Pokemon Scarlet & Violet Stor...

By May5696

18.5K 323 453

Just a compilation of romantic little stories for my favorite characters from Scarlet and Violet! Seriously... More

Dragon Princess
Dragon Princess Ch. 1
Dragon Princess Ch. 2
Dragon Princess Ch. 3
Dragon Princess Ch. 4
Dragon Princess Ch. 5
Dragon Princess Ch. 6
(NSFW) Dragon Princess Ch. 7
Living in the Shadows
Living in the Shadows Ch. 1
Living in the Shadows Ch. 2
Living in the Shadows Ch. 3
Living in the Shadows Ch. 4
Living in the Shadows Ch. 5
Living in the Shadows Ch. 6
A Work of Art
A Work of Art Ch. 1
A Work of Art Ch. 2
A Work of Art Ch. 3
(NSFW) A Work of Art Ch. 4
From Water to Ice
From Water to Ice Ch. 1
From Water to Ice Ch. 2
From Water to Ice Ch. 3
From Water to Ice Ch. 4
(NSFW) From Water to Ice Ch. 5
A New Journey Begins
A New Journey Begins Ch. 1
(NSFW) A New Journey Begins Ch. 2
Darkness and Dragons
Darkness and Dragons Ch. 1
Darkness and Dragons Ch. 2
Darkness and Dragons Ch. 3
Darkness and Dragons Ch. 4
Darkness and Dragons Ch. 5
(NSFW) Darkness and Dragons Ch. 6
Strong Enough For You
Strong Enough For You Ch. 1
Strong Enough For You Ch. 2
Strong Enough For You Ch. 3
Strong Enough For You Ch. 4
(NSFW) Strong Enough For You Ch. 5

(NSFW) Living in the Shadows Ch. 7

766 12 22
By May5696

Optional smut chapter warning! Read on if you don't mind the spiciness.

A knock at the front door had Violet quickly going to answer it. "Hi, Atticus."

The boy stepped inside, still garbed in his ninja clothes and carrying a large bag of things. Compared to him, his girlfriend of three months was dressed in a solid black T-shirt and pajama pants. She'd apparently showered recently because her damp hair was down instead of in the usual ponytail. Atticus leaned in to give her a brief kiss.

"Good evening, Lady Violet." A pair of pokemon stepped out from the kitchen. "And a good evening to you, Salazzle, Zoroark."

The lizard was licking her hand of sticky dough from the cookies she'd been helping her trainer with. "Lazz lazzle!"

"Zor ark!" the fox barked in greeting.

"I'm still working on the cookies, but I just need to put them in the oven," Violet informed him.

Atticus nodded in understanding. "Thou needn't rush such a delicate process. I will be patient." He glanced toward the door leading to her grandmother's room. "Is Madam Ruth back from her physical therapy?"

Violet shook her head. "No. They're keeping her for a few days for rehabilitation. She's doing alright, though. They just really wanna get her back to moving around again." She looked down at his clothes. "So, um, feel free to use the bathroom to change or shower or whatever."

"Thank you. I do require a proper cleaning up after today's training session. I won't be long."

With his bag in hand he went to the bathroom, leaving Violet to return to the kitchen to get the cookies in the oven. They had big plans for their first sleepover - the sleepover that Ruth had been insisting on every time Atticus visited in the evening. She was so kind to always worry about him going home after dark, as if he were a part of the family. First up, they were going to enjoy some freshly baked sugar cookies while watching that new movie about a samurai and his Kingambit. Then they would discuss the movie while Violet gave his fingernails a fresh coat of paint, and he in turn would give hers a nice new design. And after that, they would play a board game or two before bed. They had it all planned, and yet, Violet couldn't stop the disappointed sigh that left her.


She realized both her pokemon were giving her puzzled looks. "Sorry. It's nothing. Don't worry about it."

Zoroark lightly nudged her arm with her head. "Zor?"

