lucky to have found you.

By chewritings

16.3K 1.5K 303

In an alternative universe where two lives meet by accident. The first time's luck, but surely, the second is... More

part ii. work of art.
part iii. maybe a little.
part iv. serious about her.
part v. it's you.
mini update.
part vi. worthwhile.
part vii. what if i let you in?
part viii. sanctuary.
part ix. my girlfriend.
part x. my boyfriend.
part xi. don't fall for him.
part xii. forever.
part xiii. want to kiss you.
part xiv. best reward.
part xv. my girlfriend's the best.
part xvi. good luck kiss.
part xvii. answered prayers.
part xviii. as long as it's with you.
part xix. all of you.

part i. a small favour.

2K 89 28
By chewritings

When Lalisa Manoban shows up at her door at 11 am in the morning, on the weekend, with her favourite pumpkin spiced pancakes and fresh doughnuts, she knows that the younger woman has a favour to ask of. By instinct, Park Chaeyoung lets out a sigh, unable to hide the disappointment as she reluctantly lets her in.

"Good morning, have I told you that you look gorgeous today, Rosie?" The younger girl greets her effervescently as she wraps her arms around her tightly, "... why don't you look happy to see me? I even brought you your favourite breakfast." 

Without waiting for a response, the younger woman welcomes herself in and goes straight to the kitchen, taking out the cutlery and preparing the takeout food she'd bought earlier. Park Chaeyoung's apartment had almost become a second home to her because of how often she was over.

"Firstly, it's because you're lying," Park Chaeyoung comments as she drags her feet to follow, "... because I've only just woken up since finishing up a client at 3 am last night and haven't showered." 

"Still, you woke up like a goddess," Lalisa Manoban comments, bringing the plates and heading to the dining room. 

"Secondly, you lying and coming here with edible bribes is concerning. I know you want something from me and I'm concerned," the older blonde responds as she takes out some orange juice from her fridge, filling two glasses before joining the young Thai woman, "... because today is my first and only day off in a month yet I know you're going to make me go outside."

"Hey!" Lalisa Manoban snaps, slightly offended at the connotations of her words, "... I'm being a good best friend and just want to make sure you're fed."

Park Chaeyoung chuckles, shaking her head before bringing the glass to her lips, "... what do you need?" 

"Well," Lalisa Manoban clears her throat, "... since you're offering, I may have a small favour to ask for." 

Letting out a sigh, Park Chaeyoung leans her back against the chair, thinking about how the last three favours went: firstly was looking after her cats for the week, which is somewhat fine except for the fact that she's severely allergic. secondly was the time she asked for her to go to a concert, only that it was literally the worst day ever because it was raining, parking was impossible, the toilet facilities were not clean and they were surrounded by a bunch of 14-year-old teens who were screaming their heads off. Third was the worst because after seeing her friend single for so long, she decided to set her up on a blind date. 

Her small favours had a history of being methods of indirect torture. 

"Well out with it then," she speaks as she begins eating some of the pancakes, the sudden sweetness against her tongue bringing her new happiness. 

"Well, you know that Bambam bought me tickets to the baseball game for tonight right?" She begins.

Park Chaeyoung hates the direction this is going already.

"It's a no, you know I can stand watching a bunch of men kicking a ball for hours," Park Chaeyoung instantly interrupts. 

"They don't kick it!" She quickly defends, furrowing her brows, "... they hit it with a bat!"

"Same thing," she quickly responds.

"Well Bambam is meant to come with me right and he's meant to fly back from Thailand this morning, but well... he got COVID-19. It'll be such a waste, they were really expensive, and you know I can't go to places alone..." Lalisa Manoban continues.

Park Chaeyoung sighs, "... Lisa... you know I hate these kinds of things, and maybe it's your time to practice your self-independent character development..."

"Please," she says one word, knowing that it always gets to her best friend, "... you know I wouldn't ask unless I really needed to, plus, we can make it a girl's night." 

Park Chaeyoung pauses, thinking that her words earlier may have been too harsh. 

"Fine, but we need to leave as soon as the last game finishes, or else the traffic will be intolerable. And you owe me big time," she warns.

