black ball of fur stood, it turns the lights off as flug groans. It then turns back on, we see it closer to flug.

Flug: 505 I thought I told you.... Huh, he's not there

Flug gets to work the lights turn off again. Back on he see the chemicals were gone, and the creature was holding them, then begins to chug them down like sodas. He turns off the lights and burps

Flug: ah, whoever you all, I got a tranquilizer an I'm not afraid to use it 

Then the lights turn on again, a the blacker creature is holding his tranquilizer, he breaks it in two and puts on a bib, which he then changes color revealing Leroy. He chuckles and brings forth a fork and knife. The screen transits to ghouls room. In the bed Demi was living one of fanfictions, the spicy kind. Demi was pin down into the bed as Ridley kiss her all over. She moans until Ridely starts to bites her. Starts to grasp her all over the thigh,  breast  and cheek. 

Demi: don't stop

Ridely: wasn't gonna 

Ridley begins to French kiss Demi, their tongues wrestled for victory. Minutes have passed before they departs.

Ridley: that was fun... now let's turn it up 

Ridely goes ghoul and looks over her, she giggles as he picks her up. Before anything could happen they hear flug screams 

Ghoul: oh come on, we were just getting started 

In flugs lab the doors are blown open as Ridley and semi walk in, they look left and then right before into the center where they see Leroy. He's munching on something and they quickly guess what. Leroy chews it before beginning to swallow, then shadows looms over it and he looks to sees his owners.

Ridley: drop him Leroy 

Dementia: told ya he would do this 

Ridley: yeah yeah, now drop him

Leroy looks way until his cheeks bulge. Annoyed, Ridley grabs him and shoved his fist down Leroy's pie hole. He struggles before pulling out... 505.

Ridely: what did the bear do to you 

Leroy shrugs, Ridley continues to search until he pulls out dr. Flug, covered in spit.

Flug: why does it happen to me 

Ridley: because you soft... now don't bother us again, Leroy, go play with the pets

Leroy then poofs away through fire. 

Ridley: now your on your on flug, don't disturb me

Ridley then grabs demencia and toss her over the shoulder, she giggles as they walk off, before they exit the scene demencia looked at his butt and smiles, then they leave the scene 

Ridley: hey no slapping 

Demencia: no fair 

They head back to their bed. Flug was about to continue his work when he hears the doorbell ring. 

Flug: ah what now 

Flug marches to the door. He sees a hatbot about to open it but then he stops him.

Flug: allow me... what do you... want

He sees it's none other than lock up, his body was wet and covered in seaweed.

Lock up: hello flug 

Flug was showed pure terror, and slowly closed the door, but lock up stops it, Forcing it open.

Lock up: this is the part where you run

He runs off and lock up laughs, he chased after him. Scene transit to the ghoul room. Ridley lands on the bed and Demi lands on, this time she snuggles up to his body. 

Demencia: you ready carni fang, cause I'm gonna shut something then this bed

Ridley: yes ma'am 

She slowly starts unbuttoning her shirt when they hear a scream, it was flug, 

Ridley: ignore him 

Demi removed her clothes and tackled him down, they start kissing when they heard another scream, Demi then groans and Ridley ignores it and rolls around, kissing her repeatedly. Then he heard more screams, he groans and lifts up Demi.

Ridley: whatever it is, I'm gonna save him, and then kill him 

The scene transit to the main hall, 505 was cleaning items but hear screams he looks around when he gets caged. Then flug runs past him. Lockup closes in and throws caged at flug, flug barely dodged them whislt hitting decorations, lastly hitting a dead end.

Flug: what!!... how is there a dead end I know this place

He heard a stomp and lockup was behind him. 

Lockup: capture is nigh

He swings the cage. He reals his hand back. He throws it until a monster claw grabs his arm stopping it. Lockup face the opponent that is ghoul.

Ghoul: knock it off

Ghoul throws him into a statue of Blackhat. He gets up and dodged ghoul swing, which tears apart the statue, lockup was much faster and coordinated this time. Ghoul swiftly attacks them and lockup avoids the swing dealing counter blows, aiming at ghouls chest. But that did less to phase him. He tail swings lockup into the wall. The robot gets up and cracks his neck, he runs at ghoul but is punched by Demi, she start beating on him.

Demencia: that is for ruining my fun

Flug: few, thanks man, I owe you one

Ghoul: you owe me a lot

Ghoul begins to crushed flug head.

