Night Light | S. Harrington

By Lizardel

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"Shine so bright that it burns their eyes." - Luna Hopper, a 17 year old sophomore at Hawkins High, wants not... More

Night Light
Act One
1: Group Project
2: This Is Jim
3: Trailer With Character
4: Proposition
5: Playing It Cool
6: End of Beginning
7: Have You Seen Barb?
8: Alone
9: The Moon
10: Drugged And Bugged
11: Tap, Tap, Tap
12: Stood Up
13: Birthday Party and a Broken Nose
14: Regret
15: Sensory Deprivation
16: The Bathtub
17: See You Later
Act Two
19: Techie Dweebs
20: Meeting the Parents
21: Happy Birthday
22: Heavy Heart
23: Release
24: Delicate, but Desperate
25: Alcoholics Anonymous
26: Mom Approved
27: Might Be a Mother
28: Expanded Menu
29: Drunk Driver
30: Everybody Has a Job
31: Deja Vu
32: Relax
Act Three
33: Ahoy
34: There's Nothing Wrong with Nana
35: Pig Latin
36: Tall, Blonde, Not Smiling
37: Child Endangerment
38: No Habla Ingles
39: Operation: Scoops Troop
40: Blue Raspberry
41: Mr. Bunman

18: Christmas Surprise

136 5 0
By Lizardel

Dissociation - Timber Timbre

❝A long, black cloud is coming down

And I'm going back to evil now❞

┌────── ☾ ⋅☆⋅ ☽ ──────┐
└────── ☾ ⋅☆⋅ ☽ ──────┘

(TW // throwing up, PTSD)


My eyes move around under my eyelids as I slowly regain consciousness. I feel the soft fabric of a bed under me, my clothes are light, allowing for the air to hit my skin, and low, calculated beeps come from my right. My hand gently squeezes the larger hand that clasps around mine, causing the person to my left to perk up.


My eyes flutter open to see Jim sitting in a chair next to me. He has a small smile on his face, complemented by soft, caring eyes.

"I thought hell was supposed to be on fire," I say slowly.

Jim sits up straighter with a light scoff and squeezes my hand. "You're at the hospital. You got out of surgery a little bit ago, so you might be groggy."


Well, that explains the beeping.

"But, I'm okay?" I ask.

"Yeah, kiddo. You're okay. You just lost a lot of blood, and they had to stitch you up. They also patched up your hand," he says, and I nod in response. "Do you remember what happened?"

I take a moment to think before I answer, still out of it from just waking up. "Jonathan, Nancy, Steve, and I fought the son of a bitch. I burned the hell out of him."

Jim lightly laughs and tilts his head down. "You sure did, kid. I'm so proud of you."

I smile a bit at his words before speaking. "Sarah was right."

I feel Jim's hand tense in mine. "What?"

"Sarah," I repeat. "She was in the moon. She said I'd be okay," I explain, not really knowing what I'm saying. "Is everyone else okay? Did you find Will?"

"Uh, yeah," Jim sniffles. "Yeah, everyone's okay. Will's okay."


Jim stays quiet for a moment before giving me the best smile he can offer. "She's fine."

Even with all of the drugs in my system, I know he's lying. She helped save all of us, including me, and I never even spoke a single word to her...but there's nothing I can do about it now.

"What about Steve? Is he okay?" I ask.

"Yeah, he's okay too. Do you want me to get him?" he asks.


"Okay, I'll be right back," he says before he slowly releases my hand and leaves the room.

I take the moment to myself and actually look at my surroundings. I'm wearing a hospital gown, but the thin blanket that lays over half of my body keeps me somewhat warm, and a tube of oxygen is strapped under my nose. Everything in the room is bright, either a shade of blue or white, and from what I can tell, the air smells like lemons and bleach, a strong contrast to the gasoline aroma from the Byers' house.

Strangely, I can't tell whether to feel uneasy or comforted.

The door in front of me opens to reveal Steve, who looks worse for wear. Physically, he looks fine. His face is still bruised from his fight with Jonathan, his hair is messy, and he's changed into hospital scrubs probably due to my blood that must've stained his old clothes, but he looks healthy. It's his eyes that look exhausted.

When he sees me though, his eyes light up slightly and his lips curve into a small smile.

"I'll be right outside," Jim says behind him, his words being mostly directed at Steve.

