DSMP/MCYT as Kids or Babies O...

By Anonymous_Author163

66 8 4


- Heist
- Rain

- Introduction to SMP Daycare!

31 3 4
By Anonymous_Author163

(Before all else, I want to say this isn't going to have any of that cringe UwU baby speak- At least not intentionally, and while I'm here please don't be weird, the characters are very young children. Btw Techno is one of the kids so if you don't want to read about him, that's fine but this is your warning. Same for A6d because some people don't like him fsr. Now, enjoy!) 

Welcome to SMP Daycare, a special daycare for children whose parents leave them alone frequently. This place is run by the Minecraft couple, Philza and Kirsten, or Mumza and Dadza, as they tell the kids to call them. 

I know you came here to meet all the little ones and hear about their shenanigans, so let's introduce all the ones that actually do get up to stuff! Feel free to skip any you don't want to read, especially since there's a LOT!

Dream - Dream is a 5 year old boy who spends most of his time laughing and causing trouble with his friends. He has a little smiley-face mask he rarely ever takes off, and you'll probably see him offering flowers to George, another boy at this daycare, because he fancies him and isn't shy about admitting it! Overall he's a very sweet kid, but he occasionally gets caught messing around with the younger children. 

George - George, or Gogy, is a little older than Dream at 6 years old. He spends most of his time at daycare napping, and trying to ward off Dream's constant affection, despite liking it. He's known for being unproblematic and shy, usually preferring to watch chaos rather than participate in causing it, although he does join in sometimes, especially when it's his friends. He always wears a pair of round white sunglasses. They look cute on him, although they're too big.

Sapnap - Unlike his two best friends above, Sapnap is one of the many non-human children who attend the daycare. He's an infernal, or fire demon, who's a bit of a handful because he can't control his powers very well yet, and actually takes joy in arson. He's 5 years old like Dream, and wears a panda onesie with a white headband tied around the top of his head. In spite of the fire problem, he's a sweet kid.

Quackity - Quackity, or Little Q, is another non-human child, although nobody is quite sure what he is. He appears human except that he has golden wings, which he can somewhat fly with. He'll probably get better at it as he ages, since he's only 5 now. Like Wilbur, he wears a beanie that's too big for him and constantly has to push it up. Quackity loves causing chaos and is often right there with his friends when they're doing it.

Karl Jacobs - Karl is a very sweet 6 year old who only gets involved in his friends' chaos because he wants to spend time with them as much as he can. He's most often seen hugging Quackity and Sapnap, and he probably likes them. Pet him, trust me, his hair is the fluffiest little mess you'll ever feel. Just be gentle.

Wilbur - Seven-and-a-half-year-old Wilbur Minecraft is actually one of Phil and Kirsten's own 4 children, all of whom go to their parents' daycare. Wilbur is almost always seen carrying around his baby brother, Tommy, or just playing with him, which makes his parents' jobs a little easier since he helps look after him. He really loves his little brother, and he also loves music, so you'll probably hear him sing a lot. Wilbur also has wings like his dad, who's a crow hybrid.

Technoblade - Techno is a pig hybrid who never listens to rules because he's an anarchist, despite only being a child. He's Wilbur's twin brother, somehow. Most of his time is spent reading, although he has little interest in the cute kids' books at the daycare. He wears a little crown, although you may see him without it since he lets a younger child called Ranboo wear it sometimes. But don't tell him I told you that.

Tommy - Tommy is Phil and Kirsten's youngest child, who only recently turned 2 years old. He doesn't do much on his own yet, but he can already cause chaos to an extent. As previously mentioned, Wilbur carries him around almost all the time, but he is learning to walk slightly. He also has the same crows' wings as his dad and brother, but they haven't come all the way in and they're very small, so he won't do anything close to flying for a long time. Funnily enough, he can barely talk and he already knows a few swear words. 

Tubbo - Tubbo is the sweetest little thing and Tommy's best friend. He's a goat hybrid, but he really loves bees, and honestly his horns aren't even sharp yet. He's older than Tommy, albeit only by a few months, but he's smaller. He's Phil and Kirsten's only adopted child. Unlike Tommy, he can basically talk and has completely learned to walk, although he still tumbles over sometimes because the ''walking'' is more like toddling due to his young age. He carries a plushie of a bee everywhere he goes.

