The Hauntings of Park Barclar...

By ChadVlad98

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Park Barclare is a small, eerie town nestled in the heart of a dense forest, shrouded in mystery and darkness... More

Chapter 1: The Strange occurrences at Walmart
Chapter 2: Investigation
Chapter 4: The Ghostly Presence in the Toy Aisle
Chapter 5: The Ouija Board
Chapter 6: The Unseen Presence
Chapter 7: New Walmart Store
Chapter 8: The Legacy of Jacob
Chapter 9: The Demonic Possession
Chapter 10: A Bigger Problem
Chapter 11: A Portal to a New Realm
Chapter 12: The Demon Realm
Chapter 13: Demon Realm Grows Bigger
Chapter 14: Hell Takes Over
Chapter 15: A new Beginning
Chapter 16: The Death of Mr. Johnson
Chapter 17: The Ritual
Chapter 18: The Closing of Walmart
Chapter 19: The Demolition
Chapter 20: The Past
Chapter 21: Eli's Wrath
Chapter 22: The Aftermath
Chapter 23: The New Resident
Chapter 24: The Fall of Park Barclare
Chapter 25: The New Generation
Chapter 26: The First Walmart Haunting
Chapter 27: Eli's Return
Chapter 28: Rick's Legacy
Chapter 29: The Mall
Chapter 30: Zlata's Return

Chapter 3: Investigation Begins

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By ChadVlad98

The next day, Olivia woke up early and decided to visit the Walmart store. She wanted to talk to some of the employees and see if they had any information about the strange occurrences that had been happening in the store. As she walked into the store, she noticed that it was eerily quiet. There were no customers in sight and the only sound she could hear was the faint hum of the fluorescent lights.

She approached one of the employees who was stocking shelves and introduced herself. "Hi, my name is Olivia and I'm a private investigator. I'm looking into some strange occurrences that have been happening in this store. Have you noticed anything unusual?"

The employee looked at her with a mix of fear and suspicion. "I don't know what you're talking about," he said before quickly walking away.

Olivia didn't give up. She approached another employee and asked the same question. This time, the employee seemed more willing to talk. "Yeah, there's something weird going on here," he said in a hushed voice. "I've heard strange noises coming from the stockroom and I swear I saw something move on the security cameras, but when I went to check it out, there was nothing there."

Olivia thanked the employee and decided to investigate the stockroom. As she made her way to the back of the store, she couldn't shake the feeling that someone or something was watching her. The stockroom was dimly lit, and the shelves were stacked high with boxes and merchandise. She noticed that there was a strange smell in the air, a mixture of musty old books and rotting food.

As she made her way deeper into the stockroom, she heard a faint whispering sound. She couldn't make out what was being said, but it sounded like a group of people whispering in unison. The sound grew louder and louder until it was almost deafening. Suddenly, the shelves around her began to shake violently, and boxes started falling from the top shelves.

Olivia ducked behind a nearby shelf for cover, but the shaking and the whispers continued. She tried to call out for help, but her phone had no signal. She was trapped, alone in the dark with whatever was causing the disturbance.

Just when she thought it couldn't get any worse, the whispers stopped, and the shaking subsided. Olivia took a deep breath and slowly peeked out from behind the shelf. To her surprise, everything was back to normal. The boxes were neatly stacked, and there was no sign of any disturbance.

Confused and frightened, Olivia quickly made her way out of the stockroom and headed for the store manager's office. She needed to find out more about the history of the store and any strange occurrences that had happened in the past.

The store manager, a middle-aged man named Greg, greeted her warmly and invited her to sit down. "What can I do for you, Olivia?" he asked.

"I'm a private investigator, and I'm looking into some strange occurrences that have been happening in your store," she explained. "Do you know of any history of hauntings or paranormal activity in this store?"

Greg's face turned pale, and he shifted uncomfortably in his seat. "I was hoping you wouldn't ask that," he said in a low voice. "There have been rumors of strange things happening in this store for years. People have reported hearing voices, seeing apparitions, and experiencing strange phenomena."

Olivia leaned in closer. "Do you know anything about the history of the building?" she asked.

Greg took a deep breath. "The building used to be a mental hospital," he said, his voice barely above a whisper. "It was shut down in the 1970s." Said Greg.As they walked around the abandoned house, they heard strange noises and creaking sounds coming from the walls and floorboards. It was as if the house itself was alive, breathing and groaning with a sinister energy. They cautiously made their way through the dusty rooms, keeping their eyes and ears peeled for any signs of danger.

As they reached the top of the staircase, they heard a loud thump coming from one of the rooms. They approached it slowly, with their hearts pounding in their chests, and carefully pushed open the door.

Inside the room, they found a large wooden chest, its lid partially open. It looked like it had been untouched for years, covered in cobwebs and dust. Carlos approached the chest and peered inside, curious to see what was inside.

As soon as he did, a cloud of black smoke billowed out of the chest, enveloping the entire room in darkness. The friends coughed and gagged as the smoke filled their lungs, struggling to find their way out of the room. Finally, they stumbled back down the stairs and out of the house, gasping for air.

