The loser crushed by a smilin...

By AcceleratorAkatsuki

4.8K 138 64

What if in Denmark Othinus died? Ollerus, Fiamma and the magic gods themselves had theorized that Kamijou Tou... More

The understanders always dies together...
What should I do?
A god in Academy City
Gremlin's invasion and diamond's lies (Part 1)
Gremlin's invasion and diamond's lies (Part 2)
Gremlin's invasion and diamond's lies (Part 3)
Game start
The scorers, the gods and the queen ( Part 1)
The scorers, The gods and the queen (Part 2)
Time to meet each other
Gods bless the night

The true Gremlin

664 16 0
By AcceleratorAkatsuki

               Hi! Here come the second chapter! I do hope that you are enjoying yourself if you read this fanfic. I try to make this chapter a little bit longer than the first one so tell me if you want longer chapter or if it's just fine. Currently, I'm thinking about what to do in the next chapters. So, even if I know pretty much what I'm going to write after this, does not hesitate to give me your own ideas. I would try to make a good use out of them. Once again, I apologize for the grammar. 

() = what a character is thinking 



                 The place was dark. It was the lair of one of the greatest magician in the whole world's history. The owner of this windowless building was here, floating upside down and connected to wires, inside a tube of red liquid. This 'human' with the traits of both a man, a woman, a saint, a sinner, a child and an adult was looking with is composed face at countless computer's windows.  Aleister Crowley, the silver haired 'human', was converting non-existent values in decimals with the goal to located the hidden phase where the true Gremlin, a group of magic gods from different religions, were hiding. But it wasn't something easy to pull of...

In fact, to say that the 'human' trying to do it was displeased was an understatement...

Currently, Aleister was almost angry with how long it take. Not that the 'human' haven't been expecting that turning non-existent datas in values to pinpoint an hidden layers of reality to take  quite some time. But a lot of things have happened and made this work harder than necessary...

First came the mutation of the magic god Othinus into a fairy which have lessened the power of the Norse phase. This issue had been solved soon enough. After all, Othinus had lost her power to slowly for it to have more than a little, if any, impact on the calculation.

Then Imagine Breaker had gone in what could be called an 'harmless but traumatizing rampage'. It have not created a new phase or altering one of the already existent phase but they have moved and collided like Aleister had never seen in his whole life. Even if it was an interesting yet dangerous development for this silver haired 'human', it had took a lot of time to resume the whole calculation. Almost two weeks had been spend just for that.

And after all of this, when Aleister had been  the closest to obtain the desired location between the layers of reality. The Norse phase had been given a tremendous amount of power all of a sudden and, just like that, Aleister had to correct every single mistake brought by this unexpected change. What had happened was a complete mystery for the 'human' called Aleister Crowley which started to think that his self-inflicted curse to fail in everything he try was maybe a little bit to effective.

The 'human' called Aleister Crowley was almost absolutely pissed off... But he was definitely enjoyed by the fact that he does represent his representation of what a magician should be.


Elsewhere, in Denmark, a young 'boy' was walking in the crowd.

There was more then one strange thing that one could have found in this 'boy'. First came his outfit which was quit out of the ordinary. Then, his eyepatch that no one could have overlooked while seeing his face.

Finally, the 'boy' himself give off a strange sensation. His only eyes made every single people freaked out. It was because they was under the impression that this strange 'boy' was not only able to read them only by watching them, but also because of the calm emptiness in this eye.

It was has if this 'boy' was lacking a part of himself but was fine with that. His entire behavior seemed to prove this fact and every single move of this 'boy' seemed to be able to bring someone to die without any trial.

Honestly, even someone who had know Kamijou Touma wouldn't have recognized this 'boy'. Ironically, the 'boy' had recovered his memories from his own lost past when he had raised from the position of a mere human to a god one.

Simply because this 'boy' was not even seeing himself as Kamijou Touma anymore.

That was just how this 'boy' was weird.

It was what peoples were feeling around this magic god.

The most interesting thing about that was that people were feeling oppressed but said nothing at all. They were acting like it was normal. In some way, it wasn't too far from the truth. After all, a lot of espers, magicians and military's forces had been there not to long ago. They had brought with them unnatural phenomena like they were raining.

Nevertheless, the 'boy' who did not give a common impression at all was successfully locating the aforementioned hidden layer in reality. He was doing that to go in a place where his own power would not destroy the world.

After all, the 'boy' even using nor his magic god power neither Gungnir had found himself unable to keep the world safe from him for more than ten second. It was only because he had used Imagine Breaker and created an incomplete phase that the 'boy' could walk in this little town.

But his right hand's power would not be able to lock his power forever. It was why the 'young man' was sighting on relief when he did find out that not only a phase like the hidden one exist, but also find out where it was.

A few moments later, the boy was nowhere to be seen on the planet. 