Blackhat: that is enough  playing ghoul, bring them to me

Ghoul sighs and teleports the group with him. They appear in blackhats office, lockup gots up and bows before Blackhat.

Lockup: high entity detected, lord black, bowing initiated 

Blackhat: good, lockup has come before us to deal with a certain problem in Chaon. 

Ghoul: so what's the problem 

Blackhat turns on the screen as we see a giant ship hovering over chaon.

Ghoul: oh, one of those Days, alright, let's go get the shop

Flug: wait, are you serious, did you not see a titanic level ship that could destroy a city without a thought.

Ghoul: dude this is not the some big deal, all we got to do is blow it up and we're done

Demencia: yeah that's sounds about right

Blackhat: that's settles it, deal with it soon, oh and make sure to take Leroy, he's planning something 

Ghoul nods and the head to the hat plan. Lockup decided to stay at hat island. Scene transitions to chaon air space. ridely was flying the ship, 505 had no clew of what's going on, and Leroy was in heaven as his fur was getting stroked by Demi. flug was just freaking out, Ridley soon saw this and sighs, slapping flug with his tail to snap in out of that state.

Flug: ow

Ridley: had to flug you were terrified for unnecessary reasons 

Flug: well you may not know that is a lvl 5 carrier we saw, it's made to be a Flying Fortress, packed armed soldiers with even armored weapons, drone ship that can spot a villain from 300 miles, and built with massive laser turrets and fusion cannons. 

Ridley: yeah, I know, I fought one

Flug:................................ say what 

Ridley: yeah I fought one, and it was easy, plus flug I don't see why your worried, it's a scout ship

Flug: a scoutship?!?!?

Ridley: yep these things are to search the areas for potential threats, they're are ones to be brought in for destruction, ones that at as repairers, and then theirs and extremely terrifying one, the mothership

Flug: the mothership

Ridley: it's combines all the factions of carriers into itself, making it ten thousand times more vicious, having a fleet of each faction by its side, like the alpha as a pack, when you come across it you best be strong enough, if not-

He looks at him with the most serious face on the planet.... Beside Blackhat

Ridley:[deep voice] run

Flug: point noted

Ridley: good now that we got that out the way we can deal with this 

Ridley whistles as they continue course. But flug was still terrified.  

Flug:[thoughts] what had Ridley done during his servitude under lord Blackhat

They were approaching chaon city airspace through the clouds, once out they were fir d upon by missiles. It shook the ship from within and the woke Leroy up, he land on Ridley shoulder and they see the scout carrier. It's drones were flying towards them

Ridley: hold on 

He dives down, they hover above the street being chased by the drones, they made several turns and the drones kept on them.

Flug: I thought you were a skill driver 

Ridley: Leroy, give us cover 

Leroy smiles and jumps off. He opens the door while in flight, then wing almost pulled flug inside, If not for Demi. Leroy whistles, he burst forth and grabs a hatbot, rips his head off and drinks the oil, he fires a geyser of oil, it caught in the drones, he smiles and lights his fingers. They other then heard and explosion and saw the drones were destroyed. 

Ridley: classic Leroy 

The hat ship flies up and is facing the scout carrier. Its fusion cannons aimed right at them.

Ridley: okay flug, this is you only moment to scream

Flug: sadly I'm all out 

They fusion cannons fire, but Leroy appears outside and eats the beam, he turns and gives the gang a thumbs up. But the carrier reveals metal rods, they charged up and shock Leroy, sending flying out the city

Demi: my baby 

Ridely: ah dang it, flug get the ship on that carrier and bring it down[goes ghoul] I'll check on Leroy 

Ghoul jumps out the hat ship and flies towards Leroy, but a drone knocks him down near Leroy. then the carrier releases more Drones. Flug was about to take the controls when Demi kicks him off the seat.

Flug; demencia what was-

He freezes seeing the cold glare  coming from her. She pilots the ship and flies skyward, now above the carrier, the ship divebomb into the ship, avoiding of tackling drones, as flug and 505 scream and they crash through. Scene transits back to the monster duo. Ghoul get sup and groans.

Ghoul: dirty shot, I can respect that, yo Leroy, you good

He looks over to a Leroy shaped crater, he watched Leroy jump out annoyed. 

Ghoul: I hear ya buddy, let's go help my girl

They turn only it gave several drones hovering over them and armored soldiers, and it was true those weapons had armor on themselves.

