By kxss_of_dexth

130K 4.1K 1.8K

Enid Sinclair x Fem!Reader x Wednesday Addams A curse. That's what Wednesday felt like to Y/n. A curse that s... More

Soundtrack (not complete)
Chpt.1: "L'inizio della fine"
Chpt. 2: "Riunione, mio ​​fiore"
Chpt. 3: "Confronto e accuse"
πŸ”žChpt. 4: "Coccole?"πŸ”ž
Chpt. 5: "Il primo giorno"
Chpt. 6: "Il primo giorno parte II"
Chpt. 7: "Un centesimo per i tuoi pensieri?"
S Chpt. 1: The Pugsley Affect
Chpt.9: "Elemosinare per me"
S Chpt. 2: Don't fuck with an Addams
πŸ”žChpt. 10: "Priez pour cela"πŸ”ž
Chpt. 11 :"Le conseguenze"
Interlude: The Russo Family Curse
Chpt.12: ''Solo il tuo amore''
S Chpt.3 : Possessive
Chpt. 13: "Azioni involontarie"
Chpt. 14: " Dolori crescenti"
Gift for you: smut brain storming(updated)
Chpt. 15: ''Autosabotaggio''
Chpt. 16: ''Conflitto''
S Chpt.4: Romance
Chpt. 17: "Vivo"

Chpt. 8: "Provando"

5K 188 44
By kxss_of_dexth

A/n: You guys are really blowing this book up. It feels like everythime I post a chapter a bunch more people come to read it! Each chapter literally gets at least 1k reads, that's crazy!!!!

Y'all are also so close to getting this book to 20k like how tf is there that many little gays that want to read my book?!

Third Person P.O.V

Y/n has tried a lot of things in her life, all things considered, everytime she tried something new it was different than what people would always tell her it was like.

Although, there is one things Y/n has never and will never try. Communication with Wednesday.

Trying to communicate with the oldest Addams child is a task that anyone would find difficult and you would expect that with how long Y/n has known Wednesday that she would be able to easily communicate with the girl but no it isn't easy for her at all. It's actually the complete opposite.

If one couldn't tell, Wednesday definitely isn't the easiest person to talk to. It doesn't matter what you're trying to talk to her about, she'll shut you down without a second thought. Which is why the situation Y/n was in with Wednesday now was confusing for her.

"What did you and Enid talk about."

There Wednesday stood, at Y/n's door with the look of death on her face more intense than usual. Y/n looked at the shorter girl in a sleepy daze of confusion. Wednesday came to Y/n's dorm in the middle of the night, banging on the door demanding an answer to a question Y/n hasn't even processed yet.

"Wednesday what in the world are you talking about right now?" Y/n leans against the doorway with her eyes closed, ready to fall back asleep before she is shoved to the side and abruptly woken up.

Wednesday marches into the middle of the girls room and turns to stare Y/n down until Y/n slowly approaches Wednesday and sits down on the rug.

"Answer my question. What did you and Enid talk about. She's been pacing around the room muttering about mates and scenting since we got back."

Y/n hums and nods slowly, "Why don't you answer me first, what were you and Enid doing right before I came to the greenhouse? You two were in a very suggestive position"

Wednesday's eyebrow twitches ever so slightly which Y/n catches causing her to smirk and tilt her head mockingly. "What I do with Enid is my business now answer my question."

Y/n hums and leans back on her elbows,  "What I do with Enid is MY business pila corta" Wednesday's glare darkens at the nickname, one that Y/n would use often when they were children when a situation flipped in her favor.

"Do you think that just because you've stated your disobedience that it means I will silently comply then you must have forgotten the kind of being I am Russo, tell me what you and Enid were speaking of now or your precious scorpion farm gets it."

Y/n's playful and amused expression drops as she glances over to Oddessy's enclosure. Wednesday follows her gaze and her eyes widen slightly at the notice of a familiar bright red design on the scorpion.

"So I see you brought Oddessy with you, she seems healthy." Wednesday's quiet comment falls on deaf ears as Y/n looks at the girl with a blank stare.

"You want to know what we talked about so bad then why don't I just show you instead?" Y/n's uninterested tone has Wednesday thinking hard about what the information she is about to gain could be. It was definitely something Enid didn't want her knowing seeing as she wouldn't talk about the subject with Wednesday around but if Y/n was willing to show Wednesday then it couldn't be too private, right?

Y/n beckons Wednesday over and slowly sits up from her relaxed position. Wednesday stands directly between Y/n's legs and looks down at the girl with a condescending smirk forming. "This looks like a familiar position." Y/n scoffs in response.

