Darkest Hero

By Bfghunter2

230K 5.3K 3.5K

What happens when Izuku took Bakugo's advice and took a swan dive off the roof? As they say suicide is a sin... More

Darkest hero
Chapter 2: Hotel panic attacks
chapter 3: Puzzles and Uncles
chapter 4: The Box opens
chapter 5: The puzzle's trap
chapter 6: philisophical debate
chapter 7: interrogation
First impressions and reserection
exams and deals
Entrance exam test
Pink demon and pizza
Medical Ward and Fathers
Police and Death
Breakfast and a Head
meetings and family.
Quirk Exam
Exam Resaults and reveal
Medical Problems
prelude to destruction
Boom goes the Building
Meeting of the classes
dinner and a geust
Dorms Night
Less Bombs Hopefully part 1
Less bombs hopefully part 2
A Spark
The Press
Omake 1 and vote
Heroic Names
The Press
Before the curtain falls
The USJ part 1
The USJ Part 2
The USJ part 3
I hate Sand
Omake 2 and note
The Fight
Bad Words
S'mores and Texts
Calls and Mineta's Fright
Teleporting Bread
Class Meeting
Mei's Experiment
Meddle not with Nezu
Sports festival part 1
sports festival part 2
Sports Festival part 3
sports festival part 4
sin incarnate part 1
sin incarnate part 2
Omake 3
Fight Like Hell part 1
Fight Like Hell part 2
Fight Like Hell part 3
A tear in space
End of an Icon
Aftermath and Hype
Making History
Making history part 2
drink work don't and
omake 4

Along came the Spider

595 21 21
By Bfghunter2

Darkest Hero

Hello friends and welcome back to Darkest Hero, before we begin I'd like to give a quick announcement, Happy Easter everyone! This series has been going on for a few years now and I want to thank everyone for their support of the series.

(edit, this was meant to be posted on Easter but it wouldn't let me upload at the time)

Anyway onto the Q and A as per the past 60 chapters.

Q: So where is All Might during all of this? When will he pass on his quirk?

A: Where he is currently is a plot point coming up soon honestly. Also no he hasn't passed on his quirk yet but will sooner or later.

Q: So can we have Killjoy get eaten by Ferals?

A: nope, she's gonna be the punching bag for another individual after everything is over.

Q: so what's going on with AfO?

A: about to have a anxiety attack once Inko has her interview sorted.

Chapter 59: Along came the Spider

The Slayer was starting to get annoyed as he was once more tossed several blocks away from the Icon of Sin. Casually he waded out of the rubble and broken concrete slabs that had lined the small department store he had crashed into, absently backhanding a feral imp had enough to rip its head from its shoulders in a spray of gore. He merely loaded another canister into his BFG as he continued in a linear path towards the Icon, uncaring of the cowboy ass looking moron who was garding a bunker instead of evacuating the area like any sane human should.

Another blur was shot towards him as he walked. He merely stuck his arm out to the side, catching the now severely annoyed Diasy who was covered in blood.

"Next time we answer these calls I get to curb stomp the little shit who summons these things in the balls." Daisy growled in anger as she flicked some blood from her face and climbed onto the slayer's shoulders, her legs draped across his chest. "Where's Miruko?"

"Kaj tanmado schola en rikkas." The Slayer merely responded as he fired the BFG at the Icon eliciting a roar of pain as more of its bone armor was torn loose from its limbs leaving behind burnt muscle and tendons. A small blur shot out of a window and started to attack the Icon. The slayer's shoulders slumped, it seems his daughter was already kicking more ass than he was. "Gur tak mafono."

"Sure, I think we can find a burger place once this is all done." Daisy shrugged. "We haven't had a family dinner since she was eighteen anyway and she's what, twenty three now?"

"Kar en Tuk." Slayer growled at a large black skinned and muscular creature with a beaked head and exposed brain as it stumbled back into their path, a massive Baron was attempting to force it back.

"Kar en Tuk Baron, Su. Skekki ahena." Daisy replied before leaping from her position atop the slayer's shoulders at the Baron. The red skinned demon barely had time to react before it's throat was torn out by Daisy's teeth letting its head fall to the ground with a meaty slap. "Hey Squishy. Bad guy is that way." She smirked pointing towards where she could hear some Pinkies trying to break into something.

The Nomu merely nodded and lumbered off towards the sound leaving the Slayer to look at his wife in confusion as he gestured at the Nomu. "Gi Kar en Tuk?" He wined.

"You can rip and tear other things John, it's not a demon and belongs to a little girl." Daisy rolled her eyes fondly before turning her attention to the Icon which was trying and failing to swat Miruko who was jumping across its body, dragging a serrated chunk of metal across its body as she did so. "I'm honestly surprised she hasn't followed in our footsteps and decapitated it or atleast made an attempt to decapitate it yet."

