He Saved Me

By MeganCarena

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Mary Robinson is a 16 year old girl who is starting her Junior Year of High School. Her life is the complete... More

He Saved Me
My "Beloved" Father
First Day Of Junior Year
Not Getting Along
"Get Out"
Mr. Rich Boy
The Maze
"Love" is Stupid
The Collin Family
Grocery Shopping
Falling For Luke Collins
Happy Again...
Funeral and Jail
Building a Wall
Not Thinking Right
Letting Go
The Games Begin
I'm Sorry
Perfect Present
It's Christmas p.1
It's Christmas p.2
Where are you?
Please Don't Leave
That Night
Part 2
Characters ~ 2
His Secret
What Happened to Trust?
The Only Choice
Welcome Back, Mary p.1
Welcome Back, Mary p.2
Hello, Again
An Encounter

Stupid Mistakes

4.2K 107 10
By MeganCarena

He Saved Me

Chapter 10

"Stupid Mistakes"

It's been a couple of weeks. Luke was still taking me to school and back. He hasn't questioned me about Eric at all. Eric, on the other has been texting and calling me like crazy. I mean, I wasn't annoyed or anything cause, I liked Eric. I've had a crush on him for a pretty long time.

I came back home about a week ago. My Dad wasn't home and hasn't been. My Mom, came back and Aunt Helen has been "trying" to convince us to move in with her. My Mom would always reject the offer saying "I can't leave him." I just don't understand. She has all the reason yet she stays.

I decided to get a job. Any job, I needed one pronto. I needed to help my Mom out with money, which we lacking badly. Aunt Helen wanted to let us borrow money, but we told her we wouldn't be able to pay her back, so no.

I've been seeing flyers everywhere about this car invention. They were called C's Cars. On the flyer it said they needed workers, so I decided to sign up. The shop, or whatever the hell it is, was just out of town. Unfortunately, we didn't have a car. So, I would have to take the bus there and back. I decided not to tell Luke. I was sure he would offer for the rides to work, no doubt. He does too much for me already. I decided to save up the money, so that I could buy my Mother and I a car.


"Ummm, I'm here to receive the application," I told the guy that was at the front counter. He turned around and I realized I have seen him before. William.

"Mary?" he said confused. What the hell? Did he work here? Well, obviously since he's here.

"William? I didn't know that here?" I said surprised. His eyebrows slowly raised. Oh, I should mention his eyebrows were on fleek.

"Do you not know what the "C" in C's Cars is?" he asked. I didn't respond, because I really did not know what the "C" stood for. "Of course, Luke wouldn't tell you." That's when I finally got it. Collins's Cars. Luke Collins.

"Yup, that's right," he said. I quickly covered my mouth. Stupid Mary, always thinking aloud. "Well, here's the application."

"I don't know," I said looking down at the papers. Did I really want to work under Luke's father? His brother? Man especially his brother.

"Wow, I'm hurt," he sarcastically said. "Just take it. It will be nice. You'll get to know the Collins's family more. I'm pretty sure Luke will be happy that you work here. Maybe that will help him want to work here."

Again, stupid Mary. I stared at him for a couple of seconds then snatched the application from his hands. Well, it looks like I will be working for the Collins.

I take the bus home using the change that was in my bag. As I was in the bus
I noticed some guy in the front was constantly turning around to look at me. I quickly got up from my seat and sat down to the one next to him. He shifted his body awkwardly turning to the window, so I couldn't see his face.

"Luke?" I asked. He slowly turned to look at me and I realized it wasn't him. Man, how could I ever think that Luke would be here watching slash stalking me. "Opps."

"Steven, not Luke," he said smiling. I smiled back and realized I've seen him before.

"You're the guy that works at that ice cream place!" I said clapping my hands. Man, not going to lie but he was cute. His eyes widened and he began to turn red. "Are you stalking me?"

"What?" he stuttered. "I wasn't stalking you." I began to laugh and that make him turn red even more.

"Sure," I said sarcastically. I look up at the sign on the top of the bus. "This is my stop. I'll see you around."

I stood up and he politely grabbed my bag to hand it to me. "See you around...."


"Mary." he said finishing his sentence. I waved bye and headed out the bus. I accidentally trip over the steps on the way down. I walk another 10 minutes to my house since my house is like in the middle of nowhere. I reach the porch and unlock the door. The first thing I see when I get in was my Dad.

