Between us โ€ข ๐–  ๐–ค๐—…๐—…๐—‚๐–พ ๐–ถ...

By shelbyd99

232K 4.4K 20K

MODERN COLLEGE AU!!! Ellie Williams x female oc Skyler is a sweet 19-year-old with a troubled past, the kin... More

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6.4K 145 323
By shelbyd99

I had a few hours until I had to expect Ellie to be back. Seriously where does she spend all these hours? Of fucking course I was working myself up about it. I also noticed before liv left, she gifted a shot size bottle of vodka on my dresser, she knows me so well. Also, 'wear something nice for her?' What does that mean? I didn't want to seem like I was trying to impress her, but also I wanted to feel and look good.

Time flew by, it was half till Ellie said she'd be by to pick me up. I hesitantly pushed myself off the bed and started to figure out what I was going to put on. I was already wearing a pleated skirt that sat just above mid-thigh. I figured that would be enough. It's kinda scandalous, but she saw me wearing it earlier so it seemed like I wasn't trying too hard. I change my top, and opted for a slightly more dressed up crop top with a low neck line, and a tight fitting zip up jacket that exposed my mid drift.

I checked myself in the mirror, alternating corners of my clothing before exhaling. "Shit."
I picked up the miniature bottle of vodka, twisted the cap and paused just for a second before throwing it back. I need all the help I could get.

"Am I interrupting?" Ellie walks into the room, glancing at the empty bottle in my hands then looking up to my face.
"Oh- uh no, sorry." I was flustered like I got caught doing something wrong.
"Relax I'm not going to scold you." She laughed in a teasing manner.
"I just have to change real quick then we can head out." Ellie was already in motion. She was unbuttoning her jeans and putting on a almost identical pair that she pulled out of a drawer. She moved to pull off her hoodie and I was captivated. I didn't know if she played sports or what, but she was toned. In other words I was enticed. She put on a white undershirt and finally a button up flannel over it.

She turned and looked down at her clothes then at me. "What do you think?" I let let out a hum that I wasn't anticipating, that generated a grin from her.
"Ok next question, hair up or down?" She looked at me excitedly like she really wanted my input.
"Ummm... up?" It came out like a question, but I was really just thrown off that she actually asked my opinion.
She let out a hmph before pulling her hair back into a low bun with a few stands of her long bangs framing the side of her face. She then looked me and gave me a expression of 'whadda think?' Fuck. What is about her makes me have these thoughts to myself. She looked good. Like.. really good.
"You look nice." I decided to go with. It wasn't really  appropriate to say 'to hell with the party just fuck me now' I didn't want to feed her already bursting ego.
She seems happy with my response.
"You ready to go?"
I nod and get up from my seated position.
"Wait- let me see you. Do a spin." Her tone slightly demanding. I did what she said.
"Mmm" I watch as she looked me up and down. Her bottom lip being held by her teeth. Her eyes roamed over my body. Is she even trying to hide the fact how hungrily she's looking at me right now? Or does she simply not care?

She shook her head seemly like she was erasing her current thoughts and opened the door. Raising her arm like she was motioning me out. I obliged and we were off.

The walk to the fraternity felt painfully long. Not much was said just some remarks here and there. Ellie taking about her two friends that we're going too. Dina and Jesse she told me their names. They were the ones I saw at the fire. I learn they're a couple and they're 'disgusting in love' as Ellie put it. She seemed like she was in high spirits, if I didn't know any better I would say she's excited. Her shift in tone towards me, made me feel comfortable, even comfortable enough to ask her things I didn't think I ever would.

"Why were you such a ass to me when we first met?" I made sure to keep it light hearted. She looked at me a little perplexed.
"Was I an ass to you?" Her smile indicated that she wasn't not going to be straight forward with me.
"Don't play with me, you know you were." I half heartedly rolled my eyes. I stared her down waiting for a answer.
"You just... complicated things." She sighed.
"Complicated things?? That's all you're giving me?" My tone went up. I was slightly irked but not really. She grabbed my arm as we approached a front door.
"Okay we're here. Pretend you don't hate my guts." She smiled at me before we both walked in.

Ellie definitely dumbed down how many people were going to be there. It was definitely less crowded than the bonfire, but I was imagining a handful of people and casual conversations.
It was not that. Music was blaring, people were playing pool while others danced around or sat on any pieces of furniture that were available.

