MHA watches RWBY

By Cyber-RK18

7.7K 120 112

Students, Pro Hero, and Villain from My Hero Academia, were brought into another dimension, to watch another... More

Beacon Academy.
Players and Pieces.
Team Leader?
Forever Falls
Black and White
RWBY Interlude One

Red, White, Black, Yellow

2K 26 11
By Cyber-RK18

Hello Readers.

No, this is not Cyber_RK18 talking, this is the host.

It is me! Mr. Strawberry, why do I have a weird name you ask? I don't freakin know, He made me at the last minute. This isn't even my debut chapter but in the previous chapter of MHA Reacts to Young Justice.

Though we are not here to talk about YJ. We are here to talk about the new and last reaction fanfic, MHA watches RWBY.

This is the original RWBY, not RWBY Ice Queendom. There is nothing wrong with Queendom, he has seen the Anime, but at least with the Original, there is a lot to work with. Speaking of, the author loves the newest Volume, He enjoys Alice in Wonderland. He's been thinking of drawing Mad Hatter being beaten up by Batman... Yeah, Jarvis is like the last person you'll ever remember among's the Rogues Gallery. I can't imagine Mad Hatter facing the Justice League or a character in Injustice 3... Whenever is the announcement, Ed Boon?!

Anyways, what you reading is not the author's note. This is me breaking the Fourth Wall because I am here to introduce the cast and how they come here. Just like Avatar and YJ, this takes place after the 1A versus 1B training exercise, and the whole fiasco with the Libration army. Unlike Poker and his musical numbers, and Bat-Mite's shenanigans. I already met them, kidnapped them, and I explain everything.

That they're going to see a new reality, not an Anime TV show, but reality, So at least to them it is real not fiction.

The author did this, so we can jump into the MHA reaction to the Red, White, Black, and Yellow trailer. He thought it was better this way.

It is better than the prologues from the previous fanfics.

Alright, the question that people are looking forward to. Who the hell is watching?

Well, that would be, Class 1A, Class 1B, Eraserhead, Midnight, Snipe, All Might, The Big Three, AFO, The League of Villains (Yes, Tomura is shirtless), Stain, Hitoshi Shinso, Melissa Shield, Rody Soul, Natsu Todoroki, Fuyumi Todoroki, Endeavor, Hawks, Mirko, and Kota Izumi.

If your guys are wondering where Mei Hatsume is, she is the perfect girl to be in this reaction fanfic rather than Melissa Shield.

Well, She is not coming.

Do you have any idea how hard to write she is? I'm just glad Snipe and Melissa are here for the weapon talk.

Before we start, I need to say this, Minoru Mineta isn't joining this fanfic. RWBY has strong empowering women, and the author doesn't want to ruin the empowerment with Mineta.

Don't worry he is safe back in the MHA just frozen in time with the rest of the MHA world.

Alright, let's start the reaction fanfic!

(To let you know, you read and watch RWBY at Crunchyroll, and that is what I'm using for time stamps)

"Where is that damn host!" Bakugo yelled inside the theater with a bunch of losers staring at a blank black movie screen.

"Bakugo, can you please be patient, I bet Mr. Strawberry is just busy." His Homeroom teacher said.

Izuku is excited about this other universe without the quirks, that Mr. Strawberry mentioned. Their host even gave him a notebook and pen to write. Though he has to admit, sitting down next to Shoto Todoroki makes his face heat up, due to his feeling for him.

"Guys, guys, The movie screen to another universe is starting!" Eijiro pointed out, as everyone gets pumped up towards this world of Huntsmen and Huntress

MHA watches RWBY

Volume One.

Red, White, Black, and Yellow Trailer.

(Readers you can check out the trailers at Crunchyroll or YouTube, but timestamps are from Crunchyroll.)

Remember the audience doesn't see the title, it creates mystery.

Red Trailer: 00:00 - 00:41 (Cue Red Like Roses Part One)

The scene starts with a teen girl in a red hood, visiting a grave.

Many of the Audience was reminded of Red Riding Hood, due to the girl's ruby-colored hood.

Izuku wrote down this mysterious girl in red and wondered where is the music is coming from.

"I don't know who she is, but I do enjoy the music," Kyoka said enjoying the music. She also starts to mouth out the words. "Red like roses fills my dreams, and brings me to the place you rest."

There was clapping from her classmates, "That is great singing Kyoka."

