The Last of the Bloodline (He...

By Robc25

206K 5.3K 1.8K

Y/N L/N is a young boy adopted at a young age who with his adoptive sister starts at Hogwarts school of Witch... More

The L/N's
Platform 9 ¾
The Sorting Ceremony
New classes and Potions Master
Birthdays and Flying lessons
Three headed dog and September the 19th
Troll on Halloween
Gryffindor Vs Slytherin
Norbert the Dragon
The Forbidden Forest
Through the Trap Door
The Man with Two Faces and End of First Year.
The Chamber of Secrets
The Burrow and Escape from The Dursley's
Diagon Alley.
Return to Hogwarts.
Quidditch Try outs and a Stupid Teacher
Birthday's and Writing on the wall
The Chamber of Secrets
The Duelling club and Polyjuice Potion
Tom Riddle's Diary/ Heartbreak
Follow the Spiders/ Heir revealed.
Heir Vs Bloodline
The Prisoner of Azkaban
Summer Holiday
Hooded Nightmares
Buckbeak, New training and Birthdays
Dark skies and new learning
The Marauder's Map
The Patronus
Attack of Sirius Black
Friendships repaired and Visions Realised.
Into the Shack and truth revealed
Back In Time and End of Third Year
The Goblet of Fire
Summer Holiday and The Burrow
Quidditch World Cup
Attack at the World Cup
The Triwizard Tournament
The Three unforgivable Curses
The Goblet of Fire and Beginning of Troubles
Unfriendly encounter and The wand weighing Ceremony
The First Task
Egg rescue and The Yule ball
Egg hatch and Clue Deciphered
The Second Task
Padfoot returns and letters from Fudge
The Third Task
Truth revealed and End of fourth Year
The Order Of The Phoenix
Double date and Trouble Encountered
The Trial and Visit to the Ministry of Magic
Return to Hogwarts and an Unpleasant lesson
New training and Gryffindor's new Keeper
Dumbledore's Army
Attack of Nagini and Christmas
The Inquisitorial Squad.
Career Advice Day
The Department of Mysteries
Order Vs Death Eaters and the End of Fifth Year
Summer Holiday's.
Return to the Borrow
Return to Hogwarts and The Slug Club.
Who is the Half-Blood Prince and History revealed.
Death Eater attack on the Burrow
The Half-Blood Prince and End Of 6th Year
The Deathly Hallows
Return to Privet Drive and Battle above London
The Will of Dumbledore and Wedding
Return to Grimmalud Place
The Muggle-Born Registration Commission
The Locket and Departure of One
Godric's Hollow.
Friendships reconciled and the Three Hallows.
Malfoy Manor.
Break in at Gringotts.
Return of Dumbledore's army.
The Battle of Hogwarts Begins
The boy that lived come to die.
The final Battle of Hogwarts.
Restoring Memories and future plans.
Beginning of 8th year
Hogsmeade visit and Trouble ahead
Graduation from Hogwarts
New home and visiting Jade
Invitations hand outs and family Dinner.
Wedding Day
Untold truths and Concerns.
Jasmine's Wedding Day.


1.2K 34 0
By Robc25

3Rd Person POV

Draco Malfoy walked down the seventh-floor corridor towards the room of requirement waiting for the right time to enter the room. Once the door materialised he entered and looked around the room until he spotted what he wanted a cupboard. He was still unsure on what he had to do as he had been forced to join the Death Eaters by Lord Voldemort. He knew if he failed it would mean death for him and his family. Draco took the apple he carried out of his pocket and held it in his hand rolling it over and over before taking a deep breath and opening the cupboard and placing the apple inside. He waited a moment before opening the cupboard once more to see the apple still there. Draco picked it up and looked at it to see a bite had been taken out of it. Draco left the room of requirement before he had the feeling he was being watched.

"Who's there?" He asked the corridor as someone came around the corner.

Draco scowled as he saw who it was before he roughly grabbed the person and moved to an empty room.

"What are you doing here Cecilia?" He asked angered. "You could be seen and ruin everything."

"I came to see if I could find anything on L/N for mother." Cecilia lied to him. "And no one would be able to see me unless I wanted them to the only one who could would be L/N and he is nowhere near."

"What do you want to know about L/N?" Draco asked.

"Nothing from you Malfoy, the number of times he has humiliated you I don't need you telling me anything."

Malfoy scowled and looked at her angrily.

"So can I inform the dark lord about your progress?"

Malfoy looked at her surprised.

"You may be good at Occlumency to normal people but remember I am from Le Fay's bloodline anything you think you can do I do it a million times better and easier."

"No not yet I still need to work out a few things."

