menace | teen wolf

By crysxtalq

34.2K 1.3K 128

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thankyouu !!


1.4K 60 6
By crysxtalq

Dylan wandered through the school, avoiding going to class. It was only science. She didn't really care for it. She was worried for Isaac. He was going to be arrested for a murder he didn't commit. And even if he did commit it, he deserved it. And he was a werewolf, too. That night was a full moon. He wouldn't make it through the night. But what could Dylan do? She was only a new werewolf, too. There was no way she'd make it through the night, either.

    She walked past the principal's office hearing the Sheriff's voice speaking to Jackson and Tina Whittemore. "You two live across the street from the Lahey's. Do you ever hear anything suspicious?" he asked the twins.

    "Suspicious as in?..." Tina drifted.

    "Um, pft, loud noises, weird acting..." Stilinski listed.

    "Oh, well, then, like, all the time," Tina said. Sheriff sighed. Then Dylan heard footsteps scuffling toward her. Scott and Stiles were heading toward the principal's office. But stopped when they saw Dylan.

    "What are you doing here?" Stiles whispered.

    Dylan put her finger over her mouth, gesturing for them to be quiet, then pointed at the office. The boys sat beside her and listened. "Wait, so you're telling me that you knew Isaac's father was hitting him?" Stilinski asked the twins.

    "Hitting him?" Jackson questioned. "He was kicking the living crap out of him."

    "Did you ever say anything to anyone? A teacher, parent, anyone?"

    "Nope," Jackson Answered. "Not my problem." Dylan rolled her eyes.

    "Yeah. No. Of course not." Sheriff Stilinski sighed. The door opened and the sheriff walked out. Stiles, being the person that he was, tried to hide his face using a magazine. Scott gave him an I'm over this look. Sheriff Stilinski looked between the three kids. "Scott." He nodded at him, "Dylan. Glad to see you found yourself some new friends."

    Dylan looked at Scott who looked at her. She shook her head. Sheriff Stilinski looked at his son, completely over his shenanigans then walked away with a deputy behind him. Dylan sunk into her seat. Scott was about to say something when the door opened once more and the new principal, Gerard Argent, Allison Argent's grandfather, exited.

    "Boys. Come on in." They looked at Dylan before entering Gerard's office. He looked at Dylan. "You should get back to class," he paused, "Miss Cohen." He smiled then entered his office. Dylan felt a little odd talking to him.

    Dylan stood and made her way to her locker. She put away her textbook when she heard Jackson and Lydia just a few lockers down. "We're done, Lydia," Jackson said before walking away. Beacon Hills High dream couple had finally come to fruition.

    Dylan slammed her locker shut and moved to stand in front of Jackson. "Whittemore. When am I getting my camera back?"


    He stepped to leave but Dylan stopped him. "If you're keeping it for longer, I'm gonna need more money."

    Jackson sighed in annoyance. He flung his backpack in front of him and pulled out a hundred dollar bill. He shoved it in Dylan's chest. "Now get out of my way." He pushed past her, slamming his shoulder against hers then walked away.

    "Prick." Dylan heard a car door shut. She turned and ran for the front doors. She pushed open the door and saw the Sheriff's car out the front with Isaac in the back. He saw her through the back window. Then the car engine started up and the car drove out of the parking lot.

    Dylan rubbed her forehead. As the Sheriff's car drove out of eye view, Derek's black Camaro pulled up. He winded down the passenger window, "Get in."

    "He's innocent," Dylan said. "He didn't do it."

    "I know," Derek said. "Now get in the car and help me."

    "With what?"

    "Proving he is innocent before the full moon." Derek opened the passenger door. "Get in." Dylan sighed, walking over to his car and jumping in. 

    On the drive, Derek explained they were going to Isaac's house. Apparently, even though Dylan explained that he was very much innocent and she knew it too because she was there, there was evidence at the house that would suggest otherwise. Derek informed Dylan that he had turned Isaac a day before he had turned her. On the drive to his house, she had a few questions about those hunters he mentioned. He informed her that he'd explain it all later, and that they were a little busy for the time being. So she kept quiet.

    Derek parked outside of Isaac's house. The two got out of the car, Derek throwing her a torch. Then they entered the now abandoned house. "So, what killed him?" Derek asked Dylan as Dylan glanced around the darkened house. "Do you know?"

