Sparks Fly

By Secrets33

17.8K 563 557

This is book three of my lovely PJO7 series all about Leo and Calypso! Same dealio as last time, read the boo... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26

Chapter 2

861 20 15
By Secrets33


"What the hell is this doing on my face?" I screamed, causing Frank to barf once more. "Maybe it'll wash off" said Jason in a drunken laugh. "Yeah!" I exclaimed. I turned on the water and began scrubbing at my face but alas, it wouldn't come off.

"It's not working!" I screamed. "Gods" Frank muttered as he stumbled out of the bathroom. "Here, lemme try" said Percy as he took some water in his hand using his crazy voodoo water shit.

Percy concentrated and I began to feel the water go into my skin. "Yeah, thats pretty stuck there forever" he said with a grin. I groaned, puttingmy head in my hands. "This cannot be happening" I said as I sat down on the toilet.

"Hey man, don't worry, we'll make it back before the wedding" Jason said taking another sip. Percy gave him a look and snatched the bottle from Jason's hand and poured it down the sink but not before taking his own swing first.

"Oh gods the wedding!" I exclaimed, instantly hating myself for forgetting. "Gods, Calypso is going to kill me!" I screamed as I ran out of the bathroom.

"Where the hell is my phone" I yelled as I ran throughout the motel, searching. Percy was dragging Jason behind him as he followed me. "Leo, calm down. It's going to be fine. Look, all we need to do is find a phone, call camp, find Nico and head home, simple" he said as he dropped Jason on the floor with a thud.

"Yeah, I mean, its too bad we killed Nico" said Jason who was now sprawled out on the floor, making out with Percy's shoe. "We what?" I exclaimed, kneeling down next to Jason. Jason began to close his eyes and mumble.

"No, no, stay with me here Jase, what happened to Nico?" I asked skaing his shoulders. "We killed him, ask Phil, we got him good" he said.

"Gods, this isn't working. We need him to be sober!" I yelled. Percy looked up at me. "Look, its no use getting frustrated. I'll get some water to flush out his system. He's going to have one hell of a hangover. You look around for Advil and Nico".

I nodded and searched the motel. I found several drugs that would reduse the effects of a hangover but I didn't think we wanted to get high. I finally found Advil in the bathroom under the lofa.

I gave some to Frank who was lying in fetal posistion behind the bed and Jason. Percy claimed that he didn't get hungover as long as he had water which only made me want to kill him more.

"No luck finding Nico?" asked Percy. I shook my head. "We should Iris message the girls, explain the situation" Percy said. I nodded. "I think I should stay out of the shot a little" I said. Percy gave me a puzzled look but then nodded with a chuckle.

Percy gave Annabeth a quick call. The Iris message opened with Charlie in the living room playing with blocks with little Zoe on her play-mat. "Annabeth? You there?" asked Percy.

A pair of legs walked around in the background and came towards us. "Percy? Where the hell are you?" asked Annabeth. "I'm in LA, I think. We kind of got in a little bit of a bind" Percy said, scrating the back of his head.

"What do you mean you think?" said Annabeth, bending down so we could now see her face. She groaned and sat down with Charlie and Zoe, odds were, being as pregnant as she was, there was no way she's getting up anytime soon.

"I mean, I'm not exactly sure. Hey, have you seen Nico?" Percy asked. "Nico was supposed to be with you last night dumbass" Annabeth growled as she picked up Zoe. "Dumbass!" exclaimed Charlie, throwing a block up into the air.

Annabeth groaned. "See what you did!" she yelled as she threw her head back in defeat. She got a little cranky while pregnant. It didn't help that she also has two other kids to take care of while also growing one.

"Sorry babe, I love you" said Percy with a crooked smile. Annabeth huffed then slashed through the mist, cutting off the message.

"Well that worked out well, that was the last of our money" I said. Percy frowned. "We have to find Nico". I nodded as Frank came and sat next to us. He didn't have any pants, wearing only his heart pj's and a shirt that said "I survived shot mountain" which explained his hangover.

"He's obviously not in the motel, we've got to retrace our steps from last night. Does anyone remember anything?" asked Frank. Percy and I both shook our heads. Last night was a complete blur.

"Drink mountain!" yelled Jason from the couch. I gasped and ran over to Jason. "He's still drunk! Maybe he remembers!" I exclaimed. I grabbed Jason's head and pulled him close so he would look me in the eye.

"Jason, what did we do last night?" I said in a slow and clear voice. Jason smiled for a second then opened his mouth. Before it even I happened, I ducked, knowing what he was going to do. Jason projectial vomitted all over Percy who was standing right behind me.

"Ugh! Jason!" cried Percy as he wiped vomit away from his eyes. "Yup, I'm sober now. What were you asking?" he said with a toothy grin. "Do you remember anything from last night?" asked Frank sternly. Jason thought for a moment and shook his head.