"Fine but you know he will not wait much longer." Cecilia said as she disappeared.

Malfoy left and headed to the Slytherin common room unsure if he should say anything about Cecilia being at Hogwarts, but he thought best not to in case he was getting in the middle of the war between the McKenna, Cecilia and Y/N.

Cecilia had made her way to a forest clearing when she looked up and saw a celestial dragon sitting looking at exactly where she was.

"There is no point hiding I know you are there."

Cecilia became visible again and as she did Adalinda bared her teeth at her.


"ADALINDA STOP!" A voice shouted as a portal opened and Y/N stepped out with Hermione.

"Adalinda wait." Hermione said making her way over to her and raising her hand up in front of her. "It's okay."

Adalinda pushed Hermione behind her with her wing and still bared her teeth at Cecilia.

"Adalinda it's okay." Y/N said as he moved in front of her with his back to Cecilia.

Cecilia simply stood still meaning no harm and even placed her hands behind her back so to show that she was not going to use wandless magic.

"It's alright Adalinda Cecilia is working with me to bring down McKenna she must have come with information." Y/N said. "But it's really risky you being here Cecilia."

"I know that's why I have to make this quick before Tom and McKenna wonder where I am gone." She said. "McKenna is getting closer to finding that book."

"Shit." Y/N said. "Is there a way you can distract her?"

"I have a few ideas, but you need to make sure Merlin is teaching you everything about that book. He was the only one strong enough to stop Le Fay when it was in her possession." Cecilia responded.

"Is this the book that you told me about honey?" Hermione asked as Y/N nodded. "That's concerning."

"It is Hermione." Cecilia said which made Hermione look at her with surprise. "Also, I am sorry for calling you a mudblood and.....and trying to kill you. I was wrong it's only after last year that Y/N helped me to show there was another path I could take."

"Oh well I guess thank you?" Hermione said in confusion.

There was a moment of silence before Y/N broke it.

"Okay well you best get back before McKenna and Tom suspect something and if you need to send a message use this." Y/N said as he conjured a book from thin air, and he handed her the book. "It's two ways so whatever you write will instantly show in mine and the same the other way."

"What if McKenna finds it?" Cecilia asked.

"She can't." Y/N responded. "I've placed a charm on it so only you can open it."

Cecilia looked at the book before looking at Y/N.

"Be careful Y/N, take care of Hermione and Jasmine you know McKenna she is going to try and take everything from you."

"I know, now best go."

Cecilia nodded before transfiguring into a hawk and taking flight.


The next night Hermione and I were getting ready for Slughorn's party. I wore an overcoat along with a white button up shirt with black trousers and a pair of black shoes and tie. I was waiting for Hermione to get changed in our room as I sat in the common room with Hazel as she was asleep on my lap. I waited until I heard someone come down the stairs to see Jasmine in a light blue dress wearing some heels and had on some earrings that Harry had bought her as well as the bracelet that he had bought her.

"Wow Jaz you look great." I said with a smile as Harry appeared behind her wearing a tuxedo.

"Y/N is right you do look amazing Jaz." Harry said with a smile.

"Darling I need some help can you come upstairs?" I heard Hermione ask using Legilimency.

"Sure 'Mione I'll be up in a second."

"Jaz do you mind taking Hazel for a second Hermione needs some help."

"Sure Y/N." Jaz said as I handed Hazel to Jasmine who had woken up when I went to stand up.

Hazel purred in Jasmine's arms as I headed upstairs to see what Hermione needed.

"Honey?" I asked outside our door. "Can I come in?"

"Yes love."

I walked in and my mouth hung open in amazement at seeing Hermione in a pink dress similar to the one she wore during the yule ball.

"Hermione Granger and just when I thought you could not get any more beautiful." I said as she looked at me over her shoulder with a smile.

"Thank you honey, can you get the zip I can't quite reach it." She said as I walked up behind her and did the zip up her back for her.

"You know you could have just used magic right?" I asked.

"I know." She said turning around and giving me a kiss on the lips. "But I prefer if my boyfriend helped me do it up."

"Well, I am always more than happy to help." I replied as I presented my arm to her, and she hung onto it as we made our way back downstairs.

Harry and Jasmine smiled as we made our way down the stairs and as we approached Jasmine smiled even wider.

"You know I can almost picture that as if you two were married."

I just looked at her shocked as Hermione went red in the face next to me as Harry and Jasmine smirked at us. I regained my composure before looking at Harry and Jasmine, with Jasmine resting her head against Harry's shoulder as he had his arm wrapped around her shoulder.

"Says the two who look like they would be on their honeymoon they way you two are at the minute."

