lucid | jikook au ✓

By exotickookie_

556 44 9

after an unforgiving incident happens during a house party, park jimin is forced to move states to get away f... More

lucid | vminkook au
lucid | 01
lucid | 02

lucid | 03

142 10 4
By exotickookie_


A rush traveled up Jimin's spine as Namjoon's body became fully absorbed in the dancing embers, fueling the campfire.

The boy breathed out, before he returned his attention to the others, "Fuck, that felt good."

"You! You just fucking killed him!" Hoseok screamed, the remaining boys tried getting up, but Jimin watched as their legs grew weak, and all of them fell back into their spots, the sedating drugs finally doing their job.

He laughed at their pathetic attempts. "Fuck, I think he drugged us!"

"No, shit. I can't have any of you assholes running off on me." Jimin spoke blatantly.

"I-I can't feel my legs, someone help me!" Seokjin cried.

"Let us go, you psycho!" Yoongi shouted, his eyes wide with fear.

Jimin sighed in annoyance, "Oh, come on, guys. What's with the hostility?"

"Jimin, let us go!"

"One more fucking word and I'll slit all of your throats right fucking now." Jimin threatened.

"Jimin, please—" Jungkook tried, but Taehyung flipped open his blade and pressed it against Jungkook's neck, silencing him. The petrified male whimpered.

"I'm not stupid, okay?! You were in on his sick plan too, you were all there! There are things I need to know." Jimin exclaimed, taking a seat, and tracing the deep, faded scars on his wrists.

"Now, start talking." He spoke through gritted teeth.

The men quivered, slumping over one another in an attempt to stay lucid.

"Don't you all have ears? You heard the man. Speak!" Taehyung commanded, leaning over the cowering few, menacingly.

"It was me." Hoseok's voice strained, a hot tear running down his cheek.

"I spiked your drink, please... p-please, I don't want to die!"

Jimin rose his head, "Why did you do it?"

Hoseok began to sob. "Please."

"Why!!" Jimin shouted, his constrained voice echoing into the gloaming forest trees.

"Because Yoongi thought it would somehow make things interesting." He sneaked at Yoongi as he said this, unable to keep eye contact.

"Somehow!?" Jimin retaliated.

"We knew you had a crush on namjoon and... well, he was dying to sleep with you, so we made it fucking happen. Okay? There you have it now let us go." Yoongi finished, his dark eyes narrowing with distaste.

Jimin shot up from his seat and strode over to them, they instantly cowered away from him.

"I'm gonna be sick." Seokjin whimpered.

"Shut the fuck up. How do you think I felt? You wanna sit there and complain, do you even feel sorry?"

"He had planned to watch also!" Hoseok shouted, "I did not!" Seokjin cried, "I told them to drop the idea, but they didn't listen... so, I gave up."

"I thought we were friends, Seokjin." Jimin scoffed, glaring at him.

"We are—!"

"You could've prevented this!" Jimin growled in a fit of anger.

Jungkook was staring at him with wide eyes, frozen in place when Jimin's hard eyes made contact with his. "No one here is leaving alive, so if you know something else, now's the time to speak up."

"Why are you doing this? Just let us go, we're sorry, okay?? We take back everything, we'll make up for it!" Hoseok begged.

Taehyung scoffed, "Do you think you deserve to live after what you've done? It doesn't matter if it happened 6 years ago or 6 days ago, you ruined his life. You used him, you violated him!"

"And that means we have to die?!" Seokjin said in disbelief.

"Yes," Jimin confirmed instantly before he lunged for him and shoved the man onto the ground.

"Hyung!" Jungkook cried out loudly.
Jimin grabbed the broken bottle of glass and struck Seokjin with it, stabbing him until his hand was coated with the older's blood.

"No!!" Jungkook yelled,
"Please stop this! We get it!" Hoseok cried.

Jimin growled and swung his hand, the same blade of glass slicing a sharp line across the other's throat, his blood spewed out like a broken water pipe and he instantly bleed out, choking on his liquids.

