Chris Schistad - Couldn't Ever

By noonewillfindthislol

15.7K 224 0

When Carla accidentally slept with Chris Schistad, the fuckboy she hated so much, she tried to stay away from... More

42 - The end


314 5 0
By noonewillfindthislol

Tuesday, 5:45 am

My alarm rang. I'd usually sleep half an hour, or maybe even an hour longer. I turned it off and rolled to the other side. Chris was waking up and put his arm around me, holding me closer.
"You have to get up. My mother will wake up in fifteen minutes."

"Still have 10 with you then, hm?" He opened his sleepy eyes and smiled at me.

"No you're completely naked. You gotta get out." I told him, and stood up myself, searching for what I'll wear at school today.

"Oh Carla, you really don't want me to leave, do you?" He said. "You know how everything you do turns me on and now you're standing completely fucking naked in front of me."

I quickly put on some underwear and choose to wear a hoodie and jeans.

I turned around and saw him fully exposed, then quickly pretended to still search for something in my wardrobe.

"Nothing you didn't see before. Or kissed or licked or su—"

"Oh just shut up and get dressed already so I can kick your ass out."

"Apropos ass. Move your perfect butt here."

He was now wearing his hoodie and underwear. So I moved to him and he pulled me onto his lap. I then could feel how he was turned on. He kissed me again, using his tongue as if it didn't explore every inch of my body and mouth already.

"I could wake up like this every day— well except for the part where you kick me out before we have sex." He smirked and slowly put me beside him.

"We had a lot of sex last night, I wonder how you're not already sick of me." I watched him pulling up his pants. "I thought you didn't sleep with a girl more than once."

"If I wouldn't, I'd have to move to get laid again. I think I have slept with most of the girls that would ever sleep with me already."

"Hmm, really really turning me on", I said sarcastically.

"But you're different of course. You're the one that changed me. You're the only one for me, oh baby, oh baby" he said in the same sarcastic tone back.

Oh baby, oh baby, if you only meant that. Fucking hell.

I rolled my eyes but kissed him anyway. Looking on the clock, I realized he had only five minutes. "Don't say a word and don't make any sounds."

"That's new, but I'm open to try new things." He laughed quietly.

Then I opened my door and stepped quietly down the stairs and opened the front door. He followed me, kissed me and ran to his car.

I waved and closed the door.

I ran upstairs and decided to sleep for another hour.

When my alarm woke me again, I groaned. Looking at my phone like it was a reflex, I saw a new text.

Hot stuff
You're probably sleeping again,
but we should do that again
sometime ;) just wake up earlier
or when you're mother is out.
See you at school, Carla.

I'll think about it.

See you at school, 'hot stuff'

Hot stuff
I knew you'd keep that name.
It's just perfectly fitting, right?

Bye, Chris.

I smiled. It was fitting, yes. But asshole wasn't so wrong either.

Saturday, 9:12 am

My parents were out of town together, visiting friends that I didn't know, so I told that during lunch yesterday, not thinking about it. There was a party, but me and Noora didn't really feel like going, so we collectively didn't.

Chris came to me after school even though I didn't really need to study. We actually talked a lot and slept a lot together and made out. We were basically making out all the time.

He suggested to sleep at my house because my parents are out of town and I agreed. I didn't really care if he was over or not. I didn't plan on doing anything productive anyway.

So now I was lying in bed, as I felt someone touching parts of my face. Very softly. First my lips, then my nose and my eyebrows. Then I inhaled deeply and exhaled again. I stretched myself and smiled before I opened my eyes and saw Chris who smiled with me.

"Good morning" he said and I answered with "Good morning" as well.  After a short silence I asked "How did you sleep?"

He smiled. "Good." I closed my eyes again and shifted a little into a more comfortable position with my body still facing Chris. "Good" I murmured.

"I just dreamed something funny", he said. I looked at his lips and then his eyes again. "Yeah? What?"

He chuckled. "I was in my old school, having lunch with Caroline. She was my girlfriend in fourth grade, you know." I nodded. I didn't know but waited for him to continue.

"Then you walked by and I was like: 'Wow, damn.'" We both chuckled a little. "Then I walked over to you and asked if you wanted to be my girlfriend. In front of Caroline."

We both laughed softly. "Oh yeah? What did I say?" I asked, finding it also amusing, looking at his lips.

"You said yes, of course." Chris said like it wasn't even a question.

"Well, so you know it was just a dream." I smiled and closed my eyes again.

"And that's supposed to mean... what?" He said, also shifting a little in his position.

"We would never be together." I stated the obvious. "And why is that?" He said rising one eyebrow. I was glad that my butterflies had died, otherwise I would have gone crazy.

I looked as his lips. "Because..." I began and kissed his lips. "Because...?" He repeated.

"You are..." Another kiss. "I am? What am I?" He asked.

"A cheating fuckboy" I ended. And smiled. That was the reason why we got into this 'relationship' in the first place. Because I liked him but I knew at the same time that we couldn't be together.

He took a deep breath, "Ouch. I kind of deserved that." And then we made out, until my phone vibrated again. I looked at it.

Hey, I was wondering if you
wanted to join me and the girls.
We wanted to do something like a
quadruple date— without Sana
because her boyfriend isn't in town
and Eva because she and Jonas
aren't really on good terms right

We weren't sure if you'd want to
come because you and Chris
aren't really dating but we still
wanted to ask if you guys would like
to join us.

We'd go out, eating and
maybe shopping or going to the
cinema, whatever we want to.

I thought about it. Why not? I turned around and showed Chris the messages. "It's Noora", I added because I didn't save her real name. As he read it, he nodded.

"Why not?" Exactly my thought. "I'd prefer to stay in bed with you all day of course but that'd be something good for a change."

I nodded in agreement.

Sure, sounds great. Just tell me
when we should be where.
See you later!

Then I turned around. "Where were we?" I asked and kissed him again.

"We discussed whether or not we should be together.", he laughed. "Mhh, I don't think so." I said, smiling as well. "I think we were"

I shook my head. "No?" He said. "Because I think you want to." We laughed. This is a dumb conversation.

"Mh-mh." I disagreed. "You sure?"
"Mhm." I replied. Then we chuckled again, never interrupting the kiss.

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