The Captain and the Troublema...

By pmjc88

71.6K 1.7K 117

When Captain America, Steve Rogers meets a woman who makes him question his morals, and sanity, how does he f... More



1.3K 33 0
By pmjc88

After a few hours, the party had wound down, and Lia had introduced Sam to an agent called Hannah. The two flirted shamelessly with each other and pretty quickly, snuck away. Lia smirked with pride, knowing that she just set up a match.

She was sat on one of the couches, with her shoes off, her legs tucked in. She winked over at Nat, and licked her lips, while Nat shook her head.

The team were all laughing and joking, about Thors hammer Mjolnir. They all began to take turns trying to lift it from the table. Clint went first, and she smirked at his confidence. She burst out laughing when Tony took his turn.

She felt she could barely breathe, when he and Rhodey tried with their suit gloves. Bruce tried right after, and then Capsicle. She smirked, drinking her beer. She watched it nudge slightly and looked straight at Thor. She knew she wasn't the only one who saw it.

'Widow?'... Bruce smiled at her.

'Oh, no, no. That's not a question I need answered..'.. He laid on her side, on the couch drinking her beer.

'All deference to the man who wouldn't be king, but its rigged..'.. Tony says, picking up a bottle of wine.

'You bet your ass..'.. Clint clapped him on the back, as he passed Tony.

'Steve, he said a bad language word..'.. Hill said innocently.

'Did you tell everyone about that?..'.. Steve asked, shaking his head, laughing.

'The handles imprinted, right?'... Lia watches Tony come up with all sorts of ideas, and she stood walking over to the hammer.

'Great theories Tony, but here's an idea..'.. She picked up the hammer, and shook it in her hand. She looked around at shocked faces, as she handed it to Thor... 'You're all not worthy..'.. She looked at Thors stunned expression... 'Does that make me a queen now?'

A high pitched noise echoed around the room, and they all flinched... 'Worthy..'

The all turn, to the voice that had spoken. There was a broken legionnaire, stumbling by the elevator... 'No, how could you be worthy. You're all killers..'

Lia flexed her fingers at her sides. Something was about to happen, and she wasn't going down, without a fight...'Tony..?'

'Jarvis?'... Tony says, calling for his AI.

'I'm sorry, I was asleep. Or I was a dream..'.. The legionnaire spoke. Lia didn't take her eyes off it.

'Tony, what the fuck is going on?'... She said quietly, trying not to get angry.

He pulled out his device, trying to talk to Jarvis... 'Reboot legionnaire OS. We got a buggy suit..'

'There was this terrible noise. And I was tangled in, in strings..'... It continues to stumble about. This didn't seem like one of Tony's other legionnaires, this was different. It was talking as though it was alive.

'Tony, what did you do?'... She growled slightly.

'I had to kill the other guy. He was a good guy..'

'You killed someone?'... Lia scoffed at the judgmental tone of Captian Righteousness.

'Wouldn't have been my first call. But, down in the real world, we're face with ugly choices..'..

Lia stepped forward, she had enough of this shit... 'Who or what the fuck are you?'... She created a staff in her hand, taking a stance.

The legionnaire played a recording of Tony's voice, and she stopped, Turing to her brother... 'I'm going to kill you, after I kill that..'.. She gestures with her staff.

'Ultron..'.. She heard Bruce say. She whipped around to him.

'You too Banner. The pair of you..'.. She growled out. These fucking idiots created a self aware AI.

'I'm on a mission..'..

'What mission?'... Nat asks, and Lia felt the air shift.

'Peace in our time..'.. Ultron says, and more legionnaires burst through the walls, either side of the elevator.

Lia jumped into action. She didn't care as to what she was wearing, this thing was attacking her family, with her brothers personal army. Oh, she was going to beat the shit out of Tony and Bruce after.

She saw one of the legionnaire, fly off with the scepter, and she used her power to go after it, but she got gripped around the throat by another, and it slammed her into a wall. Making the staff disappear, she gripped its neck, and ripped the wires from it, and she dropped to the floor.

She saw Tony, Thor and Capsicle fighting the legionnaires. Using her power, she pulled the broken glass from the floor and sent it at two of them, ripping through them. The two legionnaires dropped, broken to the floor.

'I am so fucked off right now..'.. She went for another, not caring thst she was cutting her feet on the debris. She saw one that was ripped in half, going for Dr Cho, she created a sword and took its head off.

She heard Cap throw his shield and she spun, seeing it slice through another. She launched herself up, catching the shield, and landing back on her feet. They all look around, seeing the one Ultron was using, pace by the elevator.

'That was dramatic..'.. Ultron quips. Lia scoffed at the sarcasm, making the sword disappear.

'I'll tear you apart myself..'.. She storms towards Ultron, shoving the shield at Cap as she passed.

'I'm sorry, I know you mean well. You just didn't think it through..'.. It turned to her... 'Miss Stark, holding so many secrets. Tell me, do you really think he wants you?..'.. Ultron chuckled, making her stop in place.

'You, more than them..'.. It gestured to the others... 'Want so desperately to protect the world, but they don't want it to change. How is humanity saved, if its not allowed to evolve?..'

She stood there, flexing her fingers, hoping it didn't know the truth... 'With these? These puppets..'.. It picked up a broken legionnaire, crushing the head.

Ultron looked over at her... 'You have the ability to recreate this world, make it evolve...'.. Ultron chuckled again... 'There's only one path to peace, the Avengers extinction..'

She didn't know how she did it, but she had summoned the hammer and threw it at Ultron, smashing it to pieces. It flew back to Thor who caught it.

'I had strings, but now I'm free..'... Ultron said, before the bot shut down.

Lia took a breath, trying not to panic. Ultron didn't know, did he? She turned to Tony, and swung, slapping him hard around the face... 'Once we fix this shit, I'm gonna beat the shit out of you and Banner for being unbelievably fucking stupid. What the hell were you thinking?..'.. She strode over to Bruce, slapping him too.

'Enough..'.. She glared at the Captain, as he raised his voice at her.

'Don't ever try to tell me what to do Captain dickhead. You get that they made an actual self aware AI, that's now in the Internet?..'... She walked over to Cap... 'You know, opening doors to all government agencies, rooting through classified files?..'.. She waved her hand... 'You see where I'm going with this?'

Steve folded his arms glaring at her... 'And what secrets was he talking about? They the reason you're here?..'.. He scoffed, looking over at Nat... 'I told you, I told all of you, and you didn't listen. She's working for someone else..'

Lia didn't say a word. She just turned her back on him and strode from the room. She was going to fix this damn mess herself. She had the money and the means, she just needed to do something first.

She headed to her room, and grabbed her book. Looking down at the black leather bound cover, she ran a hand over it, and hugged it to her chest. Out of everyone here, there was one she trusted most. She quickly got changed, ignoring the sting in her feet. Once she was ready, she wrote a quick note, and headed to the room she needed.

Slipping inside, she saw their personal bag, and put her book and note inside. She hoped they wouldn't read it. Making her way out of the room, she headed down to the garage, and hopped onto the nearest bike, which was Buckys.

Shaking her head at the mess her brother and Banner had made, she sped off out onto the streets. She knew where she needed to go, she just hoped the favours she was calling in, wouldn't bite her in the ass.


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