Yoongi was a trembling mess beside him, he had paled and seemed to be on the verge of passing out.

"Looking a little faint there, Yoongi. What? Did you think I was going to let him off easy? Well, I suppose I did." Jimin humored, nearing the man with his blood-soaked hand.

"Don't. I wish to let the drugs finish me off." Yoongi began, but when Jimin lunged at him, he used the last of his strength to headbutt him, causingboth males to fall back, Jimin's head falling beside the raging fire pit.

Yoongi swayed back from the recoil, falling off his seat into the hard dirt ground.

"Jimin!" Taehyung called out and he moved from his spot, tackling Yoongi and not hesitating to shove his knife into him. An agonizing scream whipped into the toxic air.

Jimin slowly pushed his body to sit up moments later, with a small wound forming above his eyebrow. His head spun from the blow, disoriented.

Jungkook had witnessed it all and when the opportunity came, he lifted himself off the log and began to sprint with all his might toward the forest.

The drugs were still swimming in his system, but he hadn't drunk enough for it to affect his mobility.

Jimin finally realized jungkook had taken off and lifted himself off the floor, "Tae—! Damn it, he's making a run for it!"


"I'll get him." Jimin's eyes darkened and instantly ran off after their last victim.

Jungkook ran through the thick dark forest with his hands becoming numb, it was only a few miles out before he would find a road, and he hoped he'd get out before Jimin could catch him.

However, one wrong step had Jungkook tumbling down a hill of leaves, he landed on his back and the air was knocked out of his lungs. Jimin had been able to trace his path and saw him collapse into a pile of dead leaves.

He made his way down and grabbed the incapacitated boy by his shirt, raising a fist to pummel him but Jungkook cried out, "Wait! Listen to me! Please, you know I had n-nothing to do with this!"

"Even if it was you who sent that letter, it doesn't mean a damn thing! You're still gonna die just like the others."

"No, Jimin... l-listen—!"

"No, I'm not listening to a word you say. You're a witness, I won't leave your ass alive!"

"I-I'm in love with you!" Jungkook cried out, tears spilling down his face.

Jimin froze, yet his eyes were still darkened with hatred. "Stop lying through your teeth."

"It's the t-truth. When I found out about what they did to you... I-I was so angry, no one saw how wrong it was, what it did to you."

"Jungkook, cut the bullshit."

"I swear I'm telling you the truth! Haven't been able to get over you. That same year I cut my ties with them. Only Jin-Hyung had reached out to me way after we graduated," He sighed and whimpered to himself.

Seokjin was dead too.

Another heavy tear slid down his cheek.

"Y-You didn't have to kill them... they were already suffering and struggling on their own... They would've done anything—"

"No. I had my justice, all that remains are you, even if you weren't as involved. You're a witness now, so why should I let you live?"

"Because... I'd do anything for you, Jimin... I wouldn't tell a soul. I'd hate to lose you again. I've liked you since we were in high school, even if it was one-sided, I kept it hidden, because you had feelings for Joon and I just wanted you happy..."

Jimin lowered his fist and stared at him with his slender eyes, conflicted and yet doubtful.

It doesn't matter anymore.

"Babe!" Taehyung called from a distance, but Jimin didn't take his eyes off Jungkook.

"You're a liability."

Jungkook whimpered and shook his head, his hands clutching onto jimin's shirt. "You can trust me."

"What the hell is going on over here? We have to kill him. They'll search for him if we keep him alive." Taehyung barked,

"No one knows I was here today, they won't come searching! I-I promise!" Jungkook shouted hastily.

"Quiet!" Taehyung had shut Jungkook up quickly, the smell of blood on their bodies and the fear, having him all shaken up.

"I'll deal with it." Jimin decided, and the pair shared a look.

"What? What do you mean by you'll deal with it!"

"Jimin," Jungkook called out softly, before the smaller male swung his fist quickly,

and the brunette slipped unconscious from the impact.


Jungkook could feel the soreness in his limbs as he stirred. His eyes were heavy as he battled to open them.