The young Kyoka hid her blush from the girl she likes. "Thank you, Yaoyarozu."

Tomura growls feeling bored at this other reality.

00:41 - 01:11

Jiro continues to sing the song, while the girl in ruby continues to walk the forest. " White is cold and always yearning, Burdened by a royal test. Black the beast descends from shadows. Yellow beauty burns." Her seeing paused as she and everyone else saw the wolf-like creatures.

"Are those wolves? Kota hugs Midoriya. afraid for the girl in the ruby hood.

The shyest among them Koji Koda spoke. "Those are not wolves, the woodland beast doesn't move like that."

"What the hell are they?" Endeavor asks scared for the helpless little girl.

"She has to run for her life, those pack of wolves will tear her apart!" All Might yelled for the girl.

Then one of the beasts went to attack the girl. Tomura grinned ear to ear glad to see that there is no hero to save her. Midoriya feels helpless not able to save this girl, what he can do is stand up from his seat and shout out. "Run!"

However, she jumps so high that she just ascends to the sky. Making everyone curious about this little girl.

"How did she do that?" Ochaco asked with her mouth wide open.

Now facing in front of the moon, the song continues to play.

"Yellow beauty burns–

01:11 - 01:22


Everyone has their jaws drop as one by one everyone jumps off their seat to reveal what this teenager is hiding.




Is That?!

Is their reaction to her gun.

However, Snipe recognize the sound that her weapon. "Wait for a darn second, that's a sniper rifle!"

Then after killing 4 wolves, the actual weapon was revealed, as we fans know it, Cresent Rose.

Their jaws drop once again, and their eyes were the size of dinner plates to see what was in front of them.



Of God!

"Holy shit! That's a scythe!" Denki said can't believe what he is seeing.

"Oh my word and she killed four wolves like it was nothing, and she wields that weapon like a pro." Eijiro couldn't believe what he is seeing.

Even the two boys Izuku and Katsuki can't believe what their seeing and this girl is young than them. (About a year).

Even the Villains and Pro Heroes can't believe what their seeing, they're losing their shit just staring at this crimson weapon

Snipe broke the silence. "That weapon is a part sniper rifle and a Sychte. A long ranger firearm combined with the most ridiculous weapon of death, and it is being wielded by this little girl."

This new reality is bonkers to the MHA cast, and it's not even 5 minutes yet.

Now, Ruby, it is time to blow their minds!

01:22 - 01:33

The girl slash her scythe against one of the wolves, and she killed it, with no mercy, she didn't even blink an eye.

Toga, Twice, Spinner, and Mr. Compress. Shivers at this girl, she killed the wolves without a second thought and what remains left are rose petals.

They gulped, not wanting to become rose petals.

Oh, this is just only the beginning, there's more.

01:33 - 01:59

The girl in ruby continues to fire her weapon, killing wolves one by one.

Snipe was impressed by her aim, she doesn't have a quirk like his, in theory, he does wonder what would happen if he has a weapon like hers, and combined it with his quirk.

The shooting aspect made sense, but combat. Well, that's another can of worms.

Shaking in shock Izuku wrote down in his notebook about this girl in a ruby hood, with her weapon. He also made and sketch a new page for her weapon, and why the weapon is a good match for the girl, especially what it can do with the recoil and her height.

After writing the weapon page, the name of the weapon appeared in his notebook written in Red, and he read it out loud. "So her weapon is called Cresent Rose, and is part sniper, and scythe. From seeing her fight she is using the recoil to her advantage because of her height. She can use it farther away for sniper shots, or get closer to get the killing blow with her scythe."

They understood Midoriya, of course. Though it did leave out so many questions, for them. In which it can wait.

01:59 - 03:13

The Audience watches as the little girl continues to kill the Wolves, with no mercy. Slashing and shooting the wolves, like an expert killer.

Her skills alone were terrifying not just to the students, but the Heroes especially.

They know their law, and what it stands with Murder, but they have no clue what she is even killing, and yet the wolves don't even bleed or remain to be in the ground. They turn into rose petals like there is no remaining to bury the wolves.

They know this isn't a world with Quirk, but if Weapons are the replacement for Quirks, is scary for the Heroes.

They have a feeling that this little girl isn't the only one with stranger weapons that are also firearms.

Seeing the girl reloading her weapon, the cast has no clue about the massacre ahead.

In 3, 2, 1.