Ellie puts her hand on my waist from behind, and encourages me in the direction of the couple that I recognized from last night.
"It's more crowded than I thought it'd be." Ellie spoke to the two strangers.
"Yeah it wasn't supposed to be this big." The girl agreed with Ellie.
"Um- this is Skyler... she's my roommate." She introduced me. It's kinda hurt to be referred to as her roommate, I mean I know I was, but damn you could've just said friend.
The women reached her hand out to shake mine.
"I'm Dina, and this is Jesse." She smiled at me and seemed genuine.
"It's nice to meet you two." I reciprocated her handshake.
"She haven't given you a hard time, has she?" Jesse, the taller man gave Ellie a playful punch to the arm.
"Dude-." Ellie scoffed at him and rolled her eyes.
They three of them seemed close. I wondered if this is where Ellie always vanished to, to hang out with them. They seem like good people.
Ellie leaned down in my ear, making me almost jump from the sudden closeness.
"Do you want a drink?" I felt her warm breath graze past my ear, causing a flutter in my stomach.
"You've read my mind." I quickly composed myself.
She nodded and walked off into the swarm of people.

I was left alone with the couple. I wanted to seem like I was capable of making conversations. My mind was racing trying to think of anything to talk about when suddenly I didn't have to anymore.
"So what's Ellie like as a roommate? We've known each other for a while but I don't know what's she's like to live with." Dina laughed seemingly slightly drunk.
"Oh- uh it's been good." They didn't seem to buy it. The looks on their face said it all.
"Is it that bad?" Jesse's eyebrows go up as he laughs.
"No-no it's not that-" I try to save myself when a hand touches my shoulder.
"Hey- all they had was liquor and beer, so I got you a vodka sprite is that ok?" While handing me the drink, she seemed slightly out of breath. I guess she could sense some sort of discomfort. She looked at me confused.
"Is everything okay?" Her brows were furrowed as she looked at the couple and then me.
"Yes everything's good and vodka will do." I smiled, trying to reassure her.

The four of us held conversations back and fourth. They asked me the simple questions when you first meant someone, like where are you from, what are you studying and so forth and I did the same. Ellie was quiet, but she was listening. Every time I would talk she look at me from the side. She'd occasionally put her hand on my shoulder or the middle of my back. The energy surrounding Ellie was different tonight. When usually she'd keep her distance, tonight it's like she couldn't be close enough.

A few drinks in I was starting to feel a dangerous amount of drunk, like the kind where I forget there's other people around and I might do something stupid. I didn't feel bad about it though, Dina seemed to be on the same level as me. We really clicked she's reminds me a lot of liv, but more nurturing and mature.

The playlist that played throughout the house was a mix of early- mid 2000's hip hop, rock and alternative. Basically it was the shit to dance to when you're drunk and socializing. A song came
On the really piqued my interest. "Do you want to dance?" Dina must have seen my eyes light up with excitement from the first few cords.
"Hell yes." I was grinning ear to ear.

Dina dragged me to the center of a more open space where people established it as the dance circle. We must have been putting on a show. I caught the glances of a few strangers that idled around. I didn't care and neither did she. We were having fun. It was the first time I've had genuine fun since I've got her. We were swaying our hips together and holding each other close. Our hair was both a mess from nodding our heads to the beat and the sweat we were accumulating.

Ellie's POV
"Damn, I think we both just lost our dates tonight." Jesse jaw was slightly agape.
"Yup." I chuckled quietly.
They really were putting on a show. I would be over the moon about the two of them getting along so well, if I wasn't for the unwanted attention that was accumulating around the dance floor. I was in awe. I never seen her like this, it not like I've given her much opportunity to be comfortable enough around me to let loose.
I bit my inner cheek as I watched her move. From her hips, to her ass and up to her slightly exposed chest as she ditched her jacket a while ago. Her skirt now sat even higher, showing more leg from the friction of her movements. Fuck. She'd never give me a chance, I've been cruel to her every since we met.
"So uh- are you two.. you know." Jesses sudden question makes me divert my head to look at him.
"What-? No it's not like that." My head dipped down as I shook my head.
"Friends then?" He was prying.
"Um yeah I guess." I sighed. I wasn't really in the mood to be questioned.
"Well I'm pretty sure friends don't look at other friends like that." He pointed to my face then to Skyler on the dance floor. Why the hell does he have to be such a dad all the time.
"Shuddup." I laugh and I felt my cheeks flare up. Fuck. He knows.

"Does anyone have water?" Dina stumbled back to where we were standing, out of breath.
"Where's sky?" My tone was slightly worried and rushed.
"She went to the bathroom, don't worry I told her where it was." She wanted to reassure me but I wasn't confident.