"Thank you," Steve says as Jim closes the door. Steve goes to stand next to me awkwardly, not knowing whether or not to sit down. "How are you feeling?"

"Like a million bucks. Can't you tell?" I joke. Steve tilts head head down and laughs through his nose, causing me to smile. "You can sit, you know."

Steve nods and takes a seat next to me as I clasp my hands together over my chest. "So... you have superpowers."

"Surprise," I muse while giving my best attempt at jazz hands.

Steve breathes out a light laugh through his nose, but he bites at his lip as he looks over me. His eyes go back to looking pained as he sees my hand and skims over my stomach.

"Are you okay?" I ask.

"Yeah, I'm fine," he answers quickly. "I'm just... I'm just glad that you're okay."

"The universe kind of has a thing for putting me through hell and keeping me alive. Besides, I told you I'd see you later, didn't I?" I say, causing him to laugh again. His laugh doesn't last long though, as his face slightly scrunches and he tilts his head down once again. "Please, don't cry."

"I'm just so sorry. For everything," he says, keeping his eyes trained on the bed. "I should've listened to you at the theater. I shouldn't have said those things to you. I shouldn't have done a lot of things."

"Steve, look at me."

Steve slowly raises his glossy eyes to meet my tired ones.

"I think after everything, we can consider that water under the bridge," I tell him.

Steve's shoulders relax and he sighs in relief. "Thank you."

"Besides, It'd make things super awkward if I didn't forgive you when we still have an History project to finish."

This makes Steve laugh. He actually laughs. "Yeah, I think we deserve an extension on that."

I chuckle, but it's cut off when my stomach flares in pain. "Oh, shit," I grunt and squeeze my eyes shut.

"What is it? Do I need to get a doctor?" Steve panics and stands up.

I raise my hand to wave him off. "I'm fine. It just hurts to laugh," I tell him, causing him to sigh and sit back down. "So, you should really find a hat to cover your goofy looking hair."

Steve squints his eyes in amusement. "Even in a hospital bed, you're still a jerk."

I only hum and close my eyes as I begin to feel sleepy.


"Yeah?" I mumble back.

"You don't have to answer or anything... but I still like you," he says. "And I know that's painfully obvious by now, but I just... I want you know. I messed up, and I'd understand if you you don't want anything to do with me anymore. You said that you forgive me and all that, but I'd still understand... But I really do wanna try. Maybe after you get out of here, we can actually go on a date. We could be normal. Would you want that?... Luna?"

But he never gets an answer, because I feel myself drift away before I can give him one.


It's been a few weeks since I was able to leave the hospital. I didn't have to stay long because all they really needed to do was stitch me up. I still have three long scars across my stomach, and I always will, but I've been trying not to think too much about it.

"If he's not gonna eat that, is it fair game?" I ask, pointing to the bowl of popcorn on Mr. Wheeler's lap. He fell asleep a while ago while watching the TV in the Wheeler's living room, and he's been snoring ever since.

Nancy invited Steve, Jonathan, and I over since we had nothing better to do. We've been in the living room for a while now, watching a movie.

"I don't see why not," Steve responds as he stands from the couch to grab the popcorn. He stealthily takes the bowl as to not wake the man, before sitting back down next to me and placing the bowl in my lap.

I hold it as Steve, Nancy, and Jonathan take handfuls before taking one myself.

It's been a pretty calm month. The most 'exciting' events being mine and Will's recovery. Nancy and Jonathan still haven't gotten together, although I see that changing very soon. They're in their 'I like you but I'm scared to tell you' stage, which is very amusing to watch.

Steve and I are friends. I kind of remember what he had said when I woke up at the hospital, but we haven't talked about it further. Steve probably thinks that I don't remember any of it and doesn't want to bring it up again.

To be honest, I'm not sure how I feel anymore.

I still like Steve, that's for certain, but the words he said at the movies and the things he allowed Tommy to spray paint still hurt. I know I told Steve that it was water under the bridge, but I really only said that for his sake. I'd feel stupid to just sweep that under the rug completely.

So, for now, we're just friends.

Good news though, Steve and I got an A on our History essay... with Nancy's help.

"Hey, what time is it?" Jonathan asks after chewing his last piece of popcorn.

Nancy looks down at her watch. "8:00. Why?"

"Shit," I curse as I give Nancy the bowl of popcorn. "We gotta go."

"You can't stay for the rest of the movie?" Steve asks.

