Forever love

By superflash2034

13.8K 291 71

What Happens When a Certain Scarlet Speedster Try's to Connect back to the Speed force but Connects to Someth... More

The Connection
Unmatchable Power
The Forever force
The Kiss That Changed Things
Barry vs Mon-el
Into the Phantom zone
Meeting the Dad
Good to be back
Godspeed war
Team super flash vs Lex,Thawne and Nyxly
Kelly and Alex Wedding
Kara and Barry
Armageddon part 1
Armageddon part 2
Death risies
She says yes
Wendnesday ever after
There Back!!
Hear no evil
Becoming the God of the Forever Force
Rogues of war
Family time
The Mask of the Red death
The Good The Bad and The Lucky
Telling Kara's Family
Wildest Dreams
It's my Party and I Die if I Want To
A New World Pt 1
A New World Pt 2
A New World PT 3

Team Superflash vs Leviathan

568 10 0
By superflash2034

Third person

Barry and Kara walked up to the team and Dreamer and M'gann told them what happen when Kara left with Barry and how Barry did his light show  Rama Khan, Sela, and Tezumak turn turned to ash but their bodies started to reform like out of a horror movie then Alex says," but that means..." "they're indestructible" Kelly finishes off  "Immortal" M'gann correcting them.

" But when they reformed they said they needed to recharge fully to fight barry," Dreamer says pointing at Barry

Then Kara says," They want us to fight until we drop  so they can distract us from whatever Lex is planning.. but lucky we have Barry to help us," Kara says while holding his hand  " Well Eve knows Lex's plan," Lena says

" and we are going to find out what it is," Barry says running out of the room with Kara right behind him

"Kara do you want me to read her mind to make sure she not lying," Bary asks "yeah sure," Kara says

" Eve ever, can you hear me?" Kara asks
" Is the reporter okay?" Eve asks " yes he told us everything," Kara says

"Please understand... I was trying to protect my mom but now led is gonna kill her" Eve says
"We know you must feel likes there's no way out," Kara says "but it is when things feel their most hopeless" Barry says " that we have to dig down deep to do what's right otherwise the bad guys win," Kara says finishing Barrys sentence

"Help is us, Eve," Kara says " help us fight" Barry finishes off

" Gemma cooper is not who she says she is her real name is Gamemnae ages a member of leviathan just like Rama Khan and tonight they're planning to attack the unity festival after four billion subscribers are inside Gemma will kill them all," Eva says

"Thank you, Eve," Kara and Barry say running out of the room " she telling the truth," Barry says with his eyes glowing purple " ok now let's go tell the team," Kara says " Kara I get team flash to help," Barry says

When they walk into Lena's lab Barry snaps his fingers and team flash is in the middle of the room and fills them all in about what Even said and how Kara needs to convince billions of people to leave a virtual reality paradise of their own free will.

"Hope you've got one of those classic hope speeches handy," Dreamer says " I mean I've done it before but not on this level," Kara says

"Oh if anyone can do it, it's you," Lena and Alex say at the same time " jinx" Alex whispers

" Kara if anyone can convince these people to leave this place it's you, " Barry says cupping her face

" so all right, what do we do about Leviathan?" Kara asks " we fight till our last breath," says J'onn and Barry

" ok but we need to do something to draw leviathan out," Cisco says as long as Dreamer

" We send them a message," Barry and J'onn say
"What are you guys going to say?" Kara asks

"Something to get their attention," J'onn says while his eye glow red and Barrys glow purple

"Kelly opened the back door into the festival it should help protect you from the kill switch," Lena says then Barry teleports in " what are you doing here aren't you supposed to be helping fight Leviathan," Kara asks " I am, I'm projecting my self in your mind so I can help you,"  Barry says while kissing her " Hopefully we get everyone out before Lex and Gemma hit it," kara says " you will," Lena and Barry says

"Let's do this," Kara says then Barry disappears in a purple light

"Wow," Barry and Kara say " This is amazing I've never seen anything like this... No wonder so many people sighed up" Kara say " this reminds me during Crisis see each earth get destroyed by the anti-matter wave over and over again feeling all their pain" Barry said "it's over ok Barr you survived" Kara says while kissing him on the cheek

Meanwhile on the outside...