Jaws drop once again as the little girl massacre the entire pack of wolves, only leaving rose petals on the ground.

Kota Izuku has this to say.

"What the Fudge happen?!"

(Guys, The cast is not seeing the last scene that fills in RWBY, remember what they're watching is real, not Anime.)

White Trailer: 00:00 - 00:16 (Cue, Mirror Mirror)

The audience refuses to sit down, after what they just saw still broke their minds.

Now, that girl in red left. They were intro to a girl in white.

They even got her name. Wiess Schnee.

Momo has her finger under her lip, "Wait a minute, that's German for White Snow."

"Oh I see, now thinking about it, her skin white as snow, reminds me of Snow White." Midnight said. "This Wiess Schnee character looks like she is going to perform a song to a huge audience."

"I hope, it's just that, after we scene earlier, I wouldn't mind hearing this young lady sing." All Might said, feeling relaxed, unlike earlier.

Unknown to All Might he doesn't know what he is talking about.

00:16 - 01:16

She Wiess starts to sing, and a few of the audience enjoy her singing.

Kyoka was nervous for Weiss, seeing so many audiences watching her sing live. It was cruel. It's She cannot even watch that reality shows like The Voice, without flinching the contestant makes a mistake.

That all changed when her reflection became the focus, and in front of her was a giant iron knight.

The cast has every right not to seat down as pressure rose the MHA cast seeing the Knight getting ready for a fight.

"Run away from it!" Itsuka shouted afraid of what would happen to this girl.

Just like the girl in ruby, MHA underestimates Wiess Schnee.

01:06 - 01:26

The cast truly underestimate Wiess, until she went and fought her opponent with her rapier.

"Holy Mother, again, a girl with a weapon!" Kosei shouted having a hard time seeing what was in front of him while Wiess was fighting.

Aizawa and Mirko were impressed by Wiess, the girl moves as swiftly as the wind with quick piercing attacks from her weapon.

01:26 - 01:39

Then Wiess for the first time demonstrated her semblance, introducing MHA to semblance.

"Woah, are those her quirk?" Sen asks.

"I don't think so, Kaibara. Remember what Mr. Strawberry said, that it is a world without quirks." Reiko Yanagi said. "Also, they remind me of, pentagrams, like in sorcery like in fairy tales."

MHA is known for science and logic and doesn't believe in magic. Through the Yanagi wasn't wrong. They did look like Pentagrams like in stories about Witches and Wizards.

Their answer would be answered by watching the rest of the Series.

01:39 - 02:14

A single punch from the Arma Gigas drew blood at Wiess' eye. A little blood won't stop her, as she is not ready to give up the fight.

Snipe look closely at her rapier. The hero notices something different about her rapier. "That chamber, by the handle. That's not just any chamber, but a bullet chamber just like in my revolver." He said took out his pistol and everyone look closely at his revolver. "My gun's chamber is similar to her rapier. Just like any revolver it carries six bullets, and looks closely. Her bullets are color coated."

Now naming the colors that he sees are, "I see, red, blue, yellow, and black. I don't know what that means, but I don't think those are regular bullets."

Izuku gets ready his notebook, wondering too what are those bullets by her rapier.

Not knowing what dust are, the cast is about to see, dust in action.

02:14 - 02:22

The Todoroki sibling was surprised to see an Ice attack, and from what they have seen. The attack didn't come from the meister, but rather from the weapon.

"Ice, but it didn't come from her, but her weapon," Shoto said surprised to see ice.

Izuku made a new page for the strange bullets Weiss uses, He believes they'll get answers later on.

Snipe and Melissa have no clue what are those bullets made of.

02:22 - 03:20

The fight continues.

No one said a word, but their faces shows how they were reacting.

They were stunned by her fight and amazed at her skill. Wiess Schnee to them was a mystery girl as much as the girl wearing the ruby-colored hood.

Snipe noticed, that the bullet chamber kept changing as the blade shows those colors. He has a theory about those bullets and a weird connection with the elements, such as ice.

In the end, he enjoyed both performances, her slaying the armored creature and her singing.

Black Trailer. 00:00 - 00:35 (Cue Shadow.)

The Opening scene shows a particular forest with Fall colored leaves. Many of the audience thought the leaf's color was only red because of autumn. That was the case, because if it was the case the red leaves would have fallen off the trees. Yet they stood in their branches.