Slowly while maintaining eye contact Y/n trails her hands up Wednesday's calfs, lightly grazing the girls exposed skin. Wednesday almost immediately flinches at the skin-to-skin contact, eyes nervously glancing down as Y/n's hands begin to slither their way up her thighs, gliding over the sides and to the back as her grip tightens slightly.

Wednesday stands ridgid with unknown emotions circling her head. Y/n had never touched her in the manner before, no one had ever touched her in this manner before. The feeling of some insufferable insect quivering around in her lower abdomen causes Wednesday's eyes to flutter slightly, even if involuntarily Wednesday can feel herself growing impatient with how slow Y/n was moving her hands.

She lets out a short and husky groan of impatient, brows furrowing slightly in annoyance at the small smile that plays onto Y/n's face at the sound.

Y/n slowly rises to her knees, hands still on Wednesday's thighs and continues her journey up. Her hands slightly slip under Wednesday's oversized sweater causes a bubble of air to get caught in the girls throat. As Y/n's continue to reach around to Wednesday's backside the girls snaps out of it.


Y/n's hands freeze in place, on the upper back of Wednesday's thighs. She looks up at the glare in Wednesday's eyes and flashes the girl a toothy smile. "It's been a very long time since you've let me touch you like this Wednesday"

The short statement makes Wednesday's glare darkens in anger, she takes a step away from Y/n leaving the girl in her knees with a hurt puppy expression in her face.

"Right, you don't like me in that way. In any case the things I do with Enid don't concern you, stop trying to control every aspect of my life because I won't let you have that much control over me again"

Wednesday squints in slight confusion, was Y/n not the one that had been touching her just moments ago? Practically begging her with those soft amber colored eyes to let this go farther?

"Stay away from Enid, Y/n." Y/n scoffs angrily and lays back on the carpet with a smirk.

"Why? You scared I'm gonna steal away your puppy? Or are you scared that my full attention will be on someone other than you?" Y/n's smug and confident reply arouses anger of another level in Wednesday.

Only because Wednesday herself didn't know how to answer that question.

With a quiet chuff of anger Wednesday leaves the room in a hurry, rushing to her dorm with what can only be described as murderous intent.

Y/n sits quietly in her room with countless thoughts swirling in her head, the thoughts would go down many a path before coming to the same conclusion.

Wednesday was jealous.

But jealous of who? Was she jealous of Enid for catching Y/n's attention while the animal shifter refused to give her any? Or was she jealous that her "best friend" was being stolen away so quickly by the woman she hates?

The whole situation confused her. Wednesday confuses her but what's new with that? Knowing Wednesday should would use the confusion to torture someone but with how everything was going it felt like they were both being tortured. Slowly and brutally.

Why can't Wednesday just be honest with herself?

Well it would make sense if she was looking for a relationship due to the fact that the first boy she kissed turned out to be the very murderer she was looking for. Her trust in love interests has been broken.

But she has known Y/n for years, the two have been "friends" since before they could talk, walk, or even stand.

So why not give it a try?

Is it because Y/n was always too straightforward with her feelings? Or because she just didn't have any interest in Y/n relationship wise? But that wouldn't make sense either, Wednesday has never directly rejected Y/n in a way that said "I will never see you as a love interest"

It was always stuff like telling her to stay away or to stop trying to flirt because it wouldn't work.

Wednesday was a very confusing mind for Y/n. Usually the amber eyed girl could easily read people but Wednesday made it so much harder with her miniscule reactions and sarcastic statements.

It was one of the things Y/n fell for. Wednesday wasn't easy, she didn't fall at her feet or beg for her attention and Y/n loved having to chase someone for once. So she chased Wednesday for her whole life and gained actual feelings in the end that continuously would get shut down harshly and without remorse but Y/n always bounced back with a bright smile and happy attitude.

That was until Wednesday was sent off to Nevermore, with no proper way to communicate with Wednesday she decided to send letters, one every week with the exciting things of how it was going back home including how Pugsley was doing. Until one day the letters stopped coming, Wednesday didn't put to much thought into it until that one day became two and that two days became a year.

Without Y/n's constant attempts of communication it slightly threw off Wednesday's daily schedule, she always felt as if something was missing when it came to her daily life but simply assumed it was due to the change in environment.

Who would have thought it was because of Y/n, certainly not Wednesday.

A/n: This chapter is actually super short but I'm going to advertise another book I'm working on. It's an Alice in Borderland fanfic for those who are interested feel free to read this little sneak peak of a part of one chapter.

Akira was sat in a chair, bag over her head and legs tightly bound. The chair was wooden from her deduction of tapping her nail against it a few times, it didn't give out a ring so that cancelled it being metal and it felt solid and glossy as she brushed her finger against it. This gave her one idea of escape as, if she really needed to, she could break the chair but that would throw out subtlety. The next thing she checked was the way her hands had been tied, the knot was tight but sloppily made with the multiple knots overlapping each other and that meant if she could maneuver her hands properly she could slip a finger through one knot and begin untying.

