Call Me Lily (ENG)

By AlexJacksonO_Brien

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A short story of Lily and Jikyo before they reached Crested Butte. Where did it all start? How did Liliana me... More

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By AlexJacksonO_Brien

Another month passed, the young couple stayed in Boston for the sake of Jikyo's foster parents. Parents wanted to enjoy them and help as much as they could. Today, however, was the day when the young people were to leave the city.

In the morning, Jikyo went with his beloved to the doctor for a check-up. Wilkinson underwent all tests, including an ultrasound her belly.

"It's a girl... " Redhead said in disbelief and looked at her boyfriend with tears in her eyes.

Park returned the gesture and took the girl's hand.

The woman didn't change her mind, decided to take a chance. Knowing that the man she loved would be with her gave her courage. At first, she immediately thought of having an abortion, but now, she realized that she was happy to become a mother. Lily always liked to imagine what it would be like when she grew up. She dreamed of a loving husband and children they would raise together. Perhaps not everything went her way, and she was glad that she survived it and now she felt that she could walk the Earth with her head held proudly.

They've both been through a lot, both bad and good. They got through it, together.

"Please take care of yourself, ma'am." Doctor said. "Don't overwork yourself. I understand your situation, but you mustn't be nervous or stressed about anything." He explained gently. "It could be bad for you and your pregnancy. "

"I'll take care of her. " Jikyo interjected and exchanged glances with his beloved. "We're leaving here and starting all over again."

"Mm, good thought. A change of environment can positively affect you. " Doctor smiled. "Just please take care of yourself. Please take care of her. " He looked at Jikyo with amusement.

Several hours passed. There were already bags ready to move out on the doorstep. Liliana talked to Park's parents until her boyfriend finally came home.

"Where have you been? " She asked a bit worried. "You've been gone a long time." She walked over to him and greeted him with a hug.

"I'm sorry, nae salang. "Man replied. He glanced at his relatives, then sighed heavily. "I'm here now. " He smiled at the redhead. "It's time to get going or we'll miss the bus."

The young said goodbye to the Jikyo foster family. They were grateful for their help.

"But you'll contact us, won't you? " Lizzy said while taking her mascot. "You won't forget about us, will you, big brother?"

"Never. " He assured her and patted her head. "Thank you. " He looked at his parents. "For everything. "

"Call us when you get there. " Sabine said worriedly. "It's best to text from time to time so that we don't worry. "

"We'll be in touch. " Wilkinson nodded. "Thank you." She added honestly. "I owe a lot to all of you. "

"No need to thank us, my dear. " Edmund said. "We're family after all, ay? " He smiled broadly.

Jikyo nodded at his parent's words.

Lily was the first to board the bus and took her seats just as Jikyo was finishing his conversation with his father.

"I'm very proud of you, son. " Parent said honestly. "Maybe you must've grown up too fast, but you've definitely grown up to be a great man." He smiled and put his hand on his son's shoulder. "Everything you've done... It was really admirable, and for her..." He glanced at Wilkinson as she waved at them. "You are a hero. "

Park smiled faintly at these words, then sighed heavily.

"I'm not a hero..." He looked at his father. "And I'm not that strong at all, it's just appearances, and I... It seems to be pretending."

"Don't say that, Jikyo. " Edmund interrupted. "What you say is not true, son. You're human, like all of us. You can't predict everything, no one can. " He explained. "But what's important is what you have here..." He pointed to the beating heart in his chest. "You're a good man, Park Jikyo. You're my son and I am very proud of you, laddie. Ay? " He looked into his eyes. "And remember what I told you once at the orphanage. It was the day we first met there, remember? "

Park smiled as he nodded.

"Saying you can't be sad because others have it worse is like saying you can't be happy because others have it better." Father reminded. "Don't forget that, son."

"I won't. " Jikyo assured him. "Take care of yourself. " Park said and after a long time he got on the bus with his beloved.

Liliana sat by the window, and Jikyo put their luggage in the right place, about which he sat down next to the thoughtful redhead.

"And now everything before us." He looked at her with a smile. "It'll be fine, nae salang. " He took her hand.

"Mm. She nodded and rested her head on Jikyo's shoulder. "As long as we're together." She stopped as she felt a sharp pain in her stomach.