Violet decided to tell them what was on her mind. "You both know how much I like Atticus. I'm really excited for our sleepover, but I guess I just already know what to expect." The pair tilted their heads in confusion. "It's not that I'm not grateful to have him as my boyfriend, but I do wish he'd give me a bit more attention sometimes. I'm not asking for much. Just more than the occasional hug and kiss. I'd like to be able to snuggle with him from time to time, you know?" She shook her head. "I'm complaining too much. He's just being respectful."

Zoroark suddenly jumped on the girl, knocking her to the floor with her fluffy hide. Violet couldn't even get a word in before the fur was replaced with Salazzle's smooth skin. The lizard was practically laying on her trainer, rubbing her head almost affectionately along her cheek, neck, and shoulders.

Violet lightly patted Salazzle on the back. "What's with you two? Is this your way of making me feel better?" She giggled, letting the lizard have her way until she slipped out of the girl's hold to get up. Violet picked herself up and brushed off her clothes. "Okay, I don't know what that was about, but thanks I gue-" She didn't even get to finish her sentence before both pokemon disappeared inside their poke balls on the counter. "What in Paldea…?"

With a roll of her eyes, Violet dismissed their behavior and went up to her room to be sure she had everything set up. The movie was ready, the nail polish and board games were on her desk, and the sleeping bag Atticus bought just for that occasion was on the floor beside her bed. She went back down to the kitchen to keep an eye on the cookies. By the time they were done, Atticus had finished his shower as well.

"Those cookies smell delightful," he complimented, stepping into the kitchen. He watched her take the cookies out of the oven and set the tray on the counter before removing her oven mitts. "It makes me feel more famished than I should be."

"They turned out pretty good, yeah." When Violet turned her gaze to him, she smiled. He was wearing a jinbei for pajamas, which was a very old, traditional outfit from regions like Kanto. It consisted of a side-tying top and shorts, and because it was Atticus, they were both colored much like his usual outfit, magenta with splashes of green. "I've never seen your pajamas until now. Very you."

A chuckle escaped the boy as he made his way over. "As if thou art one to talk. Your sleepwear is as dark as…"

He trailed off and his whole body went stiff and froze in place. A strange aroma caught his nose, a different one from the cookies. It made him uncomfortable for some reason. While Violet raised an inquisitive brow at him, he closed the distance between them. With every step closer to her, the smell grew stronger and more…intoxicating.

"Atticus? You okay?"

The ninja suddenly snatched her by the waist and pulled her into him. Not only did he press their bodies together, but he buried his face in her neck to thoroughly breathe in that wonderful scent. It was a sweet odor, almost sickeningly so, yet something about it was alluring.

"Wh-what are you doing?" Violet asked, simply standing there wondering what's going on.

"You smell…divine," he breathed out.

Violet understood now. Salazzle had rubbed against her, scenting her with pheromones. And knowing the sly lizard, she certainly did it on purpose, and Zoroark must've been in on it. She was so used to the smell that she was practically nose blind to it, so she hadn't realized it before. But another question arose - how did the pheromones affect a person? They were meant to captivate male pokemon, not people. She could only assume it mixed with a scent already on her, such as her vanilla lotion or something.

"Atticus, get a hold of yourself." She gently pushed against him enough to free herself from his hold. "Salazzle scented me with pheromones. It's messing with your senses." Despite that, her normally fair cheeks were a pink hue. "Aren't ninjas supposed to be strong-willed?"

The boy watched her turn away and toward the cookies, as if trying to busy herself with them. Even with that knowledge, something in his heart burned for her. His body yearned for her. He felt like a lowly Salandit captivated by his Salazzle mistress. Once again, he closed the distance between them and captured her from behind, immediately burying his face in the crook of her neck to inhale more of the scent.