"I have a feeling that this may not be Earth." Izuku has a point, the bizarre wolves from earlier were not beasts, but monsters.

Monsters that turn into rose petals, do not leave a corpse.

The forest is unusual as the monster, Weiss's bullets, and melee weapons which are also firearms.

Then they saw a girl in black wearing a hair bow.

'Woah, who is she?' Spinner blush as this raven-colored hair beauty. His heart is beating for her.

He only hopes that this beauty accepts a beast like him.

Then a man approaches her and mentions her name.

'So, her name is Blake, even her name sounds beautiful.' Spinner couldn't stop blushing for Blake. The faunus took the mutant's heart.

00:35 - 01:15

Suspicion rose, as Blake and the man entered a movie train.

If any of the Heroes and students learn from watching Cow Boy movies, they know highjacking a train means something bad.

"Wait, don't tell me those two are–"

"Bonnie and Clyde, I think they're robbing a train," Spinner said. Unsure what he is supposed to feel now?

"Shuichi, I was about to ask if they will rob the train. I wasn't going to ask if those two are dating." Toga said, making Spinner blush and the fellow league member sees his embarrassment.

"OMG, You like Blake. Shichi and Black sitting on a tree, K.I.S.S.I.N.G!" Mr. Compress teases Spinner and makes him a lot redder.

Spinner, trying to be more adult about his situation, yes, I like her alright, there is no need to tease."

"Shuichi, I thought you Into men? Dabi asks his friend.

"I'm bisexual, It means I'm attracted to both men and women. It's different from you Dabi and you're only attracted to men."

Dabi went to correct him "I'm gay Shuichi, I'm here, I'm queer, get used to it."

"Alright, we very much establish sexuality, can we focus on the train robbery." Mr. Compress asks, "Like you have to wonder what are they stealing. It can be cash or jewelry for what we know?"

Wondering what the train is caring the audience wonders what would their next move is.

01:15 - 01:49

Entering the train the Audience showed that Bonnie and Clyde weren't alone and that killer robots are protecting the cargo.

"Umm, after what we saw with Weiss and the girl with the red hood. I have a feeling that there prepared for robotic security." Shoto wasn't showing that Clydie boy over here has a katana and his Bonnie named Blake, wields a massive cleaver. "Yup, right on time too." the peppermint boy said seeing both Bonnie and Cylde kicking robotic asses.

Melissa was amazed at their weapons and security bots defending their cargo. While Rody wonders what the train's cargo is. It caught his attention being a former thief, Now he is a working chef.

To Snipe, he notices that Cylde's Katana's sheath is also a rifle, shotgun perhaps.

While Izuku wrote down Blake's Cleaver, and her boyfriend's weapon on his page. For now, until they'll get his name. They'll for now call him Cylde. Name after a famous criminal in American History.

01:49 - 02:05

Then the audience Blake, in action. Showing that her cleaver is just the hilt, not the main weapon. Showing a Katana too.

Izuku noticed Blake's attacks. It was fast but Izuku notice it once Blake continues to his her, 'Quirk?'.

'It was very quick, but I think she can create Shadow Clones. I notice they disappear after getting hit.' Izuku wrote it down on Blake's page.

02:05 - 02:45

Then Bonnie and Cylde fight, ending up outside the train car, with more security robots.

During the fight the audience noticed that Blake's weapon shifted, Snipe being the weapon's expert recognized it. "Interesting, Her Katana shifted into a Kusarigama and instead of a chain, it's her ribbon." The teacher said. "I have a pretty clear understanding of the fighting styles of this Beauty and the Beast couple." They turn their attention to Snipe. "Blake the way she fights is like a ninja, always jumping around, While the boyfriend, is closer to a samurai, always in a grounded position. That's what I notice about how they fight."

Itsuka understood the teacher. "Oh, I see, as a martial artist myself I did take interest in studying history when it comes to combat. Snipe Sensei, you are not wrong. A Kurarigama was originally a farming tool, heck, all ninja weapons had a history as a household tool. Also, her sword is a semi-automatic pistol. A gun like that is good for further shots."

"Her weapon has a lot more usage, besides combat," Rody said taking interest in their weapon.

Izuku wrote down all of this information, including what kind of pistol it is.

For someone like Izuku whose hobby is to analyze quirks, he has zero clue about weapons. Guns and Swords are foreign subjects to him. He is just glad that Snipe sensei and others know weapons.