Skylers POV
I was so distracted with dancing I was damn nearly about to piss myself. Real classy. My legs weren't as steady on the stairs and I calmly but quickly made my way to the bathroom. The room was spinning a bit and I felt lighter.
"Fuck I think this is it." I was speaking out loud, you know how drunk people do. I opened the door and sighed in relief. My sense of direction didn't fail me today. As I was about to shut the door a force stopped me from doing so.
I hastily turned to see a face I didn't recognize.
A man. A very tall man. He had his one arm in the door frame and the other on the door, blocking me from closing it.
"I saw you dancing." A sense of malice was oozing off of him. Shit. I needed to get out of this situation.
"Cmon don-t be like that." He started to force himself inside the bathroom with me. I calmly try to push against his body I didn't want to be locked in here with him. I was panicking, but I was scared to escalate the situation.
"God you're a pretty little thing." His smile was nothing short of creepy.
"Please I have to get back to my friends-"
He cut me off as he hushed me.
He was nearly all the way in. I had to stop that door from closing.
Now I'm am flat out terrified. I started yelling. There's no way in hell this is happening I has having a good fucking night. My voice didn't seem to carry far enough to be heard over the music. I was in tears now.
"I'll make you feel so good-"
His disgusting remarks were cut short as the door flung open.
"Sky-" Ellie. Thank god. Knight in shining fucking armor.
Her eyes dart to  my tear stained cheeks and then to the man who was scoffing about 'ruining the moment'.
Her expression this time was familiar. She was pissed.
"Hey man why don't you-" the unwanted male was cut off as Ellie punched him square in the jaw. He fell flat on his face, I step a foot to the right to make sure he got the full effect. He was knocked out, wether it be from her punch, the alcohol or both.

My expression said it all. I was looking at the man in the floor, back to her and repeat. I couldn't believe it. Of course I was thankful if it wasn't for her I would've been assaulted my first week of college.
"Ellie." I couldn't hold back the tears. The tears started to stream down my face and I hugged her tightly.

Ellie's POV
"Im going to go find her." My pulse quickened. I knew it. I fucking knew it. She probably found someone else to keep her company.
I made my way up stairs when I heard yelling.
I see the bathroom slightly ajar. I hastily walk over to it and yank it open. There she was.
She looked so pathetic, her hair was a mess and her makeup was smudged. I redirected my attention to the man who was hovering over her. He was saying some bullshit, but I wasn't listening. I thought my fucking head was going to explode. He turned to me and I just reacted. Before I could process what I did, he was on the ground with blood pooling out of his mouth.
"Ellie." Her voice sounded so tiny. She embraced me and she felt so fucking tiny.
What was this emotion I was feeling? Was I mad at her? Why should I be? I doubt she wanted this.
I didn't hug her back. I pushed her away slightly and look down at her. Her eyes were big and irritated.
"Let's go back. Yeah?" I pushed my anger aside not wanting to upset her more. She nodded and sniffled. She grabbed my hand and let me lead the way out.

We walked back quietly. She let go of my hand at some point I don't remember when. My mind wondering, did he touch her? Did I show up in time? I shouldn't have let her go alone in the first place. It wasn't Dina's fault, I know that. She had more faith in people than I did. Sky and her had fun tonight I hope it was enough to make them genuine friends.

We got to our door and she took the keys out of her pocket. She was stumbling with the lock. She was shaking and still drunk.
I put my one hand over the both of hers before taking the keys and unlocking the door. She sat on her bed just kinda.. out of it. I crouch down to meet her face trying to get a read of her emotions.
"Do you want to change?" I kept my voice quiet.
She nodded. I started with her shoes untying the laces and setting them next to her bed.
"Arms up." I stood and gently took her shit off making sure to have another shirt nearby. It was my shirt. I knew it would be more comfortable for her since it's bigger.
I swiftly put it over her head and she shifted it on her body.
"Stand up." She did as I said, no questions asked. I pulled down her skirt and guiding her feet through the legs of a pair of shorts she had worn the night before.
She sat back down still looking dazed.
"I'm going to get you some water. Wait here." I turned to leave to grab her a water bottle from the vending machine down the hall.
"Thank you." Her voice was weak. I didn't turn to face her. I gave a mhm and left. I don't know why. I was trying to act calm, but I was anything but. I was furious. I felt like I failed. Tonight was the one night I had to redeem myself and I fucking failed.

I stood in front of the vending machine for longer than what was normal. I felt my heart rate rising and my breathing quickened. I snapped. I threw my fist into the vending machine with more force than I should. I felt a trickle down my hand I look down and see red.
I buy the water and head back to the room. The light from the hall illuminating the small body that was now laying under the sheets. I sighed a breath of relief. She was asleep. I put the water bottle next to her bed before taking off my shirt and pants and getting into bed.

I began to think of every interaction I've ever had with Skyler. All the times I was a complete ass hole or a douchebag. I mean fuck I was no better than that guy in the bathroom. No. I wouldn't put my hands on her unless she wanted it. That much I do know. I take a deep breath and rolled to face the wall. It was going to be a rough night.

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