"Lily? "

"It's nothing, don't worry. " She replied, massaging the sore spot. "It's just these weird cramps. "

"You had them this morning, when we went to the doctor's." Worried man said.

"Yes, but the doctor said that we have nothing to worry about so... " She looked her partner in the eyes. "Don't worry." She stroked his cheek.

"I'll always worry about you, nae salang. " He replied and kissed her hand.

"It'll pass soon. " She said trying to calm her boyfriend but the pain only intensified.

"You say it again, and it's getting worse." He replied worriedly.

"Jikyo..." She started but stopped when the pain intensified.

"End of this. " Park said and called his father.

Their departure was postponed, and young Liliana was hospitalized again. Doctors immediately took care of the suffering woman. Half an hour had passed since Wilkinson's party. The doctor approached Jikyo. Judging by his expression, he had bad news.

"What happened? What about Lily? " Park asked immediately.

"It's..." He sighed. "She's in the ward. " Doctor said. "But the baby... "

"What about the baby? "

"I'm sorry. " Doctor said. "Mrs. Wilkinson had a miscarriage. "

"W-what? "

"The impact of stress can lead to fetal death. There's also a greater risk that the baby will be exposed to birth defects. But in this case..." He shook his head. "Stress in the first three weeks of pregnancy increases the likelihood of losing a child by up to three times.* " He explained sadly. "I'm really sorry. "

"What about Lily? " Jikyo asked. "Is she okay?"

"We put her on a drip and she was very weak. "H replied. "She's fine physically, but mentally... "

"I understand..." Park nodded sadly. "When can I take her out of here?"

"Keep this day under observation, you can take her home in the morning." He replied. "Once again... I'm very sorry. " He added and went on his way.

Sabine stood with Lizzy while Edmund walked over to his son and placed a hand on his shoulder.

"Go to her. " He said sadly. "She needs you now. "

Jikyo wiped his face and then nodded at his parent's words and went to his girlfriend.

Liliana was curled up on the hospital bed. Park walked over to her and sat next to her on the edge of the bed. Redhead glanced at him, feeling tears streaming down her cheeks. Woman didn't say anything, neither did Jikyo. Lily took her lover's hand. Man stroked her hand soothingly and softly hummed to her the tunes of the lullaby they knew so well. This gesture brought a faint smile to the redhead's face.

"Maybe it's because I didn't want this baby at first..." She whispered, wiping her tears. "Never again..." She sighed softly. "We can have ten children, but I don't want to lose any of them. " She cried and looked at her listening partner.

"You know it's not your fault. " He said softly. "It was... A really hard time. For all of us. " He brushed a strand of her hair from her forehead. "But it'll still be fine."

"You belive this? " She asked in a broken voice.

"Mm. " He nodded and smiled faintly at her.

Lily wiped her tears and then rested her head on Jikyo's lap, and he was soothingly stroking her hair.

They didn't have to say anything, just being there was enough. They hadn't expected what came, they couldn't prevent it, but now there was nothing they could do about it. Park Jikyo didn't want his beloved to break down, so he was with her all the time and supported her. It was hard for him too, but the man tried to be strong, not only for himself, but also for his beloved Liliana.


Due to the gloomy event, the young people lost their tickets for the trip, and the next date was only a month away. Meanwhile, Lily was slowly recovering and helping Sabine around the house while Edmund and Jikyo stayed at work.

That time passed quickly. The hard experience left its mark, but the young people knew that they couldn't give up. They believed that something good would happen to them too. As long as they live, they'll try their best.

"Is that your doing?" Wilkinson asked once they were on the bus. They had just passed her old house. Woman looked at her smiling partner.

"Well..." He said with amusement. "I told them once that they would remember me. "

Before leaving town, Park Jikyo went to Wilkinson's old house and gave her parents a little prank. The boy knew from Liliana's story that her mother loved flowers, so she always took care of the ones she had in her little garden. So Jikyo decided to just dig up Sheree's flowers and he did. In addition, above the front and garage doors, he set a trap with orange paint, which poured on man's head when Lily's father left the house. The same thing happened with the car that Judson drove out. The older man now had to struggle with removing the paint from his beloved car.

"I love you, you know? " Amused woman said and kissed Jikyo on the cheek.

"I knooow. " He said with a broad smile. "All the bad is behind us, nae salang." He said as they left town. "Now we only have good times. "


* Information taken from the websites: and

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