Who's Daddy - Jikook (A Hybri...

By FTLFF2ndpage

4.4K 152 0

A/N: This story is being reposted, so there are early chapters and then it jumps to current chapters. If you... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
FINAL Chapter 38

Chapter 10

104 5 0
By FTLFF2ndpage

Jungkook's POV

My hands were shaking and I gathered myself to wipe my tears. If something horrible happened to Chimmy and Jimin I would never forgive myself. I grabbed my keys out of my pocket, stuffed my phone in my pocket and got in the car cranking it up quickly and sped off. 

As soon as I arrived at the apartment I ran quickly to Rose's apartment. I banged on the door panting and she opened the door smiling but then instantly her expression changed to that of concern.

"Oh my gosh, Jungkook what is it?" 

I took a deep breath so I could answer her without hyperventilating.

"I took Chimmy to the park...and I...I..I don't know what happened one minute he was playing and the next minute he was gone. When I tried to find him, he was being kidnapped by some guys who sped off in a van with him. I don't know what do Rose." 

Rose's eyes widened and she put her hands to her mouth.

"OH my god. We need to call the police right away." She said frantically. 

"I...I don't think I can." I sniffed as we walked to my apartment. 

She rubbed my back as we entered my apartment and sat at the couch with me but she looked very distraught as well. 

She rubbed my back as we entered my apartment and sat on the couch with me but she looked very distraught as well.

"I shouldn't have taken my eyes off him, I..I thought he was safe. He was playing." I put my head in my hands and cried my eyes out. 

"I know this is scary, but the best thing to do is to call the police. Does he have any relatives you can call, you said he has a caretaker?"

"I don't have his number and...and I'm so afraid to tell any of them anyway." 

Rose sighed and her eyes frantically shifted back and forth as she bit her lip thinking.

"Poor Chimmy." 

"There's something you should know." I said with a shaky breath. 

Rose just tilted her head. 

"Chimmy is not like other people, he's different." I swallowed hard and bit my lip. "Chimmy is a dog hybrid." 

She lowered her hand from my back and blinked at me. 

"A dog hybrid?"

I nodded and looked down. 

"It's why I was always trying to get you to leave all of a sudden or, making you stand outside. HE is a puppy and a human and that's why I think the people were interested in taking him." 

"They're very rare and almost unheard of." She said. 

I nodded wiping my eyes as more tears fell. 

"I didn't know anything about Hybrids. He told me." 

"Who told you?" She asked curiously.

"Well, um a friend of mine. He explained to me what Chimmy was." 

Rose looked more worried.

"We really need to find him Jungkook. The things people do to hybrids is sickening. They're half animals so people feel its ok to butcher, torture and sell their animal parts." Rose said, her own eyes tearing up. "There must be something we can do, we can't just sit here." 

My eyes watered up again, "What can we do? I don't remember the license plate of the van and I don't have anyone's number. And...I really don't want to call the police." 

"Why not?" 

"Just..." I sighed. "If we have no other choice I will, but as of right now I don't think it's a good idea. Besides all they tell you is to wait 48 hours and he's a hybrid they may treat it like a pet missing and not even help."

rose looked out my window with worry in her eyes and nodded. 

"If he's a hybrid, maybe he can get away and sniff his way home. Their senses are very heightened." 

I nodded, "I hope so. I really hope so." 

Author POV

Two men in a white van pulled up to the park. They got out and hung around the van smoking and chatting listening to music When there was giggling and squealing heard, they both glanced over towards the small hill that led down to the park. 

"That kid's having way too much fun." One of the guys laughed after blowing out a puff of smoke. 

"Yeah, how long are we gonna take a break man? We gotta get back to the warehouse. We have so much to sell and distribute from the goods." 

"Yeah I know man, we'll make our quota don't worry. We can take a break and smoke for am inute." He said letting out another puff of smoke.

The other one looked worrisome of their time frame and quota that had to be met with the stolen goods they had. He glanced over at the kid playing and gasped leaning up off the van patting his partner. 

"Look look! that kid is a hybrid, you see his ears!" 