Ghoul: looks like me might be a bit late 

Leroy and ghoul smiled and blast them with fire. In the carrier, there was a smoking hole as inside the hat ship was inside it. Demencia kicked the door down and ran out.

Flug: demencia wait, we got to pilot this ship away from the city. 

Demencia didn't listen as she head to the core. 

Flug: ugh, 505 follow me

They head to the other direction. Demi made it core an see hundred of armored soldiers. She simply cracks her neck and charged at soldiers. Flug and 505 made it to the cockpit, once they opened the door they are greeted by armored soldiers.

Flug: guys we don't have to do this

They activate their weapons a close in on them. But then suddenly a ball of fur crashed through the window, catching all their attention as it rolls into the center. It uncurls to be Leroy, he jumps onto one and starts punching him. He flips over avoiding a hit, and kicks one, he grabs one of the legs and swings him around like nunchucks. He sends soldiers flying. One charges at him from behind but he teleports away. The soldier looks around an was confused, but then a painful urge sends him flying into the sky as Leroy was behind with an piece of his clothing in his teeth( he bit his butt) flug used this distraction to make it to the controls. Once there he tries steering but no luck. 

Flug: dang, it requires something to unlock, but what 

505 then taps him and points to one soldier, a high ranking one as his armor was different, and on his waist was the key.

Flug: perfect, now nothing can stop-

Before he could finish he sees the guard eaten by Leroy, he burps an he notice the key was stuck in his teeth.

Flug:  god, why do you hate me

505 pats him on the back. Back in the core, Demi was taking out soldiers. One when gets her in the back shocking her. She's falls down as they move in. But then she sees something an smiles 

Demi: hey baby 

From above ghoul lands onto the growl. He slash and devours armored solider left and right the while carrying Demi by his tail. He makes his way to the center and all the soldiers were defeated. He changes back to the Ridley and brings her in, kissing her all over her face.

Ridley: you alright my toxic lizard

Demi: I'll be fine, but I'm low on snuggle energy 

Ridley: oh really

Demi stocked her tongue out and they head to the core. Demi was on his back.

Demencia: so what now

Ridley: why don't we bring down the thunder

They smile and the scent transits to the the cockpit. The soldiers were either eaten or injured. Leroy was cleaning armored out his teeth when he sense flug slowly putting a color on him. He grabs him and growls in his face.

Flug: hey 

505 covers bud eyes and whimpers as he hears flug screams and bone crunching. He sees flug roll by shaped as a pretzel. He struggles to get loose as he gets a call. 

Flug: hey

Ridley:  flug me and Demi about to break this core out, you at the cores

Flug: yeah well I need to get the key

Ridley: good, once we feel the ship move we're breaking it

Demencia: yeah so hurry up.

Flug hangs up and looks at Leroy. 

Flug: alright Leroy, we need the key, that's lodge in your teeth, to move the ship to save chaon, now can you help me 

Leroy smiles and shows the key. Flug goes to grab it but Leroy crushed his arm and starts slamming his back and forth on the floor, he then lets him go. Flug groans and gets up.

Flug: listen up mutt, you need to hand me that key 

This angers Leroy as he combust. He looks over flug and about to kill him

Flug: if you do I can tell you all the things Demi likes that can help you get in her good side 

Leroy then stops, and ponders, before smiling and holds the key.

Flug: thank you-

Leroy throws it at flug head. He groans an inserts it in the controls, the carrier begins moving skyward. They fly outside the city. Ridley sensed it and goes ghoul, he spreads his wings and flies, outside, we see multiply explosion all around, then we see the hat ship fly out being piloted by Leroy. And then a massive core is sent out and the ghoul is carrying it. He starts spinning it. Changing the weather into a storm. 

Ghoul: Thor.... Eat you heart out 

He throws the core into the carrier, and massive explosion engulfed it. 

Demencia: whoo, that was awesome 

Ghoul: yep

Flug: so what now

Lockup: servants of Blackhat 

Then they see lockup on the ground.

Lockup: extend gratitude commencing, mission: go to khan and attend banquets.

Ghoul: I think we can work with that 

Demencia: yeah let's eat

Then they fly off heading their feast.

Boom that's it for the chapter. You have met lockup back in action. And flug may have got Leroy respect..... not. Next chapter, if you think Leroy is fearless then your about to find out in, He might be Giant.

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