"If you mean Miruko there she likes to toy with what she fights." A voice grunted in pain. The pair of demon killers turned in unison to see a lizard looking man with a red scarf covering his forehead, his limbs were baby sized on his adult sized body and a sword made of swords and ducktape sat half broken by his side.

"The fuck?" Daisy uttered in confusion.

"Yeah yeah laugh it up, didn't know that hand guy sent Nomus in, one of those red things ripped my arms and legs off before it stepped in, now I've got a few minutes before it all regrows." The lizard man huffed in annoyance at his predicament as he looked down at his baby sized legs. "I have a cousin in Canada who has the same problem except he looks like a walking tumour instead of a handbag."

"Well good luck I guess." Daisy shrugged as she dragged away John who was still trying to figure out how it all worked.

[Somewhere in the sewers]

Yagi was started to get annoyed as he punched the head clean off of a Whiplash demon. The demons didn't seem to stop coming and he was upto his knees in sewer water. He'd rather be fighting above ground but with Cementos keeping the barriers intact above ground to stop the larger demons and Endeavour being the last person they wanted in the sewers he was their best hero for this job. Another punch was thrown sending a fat cyclops looking demon with cannons for arms flying backwards, crushing several zombies and imps in its trajectory.

"Stupid rat, stupid demons, stupid Endeavour not being useful in sewers." Yagi grumbled to himself as he tried in vein to ignore the pungent smell of sewage and brimstone as he trudged on forwards towards the pulsing mount of flesh which encased a glowing purple sack. Atleast his job was easy, get to the two glowing sacks I'm the sewers, destroy them and kill the demons that come after him for it. Unfortunately the pure slog of punching through the demons was not as easy as it seemed in such confined areas given he couldn't use his usual strength or risk causing a collapse of the tunnels. "What I wouldn't give for some air freshener about now."

[On Yueii Campus]

Izuku groaned in pain as he slowly got back to his feet. Near him several other people were doing the same including Momo, Kirishima and Mina. Momo had a slight bruise across her right arm and Mina had a black eye, Kirishima meanwhile had a tire mark going across his face and his shirt was torn up. Looking around his groan turned from pain to annoyance as he noticed a familiar news van sported the 666 news logo on its side. Charlie and Vaggie were nowhere to be seen and the rest of his class were trying to help some civilians to their feet and make sure they were alright. Todoroki meanwhile was slowly defrosting a ice ramp that had skid marks going up it while Mei was trying to pull her foot loose from it. Ochako however was already hacking away at the ice ramp using the heel of her shoe while Jirou remained frozen in the ice asides her head, even her wings were visible within the ice. Said goddess was currently trying to glare at Todoroki.

"You all ok?" Izuku asked.

"My arm feels weird but I'm good." Momo stated as she gave a thumbs up.

"I feel like I got punched by All Might." Mina groaned as she stayed lying on the ground. "Stupid bloody car mirrors coming out of nowhere."

"I'm good." Kirishima shrugged from his place embedded into the grass. "Bit stuck though."

"I'll help him, you see what happened." Momo stated as she pulled a length of rope and a metal pulley system on a metal steak from her stomach. She then rammed the steak into the ground and started the threading the rope through the pulley as Izuku went to see why Killjoy of all people was on earth.

As he got closer to the van he noticed the clearly in pain form of Tom lying by the door clutching at his broken arm which was stuck in the sliding door.

"Here let me help." Izuku stated as he heated his hands with Greek fire and plunged them into where the lock was melting it and allowing Tom to pull his arm free of the now destroyed door. "Do you need any more help?"

Tom merely nodded his head, his mutterings were muffled by his mask as he clutched at his arm.

"We have a person here who can even heal demon injuries, come on, let's get you seen to." Izuku stated as he carefully grabbed the demon around her shoulder and lead him towards the triage tent where he knew recovery girl was likely waiting.

Before he got there however he came across Killjoy who was in her usual red dress trying to interrogate Charlie and Vaggie while sticking a microphone in their faces. The camera which Tom usually was in charge of was instead mounted on a tripod of all things. Behind Killjoy however was Recovery girl who didn't look too amused at the questions being asked.

"Over here." Recovery girl sighed as she gestured for Izuku to follow her towards the triage tent. "I'm going to be flooded with people who need healing soon thanks to that harlot." She grumbled as she helped Izuku get Tom onto one of the temporary beds before kissing his arm. Tom's muffled yelp was barely audible as the bones snapped back into position. "Get plenty of rest and something to eat, my quirk will take a lot out of you, understand?"

Tom nodded hesitantly as he poked at him own arm a few times before looking towards recovery girl.

"Yes yes my quirk lets me heal people with a simple kiss now go on, I've got a lot of work ahead of me." She sighed as several members of class 1A started bringing over people Killjoy had hit with her van. Thankfully the worst seemed to be broken arms or fractured collars with only Kirishima having been actually run over by the van.

As Izuku made his way back out of the tent it was then that Killjoy had noticed him and practically pounced at him, showing a microphone in his face.