"Holy shit you're right." The one with cigarette said and threw it to the ground stomping it out. "Sweet, don't scare him. Hybrids can be real skittish like deer." 

The other nodded and they both slowly walked to the happy playing hybrid. 

"Hey there little one, you want some candy?" Cigarette guy said softly. 

The hybrid smiled and nodded taking his extended hand. The guys both grinned at each other and brought him back to the van. 

"It's in the van, if you get in like a good boy we'll give you a lot of candy." The other said softly.

The hybrid smiled happily and nodded. The guys both turned when there was a man yelling out what they figured was the hybrid's name. Both of them then grabbed the hybrid and threw him inside, jumped in and sped off. 

Chimmy gasped as they threw him in the back. He was more startled then scared at first as he looked around. 

"Candy?" He askes imply looking at them. 

"Shut up you mut, things like you don't get candy. Stay back there and shut up!" Cigarette man said. 

Chimmy sunk a bit at his tone and felt his eyes water. He looked around and slowly his eyes began to swell up as he started crying out of fear. 

"Kookie!" He cried sobbing. "I want kookie." 

"You're not getting any fucking cookies either, now shut up or you'll be punished you ugly mutt." 

Chimmy curled into himself crying at the mean man's words and fear filled his body making him tremble as he cried louder and louder sobbing. The other man riding in the passenger seat reached back and hit Chimmy hard, punching his back and legs.

"We said shut up dog."

Chimmy cried louder at the painted hits and sucked his thumb sobbing over it afraid of what was happening. 

Jimin's POV

I was pissed. I was beyond pissed, there was no word for the amount of rage and anger I felt being trapped deep within the mind of my own body. Just so Chimmy could play more. I swear I could hit something and break it into a million pieces. 

My anger was interrupted though as I felt something off. I couldn't usually feel what Chimmy felt or hear what he heard when he was in the driver's seat. But Chimmy's wall that kept me further down was slowly growing weaker and dissipating. It wasn't all the way gone yet but it was weakened enough where I could feel something was very very wrong. Chimmy was in pain and afraid. 

I attempted to reach him again as I did this morning before he pushed me back down. 

"Chimmy, can you hear me?" 

I heard him cry then softly, as if me calling him made the opening more clear. 

"Jimin?" Chimmy asked through sobs.

"Yeah it's me Chimmy, what's wrong. Why are you crying?"

"The bad man put me in van and he not give me candy." Chimmy answered as he cried.

I froze in fear at his words and panicked a bit. 

"Chimmy listen to me, I need you to let me up. You need to drop this wall all the way, so I can come up. Those men mean to harm you."

Chimmy cried harder and I sighed. 

"Chimmy this is really important." 

"You not gonna let me play, I don't wanna go sleep."

I cursed under my breath. 

"I will, I'll let you play Chimmy but right now, I need to be in charge. You understand?"

I didn't hear anything and I think he nodded. I waited and felt the wall dissipate completely and just like that I moved to the drivers seat of our shared body, feeling my consciousness rise up. We switched places and I instantly closed the connection mentally putting a steel wall up so Chimmy would experience none of what was about to happen. 

I blinked a bit and fixed my position as Chimmy was curled up into himself and crying. I wiped my eyes that were still wet and groaned in disgust as I felt the soil in Chimmy's diaper. I cursed under my breath and wondered why it was so full. I had to take a few breathes to calm myself so I didn't give the change in me away yet. I stayed still listening to the men as they spoke while trying not to focus too much on the gross smashing against me. Why the hell didn't Jungkook change his diaper? 

"I'm telling you, hybrid ears and tails, man we can get a fortune. We'll bring in double what we'd get for those stolen items." 

"Definitely, it'll be easy killing the mut. We'll give him his candy laced with drugs, once he's out chop him up. Frame the nice tail and ears in a case and boom done. Easy money, hybrids are rare people will pay a pretty penny for a framed hybrid tail and ears. Great decoration." 

They laughed together and I felt my anger rise. I was already pissed from the entire situation, pissed at Chimmy for forcing me back down, pissed at Jungkook for allowing this shit to happen anyway and annoyed at his lack of care for Chimmy.