Now it was Hermione and my turn to smirk as Harry and Jasmine went red in the face. They both looked at each other as we laughed at them.

"Come let's get to Slughorn's party." I said with a smile as the four of us made out way out of the common room.

We arrived a few minutes later at the party to see it in full swing. Luna had been invited by Slughorn as he had seen an article by her father in the quibbler that he enjoyed. We looked around as we talked to Luna about Nargles and noticed Slughorn taking a picture with Harry.

"Thank you, Adrian!" Slughorn said. "One of mine class of '78. I had hoped for more out of him, but at least he takes good photos in focus."

Harry and Slughorn continued to talk until Slughorn spotted someone.

"Oh my! Excuse me please Harry, I must speak to the new Minister of Magical Transportation. Class of '67. Mingle m'boy mingle, we are all friends here and we run the world."

We continued to look around the room before a waiter approached us.

"Canape?" He asked.

"Neville?" Hermione asked.

"Hey guys me and Marcus didn't make it in."

"I'm sorry to hear that Neville." Jasmine said to him as I agreed.

I noticed Lavender come over to us and she seemed on edge.

"Hey, Lavender, what's up?" I asked.

"Hey guys can I hide out here? McLaggen has been hounding me all night."

"I thought you came with Sam?" Jasmine asked.

"I did I thought it would make Ron jealous, but Sam went to get us some drinks and McLaggen has been hounding me since."

"I can punch him in the face for you." Jasmine said as I shook my head and chuckled. "When is he going to get it through his thick skull that two of us are in happy relationships and the other one is not interested?"

Another waiter approached us.

"Dragon Tartar?" He asked whilst presenting the tray.

"No thank you." We all replied.

"Good call." He said. "They do tend to give someone horrible breath."

"On second thoughts." Lavender said as she snatched the tray out of his hands and started to eat them. "Might keep McLaggen away. Oh no here he comes."

McLaggen walked over to us all with that annoying smile on his face.

"Ah Brown there you are I was just trying to tell you something, well hello Granger and L/N." He said with a wink at Jasmine and Hermione.

"Question for you McLaggen." Harry said. "How did you want to die?"

"You won't do anything Potter."

"You are right I won't." Harry replied. "But Y/N on the other hand looks about ready to kill you."

Cormac looked at me and gulped as my eyes glowed at him. He quickly picked up a Dragon Tartar and began to eat it.

"Ah L/N I was looking for you and Potter." A voice said as I turned to look at the voice to see Severus.

As I looked at Severus McLaggen turned around and threw up right on Severus's trousers and shoes. I looked at the others shocked as they tried their best to hide their smirks as for McLaggen looked up in fear realising who he had just thrown up on.

"Mr. McLaggen congratulations you have just earned yourself detention for the next three month's scrubbing the hospital bed pans out without magic." Severus said with a sneer.

"But Professor....." He began to argue.

"If you cannot respect people's personal space McLaggen I suggest you learn it and fast before I make you sit with the first years in my class and teach you how."

McLaggen went to open his mouth but shut it quickly with the look that Severus was giving him, and he left with his head held low.

"Severus allow me." I said waving my hand clearing all the sick of his trousers and shoe's. "Now what did you want to see Harry and I about?"

"I have come to convey a message."

"A message?" Harry asked.

"From Dumbledore." Snape said. "He asked that I give you both his best and that he hopes you enjoy your holiday. He is travelling and will not return until term resumes."

"Travelling?" Harry asked. "Where?"

Snape remained tight lipped as we saw Filch drag in Draco Malfoy in his grasp. Malfoy seemed to be struggling to get free.

"Professor Slughorn sir!" Filch said. "I've discovered this boy lurking in an upstairs corridor. He claims to have been invited to your party."

"Okay, Okay!" Malfoy yelled. "I was gate-crashing happy?"

"I'll escort him out." Snape said as he walked over to Draco.

"Certainly, Professor." Malfoy said.

We watched the two of them leave before Harry said he would see us later and followed them. Jasmine looked at me.

"I wouldn't follow Jaz." I said.

"I'll find out later what it is." She said.

We talked about Christmas and the plans except I left out the surprise I had for Hermione who was nagging me about it.

"But honey please tell me." She said with pleading eyes.

"Damn it Hermione you make it so hard to not tell you when you look at me like that, but I won't reveal anything yet."

"Fine." She said with a pout before I laughed and kissed her on the lips.

I continued talking to the others before I noticed Grandma walk over to me.

"Grandma." I said with a smile.

"Hello Y/N, Merlin wants to see you." She said.

"Now?" I asked.

"Yes he is waiting in Dumbledore's office for you." Grandma said.

"So, it's a memory to show me then." I said as she nodded.

