The Fox and The Hound || l. d...

By Void_Stiles024

3.2K 66 4

In which a cheeky fox meets a hound with anger issues Liam x male!oc ⚠️I do not own Teen Wolf or it's charac... More

(Not a chapter) lets learn about Kenma
Attractive New Freshman
What's a Wendy-Go?
Some hoes is dumb hoes
The gaydar hasn't sensed any form of gay
Its either us or Der-Bear and Petey
Acts of sexual innuendos
(Not a chapter) Hiatus announcement

Scott's an idiot

330 7 0
By Void_Stiles024

When coach blew his whistle is when Kenma had stopped his bickering with Stiles. Leaving the pale human and his alpha best friend to rejoin his sister and their werecoyte friend. As he was walking away Stiles gave him one last smack on the back of the head. The black haired Kitsune turned back to glare at the skinny boy with the onyx irises of his eyes being replaced with flaming amber. In return Scott showed his own red eyes as if to tell 100 year old Kitsune to stand down.

The vibrant orange faded to a familiar onyx after looking at Scott's face. Which then Scott's eyes faded to their same chocolate brown, Kenma then returned to the hard bleachers with his sister and friend.

"Hustle! McCall and Stilinski, grab the long sticks. You're covering goal for two-on-ones. Let's go, line it up!" Coach said to the team as the dispersed to run their practice shots.

Before the two had to stand in the goal they were seemed to stop- er well more like Stiles had stopped to mention something to his tan best friend. If Kenma had to guess it would've been about if the new kid is a werewolf and how they would out cheat the possible cheater. The black haired Kitsune didn't think that this new freshman was a werewolf, there was something about him that seemed off to Kenma.

Coach blew his whistle as someone on the team ran at Thing 1 and Thing 2 only to get the ball knocked out of his stick by Scott as the other guys groaned at the movements of the team captain and his best friend.

"That's my boy!" Coach called out, almost like a proud father or a really drunk uncle.

"Yes!" Kira said silently to herself, Malia and Kenma shared a glance with each other. Each with furrowed brows before looking back at the team.

"Those two are like sons to me." Coach said before knocking on some guy's helmet. Kenma always thought that coach was a bit of an oddball but he was funny so the Japanese boy didn't care.

Scott and Stiles took down another player which was followed by more groaning from the rest of the guys and another cheer from Kira. Malia looked at her and then at Kenma before she smiled softly at the two boys, Kenma too sent a smile although his was more of his crooked smirk than a smile.

Once again the stopped another player from getting anywhere near the goal, which was still met with groaning. (Seriously did these guys not know how to do anything except groan?)

"That's how you do it! That's how it's done!" Coach exclaimed before Scott and Stiles chest bumped each other in celebration which resulted in Stiles falling on his back and Kenma snickering at him from his place on the bleachers.

Next up was the new guy and all of a sudden the air felt more tense then it had the whole time. He stuck out his stick and was swinging it back and forth like a pendulum. (Didn't know this was color guard practice but go off I guess, Kenma thought to himself). The whistle blew as new guy made his way to the two boys, he managed to evade Stiles when he tried to knock him over.

He also pulled off getting underneath Scott's swing and twisted his stick around his back, he took a few running steps before launching the ball right into the net. He's been the only one to even get close to the goal, but to make the shot? That was some talent.

The team started cheering for the new guy seeing as he actually got passed Scott and Stiles. Kira let out a noise of disappointment as Malia and Kenma both looked at her with furrowed brows.

"That was luck!" Malia yelled as she stood up from beside the Japanese siblings.

"Lia, sit down." Kenma said in attempt to calm his werecoyte friend.

"Do-over!" She yelled again.

"Sweetheart, there's no do-overs. This is a practice." Coach told their brunette with a slight chuckle.

"He's right Malia, just let it go." Kenma tried once again.

"Ten bucks on Scott and Stiles." She said confidently.

"I'll take that action." Coach responded.

"Do you even have ten dollars on you right now?" Asked the black haired boy from beside her as she sat down.

"No but you do." She said matter of factly.

"Hey! Get back in there Liam!" Coach said to new guy, who was now identified as 'Liam'.

"Hmm, Liam...thought his name was gonna be like...Josh or something." Kenma said out loud, thinking he was keeping his thoughts to himself.

"No he definitely looks more like a Liam than a Josh." Said his sister from the other side of Malia.

"Did I say that out loud?" Kenma asked almost shyly.

"Sure did foxy." Malia told him.

Liam got back into position as Scott as was seen digging the tip of his cleats into the turf field beneath him. He ran at the two and once again dodged Stiles as his attempt to stop Liam failed. Scott on the other hand flipped him over his shoulder and the poor kid landed on his ankle with a deafening crack.

"Don't move! Don't touch him!" Coach yelled as he ran over the Liam who was writhing in pain.

"I'm ok coach. I'm alright." He said, sounding like he was trying to convince himself that he was alright.
Scott and Stiles hoisted him up with his arm around each of their shoulders. The tree of them were making their way off the field as Kenma got up from his seat to go follow them. After about a minute is when the Kitsune caught up with the human and werewolf.

"What the hell was that out there?!" Kenma half asked half yelled.

"I didn't know his leg would break!" Scott said in his defense.

"Scott he's not like us, he won't heal as fast as me and you would. Kamisama, anata wa totemo bakadesu." Kenma said lowly so only Scott would here him.

God, you're such an idiot.

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