02:45 - 2:56

After their battle with the robots from outside. The audience watches as Bonnie and Clyde finally find the cargo that they're looking for.

However, The heroes didn't like that Clyde plans to blow up the train and he doesn't care about the human lives working at the train shipment.

"That's not cool man, not manly at all," Eijiro said, disliking Cylde even more. "Seriously, dude spares the lives of those employees, it's the human thing to do."

Unknown to the cast, they don't know that Blake and Adam aren't humans.

Spinner noticed that Blake was concerned for the employees. He starts to think that there is good within her, besides beauty.

02:56 - 03:23 (Is this a different song, or is it still Shadow?)

A new challenger has entered the arena, it is a big red machine that shoots laser cannons.

It wasn't just bigger and red, but it was also stronger.

"Good, this could end Bonnie and Clyde's little date of theirs." Midnight said, hoping that the mission would end their date.

03:23 - 04:13

Midnight was wrong, true, the robot was bigger and stronger. but the guy named Adam destroyed it with a single slice.

Izuku has theories about what happened. 'While Adam asked Blake to distract the machine. He was charging something. I don't know what he did, but his sword absorb the laser beam and in one strike he was able to destroy the machine. I can't pinpoint it now, but I think, Adam has an ability that ain't. consider a quirk in their world.'

04:13 - 04:37

As Adam turns around to reunite with Blake.

What the audience saw was Blake by the other train car, and she said a single word.

"Bye. I wonder what she meant, when she said, Bye?" The heroes have no clue unless somehow it was explained more. To. Midnight, she only saw it as a break up from their relationship, ending the whole Bonnie and Clyde comparison.

However, the villains understood what she meant.

Stain and Spinner understood the most. She wanted an out from the life of crime and start a new life.

Breaking up with Adam is breaking the chain.

She can now finally start a new life.

Spinner smiled seeing that Blake is single. 'I have a chance, with beauty, like Blake. I wonder if she likes to fish, like sushi.' Spinner thought.

Yellow Trailer: 00:00 - 01:30 (Cue Song remix: Red Like Roses part 1, Mirror Mirror, and Shadows.)

The next scene showed a young woman with long golden locks of hair, who just ordered a drink at a dance club.

Though the drink wasn't important, the guy next to her is important.

"I don't know my thoughts about this scene, his either a very important guy or a Tinder Date?" Midnight said, not having a clue what this goldie lock is.

01:30 - 02:00

The scene did become awkward when Blondie grabs Junior by his family jewels.

The Male audience covers their groans feeling sorry for their family jewels and hoping it didn't happen to them.

"Sweet mother, she just had to grab him by his family jewels," Fumikage said.

Tsuyu just giggles at the words of her boyfriend's words. "Ribbit, I knew you were going to say, 'family jewels, I was expecting for you to call them by the older word." she flirtatiously said, making his feather stick up.

"Tsu." He spoke softly. "Please, it is not the best place or time for that." Tsuyu came closer to him and whispers to him. No one knew what she whispers to him, but it cause him to sweat more and he blush even redder.

02:00 - 02:25

Many roared in laughter as Blondie punched Junior all across the other room.

"Sweet Mother apple sauces. She is one ballsy chick." Pony said impress by how fearless Blondie is, because all around her are Juniors men getting ready to fight her with their hatchets.

Izuku gets ready his notebook to write down information about Blondie.

02:25 - 02:37

Then there was a close-up of her weapons.

"So her bracelets are gauntlets, that are also some form of firearm, but the main weapon is her fist," Snipe said understanding her weapon of choice.

Kirishima took an interest in her gauntlets. "Hey, Bakugo, she is gauntlets just like yours."

"What does that have to do with anything, Shitty hair, So what, I bet I have better gauntlets." Katsuki spats.

"Oh please, there is nothing special about your gauntlets. By themselves alone, they're just nothing more but gauntlets that carry sweat, and other liquids. Their only awesome because they're only useful because of your quirk." Denki said. "If anyone else uses your gauntlets they're just absorbing our sweat and their fashionable. Her Gauntlets are a lot awesome because anyone else can use those gauntlets."

Bakugo would have shouted at the human Pikachu, but he was stopped as more people agree with Denki.

"Kaminari isn't wrong," Momo spoke. "As a weapon, others can use it too, The only thing that makes Bakugo special is that he is the only one who can use it, but without Bakugo, his gauntlets would just be a paperweight."