It had felt like he had overslept, the feeling was something he was familiar with back in his high school days. The endless days of summer, he could wake up and the sun would be setting in these beautiful shades of red. School would exhaust him, but he'd end up staying awake all night before he'd start the next day.

Jungkook could smile at the thought, except, dark images clouded his visions, engulfing his memories, and abruptly snapped him back into reality.

He shot up from the couch in a haste, his head spinning, before he
suddenly felt a cold metal press against his skin.

"Hey there, pretty boy. You sure do sleep a lot. The drugs in your system had you sleeping tight, huh?" Jimin's sultry voice spoke, a teasing grin on his lips.

Jungkook would've melted at the sight, if he hadn't realized that the boy had a gun pressed right against his throat.

Jungkook rasped, "J-Jimin... you—"

"Are you hungry? You've been out for nearly two days." Jimin seemed concerned but all the more distrusting, at least with Jungkook weak, he can push and pull him, however, he wanted to.

The brunette shivered, resting his back against the couch helplessly, his throat was dry and hoarse, his stomach growling at the mention.

But all the images came flooding back, his friends bleeding out, Namjoon's body burning in the campfire. Jungkook closed his eyes tightly, refusing to answer.

"I just knew you'd wake up soon. Good thing I made ramen. Might be a little cold though." Jimin mentioned, pushing the bowl towards Jungkook, who still refused to speak or look at him.

Jimin tilted his head, "What? Not hungry? Come on, Jungkook-ah. I can hear your stomach growling."

Jungkook didn't say a word and the other immediately sighed in frustration, his temper short. He tucked the gun away, sliding his body in right beside the younger.

"Are you really not going to say a word to me? All that confessing and not even a squeak from you? Now it really does sound like you were lying."

"I wasn't lying," Jungkook spoke through gritted teeth, clearly frustrated and anxious about the situation.

Jimin slowly smirked, leaning close to him. "Admit it. You lied through your teeth just to save your own ass."

"If you had already considered me lying about my feelings for you, why didn't you just kill me then? Why make things difficult for yourself?" The brunette was exasperated.

Jimin rolled his eyes, "Where's the fun in that?"

He placed an arm on the back of the couch behind Jungkook's head and placed another on the male's thigh, getting him to look at him directly.
"You're my little toy now." He whispered.

"Toy?" Jungkook asked slowly, wide eyes glancing down at Jimin's hand that crawled up his thigh.

"That's right. Taehyungie can get a little boring you know, but having you here, well, it makes things interesting." He admitted.

"Things interesting, how?"

Jimin moved his hand and curled his fingers around Jungkook's chin. "I get to play with you and you'll keep your mouth shut because you'd do anything for me. Isn't that right?"

"No. No, you don't get to play with my feelings." The brunette snapped, only for Jimin to snap back.

"And you don't get a fucking choice." He interrupted rudely.

Jungkook panicked and tried to move away, but he was still weak all over. Jimin smirked sensually, yet sinisterly at the sight.

"What happened to you... you're not the same Jimin I used to know. You were sweet, caring, you were so—"

"No! Don't. Things happened and you know exactly what did. Don't pretend to act surprised." Jimin hissed with bared teeth.

"You killed them, Jimin." Jungkook mentioned, his voice breaking towards the end.

Jimin turned his head and glared at the wall, "For all that they have done, they deserved it."

"They didn't,"

"They did," Jimin spoke harshly, his jaw clenching with every passing second, however, you could visibly see him attempting to calm himself.

"No..." Jungkook whimpered, only flinching when Jimin suddenly cupped his cheek.

"You were into the sweet and innocent me, weren't you? What, is that your type? Vulnerable, pretty boys?"

"You weren't vulnerable."

"The hell I wasn't!" Jimin snapped, his fingers gripping Jungkook's hair.

"Jimin—! Ah, please..."

"Why are you pleading? Do you want me to just let you go? Trust you to not say anything, to not tell on me or Taehyung? Do you honestly think I'm that fucking stupid?"


"Then be a good boy, like you said you would. You're going to be living with us now. It's the only way you'll earn my forgiveness."