"Sorry boys, I've got nothing" said Jason with a grin. "Shot mountain!" I exclaimed, coming to a rather helpful bit of information. "What?" asked Frank, confused. "Mate? Are you still drunk" asked Jason.

"No! Look, shot mountain!" I said once more, pointing to Frank's shirt. Everyone gathered around Frank, staring at his shirt. "We must have gone there last night" said Percy, pointing to the adress on the back of the shirt.

The shirt belonged to some bar called "Cockpit". "We've got to start there" I announced. Everyone filed out of the motel to find we were about 7 blocks outside of the Vegas strip. When we got a cab and told us where to go, he looked at us funny but went anyways.

When we arrived at the "Cockpit", something was definitely wrong. The sign was in large rainbow neon letters. Rainbow flags hung outside. A man was outside, passed out in nothing but a thong and cowboy boots.

"Guys, does something seem a little off about this place?" asked Frank, who was clearly very uncomfortable. "That's what the shirt says, we have to at least check it out" I said, trying to remain optimistic about what could be inside.

I grabbed the door and pulled it open. Inside, there was a large stage to the far wall, in front of that was a massive dance floor. On either side of us were at least 10 poles and cages. To our right was a large bar, with a man standing behind it in a pink light-up cowboys hat and a vest with extremely tight pants.

"Um, hello. Can we ask you a few questions?" I asked, approaching the bar. When the man saw us, he began to laugh like a mad man. "Its the super men!" he cried, clapping me on the shoulder. He obviously recgonized us from last night.

"And young muscle man! Have a rough morning?" he asked Frank who was blushing like crazy. "We enjoyed having you last night. Why stop by today?" he said in a rather femine voice.

"Thats actually what we need to talk to you about. None of us seem to remember anything from last night. Can you help us out maybe?" asked Percy. The man grinned and slid right up next to Percy, stroking his arm like a cat. "Anything for you baby" he said, raising an eyebrow. Percy, of course, was insanely uncomfortable.

"Angelo at your service. You boys rolled up around 10, lord knows where you were beforehand. You were already fairly drunk. Your boy Nico, the lil' skinny one, ran off with two of our finest dancers halfway through the night. Jolio took quite a liking to Franky, bought him our famous "Shot Mountain". You set a record, in fact, here is a picture" Angelo said as he walked behind the bar and grabbed a picture frame.

He handed me the frame and it was a picture of Frank, passed out, surrounded by at least 20 shot-glasses, maybe more. Jason and Percy had him on their shoulders and I was there, tattoo-less, hugging Frank and sniffing his ear. Dozens of other men were surrounding us, petting us effectionately.

"Gods" I muttered as I handed it off to Frank to have a look. "Oh gods" Frank murmured, covering his face with his hands, mortified. Angelo laughed and patted Frank on the back.

"You boys mind coming back next week, y'all are good for business with your cue butts and toned chests. Men dig scars" he said eyeing Percy's newest scar, reaching from his right ear to his mid cheek from his latest trip to Tartarus.

"We'll think about it. Any idea where we said we were off to next?" I asked, both eager and terrified of the answer.

"Well, y'all left around 11:30. A friend of yours, I think his name was Tyson? Real big dude, he dragged you guys out of here, said you were going to some hotel. He kept telling you guys that he was sorry and he didn't want to do this. I almost called the cops, I thought he was going to kill you" Angelo explained.

"Thanks" was all Franks said before he dragged us all out. "I'll get Tyson" said Percy the minute we got out. Just then, shots fired out of nowhere. People on the streets, flew to the ground, taking cover.

Suddenly, 4 motorcycles came flying out of the alley next to the Cockpit. Riding the cycles were 4 men, they looked like ninjas, dressed in all black, guns strapped to their sides. They surrounded us, driving in cirlces so we could leave.

They men were clearly mortals so our weapons would do no use against them. We were screwed. All of the sudden, the motor cycles stopped.

4 Humvees drove around the motor cycles, shielding the public from what was about to happen. I could hear Angelo's screams from the club.

At least 15 men in SWAT style clothing, wielding large gun came running out. Before I knew it, everything went black.

***I know, I'm a terrible person for making you wait this long, you don't have to remind me. This chapter was supposed to come out like a week ago but my friend's grandma decided to die then my family was in town and I was just lazy and we had exams so it's been a full week. I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Also, on an unrelated note, I'm coming out with a "Percabeth Part 2" in the next few weeks or so. It's basically just a cute book with adorable little scenes about Percabeth life. There isn't really a major plot, just a few cute stuff from their lives after my previous Percabeth book. Hope you guys check that out, I'll announce it in one of the later chapters and in my other books as well. As always, I love you little demigods! -Izzy

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