"Alright then." I said. "I'll meet you all later okay?"

Hermione gave me a kiss on the cheek as I left with Grandma to head for Dumbledore's office. We soon arrived and she said the password to allow me in and as I entered I noticed that the Pensive was already awaiting me.

"Merlin I'm here." I said.

"I do apologise for calling you here this evening but as I understand you are going home for the holidays so I must show you a few more memories before then."

"And who's memories are you showing me?" I asked.


I looked at the vials on the table and picked one up before pouring it into the pensive.

"This was the first time I met your mother after she was told that she was my descendant."

I leaned forward and broke the surface of the memory before once more seeing what it contained.

3rd Person POV

Albus Dumbledore paced back and forth in front of Merlin's portrait as he and Merlin waited for Olivia to arrive. He was unsure about how the young girl would be considering that she had learned from whom she was now descended. He heard a knock and the door opened and Olivia walked in.

"Ah Olivia good to see you." Dumbledore said with a smile.

Olivia remained silent as she sat, and Dumbledore and Merlin could clearly see that she was upset by not being told sooner.

"Olivia now as you are aware of who you are descended from after...."

"Why was this kept a big secret? I have a right to know!" She shouted.

"It's because if people found out about your heritage there would be no end to people trying to win you over." Merlin said. "You are able to do things that most others cannot."

"Except that bitch McKenna she is causing so much pain to muggleborns, and you sit here Dumbledore and do nothing about it."

Dumbledore looked down at his desk with his fingers resting against each other before he let out a sigh.

"Unfortunately, with McKenna this is where we encounter a problem. She won't do anything in school for now, but she will when she leaves." Merlin said.

"What do you mean?"

"Has your mother gone through the history of our family?" Merlin asked.


"Well, where to begin." Merlin said with a sigh.

"I suppose best to start with how it all began Merlin." Dumbledore said.

"Well, the start of this all beginning between our two families started with Morgana and I." Merlin began with his hand against his chin. "We were the best of friends for a long time before we had our disagreement."


"Morgana unfortunately witnessed a muggle man murder a friend in front of her and she used her magic to make him suffer and as she did she wondered as to why she could not have them all under her rule under her command so as to prevent this from happening again. However it soon took a turn for the worse she went on and murdered an entire village who refused to bow down to her."

"So, what did you do?" Olivia asked.

"I tried reasoning with her at first to show her that not all people were like the man who murdered her friend but she refused to listen. As time went on she began to harm more innocent muggles and I knew I had to stop her."

"So you went from best friends to bitter rivals in the end."

"We did. Morgana believed that she should bring muggles under magic rule and that we should rule above all others being the strongest but I could not go through with it I could not allow people to lose their chance at living their own lives so we began our duels."

"Professor Dumbledore." Olivia said. "When you said that McKenna won't try anything at the school but will after is that because she is from Morgana's bloodline?"

"Indeed." Dumbledore said. "Your family's have been at war for a long time now."

"But there must be a way to stop this without us having to try and kill each other." Olivia said.

"Many of your ancestors tried and failed in that attempt Olivia." Dumbledore said. "McKenna is carrying on what she was taught from her father and everyone before him going all the way back to Le fay."

"Morgana told me as she was about to die after our last duel that her family would carry on her ideas and that they would not rest until muggles, and everyone was under their control."

"So, our family has been at war to prevent that all this time?" Olivia asked.

"We did not want you to have such a heavy burden at such a young age." Merlin said.

Olivia stayed silent for a moment before looking up at Merlin's portrait.

"What do I need to do then?"

"Albus and I will be training you to prepare you for what is to come."

"Does mum know?" Olivia asked.

"She does and she said that she hopes you now know why she was hard on you when you were younger."

The memory then ended as Y/N pulled his face from the pensive and took a deep breath.

Back to Y/N's POV

I looked up at Merlin as he seemed to be deep in thought.

"Merlin there is something we need to discuss." I said to him which broke him out of his thought.

"And what is that?" He asked.

"McKenna is getting closer to finding that book Morgana had." I said. "Whatever you need to teach me I need to know now."

"Very well the magic I used to stop her nearly killed me and I was much older than you, but you do know it is very dangerous."

"I know but I can't let McKenna win and we have been bought time."

"Bought time?" Merlin asked. "By whom?"

"So, you know how you said that you tried convincing Morgana to change her ways?"


"Well I am working with Cecilia, McKenna's daughter to bring her down."

"Consider me impressed Y/N you have done something none of us have been able to do before now let us begin the training you will need."