"I'm going to what?!" Jungkook gasped.

Jimin chuckled and straddled the boy's hips, pushing his head back into the couch and keeping a hand around his throat. "You're mine, Jeon Jungkook."

"No... no!" Jungkook began to squirm beneath him before Jimin pushed the gun into his ribs, causing him to freeze and flinch. "Please!"

Jimin leaned in close, brushing his lips against the younger's with a wide smirk on his lips.
"I'll let you love me." He whispered in a compelling tone.

Jungkook's heart was pounding against his ribcage. Oh, how he wanted Jimin for years, to hold him, to kiss him. He thought he would have a chance back then, however, things are different now, and he never thought things would play out this way.

The male whimpered, turning his head away and clenching his jaw, a shaky sigh leaving his lips. "I can't, not like this... I-I need time."

Jimin hummed, lips planting light kisses along his jaw and neck, causing the younger's breath to hitch. "Do you think I'll grant you that wish? I can't say I'll be very patient this time." He spoke against his skin, shivers instantly racing down Jungkook's spine.

"I do want you... b-but..."

Jimin pulled back and narrowed his eyes, "But?"

Jungkook turned his head slowly and met his eyes, gulping thickly, he could still feel the heavy metal pressing into his chest. It frightened him.

He was still afraid.

"Tell me... that you at least feel sorry. Seokjin-hyung didn't deserve to die."

Jimin tilted his head, eyes softening, but he didn't say anything.

"Jimin, please... he meant a lot to me. I think I-I deserve an apology."

Jimin lowered his gun and slowly gave him a nod after a bit of thinking, cupping the boy's jaw and tracing slow circles. "I'm sorry I took someone important from you. But you agree, huh? The rest deserved their fate, didn't they?"

Jungkook let out a slow breath, closing his eyes, more tears slipping down his face. It didn't make him feel any better, just empty. It was a confirmation. He parted his lips to speak,

Suddenly, the front door flew open, and in walked Taehyung, his dark silhouette holding bags as he walked them to the open kitchen.

"Ah, look who's home!" Jimin exclaimed. Jungkook's eyes snapped open once more. He whirled his head around just in time to see Taehyung greet Jimin with a kiss.

Jungkook's stomach turned.

"I see he's awake now."

"That's right, I was just telling Jungkook how he's all mine." Jimin practically bragged, cupping the said male's terrified face.

"You mean ours." Taehyung corrected a smug smirk on his face.

"Correct. Pretty boy here is gonna do anything we want." Jimin grinned, kissing the boy's cheek, causing him to pale and cower more into the couch.

Jungkook felt long fingers brush through his hair, they were gentle. "Didn't expect you to keep him around like some pet." Taehyung chuckled.

"He will give his own life for us, Taehyung-ah. His loyalty lies with us." Jimin assured him.

"Lies with you, doubt he'd lie for me."

"But I'd lie for you," Jimin spoke softly, batting his long eyelashes. Taehyung grinned, "I'd expect no less from you, Doll."

Jimin turned Jungkook's face to him again. "I need confirmation." He told him, watching Jungkook's glistening eyes go back and forth between the pair.

"You'd lie and put your life on the line for us, right? After all, I've spared you, and we're keeping you fed and safe. You get to love us."

Jungkook gulped, glancing at Taehyung, watching as the male licked over his lips,
"Well? Have you made up your mind?"

"Yes," Jungkook spoke quietly, sealing his fate with the two.

From that moment on, the trio would become close partners, the closest thing to a family. Jungkook would have no one else to run to while being a victim of the massacre. He would helplessly find himself falling for Jimin despite witnessing him kill the loved ones he grew up with.

His old feelings resurfaced and eventually, Stockholm syndrome had likely settled in, making him completely infatuated, his desire to leave was then no more.

Whilst Jimin and Taehyung remained in the same loving relationship, only now they shared it with Jungkook.

In a twisted set of events, they remained together, living a normal life once more, or so they thought.

Until the day arrives, when their violent crimes finally catch up to them.


the end.

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