Louis Imagine

By ItsTabby_x

37 0 0


Louis Imagine

37 0 0
By ItsTabby_x

very long Louis #Imagine

You just had a terrible fight at school , with your boyfriend , Quinten. The last thing he said was that he never wanted to see you again. You decide to go home at lunch break cause you were just devastated . You just walk to your room and throw your backpack against the wall. Then you lay down on your bed crying. When suddenly you get a text from your best friend , Louis. “ WHAT’S WRONG ? WHY WEREN’T YOU AT SCHOOL THIS AFTERNOON?”.

You know Louis from since you were 4. You could tell him everything. So ignoring the message is not a good idea , you think , cause he probably is gonna think something terrible happened to you. You text him back that he needs to come over.

5 minutes later the doorbell rings , you stand up and walk over to the mirror. You see that your eyes are red. You walk down and open the door. You see Louis standing there , exhausted. You invite him in and both go upstairs. You sit down on your bed.

“What happened? “ he asks. “ I don’t want to talk about it” you say. You can feel that you want to cry again. He sits next to you and puts his arm around you. You start crying again and manage to say “ it’s Quinten , we had a fight and we broke up …”. “ You’re better than this , just forget him , he doesn’t really love you anymore…” you look at him getting a little mad inside “ … if he truly loves you he wouldn’t do this to you .” you just nod and think about what he said. He’s right. You look at him , he is smiling at you. He places his finger under your chin and says : “ I don’t like to see you sad”. Then he places a soft kiss on your forehead , which makes you blush , but you don’t know why. Then he says : “ there is something I want to tell you , already for a really long time , but I didn’t wanted to tell it when you were still dating him …” you can feel his voice starts to shake a bit. “ I really really like you , I want to be more than friends w-“ you interrupt him by asking a bit surprised : “ do you love me?” he just nods. You can feel butterflies , and think this can’t be true , I’m falling in love with him. But that thought makes you happy. He can see you smiling and asks “so do you love me ?” you nod . “So that means we are a couple now ?” you ask. He nods happy and then he kisses you softly.

You both lay down on your bed and you lay his head on his chest. You can feel his heart beating. He starts playing with your head. You fall asleep in his arms. And when you wake up the next day you’re still in his arms. That is the beginning of a beautiful relationship.


Hope you liked it , and as always : feedback is always welcome ;)

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