In Academy city's dark night, the ant's queen and the Tokiwadai's queen bee were starting mental fight.

The queen ant, was monitoring every single step the queen bee was taking against her plan.  

The bee had already see through the plan using a Strobila, a tool which can be used to manipulate someone's mind, which was unusable on the bee and her esper ability. Mental Out, the queen bee, had realized that the whole plan using a Strobila was just a trap to make her using her own power, the greatest mental ability, to make Mental Out forget about a certain summer with a certain 'boy' who had now disappeared.

The two queen were now going to clash with everything they have.


In the hidden phase of the word, a 'boy' had somehow appeared.

The 'boy' was a newborn magic god.

This young god who had appeared in this hidden layer of the reality was now surrounded by many magic gods older than him.

The boy did not know any of this peoples but it wasn't to hard to find out that they were all like him.

Strangely enough, it was a mummy who talked to him first.

-« Uho Oiiii!!!! Look like 'The Quickest To Achieve Godhood' had blessed us with his presence. I was kind of sorrowful when you lost the possibility to be our scorer. Finally, I does like the way you took. I think that no one had expected you to became a magic god in two weeks. » Had said this mummy.

-« Yeah! High Priest tell the truth! That's a new record! In fact, no one had reached godhood in less than 5 years and the one who had successfully became magic gods in 5 years where all professional before giving it a try! The name is Niang-Niang. » Had pursued a purple woman wearing a white dress.

-« Thanks. Can I ask you who you are? » Asked the young god.

-«  Interesting. We are Gremlin. The true Gremlin, that's it, not this group of human fooled by Othinus. » Explained the silver haired goddess called Nephtys before she came to a halt. Realizing what she had said the goddess was looking at the sad eye of the newcomer. Then she started to cry. 

After a few seconds that she spend at crying, if this word is even usable in this phase were time and space were not defined, Nephtys stopped to cry when she heard a simple question.

-« Are  you alright? »

It took some time for the crying goddess to realize that the soft but worried voice came from the one-eyed 'boy'.

-« I'm fine thank you. » Answered Nephtys. The 'boy' looked unconvinced but another magic god called Chimera, a nude woman with different parts of various animals, said this exact words  : 

-« Do not worry about Nephtys. She is a magic god which is associated with a crying goddess, that's why she cry for pretty much anything... »   

-« It's true but thank you for the concern. » Continued Nephtys without any tears on her face.

-« Okay... But if you feel like crying, you can come to talk to me.  I may be able to help you... » Said the 'boy' softly.

(Why are they all this strange and how could  you not find out about any of them Othinus?!) Was the only line that the 'boy' could think about.

-« Uho Oiii! You have changed far more than what I had thinked but look like some traits does not disappear this easily! Back to business, can I ask you about your name? » Asked High Priest excited.

-« Sure, my name is Odin. » Answered the new magic god while asking himself what kind of 'business' they were talking about. 

(Does magic god trade world scale destruction weapons during their free  times? If that's true, how does it even work like?)

-« Okay Odin Onii-chan!!!! Do you want to join Gremlin? » Told Niang-Niang while smiling.

-« What!? Where does it came from and why are you calling me Onii-chan all of a sudden?! Does this Odin-san have a little purple sister he does not know about?! I am pretty much sure that the god called Odin does not have any sister... Did my father have some kind of adventure with a woman that I am not aware of which had leaded to this situation? » Suspected the magic god Odin taken aback.

-« Wait a minute!!!! How did we go that far in less than a minute?! I just called you Onii-chan because I was just feeling like this! Does not overthink this! And for the joining Gremlin part, it's just that you are a magic god and all so... » Defended Niang-Niang taken aback.

-«  Uho Oiiii!!!! Niang-Niang, Odin don't know what Gremlin is... »  Reminded High Priest while laughing, if this dried sound could be called a laugh at all. 

-« If she is my new sister, are you now my grandpa by this strange analogy? And can you explain to this Odin-san what is this Gremlin of yours? » Asked the 'boy' politely while pointing to   Niang-Niang .

-« Your grandpa? Why not after all... But if I became a grandpa for you, wouldn't I lost all interests I have on you? Or maybe should I extend my greed to yours own greed? Yes it should be just perfect! » Concluded High Priest.

-« What kind of logic is that? Did every magic god have this kind of reasoning? Well, Othi-chan did throw me in an infinite hell just to be understood after all... So, what is Gremlin? » Asked Odin once more time while High Priest giggled.

-«  We aren't like Othinus. We don't went to this extreme. » Answered Nephtys immediately while glaring to Odin.

-« I hope that you say the truth because there is no way for me to go in a countless amount of hell with each of yours. They are to precious memories for me to allow anyone to try to overwrite them by doing the exact same thing. That and the fact that it would take far to much time too... » Told softly Odin while smiling. His voice could and couldn't make someone think that he was crying. His smile was just giving off the same feeling. It was like this poster which changed according from where you are looking at it. This 'boy' was just giving off this high-level illusion without thinking.