Ranboo - Ranboo is another one of the younger children and also another one of the non-humans. He's 3 years old and already has a bit of social anxiety, although Dream and Corpse often play with him because all three of them consider themselves to be ''faceless''. Ranboo is sometimes seen wearing Techno's crown and talks to Techno in enderspeak, because enderbeings like him are born being able to enderspeak but take a while to learn English or any other language. He's actually very tiny because enderbeings don't grow tall until they begin their equivalent of puberty. (I KNOW THEY'RE NONBINARY IRL DON'T KILL ME PLS I FULLY SUPPORT THEM, THIS IS THE LORE CHARACTER LARGELY AND THEY'RE A TODDLER ANYWAY THIS IS BEFORE THEY KNOW-)

Purpled - Purpled is another 3 year old, younger than Ranboo by a few months. As you might guess, he loves the color purple. He doesn't cause much chaos though, so I don't have a lot to say other than his voice is really cute.

Badboyhalo - Bad, unlike what his name implies, is probably the sweetest child in the whole daycare. He loves mini muffins and often uses them for snacks at his tea parties, which he sets up for his friends. He and Skeppy are absolutely inseparable and both get very grumpy if they leave each others' side for any reason. Similar to Tommy and Tubbo getting fussy if they're apart, but the feeling is more intense with Skeppy and Bad because they like each other. Although it's odd because of his soft and cute personality, Bad is actually a literal demon. Not a fire demon like Sapnap, though. Bad is a 6 year old dark demon, the most common type, but he can't use any of the magical powers dark demons are supposed to be born with because those powers are fueled by doing bad deeds, which obviously Bad doesn't do.

Skeppy - Skeppy, a little diamond nature sprite, is Bad's closest friend. He loves chaos and playing tricks almost as much as he loves Bad, but he knows when to stop. Skeppy is 5 years old and noticeably smaller than Bad, mainly due to species difference. Most of the time he has his tongue out to side in a derpy little expression. He can be impatient and whiny, but he means well at the end of the day.

A6d - A6d is a human child from France. He's 6 and more than old enough to talk, but he doesn't know much English so he rarely says a word and often doesn't know what's going on, although the others do their best to include him because they're all sweet. Skeppy and Bad are his best friends and although they fully understand the concept of there being a language barrier, they accept him 100%.

Fundy - Fundy is a tiny baby fox hybrid who's only just learning to crawl and won't walk or talk for at least a year. Anyone who knows DSMP lore will know that Fundy grows up to be trans and everyone ends up supporting him, but he was born a girl, so when he's a baby she/her pronouns will be used by the characters, although once Fundy gets older and comes out everyone will happily change that. Wilbur loves Fundy like his own child and when he isn't with Tommy, he's with Fundy, and sometimes he plays with both of them at once. (Also I know Fundy is older than Tommy, this is obviously a more lore-based AU like I said)

JSchlatt - Schlatt is a 5 year old ram hybrid. He often carries a box of candy cigarettes with him, because he obviously can't smoke yet, although he probably would given the chance. He doesn't get along too well with the younger children sometimes, but he's not a bad kid, just sort of wild, which you can only expect from a ram hybrid. His main problem is that his ram tendencies cause him to chew things, similar to a teething baby. 

Nikki Nihachu - Nikki is a sweet 6 year old German girl who loves things like playing with dolls, attending Bad's tea parties, helping take care of the younger children, and other cutesy stuff like that. She is thought to be a human child, but no one is quite sure because she has natural pink hair like Techno's. Speaking of, she likes to hang out with Techno and he lets her style his hair however she wants, mainly because he really doesn't care and knows he can pull off anything. She's very close with Puffy. 

Captain Puffy - 6 year old Puffy is a sheep hybrid, and Schlatt's older cousin. She teases him sometimes, but her main hobby is teasing Skeppy and Bad, who she's friends with. She really likes Nikki, although she has limited patience for the cute girly things Nikki spends her time on. She's also friends with A6d, and also understands the language barrier. She once tried to speak French for him, but she's too young to really understand it, so it didn't end up working.

HannahRose - Hannah is a 5 year old who adores flowers so much that Phil and his wife don't have to manage the daycare's garden or indoor potted plants very much because she takes care of them a lot herself. She wears a cute crown of roses on her head, which she sometimes lets Techno wear temporarily if Ranboo's got his usual gold crown. She also gives Nikki roses to put in Techno's hair.

Minx - Minx is probably the same thing Nikki is, because although she appears human and doesn't have any powers, her hair is purple! Purpled thinks it's cool, of course. Minx has a strong Irish accent, so many of the younger children and some of the older ones struggle to understand her. She spends her time playing with Puffy and the other girls her age, although she takes breaks to tease George, Quackity, and/or Schlatt.