Akira had already checked her legs and the knots were far too tight to simply wiggle out of. Akira then went silent and began to hold her breathe so she could listen closely, the darkness of the bag over her head helped cancel out her sight making her ears far more sensitive to sound. She could hear what sounded like very muffled talking and the familiar clattering of a gun, definitely some sort of assault rifle with how much clattering and clicking it made or maybe it had a sling with metal adjusters but either way she knew one of her kidnappers had a weapon.

With a sigh of boredom Akira shuts her eyes, although it wasn't entirely needed, and begins twisting her wrists to try and loosen the ropes if even a bit so she could get to a loop.

A bit over five minutes past and Akira was able to get the first two knots out with only three more left, in that moment she heard the door over whatever room she was in open and the footsteps of many people walking in. From the distance of the steps it seemed like the people were standing relatively far away from her position in the room.

Akira is then flashed by the bright light of the room, she rapidly blinks her eyes while adjusting and once done she is greeted by a room full of people.

"Welcome to The Beach! I'm sure you have plenty of questions and we have the ans-"

"Oh wow there's a bunch of hot people here, if I had known you were kidnapping me then I would have come willingly" Akira gives the group a playful smirk, her eyes sweeping over everyone to assess the situation and who she could overpowering; her eyes lingering on three people.

"So, do I get an introduction or are you going to torture me for answers or something, just a forewarning that I am a masochist" Akira visibly relaxes in her chair to give a sense of ease when in reality she wanted to make it less noticable that she had undid the last knot of her rope.

With her hands now freed Akira had a wide range of things she could do but until then she would pretend her hands were still bound and wait for the perfect moment. Akira balls the rope up in her hands so that it won't touch the floor and continues her stare down with her kidnappers.

"As I was saying previously, welcome to The Beach! My name is Hatter and I am the founder and number one of The Beach, everything I say here goes. The Beach is an organization that works towards one goal and that is to return to the real world one at a time" After Hatter's grand speech Akira supposed he wanted some sort of applause or confusion but all he got was the face of a woman that was not amused.

"And now you're going to tell me that we need to collect all the cards to get back to the real world? Almost anyone can figure that out if they think about it hard enough and I've been in Borderland long enough to know that some of the more difficult cards don't show up often"

The executives as well as Hatter look at the girl in shock, not many people were able to think straight enough to come up with something like that. "You don't seem like the brightest little nugget so which of this people told you this theory? Was it the cutie with the sunglasses? Or maybe four eyes over there, he's been burning holes into me since I got here and honestly if you just want to fuck me honey you should say so"

Akira's vulgar remarks causes said man in the glasses to have a scowl on his face, obvious distaste visible. "Firstly, The Beach has two rules everyone must wear bathing suits. Seeing as it is impossible to hide weapons in a bathing suit it is perfect. The only people allowed to have weapons are the militants and they are run by my good friend Aguni here. In The Beach you can drink, smoke, or take as much drugs as you want; here there are not limits to freedom in that sense on The Beach. Sex is also allowed between consenting parties. Second rule of The Beach is that all cards are property of The Beach, after every game you must give you card(s) to an executive member and your rank will be adjusted based on what card you received."

Akira rolls her head back in boredom and lets out a loud groan of frustration, she throws her hands up in front of her and beings to throw what we know as a temper tantrum. "I'm seriously bored over here man, just get on with it before I fall asleep and for this to be an organization you guys have shitty craftsmanship in your knots"

Every militant in the room aims their guns at Akira ready to fire at any time. Hatter simply waves his hand and the militants put their guns down. Akira begins untying her legs, standing from the chair and rotating her feet and wrists. She calmly adjusts and fixes her outfit before sitting back down in the chair, left leg crossed over the right with one elbow resting on the back of the chair that same hand holding her head up.

"So, why am I here?" Hatter gives a big laugh as Akira completely ignores him and rakes her eyes down the body of the women with the sunglasses. "We have some intel that you have very valuable cards that we need but when we searched you we couldn't find them so tell us where the cards are" Hatter's voice darkens by the time her gets to his last sentence.

Akira stares at the man with a straight face before covering her mouth with the hand holding her head and laughing joyously. "And why the hell would I give my hard earned cards to you? You're nothing but a lowlife compared to me, here and in the real world I can step over you like an ant and have no remorse"

Akira's response arouses anger in Hatter but the man takes a deep breath. "You don't have a choice in the matter, you either give us the cards or you die. I mean your visa is bound to expire soon right?" Akira laughs at the man once again and visible irration begins to appear on his face.