"I told my mom I'd be home by 8:00," Jonathan says as he stands.

"And Jim wanted me home at 7:30," I add.

"Oh. Well, I can take you home," Steve tells me as he helps me stand from the couch. I can walk just fine, but things like standing up are still a little difficult.

"Are you sure?" I ask.

"Yeah, It's no problem."

"Well, I still gotta go," Jonathan says. "Bye, guys."

"Oh, wait," I say and bend down carefully to grab my bag from beside the couch. I pull out two wrapped presents and hand them to Jonathan. "For you and Will. Don't let Will open his until tomorrow."

"Thanks," Jonathan smiles.

"And this is for you," I pull out another present and hand it to Nancy.

"Thanks. And, don't leave yet. I have to get my presents for you guys too," Nancy says before she rushes out of the room.

"Hey, I'll just be a second," I tell Jonathan and Steve before I make my way into the kitchen. There, I see Mrs. Wheeler decorating a cake. "Hey, Mrs. Wheeler."

"Hey, Luna," Mrs. Wheeler smiles as she scatters sprinkles and gumdrops onto the icing. "Wish your dad a Merry Christmas for me, okay?"

"Will do," I nod, before gesturing to the plate of cookies. "Do you mind if I take a couple cookies for the road?"

"Go ahead! Take a few extra for your dad."

"Thanks," I grin before taking a few cookies and entering the other room to see Steve and Jonathan. "Hey, Jonathan," I say, stopping him on the top step of the stairs. "Can you get Dustin, too? I have something for him."

"Sure," He nods before descending the stairs.

"Am I a jerk for not getting them anything?" Steve mumbles from beside me.

"Nah," I answer. "I didn't get them anything big."

And it's true. I got Jonathan a few sets of funny socks, I got Nancy a few records, and I got Will a couple video games for the Atari he'll be receiving tomorrow from Joyce.

I hear three sets of footsteps coming up the stairs before the door flies open to reveal Dustin at the top while Will and Jonathan follow behind.

Dustin smiles brightly. "You wanted to see me?"

I smile through a sigh and pull out another present for him. "Don't tell the others. I didn't get them anything," I say as I hand it to him.

Dustin excitedly rips the paper to reveal a blue Tomytronic 3D. It's a portable device that he can play games with. To be completely honest, it was Will's idea.

"Woah! Cool!" Dustin giggles and looks up at me with a smile. "Thanks Luna!"

"Don't mention it," I smile before giving him a stern face. "Seriously. Don't mention it."

Dustin only laughs and turns to pass by the two behind him and rush back down the stairs. Will and Jonathan both laugh at him before entering the room.

"Hey, Luna," Will smiles. "Hey, Steve."

"Hey, buddy," Steve waves.

"Merry Christmas," I say.

"Okay, so," Nancy walks down the stairs with three presents in her hands. "I have these for you two," She hands Steve and I two presents before handing one to Jonathan. "And this for you. Merry Christmas," she smiles, her fingers lingering on Jonathan's as he accepts the gift.

Steve and I glance at each other before turning back to them with awkward smiles. "Yeah, so..." Steve points his thumb at the door.

"We'll see ya later," I smile.

"Merry Christmas!" Nancy smiles as Steve and I head out the door.

"How long do you think until they get together?" Steve asks as he walk to his car.

"I give it two months tops," I respond. I open the passenger side door, but a present blocks my seat. "What's this?"

Steve only smiles as he gets in and picks up the box so that I can sit down. Once my door is closed, he hands it to me. "Merry Christmas."

I bite down on my smile as I open the present. Sitting on top is a black, velvet box. I glance up at him before opening it. Sitting inside is a a pair of gold earrings. They both have a crescent moon at the top with multiple chains hanging from the bottom, each ending in a small star. Both the moon and the stars are covered in shiny jewels, so much that I don't even want to know how much it costs.

"I figured you like the moon, so..."

"I love it," I say earnestly before looking at the other thing wrapped. I peel the rest of the paper away to reveal a small keychain. Engraved on the metal circle are the words, 'Look at you all sober and shit'. "Wow," I laugh.

I've been seriously working on my sobriety since I got home from the hospital, and everyone who knows has been extremely supportive. I made it clear that I don't want it to be a big deal, but they can't help it sometimes. Nancy showers me in positivity, Steve does the same, and Jim implemented a 'no alcohol in the house' rule while he is working on his own drinking habits. The only person who has actually done what I've asked is Jonathan. He doesn't bring it up unless I do, but when I do, he's always supportive.