Harry's POV

I snuck after Snape and Malfoy hoping to hear what they had to say. Something was clearly up between them, and I wanted to find out what it was. As I hid under my invisibility cloak, I wondered why Snape had escorted Malfoy away quickly. I was by myself as Lavender was busy avoiding McLaggen with Hermione and Jasmine helping her whilst Merlin had asked for Y/N to see him and as for Ron he was off snogging Clarissa as much as he could. I saw Snape and Malfoy stop as I leaned against the wall still under the cloak to listen to what they had to say.

"Maybe I did hex that bell girl." Malfoy said. "Maybe I didn't why do you care?"

I looked round the corner to see Snape looking mad as Malfoy leaned against the wall seeming not to really take interest into why Snape was there.

"I swore to protect you Draco!" He said. "I made the Unbreakable Vow---"

What was an unbreakable vow and why was Snape concerned about breaking it?

"I don't need protection!" Malfoy yelled at Snape. "I was chosen for this! Out of everyone I was chosen! Me! And I will not fail him!"

I knew it I was right Malfoy was working for Voldemort!

"You are afraid Draco." Snape said. "I can see you trying to conceal it, but it is obvious, let me assist...."

"No! I was chosen this is my moment!"

I had to tell the others about this. I slowly left the area so as to not be heard and smiled knowing I was right all along.

The holiday break came around and we boarded the Hogwarts express. Everyone was returning home for a few nights before meeting at the burrow to spend Christmas with the Weasley's. Ruben and Veronica had once more insisted I stayed at their home as they wanted me to go nowhere near the Dursley's and it did cause me to feel guilty, but Jasmine assured me it would be fine as did Y/N. As Hermione, Y/N, Ron, Ginny myself and Jasmine sat in the carriage we discussed some things we had learned. Lavender had refused to join us as she was still upset that Ron and Clarissa were snogging at any point they could get. Everyone was annoyed at Ron especially Jasmine and Hermione. Apparently after seeing Ron and Clarissa snog the first time Lavender had found it hard to calm down and spent that first night crying after I left them that night.

"Unbreakable vow?" Ron asked as I told him about what I had overheard. "You sure that's what Snape said?"

"Yeah, positive why?" I asked.

"It's just......." Ron said. "You can't break an unbreakable vow."

"Funnily enough Ron we all figured out that by ourselves it's in the name." Jasmine said.

"No, you don't understand...." Ron said as he looked at the window of our compartment door. "Oh, bloody hell......."

Clarissa stood outside the door and fogged the window with her breath to spell out Ron+Cla in a heart shape and mouthed I missed you at Ron before leaving.

Ron looked down and muttered about this getting worse than better.

"All she wants to do is snog." Ron said. "Look my lips are getting chapped because of it."

"Ron, I have no interest in looking at your lips." Y/N said as he looked out the compartment door window. "But I shall be more than happy to transfigure them into a pair of venomous tentacular's so she can't kiss you anymore."

Lavender walked past and caught sight of the heart that had made and turned around with a mix of extreme anger and hurt on her face as she walked back the other way. Ron groaned and placed his hand on his head possible now regretting getting it on with Clarissa.

"I told you Ron..." Y/N said with a sigh.

"Yeah, alright no need to rub it in." He replied.

"You dug the grave now you have to lie in it." Jasmine said getting up and opening the door. "I am going to check on Lavender. Y/N if Ron does anything stupid throw him out the window will you?"

"Are you joking do you know how many times I will have to do that?" He asked as we all apart from Ron chuckled as Jasmine left.

"So, what happens if you break an unbreakable vow?" I asked wanting to get back to our original conversation.

"Well.... you die." Ron replied.

I stared out the train window and wondered why Snape would take such a risk especially for Malfoy.

The train soon rolled into kings cross and we said goodbye to Ron and Ginny as Mrs. Weasley had come to meet them whilst Y/N, Jasmine, Hermione, and I waited at the station for Jasmine and Y/N's parents. Jasmine and I looked at Y/N and Hermione who was still trying her best to get information out of him for something he had planned for their anniversary.

"Why can't I know?" Hermione said as she looked at Y/N with pleading eyes.

"Oh, come on honey that is not fair. It is a surprise if I tell you it will ruin it." Y/N said as Jasmine and I laughed.

"She is going to keep trying isn't she?" I asked Jasmine.

"She has been especially the last month."

Before Hermione could ask Y/N again Ruben and Veronica came to meet us.

"Hello, you four sorry we are late." Veronica said.

"That's alright mum." Jasmine said with a smile.

"Let's get you all back to the house." Ruben said with a smile.


The next day when I awoke I thought on what Y/N was doing for Hermione and realised I had never done anything like that for Jasmine. I went to shower and change and just as I opened my door Y/N was stood outside.