"You are correct, my lady. However, in this case, my strength of will has been shattered beyond repair." He tenderly kissed her neck. One of his arms was around her abdomen, pressing her body into his, and the other was trailing up and down her arm, making the girl shudder. Taking her wrist, he pulled her hand away from the tray of cookies. "Leave the cookies be," he spoke softly into her ear. "They need time to cool. Please, fair maiden, my beautiful Violet, allow me to shower you with my affections."

A silent gasp left the goth when she felt something poking her behind. It awakened something in her - a need she hadn't known about until now. She had been wanting more attention from her boyfriend, and every kiss and caring touch was exactly what she'd craved. It made her warm all over, and she needed more.

"Let's take this to my room," she told him. "The kitchen is hardly the place for this." She led him up the stairs, smiling at the way he kept at least one hand on her at all times, whether it was on her hip or her arm or even just her hand. As soon as they were behind her bedroom door, Violet twisted around to face him. "I'll admit, I really want this. I've been wanting more attention from you. But are you sure you're okay with this? I mean, I know you prefer things to be more respectable and modest. If this is all just the pheromones' doing, then I don't want you doing anything you'll regret."

With a sweet smile on his face, Atticus placed his hand on the side of her jaw. "Lady Violet, I hath always desired you. I simply didn't wish to tarnish what we had. Patience is a virtue, you know. But you need not worry, fair maiden, for my mind is still my own. The pheromones merely brought my lust forth." His thumb glided over her bottom lip.

"Then do what you will with me," she replied barely above a whisper.

Atticus wasted no time and smashed his lips against hers. Even after what he'd just told her, his kiss was ravenous, and Violet could barely keep up. It made her light-headed, her heart thumping wildly with anticipation. She was left completely stunned once her boyfriend pulled away. Atticus moved behind her where he could wrap his arms around her, slowly moving her backwards with him. He abruptly sat on her bed, pulling her with him to where she was seated right in front of him, his legs on either side of her. He lightly licked the shell of her ear, his tongue on her skin making her shudder.

"Relax, my Violet," he softly spoke. "Let me satisfy thy needs."

He gave her neck a kiss while his hands snaked around to her stomach, fiddling with the hem of her shirt. In an instant, she felt his warm hands underneath, traveling along her skin and heading higher. They paused when they met the silky material of her bra, and retracted from under her shirt. Violet almost frowned at the loss of his touch, but he suddenly began pulling her shirt up. He tugged at it a couple times to be certain he had permission, and when she lifted her arms for him, he slid it right over her head. He didn't even look down from where he was focused on kissing the newly exposed flesh of her shoulder, at least not until he unclipped her bra and carelessly tossed it aside with her shirt.

"Beautiful…" He planted numerous kisses across her shoulder and neck, his blue eyes darting down to get a view. "You're more ravishing than a goddess from the heavens."

Violet could no longer keep quiet when his hands took hold of her breasts, moaning softly. The sound only made him chuckle as he began to knead the soft mounds, his skilled fingers pinching and rolling the peaks. It didn't help that his lips were joined by his teeth and tongue. Her skin was peppered with kisses, gentle nibbles, and greedy licks. Atticus astounded himself with his actions. He'd certainly never done any of this before, but his body, perhaps on instinct from the pheromones, knew almost exactly what to do.

"A…Atticus…" the goth whined.

To the boy's pleasant surprise, his girlfriend shifted to shimmy out of her pants and panties, kicking them off in a hurry. "My, my, someone's certainly eager," Atticus teased.

Violet, face flushed and breathing heavily, leaned back into Atticus and parted her legs without a moment's hesitation. "Please, more." Her hands fell onto his thighs. "Atticus. I need more."

With one hand still occupying her breasts, the other made its way down south until he could feel the warm, moist sensation on his fingers. He heard her suck in a shaky breath that only encouraged him. "I daresay you're correct. Let's see what I can do for you."