"So the Cenobite who wanted redemption is here aswell, are you here to enslave earth and dragged the princess of hell with you or did you by chance decide hell's education wasn't upto code?" Kill started out asking a loaded question to which Izuku wasn't amused. The same thing had happened the last time he was interviewed by the spider demon, albeit it was if he was a turncoat coward looking to get into Charlie's pants or if he was a spy sent to assassinate her before shifting to how much of a looser he apparently was.

"Killjoy demons aren't allowed on earth without special permission, to back to Pentagram." Izuku deadpanned at the reporter.

"Darling I am a member of the press we can go wherever." Killjoy smirked while dismissing his words.

"And I'm sure Lucifer and Lilith would love to hear how you think you can go onto their propperly uninvited then." Izuku replied with a raised eyebrow, quickly turning her words back onto her.

"Oh so you've invaded the royal household have we?" Killjoy asked, twisting his words. "After all you're here so clearly you go where you want aswell."

"I'll handle this sweety." Inko smiled in a way that appeared to be polite as she walked over. However Izuku knew differently, that was the same smile she had given the potato faced guy and his father years ago when he was still a kid. Izuku quickly did the only sane thing in said situation and got out of dodge, dragging Charlie and Vaggie with him who had tried to cut off Killjoy from getting to Inko.

"We need to move. When mum smiles like that bad things happen." Izuku shuddered.

"You know, I can't believe I'm about to say this but I pitty Killjoy." Vaggie smirked.

Killjoy meanwhile had no clue what she was about to get herself into as she shoved her microphone into Inko's face with a forced smile. "Hi I'm Katey Killjoy from channel 666 news broadcasting across all human and sinner channels today, may I ask who you are little human and what your thoughts on this situation are?"

"Oh dear I'm not human." Inko giggled softly as she stared up at Killjoy with a small smile. "I'm actually a resident on the outskirts of Pentagram and my thoughts on all of this? You ran over several students, nearly hit fleeing humans, broke your cameraman's arm, harassed my future daughters in law, harassed my son and have the gall to accuse accuse him of any wrong doing?"

"Puh-lease no low life on the outskirts can possibly be family to the royal family so let's try again short ass." Killjoy scoffed with a confident smirk.

"Oh I never did give my name did I?" Inko giggled softly before several chains shot out of the ground, wrapping around killjoy, locking the spider demon in place as she screamed in pain from how tight the chains were. "I'm Leviathan and you little miss have pissed off the wrong goddess."

"I-I know my rights you short bitch of a" killjoy choked out.

"Up-up-up-up." Inko tutted, interrupting the demon with the same smile she had been sporting since the beginning as a chain shot out, wrapping around the spider demon's mouth. "We're going to have a little chat later about your attitude and how you've been harassing my family dear."

Killjoy's eyes widened in fear as she noticed a inky black vortex open up behind Inko, several cenobites spilling out from it making the humans present start to panic.

"It's all good people, just here to keep this idiot out of trouble until the propper authorities can deal with her." Inko smiled as a hulking Cenobite who had once been a body builder but was now littered with broken weights, bars and who's neck was clearly strangled by a jump rope lumbered forwards and grabbed Killjoy under his arm. The muffled screams of panic were barley heard as she was dragged back through the inky vortex which remained open. "Nurse, Retch, Fester and Marry could you dears help the humans with their wounded, nothing to our tastes however, strictly human medical assistance, Retch turn off that camera before you go too."

"My lady, may I ask then why I was called? I lack medical knowledge." The Cenobite in a old French dress with her head held on merely by some metallic claws and a guillotine blade asked with a French accent as Retch, a Cenobite with a clamped open mouth full of surgical tools, turned off the camera before following the others into the triage tent.

"True but you are gifted at removing metal from the body without causing pain." Inko remarked. "Just leave anything that is supposed to be there like metal hips, dental fillings and braces, we don't want to cause undue panic."

"Oui." The woman nodded and set off towards the tirage tent where a very annoyed looking recovery girl was waiting.

"Asides Mary they are all trained professionals and can restrain themselves." Inko waved it off.

"And what of any panic this causes?" Recovery girl snapped.

"I'm all about willingness and consent." Inko replied politely as the black vortex finally closed. "If they have no wish to experience sensory extremes then they shall be left innocent."

"Why is this our new normal?" Todoroki asked in deadpan at the scene before them as he continued to defrost at the ice, getting it to the point where Mei could get her foot free from it. He could of gotten this done a lot faster but he still refused to use that bastard's fire.

"Because Inside of every demon is a rainbow!" Charlie started to sing before a loud explosion rocked the air, bringing her attention to the trio of figures now beating the crap out of the Icon which was roaring in pain. "....okay, not the best example."

"Atleast this should be over soon." Aizawa uttered from his spot by the radio as he looked out towards the city. "I swear the HSC is going to loose their minds over this."




What do you think the flaming pile of dog turds is upto in the city given he can't fight in the sewers?

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