"You got a second?" He asked.


"Can I come in?"

"It's your house what are you asking me for?" I asked confused.

"Because it's your room while you are here Harry." Y/N said with a smile.

I let Y/N into the room, and he leaned on the wall as I sat in the chair.

"So, what did you need?" I asked him.

"I need some help setting up my surprise for Hermione." He said with a smile. "Nothing strenuous and while we are at it we can discuss an idea for you and Jasmine."

"How did you...."

"Jasmine does speak to me your relationship you know just like she listens about mine and Hermione's."

"Thanks mate I appreciate that."

Y/N and I headed down the stairs to see Ruben and Veronica reading some notes.

"Morning mum, morning Dad." Y/N said with a smile as he took a seat.

"Morning Y/N, Harry." Veronica said as she placed down her notes. "I am sorry I have not made breakfast, but we woke up a bit late and are about to leave. Winky is back later today from Hogwarts."

"That's fine mum I'll make breakfast for all of us." Y/N said as he headed over to the kitchen and Ruben and Veronica went into other rooms.

I sat at the table before I heard laughter and looked to see Jasmine and Hermione come down the stairs with Adalinda following them.

"Morning sweetheart." Jasmine said as gave me a kiss on the lips and took a seat next to me and Hermione sat on the other side.

"Morning honey." Hermione said as Y/N came back into the dinning room with a pot of tea.

"Morning 'Mione." He said as they shared a kiss before Y/N placed the tea down.

"Have mum and Dad left?" Jasmine asked.

"No not yet just getting their files." Y/N said.


"RUBEN WE HAVE GUESTS!" Veronica shouted as we all shared a laugh.

Veronica came into the dinning room shaking her head.


Veronica let out a sigh continuing to shake her head.

"Y/N be a dear and find the file for your dad will you?" She asked.

"Sure mum."

"Ruben Y/N will find it for you!"

Ruben came into the dinning room looking stressed out before Y/N lifted his hand and a file came flying into the room in which he caught.

"Here Dad."

"Thanks son." Ruben said with a sigh of relief.

"Now we have to go but we should be back later tonight all right. Will you all be okay?"

"Yes we will be fine mum go." Jasmine said with a smile.

Ruben and Veronica left before Y/N made breakfast for us all after we finished Jasmine, and I washed up before we discussed what we would be doing for the day.

"Well, I am taking Hermione out Christmas shopping." Jasmine said.

"You are?" Hermione asked confused.

"Yep." Jasmine said with a smile. "Now get ready we are leaving in a minute."

"You going to be okay honey?" Hermione asked Y/N.

"I'll be fine anyway Harry and I have some things to talk about."

"Like what?" Jasmine asked.

"None of your business Jasmine L/N now go." Y/N said as I smirked a little.

"What are you smirking at Harry James Potter?" Jasmine asked as my smirk faltered quickly.

"Nothing." I replied quickly at seeing the look on her face.

"Alright I'm ready." Hermione said as she had her bag with her. "I'll see you later Y/N."

"See you later kitten have fun." He said with a smile as she playfully hit him on the arm.

After Jasmine and Hermione left Y/N took me out to the field where we had been practicing Quidditch earlier in the year and waved his hand to reveal a gazebo with a dining table set up and some lanterns.

"So, what do you need help with?" I asked.

"Just help me finalise a few things." He said pointing at a few boxes in the Gazebo.

I opened the boxes to see lots of photos of him and Hermione.

"Woah I never knew you guys took so many photos together." I said looking at one I had taken out.

It showed Y/N and Hermione by the great lake feeding Adalinda when she was first hatched.

"Yeah if you could just hang them up around the Gazebo for me that would be great mate." Y/N said as he waved his hands around and even though it was winter flowers bloomed across the grounds.

"Atmospheric charm." Y/N said having seen the look of confusion on my face. "Allows them to grow had it here since we left for school."

"You always go all out for Hermione don't you?" I asked.

"Well yeah I love her, and I would do anything for her."

I smiled before I felt a clap on my shoulder.

"Now let's talk about you and Jaz now shall we?"

"You didn't actually need my help did you?" I said with a small chuckle. "You want to help me plan something for your sister."

"It's about time you did something like this for her."

Y/N and I discussed a few ideas before we settled on one.

"You are sure that it's okay?" I asked. "For us to do something tonight? as well I mean you set all of this up for you and Hermione."

"I am sure." Y/N said. "In fact, come with me."

Y/N led me a bit further away from the house before we found a small lake.

"Jasmine and I used to come here as kids." Y/N said. "She used to love skipping stones and she would sometimes come here when she was upset but maybe this is somewhere you and her can make some happy memories."