I acted as if I was sleep and when the van stopped and they got out, I instantly sat up grabbing the handles above the door, preparing myself for the kick. As soon as the door opened, I lifted my weight hanging onto the handles and kicked out with all my strength. Both of them went flying back with painful groans. 

One of them gasped with wide eyes, "What the fuck, his ears are gone!" 

I looked at them with such  a dark look they both backed up. But I was giving zero mercy. I grabbed the one's legs I'd heard talking about killing Chimmy and turned it at a trained angle to break and smiled evilly as it cracked in my hold. He screamed and I flipped him over grabbed his head and broke his neck. 

The other man looked terrified, he tried to run but I grabbed him by the jacket, pulled him back and beat him to a pulp. Kicking him and laying deadly hits into his face, hitting the temple nose and mouth. I hit him until he was a bloodied mess then looked around quickly ran off. 

Jungkook's POV

"I'm so sorry this happened Jungkook." Rose said still trying to calm me down.

I was a mess, my heart was racing, my mind was moving a million miles a minute at the possibilities of what could happen and Rose's words. 

We were sitting close together consoling each other when the door burst open with such force the hinges flew off. I blinked wide as both of us jumped on the couch. 

Jimin was standing in the doorway. I'd never been scared of Jimin, but in that moment I was terrified of him. He stood there, blood on his clothes, breathing fast and looking like he wanted to murder someone. 

I got up quickly backing up and gulped. 


"Yeah who the fuck else would it be? What happened?" His voice scared me so much, he sounded like he was using so much self-control not to destroy me.

I gulped and glanced at Rose who looked just as afraid but just beneath that was much confusion.

"Jimin please, listen. I -" I couldn't even finish my sentence because Jimin moved with the speed of light and started punching me. 

"You what? You kidnapped Chimmy, deciding you would go against my wishes of you taking him?" 

He hit me as he said each word and I covered my head and crouched. 

"No Jimin it's not like that, Chimmy was already -" I said trying to block another painful hit to the chest. 

"And who the fuck is this? You laid up with some bitch while Chimmy's in danger!" He said pounding me with his fist. 

"No! Jimin listen to me please." I said crying now. 

"Get this bitch out of here and I might listen." 

He finally stopped hitting me but didn't look any less angry. Rose looked so afraid and looked back and forth between the both of us. After hearing Jimin's words she quickly stood up and made her way cautiously around Jimin and left. Jimin's eyes glared at me and I swear I'd never seen them look so dark and scary. 

I gulped and backed up a bit and couldn't help the tears that fell. 

"I'm sorry. Chimmy was already out so I asked Yoongi if I could just take him home. Yoongi said it was ok. I asked I promised. I didn't just take him."

Jimin did everything but growl as he neared me slowly like a predator backing me into the wall. I tripped over one of Chimmy's toys on the way back and gasped once I hit the wall. 

"I told you I did not want you to meet Chimmy. He has caretakers. You take him anyway. You don't change his diaper, which is fucking disgusting, you help him push me down so he can stay and then you let him get fucking kidnapped and don't do anything about it." 

I felt more tears fall. 

"I...Jimin -"

"you don't know the first thing about taking care of a child. And Chimmy is a child, I told you that!" He yelled. 

He walked to my bathroom without another word and slammed the door. I heard the shower come on and I wiped my tears. I thought about his words about the diaper and cursed myself as I had forgotten to put him in a fresh diaper before changing his clothes and taking him to the park. 

I hoped Rose was ok. I'd never seen Jimin like this. Not ever. He had never ever raised his hands to me and I groaned in pain still feeling the pain of his powerful punches. He finished his shower and came back in a pant suit of mine still looking pissed. He threw the diaper int he trash and I nearly stopped breathing when he walked towards me and trapped me to the wall. 

"I swear you will never see Chimmy again. We would have died today. And that would have been all on you. You are theee most irresponsible person I have ever met. Don't call me, don't text me." 

He left slamming the broken door and I dropped tot he floor crying, feeling ashamed, heartbroken, and distraught. 

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