"Thank you!" Lalisa Manoban lets out an excited cheer, "... you're the best! By the way, what happened on that blind date? Bambam said his friend keeps asking about you because you never reply to his texts."

"Don't push your luck, Lisa." 


Lalisa Manoban lied. 

The game was over but she begged her best friend to stay around for a little longer since they had seats right at the front. Apparently, it was a tradition for the winning team to pass through the grandstand and give autographs, and her friend happened to have an extra jersey and sharpie at hand.

Not suspicious, at all. 

To be fair, Lalisa Manoban offered to have her wait behind near the back so she wouldn't be overwhelmed by the crowd, but with her phone battery dead and the fact that her friend was easily lost, Park Chaeyoung decides to stand by her the entire time.

Worst decision ever.

Even worse than attending that Justin Bieber concert with all the teenagers around them.

As soon as the players started walking pass, everyone was pushing and shoving, holding out their merch and taking photos and videos. Park Chaeyoung found herself getting shoved around like a rag doll, so much so that when one of the more popular athletes goes by, she's pushed so hard that she almost falls out of the standing area. 

Thankfully, the tall man holds his arms against her and pulls her out from the pew and onto the field. 

To be honest, she can't really comprehend what's happening because of the overstimulation, especially with all the fans yelling and screaming.

"Are you okay?" 

Park Chaeyoung barely has a moment to look up as her eyes are fully drawn into the dark ink against his arm. It was mesmerising, a true work of art. 

She manages to nod as she finally faces him, seeing a young and attractive man, forehead and neck with a light sheen of sweat as he looks to her confused.

"Do you have anything for us to sign?" 

He must've been confused, wondering whether her merch had fallen in the chaos. 

She shakes her head, "... but my friend is a big fan."

The tall man looks to his bodyguard before whispering something to his ear. Once done, the security nods before ushering her into another area. 

Still confused about what was happening, she turns back to the crowd to see that the athlete continues signing merch as if nothing had happened. She sees Lalisa Manoban, mouthing 'I'll wait for you in the car!!!!!!


Lalisa Manoban waits in front of the war for at least twenty minutes before her blonde best friend comes back with a paperbag.

"You lucky bitch, tell me everything!" She exclaims, "... I can't believe the star pitcher pulled you out like that, argh, I'm so jealous! What happened? Don't tell me he tried to have sex with you, I mean athletes are horny asses but in my head Jungkook seems like such a good one—" 

"Lisa!" She exclaims with a gasp, "... it's not like that, he just asked if I was okay and had the medic check on me. He gave me a jersey with everyone's signature, so here— for you." 

Lalisa Manoban believes that Christmas has come early, "... I have to tell Bambam about this!" 

Park Chaeyoung rolls her eyes as she gets in the car, starting it as she plugs her dead phone in. 

"Come on, let's go home I'm tired. I have a fully booked week ahead," she complains.

As they begin driving, Lalisa Manoban unboxes all the things that star pitcher, Jeon Jungkook had gotten her. 

A jersey, baseball cap, bat and lanyard. All signed. 

"I can die from happiness," she cheers, "... I owe you big time."

"That you do," Park Chaeyoung mutters under her breath, slightly agitated.

Just as they almost arrived at Lalisa Manoban's apartment, her phone pinged from the car. 

Park Chaeyoung looks at the time, seeing that it was already eleven. Usually, her admin sent her a briefing of all her clients for the next morning around that time. 

"Can you check and see if there are any cancellations tomorrow?" She asks to her best friend, secretly hoping for one knowing that she definitely needed a break. 

Lalisa Manoban unlocks the phone and yells out a scream, almost making Park Chaeyoung break suddenly.

"Rosie it's Jungkook he's texting you?!" she squeals in excitement, reading the text, "... hi, it's jungkook. let me know when you get home safely, hope your friend likes the gift. sorry that you got caught up with all the madness earlier.

Park Chaeyoung is silent. 

"How will you reply?" She looks to her friend, "... at least you should give me thanks to him I'm so happy." 

"Just delete the message," she tells her.

"What?! Are you out of your mind?!" 

"He's going to feel more obligated to reply if I reply. I already thanked him in person before I left so it's unneeded."


in which chaeyoung is living her best y/n life (^3^)

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