Velvet  and Antfrost - Velvet and Antfrost share a bio thing because they're one of those first-grade (6 year old) couples, except that they'll probably grow old together instead of breaking up over something stupid. They're very entranced with each other, and instead of causing chaos they enjoy just walking around holding hands and talking, or petting each other. Phil and Kirsten have had to tell them many times that they're too young to get married, but the two still plan to when they grow up. Basically, they're what Skeppy and Bad won't admit they want to be.

Charlie Slimecicle - Charlie, or ''Slimey'' as he's been nicknamed, is a sprite like Skeppy, but a plasma one rather than a diamond one. His slime is pretty messy, but everyone really loves him because he is really sweet. He usually picks between Nikki, Quackity, or anyone else he likes and then follows whichever he picks around all day, although sometimes he gets into trouble on his own. Nikki enjoys playing a motherly role to him and holds his hand around, although he's four which is only two years younger than she is.

FoolishG - Foolish is a shark hybrid, although he doesn't have a lot of shark in him and is mostly human. He likes to build with blocks of all kinds and has made some truly impressive things. He's 5, but he's already a very talented builder and building designer. He likes shiny gold stuff, which is why Techno steers clear of him and encourages Ranboo to do the same.

Eret - Eret is a human, 5 years old, and always chooses to hang out with the girls and do ''girly'' stuff with them rather than partake in the chaos caused by the boys, and sometimes Puffy. Which is a good thing because Techno considers him a rival because he also wears a gold crown. He likes to play with Tommy and Tubbo, but the three of them often get into little fights or tussles. 

Awesamdude - Sam is a creeper hybrid with little to no control over when he hisses. He loves playing outside and messing with redstone. He's 5. His closest buddy is Ponk, who's a little shy about expressing affection to Sam, yet Sam is super openly affectionate toward Ponk. His hiss scares the other kids sometimes, except for Techno of course, so if he's not around Ponk he's usually alone, although he doesn't mind that very much. He hisses more frequently when he's frustrated because a redstone project isn't working out, which is sadly often because he's so young and still learning. He was in the faceless group with Dream and Corpse but he stopped and revealed his face because his hissing was scaring them.

DropsByPonk - Ponk is a no-nonsense 6 year old who spends most of his time playing with Sam. He really loves Sam but he has a hard time showing it. He's also good friends with Hannah because she loves plants so much that she doesn't hesitate to help him grow lemons, which is something he loves to do. Phil used to joke to Kirsten that soon they'll have a whole orchard of lemon trees in they way, but he doesn't anymore because they're seriously beginning to worry about that, although they don't have the heart to tell Ponk to stop.

Punz - 5 year old Punz is another fire demon, although he's much more human than Sapnap and his powers aren't nearly as strong. He's insecure about this and often tries to copy Sapnap, but Sapnap is helping him work through that. He and Punz are very close. Punz also doesn't have the same urges to commit arson that Sapnap has, making him less chaotic, although he's still a troublemaker, just less so.

Jack Manifold - Jack, a 6 year old human, mostly messes around with the younger children because them talking less means he'll get teased less.

Callahan - Callahan, despite being 6 years old, never speaks. In spite of THAT, everyone at daycare adores him, except for Sapnap because he's jealous. Callahan wears a little reindeer onesie and a mask. He'll nod yes or no to questions, but that's all this little angel will communicate. He loves to attend Bad's tea parties. 

Corpse Husband - Corpse is 4, and he's a Black Bunny hybrid, a creature long thought to be mythical. He, Dream, and Ranboo have a small group together because they're all faceless and also had Sam for a while, although they don't play together every day. Some kids are scared of corpse, but most love him because he's really nice. He has a little purple stuffed bunny he carries everywhere. He's very close with Valkyrae, but if he's not with her or the faceless group, he's usually playing alone with his bunny.

Valkyrae - Valkyrae is a 4 year old girl who was the first child in the daycare to approach Corpse and be nice to him. She and corpse are very close, although she sometimes plays with other kids instead. She also says good morning to Corpse's bunny every day and talks to it like it's a real bunny, the way Corpse does. She herself is a Pink Bunny hybrid, which explains most of this. (I'm sorry I don't know much about her)

Okay, we've done a lot of these so I'm just going to tell you that the rest of the dsmp, hermitcraft, and Dantdm and his wife Jemma are the remaining kids, I know it's a lot but it's a big daycare. There may be more and if y'all can think of any you can suggest them.

If you have any questions about this AU or headcanons for it, this is the paragraph to submit them! Ok, enjoy the stories now!

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