"So do you mind helping with the fireworks and other bits?" I asked.

"Of course not, I want my best mate and my sister to be happy so anything you need Harry I am more than happy to help."

We continued to talk about my surprise for Jasmine until Y/N led us back towards the house as he waved his hand around the Gazebo to hide it.

"Thanks for the help today mate." He said.

"I think I should be thanking you."

"Nah you don't have to besides what kind of brother-in-law would I be if I didn't?" He asked with a smirk.

I was speechless as with a light chuckle Y/N and I entered the house to see Winky was back. Winky handed Y/N and I a gift that she said was from Dobby before we wondered what Hermione and Jasmine where up to.

Hermione's POV

Jasmine and I headed into the town nearby to do our Christmas shopping. We stopped at a café to have some lunch and I thought I would ask a question that was on my mind.

"Jasmine do you mind if I ask you something?"

"Of course, Hermione what's on your mind?"

"It's about you and Harry you seem to be trying to drop hints, but he is not picking them up."

"You caught that huh?" She asked sipping on her tea. "I just wish he would sometimes do things for me like Y/N does for you."

"Harry has a lot on his plate with being the chosen one." I replied.

"Oh, come on Hermione and Y/N doesn't?" Jasmine said. "I love Harry I really do but...."

"You just sometimes want him to surprise you with something when it is not your birthday or Christmas."


"I am sure he will Jasmine. Remember it took Harry a while to even admit that he liked you and if you two had not had that kiss in the common room after the tournament who knows maybe you wouldn't be together right now."

"Maybe your right Hermione but we are together, and I am happy with him."

"Well surely that's all that matters right?"

"I'm going to have an incredible sister-in-law aren't I? Jasmine said as I blushed which made her laugh.

"Come on we should head back to the house." Jasmine said as we picked up the bags we had which contained presents and headed back to the house.

We arrived back and hid the presents from Y/N and Harry as well as our own to each other before joining them on the sofa. As I sat next to Y/N he wrapped me up in his arms and kissed my cheek.

"How was your day of shopping?" He asked as I rested my head on his chest.

"It was great." I replied with a smile as I looked over at Jasmine to see Her resting her head on Harry's shoulder looking at the Tv that was on.

"Your surprise is ready for tomorrow by the way." Y/N said which made me smile and look up to it.

"Looking forward to it." I said. "It also means I won't pester you for information anymore."

"Good." Y/N responded with a smile.

The next night Y/N told me to wait in his room while he went to finish off the surprise. I was excited as I had been waiting a while for this. As I sat on the bed in a dress and some heels both in a light blue Hazel came up to me and lifted herself onto her back legs and pushed her head against mine and purred making me chuckle.

"Hello Hazel, yes I know tonight is special." I said as she continued to rub her head against my cheek.

I heard a knock on the door and stood up with Hazel in my arms as she continued to purr away and opened it to see Y/N wearing a button up shirt and holding some roses for me.

"I know it's late for our anniversary but better late than never right?" He said with a smile as he held his hand out to me which I took as Hazel clung to me.

"Hazel let go of mummy." I said softly.

"MEOW!" was her response as she clung on even more.

Y/N chuckled as I looked at him.

"I suppose she is coming with us."

"It sure looks that way."

He led me by the hand down the stairs and outside to a gazebo with fireflies flying around it with flowers surrounding the area. I smiled as he led me into the Gazebo and as I looked up I smiled as my eyes filled with happy tears at seeing all the photos we took surrounding it.

"Honey all our photos." I said.

"Each and every one of them."

I smiled taking one down from our first year and looked at it to see Hazel was in my arms similar to how she was now.

"You've never changed have you Hazel?" I asked as she pushed her head into me.

We went around looking at each photo before sitting down as Y/N poured us some tea as we ate the food he had made for us. We talked as the moon began to rise before he once again took me by the hand and led me into the middle of the garden.

"What are we doing here?" I asked.

"Just wait." Y/N said as he waved his hand and the ground beneath us rose until we were unobstructed to look at the night sky.

"It's beautiful babe." I said with a smile.

I heard a shriek and saw Aleria fly towards us before landing on my shoulder and held her leg out to me.

"What's this?" I asked with a light laugh as I took the small parcel off her leg and a note.

"To my darling girlfriend,

I know our anniversary is late, but I hope it is still worth it. I want you to know that not a day goes by that I do not love you, when I met you in Diagon Alley there was something that told me you were special but how special I did not know until we became a couple. I cannot imagine my life without you, and I hope that today shows you how much. I love you now and forever will.


I turned and kissed Y/N on the lips holding the letter in my hands.

"I love you Y/N and I will forever." I responded as he held me close to him.