My eyes widened and he just stared at me with a blank expression. "Where have you been?" he asked.

"Somewhere," I said walking towards my room.

"Where do you think you're going?" he asks suspiciously. I stop and turn around to look at him. He has gotten up from the couch and was slowly approaching me.

"My room," I answered.

"So, are you going to tell me where you've been?" he growled. I stare at him blankly, thinking of what I should say. Should I lie or not?

"I went out looking for a job. Mom has been doing pretty much all the work. I thought it would be great that I could help her out with the money," I replied. Well that was a longer answer than I expected.

He blankly stared at me and soon replied, "You don't think I help out too?"

Well, you don't. Ever.

"I didn't say that. I was just saying that Mom needs some help."

"I, pretty much do everything in this house," he argued.

"Ya, like sleeping around with other woman?" I mumbled.

"What did you say?" he snapped. I didn't respond. I didn't know what to say. There wasn't anything to say. I was telling the truth and he knew it.

He then approached me and slapped me across the face. "You have no idea what you're doing right now. If you tell-"

"Tell Mom? So what if I tell her? You're going to finally leave?" I screamed. "You should have left a long time ago anyway." I growled. He responded by grabbing my head and banging it onto to the wall.

"How dare you fucking say that?" he yelled. He continually banged my head against the wall. I harshly pushed away from him and ran towards the door. I ran as fast as I could.

I didn't know where. The first place that popped in mind was Luke's. I walked to his house. It was 7:43 and the sun was pretty much gone. I quickened my pace. I finally reached his enormous house and sneaked in from the back. The way we took last time I went to his house. I've only been to his house once, so I almost got lost especially since it was dark. As I approached his room I noticed his window open.

"Oh, Luke you're so funny," a feminine voice giggled. I recognized the voice right away, Bridget.

"Of course I'm funny." Luke said back.

"We should hang out more often," Bridget said. I wouldn't be shocked if she was smiling. That was her talent to get all the boys she wanted.

But why? Why was Luke talking to her? I mean he knows me and her aren't in good terms right now, but why should I care. I don't own or boss him around. I shouldn't even be affected by this, yet I am. I quickly walk away, silently making sure I wouldn't trip or make any noise.

Where was I going to go now? I grabbed my phone from my pocket to text Eric. He's always been there for me.

*Hey do you mind if I come over?*

I get a text from him immediately afterwards.

*Ya, it's totally fine.*

I walked to his house. Well, actually ran because I just couldn't believe what I had seen, heard, witnessed. How? Why? When? Are they like a thing now. Is that why she stopped hanging out with me and stopped apologizing.

I finally reach his house. He had a story house. Luke was obviously richer and I'm obviously more poor. I stop at his front porch. I knocked on the door. We had made up this knock when we were kids, which we would always use to "identify" each other. In no more than 3 seconds the door opens.

"Mary, finally. I was getting worried," Eric sighed as he widened the door to let me in. Right when I got in I was flooded with a familiar scent. It has been awhile, but I could recognize Eric's smell anytime. Man, Mary that's creepy. "If you don't mind I have some friends over." I smiled and he lead me upstairs.

He opened his door and the first person to come in sight was Brian. His best friend. I've only met him once, the night I almost... Ya, moving on there was a girl in his room. The girl that was at the party too. The drunk one that made me play that stupid game.

"That's Brian, but I'm pretty sure you've already met," Eric smiled. "And that's Lilliana."

"Hey, you're that girl that just ran away," Lilliana laughed. "Where'd you go?"

I awkwardly shift in my position and Eric noticed. "You guys want to watch a movie?" Brian and I nod and Lilliana looked confused to why Eric had changed the subject. Brian just looked akward, but at the same time he seemed to want to know why I ran away too.

We decided to watch World War Z. I've never watched the movie before, but I was a big zombie fan. The movie didn't really seem like a zombie movie, but whatever. After, Eric suggested that I stayed overnight. I accepted because I really didn't want to go home. Especially knowing my Father was home.

I wanted to the Eric what was going on. He asked me once, but responded by not saying anything. I didn't want to explain it then start crying. Again I hated crying in front of people. I despise it. I suggested that I would sleep downstairs on the couch and he said no. So, instead I slept in his room and he slept downstairs.

*OMG thank you all for 1K reads. Like, wow. I hope you enjoyed this chapter and sorry for updating a little late was busy the entire day.*

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