"So this is Rama Khan and his friends," Cisco says while laughing

" What? No Supergirl Let's see if we can convince her to join us" Rama Khan says sending a ground pound making everyone fly back but leaving Barry unfazed

"BARRY turn into Fuerte," Cisco says
"Turn into what," Barry asks " it's Spanish for strong," Cisco says "I give it a try," Barry says

Lightning starts coming off Barry's blue veins starts to show on Barry's face and then turns into Fuerte ripping through his suit and roars send Rama Khan back

Meanwhile in Obsidian...

"Everyone listen to us their something wrong with the program," Kara says " You need to end the simulation now," Barry says

"What are you talking about? There's no one here but my late husband it's so good to hear his voice" an old lady says

"Hey hey kid," Kara says "can you hear us," Barry asks " you need to disengage from the program," Kara says

"Leave me alone my mom is back I missed her," the kid said

"It's not working there too many people
They feel connected to their loved ones it's spiritual I have no idea how to break through to them" Kara says " Kara...Hey... Kara look at me there's nothing you can't do your Kara Zor-el the strongest woman on the planet your the woman I love you and you got this" Barry says kissing her.

"I think I can give you a way to talk to everyone at once," Lena said

"No Lena I think I have a better idea," Barry says " Kara Kara try to be at one with yourself and feel your power go through you remember you loved once to fight for them," Barry says while holding her hand and merging with her.

" how do you feel Kara," says Barry says in her head "Impossible," Kara says while multi-lightning coursing through her body " now we are one and you know my knowledge to use my powers now Save them, Kara," Barry says

Then her eyes turned purple and she started to vibrate and made speed mirages and illusions around everybody so she can talk to them at once " I need you all to listen to me you're in danger" Kara says echoing


Barry is fighting Sela and Tezumak as Fuerte and they are just making him stronger then he turns back to Barry and tells Dreamer and Cisco that Brainey needs his help. They tell them to go and they got this.

When Barry arrives he feels the toxic air so his eye starts to turn blue so he's invulnerable to the air. 

" Brainey what are you doing" Barry yells
"Trying... to .. trap... Leviathan" Brainey can barely say Barry grabs Brainey out of the room and inject him with nanites laced with potassium iodide so it can help his system repair itself but it going to hurt like hell and then starts to rewrite the system so instead of them being trapped they loses there powers by putting it in the forever force.

Lena lab

"Andrea the medallion you're have been activated," Lena says

"If I don't kill supergirl they'll kill my father"
Andrea say

"Killing for them going down this path won't make him safe," Lena says " how do you know," Andrea says

"Because I've been down it before... I have done terrible things to protect myself and the people I love but it has never kept me safe from pain it's just brought me a new kind of misery and I move further and further away from the person I was, until one day I woke up and I was utterly alone " Lena says

In Obsidian

"We know it can be addictive to live in a perfect place where nothing hurts but it's not reality," Kara says " we all get hurt it is only by going through that pain we're able to appreciate the good pain is what helps us grow without it we never be able to evolve to overcome to forgive," Kara says " Each of us came here because we're afraid I afraid of losing the people I love just like you and I will everything I can to escape, just like you but the cost of escape is too great, "Kara says.

"We have to wake up now we need to end the simulation Once and for All We Believe In You," Barry and Kara say

"End simulation," everyone says

Lena's labs

"Years ago.. we made a promise to each other you jump, I jump but if you choose to go down this path I will be there... if you want to get to supergirl, you're gonna have to go through me," Lena says while Andrea breaks down.


Barry just finished trying to take away Leviathan's powers and teleported to help J'onn and throws lightning at them taking their powers and making them mortal. "WHAT HAVE YOU DONE," Rama Khan says " We won," Barry says knocking them all out and putting them in cells in the deo.

Barry checks on everyone to see if they're ok and then races to Lena's lab and hears Kara say, "I wasn't ready to accept your apology but maybe, maybe I am now" " okay what now?" Lena asks " well there is still one bad guy left to catch," Kara says.

"And we are going to beat her once and for all" Barry cuts in, "BARRY," Kara says running to him and hugging him "I knew you could do it," Barry says while kissing her then lightning starts splitting through her and its Barry and both of them start vibrating and becomes one.

After they merge Barry's lightning turns pure white with it coursing through his body. Then they go up to the team and say," we got something to tell you " Barry and Kara say holding hands "your dating?" Team supergirl says as long as Caitlin and frost " yeah how did you know" Barry asks "well you guys suck at hiding it" Alex says " yeah" everyone says " Cisco pay up" Frost says Cisco sighs and gives her 10 bucks.

" Okay then let's catch Gemma" Barry and Kara say

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