Bakugo hates when people make fun of his gauntlet, and there is nothing he can do to defend it. As strong as he is, his gauntlets would be useless if he doesn't use them. On its own filled with his sweat, it is a great weapon, but without his sweat, or himself to produce the sweat. It would be nothing more but a fashion statement or paperweight."

The fight begins when Blondie slams her fist down to the ground.

02:37 - 03:06

The action starts as the young woman starts to rumble with the men in black.

Watching her fight, Snipe understood what kind of Firearm she has. "Oh I see, so her gauntlets are shotguns, and because they're attached to her arms. She uses the recoil to her advantage giving her a boost. Very similar to red riding hood with the sniper scythe." Snipe said as Izuku wrote down more information about her weapon.

Aizawa was amazing too. "Goldie Locks, over here is a good fighter, her combat is similar to a brawler and that's without the use of... well, a quirk, or whatever their abilities are called."

Many students and villains wouldn't mind having a sparring match with this young woman.

03:06 - 03:16

Many laughed seeing DJ Bear, has a Tommy Gun.

"Look out! Beware of DJ Bear!" Kota laughs at his own joke seeing DJ Bear.

Bakugo noticed, that the young woman uses her gauntlets to boost her jump. He couldn't admit it out loud, but it was pretty cool.

Many of the girls cheered that Blondie defeat the DJ.

03:16 - 03:28

After reloading and seeing the twin girls, The audience gets ready to see more action and fighting.
"Go get them!" Ochaco said. Liking every action from this Bar Fight.

03:28 - 03:54

The fight with the twins was amazing. Goldie Locks was able to fight both girls at once, and use the recoil of her weapon to make stronger punches.

Izuku was amazed by her fighting. She doesn't even have One For All or Shoot Style, but she is amazing, being able to have strong attacks without using quirk.

Maybe she can ask Mei to make him similar weapons.

Speaking of, where is Mei, she would love this universe.

(She's not coming.)

03:54 - 04:16

As the one in red was defeat. The one in the white dress is the only one left for Goldie Locks to fight with.

Watching closely, the one in the white dress has more of a kicking base fighting style. The twins aren't simple thugs, but train fighters. Though as amazing as they are, they aren't a match against Blondie.

"Way to go, girl!" Mina cheered for the heroine seeing that she defeated both twin sisters.

"Yes, that was quite excellent," Momo said praising the blond.

04:16 - 04:33

After the fight of the twins had ended. Junior was back at his feet with his weapon.

"A Bazooka, isn't that too extreme!" Ochaco is worried for the young woman.

04:33 - 05:03 (Cue song I Burn.)

Their fight begins having Junior shooting out some missiles from his rocket launcher.

"Well, Junior isn't afraid to fire at his club," Dabi said, remembering the old bar hideout.

Even though Junior sent Goldie Locks to a glass piano, many knew she is not going to give up on that, as the young woman goes Super Saiyan, and destroy Junior's weapon.

(I know, Yang isn't a Saiyan. It's just a reference from the lyrics of the song.)

05:03 - 05:15

"Oh no, he didn't!" Fumikage said fearing that Junoir took a lot of Goldie Locks' hair.

"Oh yes, he did!" The girls said in unison, seeing the crime that Junior did to Goldie Locks's hair.

Tsuyu gave her Junior a thumbs down, as she spoke to the blond protagonist. "Finish Him!"

Fumikage was scared of their words of Tsuyu, he hopes her family won't finish him, he somehow broke Tsuyu's heart.

As the blond protagonist punches Junior out of his club, many of the boys hope that a similar fate doesn't happen to them once they got a girlfriend.

05:15 - 05:30 (Last scene of the chapter)

It finally went full circle, as the audience once again met red ridding hood, who turns out to be the blond girl's sister. Now known as Yang.

The Trailers are the first taste for the audience, now they're ready to see what RWBY has stored for them.

Til Next Time.

Alright, that was Trailers Red, White, Black, and Yellow.

As you readers know, Volumes one and two have a shorter episodes. So I'm combining some episodes into one chapter. So when Chapter One is out, I'll let you know at the start what episodes are they.

The first chapter will contain. Episodes 1, 2, and 3. It ends on the night before the initiation.

So, most of the ships in this fanfic are in fact LGBTQ, there is also a ship that is heterosexual.

For now til next time.

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