I opened the gift to see a charm with our initials together wrapped in a dragon that looked like Adalinda.

"I love it honey thank you."

We looked up and stared at the stars before we heard Harry and Jasmine's voices.

"Where are we going?" Jasmine asked with a slight laugh.

"Just come with me." Harry said with a smile.

We looked down to where they were as Jasmine spotted us she smiled.

"Oh, sorry you two we didn't mean to interrupt."

"No problem Jasmine." I responded with a smile.

We watched them walk away hand in hand before I asked Y/N.

"Has Harry got a surprise for Jasmine?"


"She was talking about this earlier today."

"I know. She told me."

"Have you helped Harry set something up?"

"I did but I think you will enjoy it as well."

Before I could reply I heard a bang and looked to see fireworks going off and watched with a smile on my face.

"Fred and George's?" I asked.

"Yep sent them a message and did they deliver."

We watched the fireworks for a little while before heading inside and heading up to Y/N's room. Y/N shut the door and as he did I jumped at him and connected my lips to him as hard as I could. The kisses soon turned into a snogging session before we had to break for air. We lay on the bed holding each other and just smiled.

"Thank you for tonight love." I said resting my head on his chest feeling him wrap his arms around me once more.

"Anytime sweetheart." He said before we drifted off to sleep.

Jasmine's POV

A few days after the surprise Harry had made for me we were getting ready to leave for the Weasley's Mrs. Weasley had invited mum and Dad as well and they were curious what a Christmas in the wizarding world was like.

"How are we getting there can we drive?" Mum asked.

"No need mum." I said. "Y/N can open a portal for us."

"But we can't see them." Dad said. "I don't particularly fancy walking into a wall if one is opened near it."

We all laughed before Y/N responded.

"Jasmine and I will walk you through it, so you don't walk into the wall dad."

Y/N opened the portal as I took Dad's arm and walked him through it and we entered into the burrows front garden. A moment later Mum came through with Y/N with Hermione and Harry following after.

"My goodness this house is certainly unique." Mum said as she looked up at the burrow. "It has a certain charm about it."

"How is it all staying up and not falling over?" Dad asked.

"Magic." I replied with a smile.

We knocked on the door and it was opened by Mrs. Weasley.

"Oh Jasmine, Y/N, Harry and Hermione dears come in." She said with a smile. "Ruben and Veronica thank you for accepting our invitation."

"Oh no thank you Molly." Dad replied as we all made our way inside.

"We have some wine for you Molly." Mum said. "From Ruben and I to you and Arthur we were unsure what to get as we don't know much about the wizarding world."

"Oh how very generous of you please allow me to pour you a glass." Mrs. Weasley said as she waved her wand and a glass for mum and dad appeared as the wine started to pour itself into the glass.

Mr. Weasley appeared next and started to talk to mum and dad as we talked to Ron and Ginny as well as the twins before we heard a voice that made Y/N smile.

"Well, if it isn't my godson."

"Remus Lupin." Y/N said turning around and smiling as they hugged one another.

"Thank you for the letters Y/N. Quite clever the way you have disguised them." Remus said with a wide smile.

We continued to talk to Remus who we found out was now dating Tonks which we all congratulated him for although he did seem unsure.

"I'm still unsure about this to be honest." Lupin said to us.

"Remus you deserve to be happy don't shut that out Tonks loves you for you." Hermione said with a smile.

"You're right Hermione I do love Remus for who he is." Tonks said.

Mum and Dad joined us and began to talk to Remus.

"Veronica, Ruben I want to thank you for raising Y/N. He has turned out to be an amazing wizard but an even better person."

"Oh well thank you Remus. We certainly tried."

"I understand that you are Y/N's Godfather?" Dad said.

"Indeed I am."

"Well, you are more than welcome to visit anytime Remus." Mum said with a smile.

The night continued as we all had the dinner Mrs. Weasley had made and soon Remus and Tonks where getting ready to leave but Remus seemed on edge, and we realised that it was because tomorrow night was the night of the full moon, and he would be undergoing his transformation into a werewolf. Lupin's pupils contracted as he looked out of the door and through the reeds.

"Tomorrow is the full moon the night before is always the wors...." Tonks started to say before Y/N quickly put up a shield spell over the house and mum and dad.

"Found you Potter."

"Bellatrix." I whispered.

"Hmmm fresh new victims including muggles."

"Greyback." Y/N said.

"Well looks like I get to torture those muggles sooner than I expected and the mudbloods as well."

"Y/N what's wrong?" Mum asked seeing the rage on his face.

"This is not good." I said.

The Death Eaters where here and it was about to get extremely dangerous.

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