"As if my visa would expire soon, I promise you I've been here for longer than you have and I have over a months worth of visa built up"

The executives all look at Akira with expressions of shock or amazement. The woman with the sunglasses flashes Akira a look of doubt, "For that to be possible you would have to have played a game every night or multiple games a night"

Akira smiles brightly and stands up "Are you impressed? If you ask me nicely then maybe I'll take you out on a date, we can even go straight to third base of you want but only for you since you're so hot"

The lady with the sunglasses doesn't respond to Akira's senseless flirting causing the girl to sigh sadly. "Fine fine just know the offer is still on the table, I've been here for a while now but I'm not too sure how long and I play a few games every night if they're close enough so about three games a night"

"And the cards?" Hatter inquiries impatiently. Akira smiles softly and reaches into her bra pulling out almost a full deck worth of cards.

A number of gasps fill the room, Hatter immediately tenses up. "You mean these cards? I thought they were something important so I kept all the ones I won from games or I got off killed players but most are from games"

Hatter takes a swift step forward and Akira is quick to pull her butterfly knife from under her skirt and quickly flipping it open, the top of the knife poking into Hatter's adams apple.

"Hey now don't be so hasty, you know you have been very rude to me since I got here first you knock me out then you tie me up and there's no telling what you did to me while I was out so it's my turn to call the shots alright?"

The guns of every militant were pointed at Akira at the moment and although she remained calm she was very much ticked off at how rude everyone was being.

Akira looks around the room and makes eye contact with the biggest guy there, he had his hands in his pockets with a dark glare directed at her. Akira quickly scans him up and down, taking note of the healed bullet wounds and knife scars the man had.

"Call them off already will you, I'd like to have a civilized conversation without looking down the barrel of a gun" The military man continues to stare at Akira in silence before a quick nod of his head makes them all lower their guns.

Akira smiles widely at the man and tips her head to him in appreciation, "Thank you very much kind sir now where were we? Oh right! You, Mr.Hatter, are very rude and you should learn how to welcome your guests better" Akira steps away from the man and walks closer to the rest of the executives, going down the line.

"You, four eyes, need to stop glaring so much. No wonder you have so many wrinkles, you look like a pug" Akira slowly walks down to the next person.

"Military man right? Actually don't answer that, I don't actually care but you should smile a bit I think you'd look pretty hot with a nice smile. So what's your name green giant?" Akira begins to rock back and forth on her heels with her hands behind her back, "Aguni."

She nods lightly and moves onto the next person, who greets her with a wide smile and clasped hands "Hello pretty lady, what's your name?" The woman gives Akira a wide smile and holds her hand out.

"My name is Mira, it's a pleasure to meet you" Akira, with the biggest shit eating grin, gently grabs Mira's hand and places a kiss to the back of her knuckles. "The pleasure is all mine, you know you really remind me of an anime character I'm obsessed with, you even have the same hair style" Mira simply smiles in response and Akira moves on.

"Hello other pretty lady, and your name is?" The women stared at Akira with a deep look of confusion, more than likely trying to figure her out.

"I'm Ann" Akira's eyes brighten slightly, "So what position are you?" Ann tilts her head slightly in confusion before speaking, "I'm responsible for a lot of things here on the Beach-" "No no, I mean what position are you, like in bed just so I know how to service you properly in the future"

Ann's face flashes in a light pink color and she avoids eye contact quickly. Akira giggles playfully, "Hm, I'll say service top at most" She smiles and hops in front of the last person.

"It's your turn, name?"


"You're hot"

"I know"

"You're hair is kinda crusty looking though"

Chishiya smirks lightly and doesn't respond while Akira turns back to Hatter who was watching with a look of anxiety on his face.

"So Mr.Hatter let's talk business, I want to be an executive and I also want to be able to wear my outfits since they are way better than whatever tacky swimsuit you give me oh I also want a nice room and freedom to go and do whatever I want"

Akira lists a series of demands that makes Hatter's face turn sour. "To become an executive you need to go up in rank number, I can't just have you jumping ranks" Akira smiles brightly at the older man. The smile not quite reaching her eyes as she slowly steps towards Hatter.

"You know Mr.Hatter, I've been really patient and very nice to you even though I'm the victim in this situation and you are really beginning to piss.me.off." Akira quickly stabs the man in his thigh, gripping the handle of her knife tightly and she stares him dead in the eyes.

A collection of gasps fill the air as Hatter's scream of pain echoes in the room. Akira smiles sweetly while watching the fear and pain flash in Hatter's eyes.

A/n: So what do you think of my girl Akira? I love her honestly, it is an oc instert type of book but you can think of her as Y/n if you wish.

The name of the book is AiB: Lunatic, pretty good right? Let me know how you feel about it in the comments and maybe I'll actually publish the book.

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