    "No," she responded. "It was super dark and foggy. Couldn't see a thing." Dylan walked further into the house. "So, why did you turn Isaac? What did you see in him that just screamed werewolf?"

    "Same thing I saw in you." Dylan turned to face Derek.

    "And that was?"

    "A desire to defend." Dylan wrinkled her forehead. "Isaac's desire to defend himself from his father. Your desire to defend from your bullies, your brothers, the police." Dylan chuckled.

    It was silent. Then Dylan spoke up. "You mentioned you were looking to form the 'perfect group.' Does this mean you're gonna turn more kids?" She looked at him but Derek didn't respond. He walked in front of her. "Why don't you just recruit Mccall?"

    Derek stopped walking and turned to face her. "Yeah. I figured as much with him." Derek looked as if he agreed then turned back around and kept walking. "It was kind of obvious when he attacked every lacrosse player and smelt them."

    Derek laughed, that sounded like more of a grumble. "That was kind of funny."

    "Wait, you saw?" Derek slightly nodded. "Is this like a hobby of yours? Stalking teenagers."

    "When it comes to it," he spoke, ignoring her inquiry, "you need to trust your senses." He opened the door to the basement and Dylan poked her head over. "You want to learn?" She looked at him. "Let's start now." She shone her torch down the basement. He nodded at her for her to walk down. And she did, Derek followed behind her.

    "Is this where the 'evidence that says otherwise' is?" He nodded, though she couldn't see him. "And that is..." She looked at him then back at the white illuminated light shining from her torch.

    "Follow your senses," he answered simply. She glared at him.

    She turned back, walking through the basement. She wasn't "feeling anything." Honestly, she wasn't one hundred percent sure what exactly she was supposed to be feeling. She looked around further. She found a clown doll sitting on a chair which gave her a shiver. She pulled back a rusty curtain, and that's when she felt something. A sense of hurt and anger. Like something bad happened down there.

    "What happened down here?" she asked, still looking around.

    "The kind of thing that leaves an impression," Derek answered.

    Dylan rolled her eyes. "Do you always speak in cryptic?" Dylan walked toward the stone wall. She spotted a small broken mirror. Then the wall. She traced her fingers along the scratch marks carved into the stone wall. Then to her right, she spotted what gave her a very strong sense of fear. A freezer. She got up and walked over to it. She saw the lock. It was open but she didn't want to open it.

    A bright white light shone in her face and the sound of a click sounded beside her, it made her jump. Derek stood beside her. Looking at the freezer then her. "Open it."

    Dylan looked at the freezer and swallowed a lump in her throat. She reached for the lock and removed it from the latch. Then she lifted the freezer door. She shone her torch inside. All along the sides were scratch marks and dried blood stains. Dylan inhaled a shaky breath glancing around the whole freezer. They were everywhere. On each side, on the lid. Dylan understood the abuse from a father. But it was never this bad with hers.

    "This is why he said yes," she whispered, mostly to herself.

    "Everyone wants power," Derek said. Dylan looked at him. "It's why you said yes, too, even knowing the consequences." It was true. She wanted power. She was tired of the bullying. From Tina. From Jackson. From Charlie. She hadn't even realised her claws had appeared, gripping the side of the freezer.

    "You should go back to the warehouse," Derek said, beginning to close the freezer door. Dylan removed her hands but her claws were still out. "Full moon's rising and you're new." Derek began walking away.

    Dylan closed her eyes, balling her hands into fists. She felt the claws dig into her skin, blood seeping through. "Wait." Derek turned around. "I want to come with you."


    "I can handle myself," she interrupted. "Isaac's innocent." She looked at the freezer. "And I know what it's like." Her voice quietened.

    He placed a hand on her shoulder. "You're staying. The effects of the moon are already taking over. I'll save Isaac. You stay." She wanted to argue but she knew she wouldn't win. Her eyes were flashing between the werewolf gold and their natural blue. She just nodded. Derek headed back up the stairs and closed the door.

    Dylan fell to the floor, leaning up against the freezer. She could feel the effects of the full moon. Her breathing was heavy. She wasn't going to be able to handle herself. She glanced behind her at the freezer. Only one thought crossed her. But she was going to need help. She whipped out her phone and opened up her contacts.

    Dylan: I need your help.

    Kasey: Anything.

    Dylan: I need you to come to this address with a bag of chains. No questions. She sent Kasey her current location. And please hurry.

    Kasey: Be there soon.