Once they were outside, they collapsed onto the ground, coughing and wheezing. It was clear that whatever was inside that chest was not meant to be disturbed. But Carlos couldn't shake the feeling that there was something important inside, something that could help them solve the mystery of the haunted Walmart.

They sat in silence for a few moments, catching their breath and trying to collect their thoughts. Suddenly, Mark spoke up.

"I think we need to go back in there," he said, his voice shaking slightly. "We need to see what's in that chest."

Carlos nodded in agreement, and the three of them stood up, dusted themselves off, and headed back into the house. This time, they were more cautious, moving slowly and carefully through the darkened rooms.

When they reached the room with the chest, they found that the black smoke had dissipated. Carlos cautiously approached the chest once again, and this time he noticed something glinting inside. He reached in and pulled out a small, ornate key.

"Guys, look at this," he said, holding up the key. "I think this could be important."

They all examined the key closely, trying to figure out what it might unlock. Suddenly, Michael spoke up.

"I think I know where this key goes," he said. "Remember when we were in the Walmart, and we saw that old-fashioned keyhole in the wall? I think this key might fit in there."

Carlos and Mark looked at each other, surprised by Michael's sudden insight. But it made sense - that keyhole had been bothering them ever since they saw it, and it was possible that this key was the missing piece of the puzzle.

Without wasting any more time, they left the abandoned house and headed back to the Walmart. As they approached the keyhole, their hearts pounding with anticipation, Carlos inserted the key and turned it.

There was a loud clicking sound, and the wall slowly began to shift and move, revealing a secret passageway behind it. The three friends looked at each other in amazement - they had found something truly incredible.

Without hesitation, they stepped through the passageway and found themselves in a dark, damp corridor. They could hear the sound of running water in the distance, and they followed the noise until they came to a large underground cavern.

Inside the cavern, they found something that left them completely stunned - a massive underground lake, with a small boat waiting on the shore.

"Well, I guess we know what we have to do now," said Carlos, grinning at his friends. "Let's get in that boat and see where it takes us."As the group continued their search for the ghostly figure, they heard strange noises coming from the grocery section. They cautiously walked towards the sound and saw that the shelves were moving on their own. The items on the shelves were being thrown to the ground one by one, as if an invisible force was doing it. Suddenly, a cold breeze blew through the aisle, causing the group to shiver.

Samantha's curiosity got the best of her, and she walked towards the shelves, ignoring the warning from the others. As she got closer, she saw a figure moving in the shadows. She called out to the figure, thinking it was a lost customer, but there was no response. The figure started moving faster, knocking over more shelves and creating a bigger mess.

Suddenly, the figure emerged from the shadows, revealing itself to be a ghostly figure wearing a Walmart uniform. The ghostly figure had a name tag that read "Janet". Samantha recognized the name from the news article she had read earlier.

The group was paralyzed with fear as Janet floated towards them. Her eyes were glowing red, and she had a sinister grin on her face. Samantha tried to speak to Janet, but her words were lost in fear.

Janet suddenly lunged towards Samantha, but before she could make contact, a bright light shone on her. The group turned around and saw that it was the paranormal investigators who had arrived. They were holding flashlights and cameras, ready to capture any evidence.

Janet recoiled at the light and vanished into thin air. The group was relieved but also disappointed that they were unable to gather any concrete evidence of the haunting.

The paranormal investigators looked at the mess in the aisle and decided to set up their equipment there. They had a thermal camera, EVP recorder, and other gadgets that the group had never seen before. The investigators asked the group to stay quiet while they conducted their investigation.

The group watched in silence as the investigators walked around the aisle, trying to communicate with the ghostly figure. The investigators asked Janet several questions, hoping to get a response on their EVP recorder. However, there was no response from Janet, and the investigators were unable to capture any concrete evidence of the haunting.

The group thanked the investigators for their help and decided to call it a night. As they walked towards the exit, they noticed that the store was completely empty. There were no employees or customers in sight, which was strange for a 24-hour Walmart.

Suddenly, the group heard a voice calling out to them. They turned around and saw Janet floating towards them. This time, however, she didn't look menacing. Her eyes were no longer glowing red, and her expression had softened.

Janet explained to the group that she had been working at the Walmart for many years and had died of a heart attack while stocking shelves. She had never left the store and had been haunting it ever since. Janet apologized for scaring the group and explained that she just wanted to be noticed.

The group listened to Janet's story, and Samantha felt a sense of compassion towards the ghostly figure. She suggested that they organize a memorial for Janet, so that she could finally rest in peace. The group agreed and spent the next few days planning the memorial.

The day of the memorial arrived, and the group had invited the Walmart employees and other customers to attend. They had set up a small altar in the aisle where Janet had been haunting, with flowers, candles, and pictures of Janet.

The group took turns sharing their memories of Janet and expressing their gratitude for her service to the Walmart. Samantha spoke about how Janet had touched their lives and how she hoped that Janet had finally found peace.

As the group was about to leave, they heard a faint whisper. They turned around and saw Janet standing in the doorway.

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