Dark Saint

By apples387

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Notorious Adriano Santos runs his fathers California division of the Spanish Mafia "Seoanei's" Gabriella Cami... More

Chapter 1: The Call
Chapter 2: The First Night
Chapter 3: The Medic Room
Chapter 4: The Spanish Devils
Chapter 5: Ramone
Chapter 6: Family Dinner
Chapter 7: The Kings Court
Chapter 8: The Kitchen Bench
Chapter 9: Sleep over
Chapter 10: Trouble
Chapter 11: Grilled Cheese
Chapter 12: Office
Chapter 13: Disparale
Chapter 14: Nightmares
Chapter 15: Shopping
Chapter 16: Jokers
Chapter 17: The Tulip
Chapter 18: Black Roses
Chapter 19: Sangira
Chapter 20: Threat
Chapter 21: Hysteria
Chapter 22: Nothing
Chapter 23: The Docks
Chapter 24: Belt
Chapter 25: Mine
Chapter 26: Apologies
Chapter 27: Trust
Chapter 28: Demons
Chapter 29: Hell
Chapter 30: Beg
Chapter 31: Forgiveness
Chapter 32: Good girl.
Chapter 34: Mascarada
Chapter 33: A captured heart
Chapter 34: Michigan
Chapter 35: locked in
Chapter 36: Revenge
Chapter 37: Yes
Chapter 38: who owns you?
Chapter 39: The dress

Chapter 33: Leash

1.1K 22 3
By apples387

Gabriella POV:

"A what?"

"A gala."

"Like the one where I got kidnapped from?"

Adriano's lips thin disapprovingly.

We've been settled, but he has been off. He's been seeking me out more and more over the last few weeks and he seems on edge.

"We wont let that happen again." Dante says from the corner of Adriano's office.

Jay nods his head from the corner of the room in agreement.

"What do I not know? What are you guys not telling me?"

Adriano stays rooted in his chair, looking at me sitting across from him. I've caught his eyes drifting to legs multiple times, I'm wearing my light pink sundress that ends somewhere between my upper and middle thigh, Sofia and I were supposed to go for mimosa's at Miss Tops in the city until I was all but summoned.

Dante is in the corner stoic as ever. I wish Alex were here, he'd lighten the mood, I can imagine him pulling books off the shelf and replacing them in the wrong place just to annoy Adriano.

"No one? No one is going to tell me? That is just great isn't it, the girl that got kidnapped and terrorised and assaulted-"

"Stop." Adriano whispers

"What? Does what happened to me make you feel fucking uncomfortable? Just cause I'm on my knees sucking your dick doesn't mean I'm your bitch on a leash Adriano, you can't just pull me along without telling me anything."

"Watch your mouth pequeña ave, we have company." (little bird.) His voice is quiet but his tone is anything but.

I stand up and throw my hands in the air, "Oh fu-"

"Finish that sentence, I dare you. I don't care who is in this room, I will give you something to choke on to keep your mouth shut."

I hear Dante take a quick inhale and Jay mumble a "oh shit" under his breath.

"Fuck. You."

Adriano stands and Jay and Dante both head straight for the door.

"No. Don't leave." Adriano hisses at them, "Gabriella thinks she can be brave, she'll get exactly what I promised her."

Adriano steps around his desk and plants himself in front if me. "Get on your knees." He growls.

"Make me." I hiss.

"With pleasure."

Adriano fists my hair and I feel the pinpricks of pain from the pull on my scalp. He shoves me to my knees.

"Boss-" Dante tries to intervene.

"Shut the fuck up!"

"Go on princess, get it out."

I look up at him with angry tears briming my eyes, I just want to be in the know, is that so much to ask for.



"No, you said you'd shut me up, didn't you? Can't let the big scary mafia man not follow through with his word."

Adriano growls and it's so deep and low it sets off a bolt of electricity in my core.

But he doesn't back down like I thought he would, no. I watch his calculating gaze and he watches mine back. With cunningly slow precision he pops his button on his slacks and pulls the zipper down. I can see the sheer size of him crowding the tight place between his briefs and pants.

