????? (I.N. Edition)

By InfernoNarratives

136 7 30

What's in store for this one? More


136 7 30
By InfernoNarratives

Anthony: Have you ever wondered something? I'm not talking about just all of reality in general, but a very specific thing. That big thing we all do at one point or another in our lives. You know what I'm talking about...Don't you dare deny it, because I know you've done it before. Shipping. Yes, them.

He pauses a bit, taking the time to let out a heavy exhale.

Anthony: Do I support them? Hell nah. Why don't I support them? Because they're disgusting and immature on so many levels. I mean, come on, people think this is okay? People think that placing two fictional characters together in a romantic setting is okay!? Why!? Why would you ever think that!?

He sighs again, his annoyance clearly showing.

Anthony: Why can't people just live their lives completely free of being placed on such a pedestal? Would you like it if I were to come up to you being like "Oh, you look soooo cute next to so-and-so! Oh my gosh, you two should totally get together! OMG! You and her/him have such a dynamic! How are you not together!?"

He paused a bit, hearing his own stomach churn a bit.

Anthony: I think I puked a little just saying that aloud.

He recomposes himself.

Anthony: I want to be the first to say that we need to stop this heinous crime. Shipping people together, whether fictionally or in reality—which is even worse if you ask me—I don't even know what to say anymore! So please! Stop! Shipping! People! Together!

He is practically screaming by this point.

Anthony: Stop Shipping people when they just want to be left alone! And especially! For the love of god! Stop! Shipping! Me! With! Mario!

Multiple others break out into laughter across from Anthony, and Mario comes up onto stage next to him.

Mario: Aw come on, buddy. You know you want some of this ass, don't ya?

Anthony: No! Stop! Please!

Even Asra and Meggy were breaking out in laughter in the small crowd.

Hudson: Why are we even here again? To listen to Anthony have another mental breakdown?

Douglas just shrugs, having no clue either.

Aliya: Maybe it's something that's truly concerning to him.

Dan: Nah, he's pulling our legs. Watch.

Olivia: I can see that being the case.

Riker: What even happened to him? I don't ever remember seeing him act this way before.

SY35: It's getting close to the turn of his third year, and every time that happens, he goes absolutely crazy for some reason.

Douglas: Why would that be the case?

Mario: *distant* Oh come on, a little smooch wouldn't hurt you that much, right?

Anthony: *distant* It would hurt your face a lot more than my social life!

Meggy: He's fine. See?

Triton: He usually acts like this, so I'm not worried in the slightest.

He stands up and calls out to his friend.

Triton: Yo Anthony! Who else should we ship you with!? Meggy!?

The whole room falls silent real quickly.

Douglas: ...Dude...

Triton: See? I'm such a genius, that I made the entire room silent.

Meggy churned in her seat uncomfortably, looking to the stage for help from Mario or Anthony.

Oscar: Did, I miss something? Or is this actually unsettling everyone?

Asra: This...Is a sensitive topic...Especially for Anthony.

Dan: Now why would that be? It seems harmless—Well at least to the average outsider.

Triton: Seriously. Did I do something wrong?

Asra: You do remember that Anthony had relations and had to kill an alternate Meggy, right?

Triton: What are you talking abou—Oh...That.

Dylan: Man, that's cold of you. Aren't you his best friend?

Triton: Well, yeah, but, I, didn't...Damn...

He drops his hands to his side in defeat and sits back down.

Mario looks to Anthony for a moment, then retreats off stage back to the empty seat beside Douglas.

Mario: I think...I resign from my role in today's prank.

Asra: So it was meant as a prank?

Mario: Uh, yeah? Do you really think I love Anthony like that?

Some turn to him with disbelief on their faces.

Mario: Woah, Woah Woah, hey ey ey...I don't like anyone to that extent...Er...Except for one.

Meggy: Nice save there.

Triton: Well? What do we do about Anthony now?

Anthony: Nothing.

Everyone returns their attention to him.

Anthony: We'll do nothing because I have a much more important announcement to make than this silly little prank that clearly backfired.

He shot daggers with his eyes towards Triton, and he only sank deeper into his seat in embarrassment.

Anthony: Other than our little prank, I want to announce that coming up very soon, I am hosting a massive celebration to mark the third year of writing among you all!

Some started looking between one another with rather confused looks.

Anthony face palms.

Anthony: I guess a way I can put it for all of you to understand, is that I've been around you all for three years now. The fact that I've been able to live a completely normal life for that long is astounding!

The room everyone was in began to feel different, like the atmosphere had changed. Anthony was beginning to speak about a much deeper topic.

Anthony: Being part of the Retrabán has always been a big dream of mine when I was young. When I first joined it, I thought everything in my life was fulfilled. I had people that thought like I did. I had a team I could rely on, and so much more.

He pauses for just a moment.

Anthony: When I was selected for the Super Soldier program, called The G.E.P, I thought I was going to be at the top of the world. I was so excited to finally experience what it was like to gain enhancements......But I never thought of the costs.

He looks down at his own hand for a moment, allowing a spark of flame to ignite and rest on his palm, snuffing it out seconds later.

Anthony: The procedures were painful, exhausting, and most importantly, degrading. I lost almost every part of who I was in that program until all that remained of me that was still normal, was my soul. I had been a hardened soldier with zero emotion for years, doing whatever the Retrabán tasked me with. Then I arrived here.

He motions to all his friends in front of him.

Anthony: When I met you all, I will be honest, I did in fact want to try and beat you all to dust, but something kept me from doing that. Do I know what it is? Not really. ...When I found myself in a tense situation on whether to finish my mission, or save some of you from an impending conflict, something just came over me, and I knew I had to change. It took some convincing from you guys, and we didn't get off to the greatest of starts, but I'm glad I am where I am now...And here, three years later, I'm proud to say that I owe it all you you guys for helping me become who I am.

Summer: Aww, that's probably the sweetest thing Anthony's ever said.

Douglas: Yeah, man. Thanks for not killing us too.

Anthony: So I want to celebrate that this year. Today, I want to gather us all together to celebrate that change brings the better of us out, and helps us find who our real families are...

Everyone begins to look around at each other, thinking that they were about to be surprised by another trick up Anthony's sleeve.

Anthony: ...Hah! You all just fell for that! You still gotta wait until April 26th!

Dan: Are you kidding me!?

Olivia: What the heck are we gonna do until then!?

Triton: I say we riot!

Summer: Yeah!

Douglas: I want cake!

Meggy: And fried foods!

Riker: I call the first hits!

Anthony's eyes go wide as Riker lifts a techy weapon that looked strangely like a rifle off the ground.

Anthony: Oh boy...I messed up didn't I?

Mario; You darn messed up!

Anthony: Well, it's been nice today, but I gotta bounce! See you all on the 26th!

He runs off as everyone began standing and chasing after him, wanting whatever surprise he had in store sooner rather than later...

Come and join Anthony and his friends for a massive celebration on April 26th, 2023 on the InfernoNarratives' 3rd Anniversary Story!

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