His fingers explored, forcing several whimpers to tumble from Violet's lips. After mentally mapping out the area, her hand took hold of his only to guide his touch to where she wanted. Her sensitive bud became the victim of his insatiable ministrations, his touch slow but rough. Violet was left a writhing, crying mess in his hands, and he absolutely loved it. But his girlfriend suddenly halted the movement of his hands with her own, earning his utmost attention in the case that he did something to displease her.

"No more, Atticus. Not until you show me all that you can do for me."

"Very well, my lovely little flower. I must admit, resisting for this long has been challenging."

His hands moved between the two of them, swiftly pulling his shorts and underwear down out of the way. He sighed in relief to finally be free of the confines of his clothes that had grown so unbearably tight. Violet bit her lip when she looked back to take in the sight, finally seeing her boyfriend blushing. She shifted onto her knees and raised herself up so that he could line himself up. She gasped when she felt the tip, and when Atticus took hold of her hips, he pulled her down in one swift motion, sinking all the way in. They both moaned at the pleasurable sensations hitting them all at once.

"Oh my…" Atticus groaned out. "It is…quite better than I expected."

"Y-yeah…" Violet whimpered. "It feels…r-really good…"

 Atticus began to move, slow and steady, each thrust careful. But after only a minute or so, Violet was practically demanding more. Who was he to deny his mistress? His hips snapped forward and against hers at a rapid pace, and with the sounds they made, it was a good thing they had the house to themselves. The ninja could feel a growing knot winding tighter and tighter in him, and he knew he couldn't keep it up as much as he wanted to. He also became acutely aware that they didn't have any protection. He slowed his pace considerably, his hand darting around to find that bud again. That was all Violet needed to come undone, her soft cries filling the room. The vice grip her body had on him made him groan, and it was all he could do to hold back his release. His fingers slowed to a stop, as did his movements, when she finally fell silent.

"Oh, Atticus," she breathed out, panting heavily.

She understood exactly what he had done, and she was grateful that he had fought through his lust clouded brain to take things into consideration. She moved to slowly slide him out, but kept him there between her legs. Since he had his eyes squeezed shut in concentration, she decided to help him. She rubbed her overly sensitive core up and down his length, forcing a groan from him while she bit back an uncomfortable gasp.

"You don't have to hold back now. Let go, Atticus."

The boy hugged her abdomen tight and buried his face between her shoulder blades. Vigorously, she moved back and forth to stimulate him, and with a strangled groan, he finally found his release…all over her black comforter. He was breathing heavily by the time she stopped, simply hugging her body while the lustful haze lifted.

"That was quite the experience," Violet said after a few moments of silently recuperating.

Atticus noticed her legs were shaking from holding herself over him, so he gently urged her to turn toward him and embraced her, letting her lean her tired body against him. "Did you enjoy it? I know I certainly did. But I hope I was sufficient in pleasing you."

The girl smiled, wrapping her arms around his neck. "I loved it. You're so skilled, Atticus, especially with your hands." He chuckled at that. "Just don't be afraid to speak up from now on. It took Salazzle's pheromones to get you to admit you wanted this. Besides, next time, I'll put my gymnastics skills to use for you, if you like."

"I'd like that very much." Atticus captured her lips for a slow, deep kiss. "My beautiful Violet…how I love thee…" Violet pulled back to give him a slightly stunned look. "You said to speak up from now on, did you not? What I say is the absolute truth. I love you.

"I…I love you, too." Violet almost shed a tear of joy, kissing him again and again.

When they finally parted, Atticus grimaced at the mess before them. "My sincerest apologies. I will do my best to clean up."

"Don't worry about it. Just gotta change the comforter. I'll put it in to wash."

Needless to say, their sleepover was great and continued mostly as planned. The once invisible Violet couldn't be happier that Atticus had been the one to notice her that day that seemed so long ago now. She not only won the attention of her peers, but also won the heart of her ninja boyfriend.

This is the end of Atticus and Violet's story! Stay tuned for the next character x OC!

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