"Gabriella for god's sake just apologize." Dante hisses from the corner.

Obviously, the idea of my cousin who is basically my brother watching me suck off his boss is not ideal, but screw Adriano, I am not his pet, I won't give him the satisfaction. I'm comfortable in my sexuality, but I know Adriano doesn't like to share.

"Close your eyes then Dante, because I'm about to put on a show for Jay."

Adriano yanks my head up and away from his crotch just as I expected him to. 

"What? Don't want to follow through with an audience?" I tease.

He says nothing as he all but drags me to his desk and bends me over it.

"Turn around all of you!" Adriano hisses.

Well fuck, that didn't go to plan.

I feel his breath on my neck and the press of his crotch against my core. I'm fucking aching for it and I hate that it is so easy for him.

"You just love to play games don't you little bird..." I feel the skim of his hand against the inside of my thigh and I have to fight myself not to release a moan as his callouses scrap my sensitive skin.

"But I will remind you, I never lose."

Three things happen all at once. Adrian whips my dress up exposing my ass whilst he simultaneously brings his palm down against the flesh of my right butt cheek and I scream out a mixture of pleasure and pain knowing full well there are grown men in this room listening.

Adriano hisses in my ear, "I knew you liked an audience, practically gushing down here pequeña ave" (little bird) Adriano runs his fingers over my wet panties. He's right I'm drenched. He spanks me again this time even harder and I moan before slapping my hand over my mouth.

"No, no, princess, you talked a big game with that mouth, let them hear what you have to say now."

Adriano scoops my wrists up and pins them against my lower back as I feel his fingers enter me.

"You are such an asshole!"

"Lets see if you think so in the next two minutes after I make you squirt all over my fingers while they listen to you, hmm?"

I do the only thing I can think of, I'm out of options and I'm not about to let these two hear me come, it's different behind closed fucking doors.

"Jay baby, you're rock solid." I use my most sensual voice and it works a treat, Adriano freezes behind me and I feel him look up. I can't even see Jay through my blurry vision. I feel bad for using Jay but it wont work on Dante, us being related and all.

"Get the fuck out! Now!" 

Dante and Jay both release audible breathes as they try to battle the door to see who can get out first.

Adriano releases me and sits back in his chair leaving me bent over his desk and panting. I hate him and I love him, and I fucking love hate fucking him so I want him-no I need him to finish me off.

I right myself and turn to face him, when our eyes connect I feel like I've been stung by a thousand lightening bugs. His eyes are so dark they look like pools of midnight. His dark hair tousled and his five o'clock shadow makes him look like sex on fucking legs. Devastating.

"You say another mans name when I'm touching you and he will die, I don't care who he is."

He would. 

He leaves no room for argument, his tone is lethal, so sharp it could cut a diamond.

"Now. Sit. Down."

His eyes are blazing. I do as instructed, I sit on the edge of his table but he tsks his tongue disapprovingly and I realise then where he wants me to sit.

He spreads his legs further apart and pulls himself out, leisurely stroking himself as he watches me. The way his gaze travels every inch of me feels like a sensual caress, I can practically feel his tongue dancing over the curves of my stomach and hips.

I do as he asks, I step towards him and pull my panties to the side as I seat myself on him. His hands tighten on my waist as if trying to control himself.

"Ride me pequeña ave" (little bird.)

I lift myself off him until only his tip is inside me and then slide back down rolling my hips.

It doesn't take long for my moans to fill the room as Adriano meets me thrust for thrust, I'm close when he whispers against my ear, "You will go to the gala, and you will do as I ask or so help me god I will put a fucking leash on you and you will fucking like it."

I scream his name just as he finishes his sentence and releases himself inside me.

Adriano digs his fingers into the back of my scalp and looks at me-no into me, I feel his emotions touch my soul. "I will protect you with my life Gabriella, you will never go through anything like that again so long as I am alive." And then he kisses me, deep and claiming and I melt under him. As much as he annoys the living shit out of me I feel every promise in his words, I know I am his just as he is mine and that he would burn the world if I asked him to. So I give in and I kiss him back, that is answer enough.

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