And it does not take much to see a crying Nephtys one more time...

-« Are you alright Nephtys? » Asked once again the preoccupied voice of the new magic god.

-« You made her cry twice on the very first time you meet each other? And you completely broke three magic god with your behavior only? That's two new records! You are really extraordinary! Is your objective to beat every single magic gods's record? I'm not going to lost against a newcomer! Even if it cost me my flesh and my blood, count on me to beat you! » Shouted Chimera all of a sudden.

-« Why does I gain a rival by making a woman cry? And what is that with this flesh and blood of yours? Are you this type of people who does not accept their lost in a game and play until you became the greatest player of this exact same game?! And weren't you supposed to explain to this Odin-san what Gremlin actually is?! » Asked a panicked but composed Odin while facing a far to much motivated Chimera.

-« Oh! That's true. Gremlin is a group made up of magic gods from various religion. You can see us like a council which discuss, and sometime decide, what happen in the world. We does fight each other frequently to decide what to do about the world but we does get along quite well. Do you want to join? » Answered Nephtys without crying anymore.

-« That's all? » Asked Odin calm.

-« That's all dear grandson. » Answered High Priest. 

-« Can I ask a question? » Told Odin.

-« What could that be Onii-chan? » Asked a puzzled Niang-Niang while Chimera was saying something about a new record to broke.

-« Am I not already a part of Gremlin? » Asked Odin.


It took some time for Gremlin to stop staring at a certain 'boy' like he had grown a second head. 

Coming from a group made of magic gods, it was something worthy enough to write it in every history textbook.

-« It's just that this Odin-san already is a magic god and whatever this Odin-san want to do about the world, this Odin-san is going to discuss it with you. That's if this Odin-san don't want one of you to negate whatever this he is going to do. And this Odin-san have not even talked about how he need to stay here until this Odin-san find some way to go back in the normal world without having him crumble after one or two minutes...» Explained Odin while raising is hand as a symbol of peace. He was doing a confused face while Gungnir was now peacefully flying behind him.

-« Why haven't we thinks about that earlier? » Asked Niang-Niang looking like someone had told her everything about the end of her favorite manga that she haven't finished yet. It was almost the case in a sense and a lot of magic gods were looking just like her. After all, they have all waited to know what the one who should have been theirs scorer would answer since the moment he came with the idea of becoming a magic god. In fact, it was why no one had tried anything to stop him in his attempt to become a magic god. 

No one had expected this kind of answer...

Well, it was this 'boy' so it wasn't this surprising that he came with an unpredictable answer. 

-« Well, welcome in Gremlin, Odin. » Was the only thing Nephtys was able to say while High Priest was laughing all along.

-« Uhh...Thanks. » answered the one-eyed magic god.

And just like that, the true Gremlin counted a new member.


            In the cruelty of the night, two queens had fought. But the result was not open to any type of debate. The Queen Bee was defeated. Nevertheless, she was full of hope. She was convinced that a certain boy was about to save her. That's why the Queen Ant had put her own plan to the nearest been and had started a little murder. They weren't aware that a certain magic god was watching the two since a certain unconscious prayer from a bee.


             It was what could have been compared to two days in reality from when Odin joined Gremlin. But the time was a tricky thing in this dark layer of reality where a certain god was standing up. In fact, the time there was nor related to the time in the real world neither was he constant in this phase. It was the explanation about how this 'boy' could have created strange but real bonds with the other magic gods while watching in direct only now the battle between Mental out and her enemy, Mental Stringer. 

The boy was assisting at the murder of Shokuhou Misaki, a close friend who have found herself denied of all possible bond with him before he reach godhood because of an incident, by the hand of Mitsuari Ayu, a young girl he had failed to saved in the past and thought dead until now.

He was talking five minute before with Nuada, a magic god with a light-haired, half-naked young man with war paint tattoos covering his entire body and a silver prosthetic left arm. They where discussing about how the young magic god had associated various elements of different religions in his ritual to became a magic god.

Nevertheless, he does not take much time for Odin to intervene. He had not created a new phase. Instead, the god had disappeared from the hidden world.


Here is the end of this chapter! I hope that you had enjoyed and sorry if I had more or less skipped the whole fight between Misaki and Ayu! So, what do you think about all that? The grammar doesn't burn your eyes? Was this chapter to long? Did I massacred a characters on my way? Is there a phase in Toaru where the Earth is flat because enough human believe in it?

To talk a little about the future... 

Now that Touma is a magic god, he can't be the scorer anymore. So, even if I already have an idea, do you want someone to take the place? If that's the case tell me and maybe he would be...

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