Either way, I appreciate all of them.

"Okay, your turn," I say. I reach into my bag and hand Steve his gift. He's quick to rip it open to reveal a silver watch. It's not much, but I used the rest of the money I had from my last summer job to pay for it.

"Thank you," he smiles.

"No problem," I grin. "Oh! I also have one more." I reach into my bag once more to pull out a hot pink comb. "I saw it at the store and thought of you."

"You know what?" Steve laughs and he takes the comb. "I'm actually gonna use this, so thanks."

"You're welcome!"

"And pink is a very manly color, alright?"

"Never said it wasn't."

We have a stare off before we both break out into a laugh, one that slightly hurts my stomach, but a good laugh either way.

To be honest, this is the first Christmas in years that I've been happy, and it's all because of the people I'm sharing it with. In the past years, it's just been Jim and I avoiding each other while we tried to block out the memories of my childhood christmases, but this year, it's genuine and worthwhile.

Even after everything that happened last month, I actually feel okay in this moment.

Steve continues to drive until we get to the dirt road that leads to my trailer. "Hey, stop here," I tell him.

"What? Why?" Steve asks.

"I wanna walk the rest of the way. Just pull over."

Steve glances at me once more, but does what I asked and stops at the side of the road. I unbuckle my seatbelt, grab all of my things, and open the car door.

"Are you sure you wanna walk?" Steve asks.

"Yep. It's good PT," I nod and get out of the car. "Merry Christmas, Harrington," I say before closing the door behind me.

It takes Steve a few seconds, but he eventually drives off, leaving me alone on the dirt road. I quickly reach into my bag and grab a flashlight and my pepper spray before entering the woods.

I hate to be doing this alone, but Jim has a work party that Flo is forcing him to attend.

Eventually, I get to a small wooden box on the ground. I cover my hand with my coat sleeve before brushing the snow off of it. I use my sleeve to open the box and place the cookies from Mrs. Wheeler inside.

Jim and I have been doing this for a month as an attempt to find Eleven. She disappeared the night that we fought the Demogorgon, but Jim isn't convinced that she's completely gone, and to be honest, neither am I. After a few days, food started to disappear from the box. That could just be because of an animal, but Jim and I still have hope.

I sniffle as my nose becomes runny from the cold weather, and close the box before standing up. I give one last look around before starting back towards the trailer. As I walk, I exhale shakily through my shivering teeth, trying to ignore my paranoia through the darkness.

But then, everything flashes.

I stop in my tracks and feel a shiver run down my spine as I vividly see flashes of the Upside Down around me. My eyes widen with fear and I feel a throbbing sensation on my stomach when I notice something in the distance. Between the flashes of the normal world and the darker one, I see a Demogorgon slowly walking towards me with a slight limp. Even from twenty yards away, I can see two charred handprints on its chest.

Tap, tap, tap.

I go to gasp in fright, but I can't. My hands go to hold my throat as I beg to breathe, but nothing works.

No, no, no. Not again.

But suddenly, everything flashes back to normal.

The Demogorgon is nowhere to be seen, and I can breathe air into my lungs. I stand still with a heaving chest before I feel the need to throw up. I fall onto my hands and knees, and hold my hair back as I empty my stomach onto the snow covered road.

As my throat continues to burn from the bile, I slowly open my eyes, only for goosebumps to form all over my body at what I see in the pool of my vomit. A small, slug-like creature begins to squirm and wreathe. I feel frozen in place as I watch it slowly begin to slither away, but not before I notice a small yellow mark on its skin.

Footsteps crunching on the ground behind me snaps me out of my shock and causes me to scramble to my feet as I reach for the pepper spray in my pocket. I flip the safety cap and point it in the direction of the noise, but it's not the Demogorgon I see.

It's a little girl dressed in an oversized coat and a fur hat.


— an

And that's season 1, folks!

Also, for transparency sake, I was originally planning on making Luna's drinking problem a bigger part of the plot, but with my own personal issues in my life, I bit off more than I could chew and I ended up feeling emotionally drained every time I wrote about it. So, please understand that alcoholism is a big problem that doesn't get solved over night, but I will not be going too much into it going forward. There will still be mentions and struggles, but it will not be a huge part of the plot.

The earrings:

Word Count: 3383

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