    She shut off her phone, leaving it on the floor. She wasn't sure how much longer she would be able to hold off. She just hoped Kasey would arrive soon.


    Fifteen minutes later, Kasey arrived. Dylan heard the front door open and Kasey's voice carried through the house, shouting for Dylan. "Down here." Her voice was weak. Kasey's footsteps accessed toward the basement door. Kasey started heading down the stairs calling out for Dylan.

    "Dyl? Are you okay?" Dylan still sat on the floor up against Isaac's freezer, her claws scratched across the ground.

    She lifted her head. Her eyes flashed gold and blue and her fangs elongated. "Help me." Kasey was taken aback by her fluorescent golden eyes. "Did you bring them?" Kasey nodded. She dropped the duffle bag strapped along her shoulder and unzipped it. Inside was filled with many chains, clattering as she grabbed one end.

    "What am I doing?" Kasey asked

    "I need you... to lock me up," she heaved. Kasey looked confused so Dylan glanced at the freezer behind her.

    There was a hint of worry in her eyes. "Are you sure?"

    She was heaving deeply. "Yes."

    Kasey gently grabbed Dylan's clawed hands and helped her to stand. Dylan kept her head lowered, her eyes glued to the ground, because she couldn't bear to face Kasey and see the fear so very visible on her face whenever she looked at her new werewolf friend. She lifted the freezer door and Dylan climbed inside. Her heart was racing. It was getting worse. She felt... weird. It was like nothing she had ever felt before. She couldn't even describe the feeling. But it didn't feel right.

    Dylan laid down in the freezer, sinking deep down trying to relax her nerves of her first full moon but she couldn't get over the fact that something did not feel right. She could smell the anxiety coming from Kasey. She was scared. Maybe because she was scared of her or maybe because she was scared for her friend.

    "I'll be fine," she whispered. Kasey nodded. As she lowered the freezer door, she noticed tears forming in her eyes. She heard the latch on the freezer door shut and Kasey locked it. The chains rattled against the freezer as Kasey locked it up nice and tight. Dylan didn't think she would escape. She knew the transition and the effects of the full moon would be tough but she believed she would be able to handle herself. At least, she hoped. If she escaped and hurt Kasey, she would not be able to forgive herself. She didn't call her over just to kill her.

    "It's done," Kasey said. Dylan pulled her knees closer to her chest, running her fingers through her long curly, red hair. "It's locked."

    "Go," Dylan said, eyes changing colour, still.

    "But, Dyl--"

    "Go! Please!" she shouted, fangs exposed. It took a few seconds, but then she finally heard Kasey's hesitant footsteps fade off into the distance. She heard the basement door open and shut then the front door open and shut. She was now alone.

    She wasn't sure how long it had been since she was locked in the freezer. But the full moon had to pass soon, right? Her knees were pressed tightly up against her chest, her arms wrapped around her legs and her head resting on top of her knees. Her claws were digging into her forearms. She was trying to contain the aggression she was feeling.

    Breathe. Relax. Clear your mind. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath in. Everything was going well. But then something hit. Her leg began to ache. She straightened her leg out in front of her. And it was fine. Then it cracked. Dylan exclaimed, her leg now twisted to the side. Her other leg cracked, Dylan yelped. Her arm cracked, she twisted her body to the side. Her entire body ached with an immense amount of pain and suffering. Dylan hunched forward. Her claws scraped along the bottom of the freezer. She huffed and puffed as her fangs flashed and her golden eyes shone. A scream erupted from her lips as more of her bones broke.

    Dylan began banging against the lid of the freezer. It was soft at first, but as the pain from her back down to her legs only got worse as the night went on, she banged harder. Tears filled her eyes as more of her bones broke. She didn't hold back. She banged on the door, on the walls, of the freezer until it smashed. Chains and the padlock rattled on the floor. She growled as she crawled out of the now broken freezer. She was down on all fours. Bones breaking left and right. Dylan ran up the stairs of the basement, her breathing heavy, and she ran out the front door. She headed straight for the woods a few miles away from Isaac's house. She thought about calling Derek. Asking for help. Because she didn't think that what was happening was meant to be happening.

    Dylan couldn't keep herself up. Her legs were sore... and cracking. She fell onto the floor. Her legs were cracking, her arms were cracking. She didn't understand what was happening. But it hurt. It was a tremendous pain. She screamed as she hit the ground. Her eyes sparkled and she growled. Then Dylan was no longer Dylan. She was a wolf.

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